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Slow and self-important
26 November 2022
Maybe if they cut an hour out of this film it would have been quite good. Too much Hamlet-like 'oh, what should I do?' and the stuff of lowbrow family dramas: 'I love you mother, but...'.

As it is, I felt I was watching some daytime soap opera rather than a superhero movie.

Some good action scenes the acting was fine and the special effects are pretty awesome, but oh it dragged.

As a dad, I really appreciated how 'clean' the film is - no bad language and no sexploitation.

Not many other viewers when I watch this with my 13-year-old sons and their friend, but the boys all enjoyed it. Perhaps I am just too old for modern superhero films.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
under-rated sci-fi show
25 April 2022
Not an easy watch at times, as the characters display motives and behaviour that are hard for us to identify with.

Some viewers may find it a challenge to be immersed in a world that is so different from their own.

However, if you are looking for something completely different, I suggest you give this show a try. I find it thrilling and visually stunning. Mother is a femme fatale writ large and her main protagonist, Caleb, is truly disturbed and disturbing. The plotline is twisted and unexpected, but a real rollercoaster ride.

If you like your sci-fi with a twist of crazy, give it a shot.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Slow but solid
6 October 2020
Probably too slow and uneventful for most sci-fi fans, as this has drama and violent events, but is hardly a thriller.

Instead, it is a thoughtful and thought-provoking meditation on fatherhood, obsession, intimacy and purpose.

Well worth a watch, if only for the beautiful cinematography and spectacular imagery.

Brad Pitt proves himself a mature and serious actor, while Tommy Lee Jones does not disappoint. But then, when does he?
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
4 February 2020
Truly the age of great television has passed. I got 25 minutes into this and was completely unconvinced by every character and every line.

Maybe there is some post-modern crap going on here, where everyone is suppose to be fake, because, you know, it is TV about TV, and how drama is more real that the news....zzzzzz

There was a kids' show when I was young that had the opening line, 'Why not turn off the TV set and do something less boring'.

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Solid Classic Thriller
6 November 2019
Well worth a watch if you like a good classic thriller. A little slow in places and unconvincing in some parts, but overall it is stylish and very watchable.

It kicks off on a taboo note for the time with pre-marital pregnancy, and the immorality goes down fast from there.

Another unusual element (for the time) is the sociopathy of the central character, played with chilling believability by Robert Wagner.

The cinematography is lush, but I found the music disconcerting. The jaunty theme tune and romantic strings when the killer is having his twisted way does not convey the underlying menace of the plot - is this some post-modern joke or was the director just tone deaf?

Overall, worth a watch, if you enjoy a good 1950s thriller.
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Django (1966)
31 October 2019
Perhaps one of the most overrated films on IMDB.

This Spaghetti Western is a jumble of violence, some fine cinematography and a few good scenes.

As a whole, however, it lacks depth, coherence and substance.

Hardcore fans of the genre will find all they need here, but for most, there is too much bad acting, unbelievable shootouts and a meandering plot that seems like it was made up as the film went along.

By all means, if you like your spaghetti, eat up, but there are better pasta dishes on the menu elsewhere.
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24 October 2019
OK Lil' Miss Film Major, your professor hates this film, but I reckon most guys will find it exciting.

The dialogue lacks the polish of Oscar Wilde or Noel Coward, and this is, as they say, very plot driven, but the action is tense, the landscape awe-inspiring and the guys, well, you get where they are coming from.

Basically, five ex-military rob a drug lord. Things start to go pear-shaped and I won't spoil the rest for you.

A sharp action movie, done with some style, panache and beautiful cinematography. Not a date movie, not a philosophy seminar. It is what it is, and all the better for that.
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Fractured (I) (2019)
Creepy if predictable
13 October 2019
Something of a cross between The Lady Vanishes and Shutter Island, though inferior to both.

Set mostly inside a hospital, it might not have been the best thing to watch before a bypass operation, but still an enjoyable little thriller.

The ending is well signposted and will not be a surprise to most, but you can't say for sure which way it will go. It goes keep you guessing, but everyone is guessing right.

Where the film is interesting is its take on the action hero. To say more would be a bit of a spoiler, but I think this one is worth a go.
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Electric Dreams: Crazy Diamond (2017)
Season 1, Episode 4
Not Based on the Short Story
6 October 2019
Supposedly based on the Philip K. Dick short story, Sales Pitch, this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the story. Indeed, it is so far removed from it, I suspect the writer had some heist movie all written up and, with a few tweaks, passed it off as an adaptation.

Steve Buscemi plays a down-at-heel worker at a factory that makes artificial people. He is drawn into a conspiracy to steal from his employer, and things get twisty and violent.

Moderately distracting as a sort of sci-fi noir, but most people will have something better to do with their time than watch this.

Hey, here's an idea - read the Philip K. Dick story - it is actually quite good.
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Widows (2018)
Cracking thriller
4 October 2019
Not many thrillers are as stylish, tense and compelling as this.

A little slow in places, perhaps, but the story builds to a satisfying climax and everyone keeps you engaged.

Viola Davis really is the star, but Farrell, Duvall and everyone else do not disappoint.

My favourite scene is where there is a real-time short drive from a poor neighbourhood of Chicago to an upmarket one. It seems to have been done (although it could be a trick) all in one shot, and without really noticing, you realise we have gone from one sort of American life to another in no time at all.

McQueen really keeps the politics low-key and subtle, but it is there; more as part of the setting than centre stage. It really shouldn't put anyone off.

Definitely worth checking out if you like a good thriller.
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Ninety Minutes in Snoozeville
3 October 2019
Reeeeaaally slow and ponderous. The makers seemed to have a message, but not quite sure what. Maybe they are hoping AI will take over soon.

The film mostly consists of one actress in a room arguing with a computer. I guess there is a market for that, but it is not a big one.

The only thing I can compare it to was a party I once went to and after half an hour I wanted to go home, but someone else was driving. You wait and wait, hoping something will happen, but not much ever does.

Truly one for the geeks only.
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30 September 2019
This might have worked if they had laid off the virtue signalling and sermonising. It is so woke I think it ate a jar of coffee and then some.

Starts off well as a creepy thriller, but gets too caught up in its own righteousness.

Basically, the message is, just kill people who seem a bit right-wing, because you never know where their ideas will lead.
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Doctor Who: The Brain of Morbius: Part One (1976)
Season 13, Episode 17
Baker et al at their best
25 September 2019
The Doctor Who team really created a high point in the series with this one. Everything, from the script, tothe acting, the costumes and the sets are fantastic. It is odd looking back at this kids' Saturday teatime TV and realising the monumental talent and effort that has gone into it. Madoc as the crazed Solon is an obvious highlight, but the rest of the cast are terrific. Sets, costumes, music, characters - all of the highest calibre - created for just four episodes.

It is often said that we live in a time of uniquely high-quality television, but let's not forget just how good some earlier TV was.

Do give it a watch. You might find it dated, but I found it tremendous fun.
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Gets better
18 September 2019
A bit of a clunky start; both sentimental and cliched, but improves as it goes along.

Hey, it's not arthouse and won't win any great awards, but if you enjoy sci-fi, it has some good scenes and keeps you watching.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
What you would expect
3 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Some good scenes and plenty of action, but ends in a cliche'. Our all-American hero gets the girl, gets the bad guy (very last minute, of course) and the job promotion.

Call me a cynic but I had hoped for a bit more depth and subtlety.

Still, involving enough.
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The Killers (1964)
Fine thriller
14 April 2018
Fine acting, a twisted plot, gorgeous cinematography and a tight script all combine to make as near-perfect a thriller as you could expect.
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Zulu (2013)
29 February 2016
Zulu is a fantastic, if brutal, thriller. It would not want you to hop off to South Africa in a hurry, but as an expression of underlying tensions with post-apartheid 'truth and reconciliation' it could not be better.

On one level, this is a straightforward tense thriller and you can come away with just that. However, the film is deeply imbued with politics and angst about how many evil men got away with suppression, murder and lies.

I loved it. Perhaps some people do not like an ounce of intelligence with their thrillers. Don't let their reviews put you off. If you like a good cop drama, this is for you. If you like something a bit deeper, this is for you too. If you like a bit of both, then this is definitely for you.

Well done to everyone involved in this film — and thank you for making such a fine piece of work.
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Fringe (2008–2013)
Your thing....or not...
17 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Fringe is a science fiction/weird fiction show. It is rather adolescent, with the characters more akin to high school kids than mature adults. But then, this is not meant to be Shakespeare and should not be judged as such. Besides, Yale professors of English literature are not part of the show's target audience. Instead Fringe is aimed at slightly nerdy, late teens for whom the world is a dark and dangerous place but science might be the answer.

There is a line in the second series where a character asks, in all seriousness: "So, why would shape-shifters from another world want to steal frozen heads?". Indeed, why would they? You either want to know or you burst out laughing at the question (or both).

For what it is, Fringe is good fun, fast-paced, exciting, intriguing, ingenious and at times creepy as well as a bit gory. I am almost an old man. I should have grown out of this sort of thing years ago, but I love it. It is absurd escapism of the silliest kind, but done with real panache and I cannot resist.
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The Dictator (2012)
Offensive but funny
6 September 2012
This film is crass, stupid, offensive, childish, crude, and very very funny. It is if Team America and There is Something About Mary both got drunk, ended up in bed together and this is their brat of a kid out in the streets of New York running wild.

There is something here to offend everyone, but it is especially offensive to anyone from the Middle East or Muslim. You could argue that Sacha Baron Cohen is making some point about the West's regard for Middle Eastern dictators, but I suspect he just wants to make the audience laugh and so produce a box office success.

A guilty pleasure.
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An excellent police drama
15 July 2012
Three police officers one problem - how do you deal with the job? For one, how does he get through his last week when he is far beyond caring; another can't make ends meet on a police salary; and another is so embroiled in the machinations of his uncover character he starts to forget he is a cop.

None of these themes is unfamiliar - ever since Hill Street Blues tried to inject some realism into cop shows, TV has been full of 'ain't it a shame for cops'. More recently, The Wire made such good television, one began to wonder just why anyone would go to the cinema to see a police movie when you can get something so real and high quality at home.

But the strength of this film is not its originality, it is the atmosphere it creates and the portrayal of people trying to get through the day. Some have given up, others have turned to crime, and some others have become so committed that their dedication has gotten twisted and out of control.

Maybe because television has raised its game so much, thanks to HBO, we judge films by a more demanding yardstick. Nevertheless, Brooklyn's finest is a top-rate film. The acting is wonderful and Richard Gere is simply superb as the cop who has somehow lost his soul.

I would urge anyone to give it a shot. It is saddening to see how little revenue the film has made at the box office; its director Antoine Fuqua deserves greater recognition and I for one look forward to his next project with great anticipation.
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Mostly awful
30 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Much of this film is simply awful - the acting, special effects, storyline - but it does have a bit of atmosphere in places. It can be creepy at points and the lighting is often good, helping to create a genuine sense of fear and tension.

The film has been slated for its maggot rape scene (although one reviewer on here mentioned it as a highlight!). It is truly a low point of the film, with the special effects being anything but special and for some reason the character been stripped naked as she is being attacked by a pathetic-looking giant maggot. Were it not so sleazy it would be laughable.

Just about anyone could have improved on this film, except in respect to the lighting. It looks good in places without any money whatsoever being spent on it.
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The Last Run (1971)
Better than you might expect
30 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film was apparently panned by the critics on its release and it did not do well commercially. However, it is still worth a look and I think it has aged quite well, compared to many films of its time.

George C Scott is always worth watching, even when he is not at his best, and perhaps this is not his most memorable performance.

Despite the screenplay focussing on a bunch of gangsters, Scott's character (Harry Garmes) is still sympathetic, with his own moral standards and, if somewhat bleak, personality.

It is clear from the beginning that Harry Garmes is doomed — the very name of the film gives that away — but you are rooting for him, despite his destiny. He is an old man, and the end is near, but he is not going down without a fight. Maybe it is just my age, but I rather relate to that.

By far the best part of the whole project is the near-forgotten Jerry Goldsmith theme music. A beautiful and haunting piece that will remain with you long after the film has been forgotten.
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For once, the people are right
21 May 2012
I don't think this fill garnered much critical praise, but going by the voting on IMDb and the estimated gross earnings of this film, it certainly seems to have been a popular success.

How surprising this is, considering it is such a dark film with a modernist approach to cinema.

Normally, I am with the critics. Most blockbusters (fair enough, this is hardly a blockbuster, but you get my drift) are just dreadful films, but they pull in the punters. And why not, as the Man says. Everyone has to make a living, and turning celluloid into profit is what Hollywood has been doing best for almost a century. Well done Hollywood, I say.

To those who knock the studios all I have to say is: most of the time when you sit down to watch a film, you have some idea of what to expect and if if you don't like blockbusters DON'T GO AND SEE THEM!

But I digress; Shutter Island is hardly a blockbuster. But it was and is popular. It has a strong following but few (if any) of the reviews I have read of the film were impressed.

Well, in this case, the critics are just wrong. This is one of Scorcese's best films. Yep, I mean that. For the maker of Taxi Driver and Goodfellas, I would rate Shutter Island as among his best.

Let's make a prediction - long after Scorcese has gone and the film historians of the future are considering his work, they will regard Shutter Island as his most profound. I know, you scoff. I am and idiot. Yeah, yeah, maybe so. But look, watch the film and let me know, eh?
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Near Perfect
28 October 2011
As close to perfection as one can possibly imagine. This film is simply stunning — an incredible artistic achievement, which is shocking, thrilling and totally absorbing.

Daniel Day Lewis gives a brooding, mesmerizing performance as the deranged prospector who rises from near broke to major oil baron through sheer force of will. He is not alone, however, in making the acting exciting, believable, intelligent and highly watchable — nearly every spoken line, gesture, look or presence in this work is thoughtful and bold — he just happens to give one of the best screen performances ever in cinema.

All other aspects of the film are of the very highest quality, from the music to the cinematography — they hardly matched in even the very best pictures made throughout the decades of cinema.

The story evolves slowly, but surely and the situation becomes increasingly tense. The characters unravel, not because the plot demands it but because of their central weaknesses, while the central character, played by Daniel Day Lewis, remains steady, largely because he is already calm within his own insanity, until the terrifying finale.

In short, one of the best films ever made.
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Pretty Awful
23 October 2011
This is not a professionally made film. The acting, the direction, the story, the script, the lighting — everything is just a mess.

There is an underlying condemnation of the use of drugs (which seem to initiate much of the trouble in this odd story) but I suspect you would need to be on something to get much out of this incoherent jumble of sound and images.

It is hard to think that The Stepmother was ever released and shown in mainstream cinemas and quite astounding that it got an Oscar nomination; it seems little more than random that the theme song is quite sweet.

At least aspiring film-makers can watch it and feel they could do a much better job.
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