
25 Reviews
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and they say god works in mysterious ways
2 April 2004
I enjoyed this movie because I felt as if it was a great representation of what can happen when we don't pay attention in matters of life. The fallouts from being too focused and from not knowing how to trust yourself and other people are things that this movie covers.

Much of the content of this movie is focused on good and evil and it is noticeable that good and evil are always at odds with each other. Them being at odds with with each other has a direct impact on humans as humans often find themselves caught right in the middle of good and evil's game.

What can also be found inside this movie are aspects of the supernatural realm of life and what can happen when one either doesn't put enough faith in this realm or they put too much. Either way, white but moreso the black side of magic is present in this movie.

Overall, I must say that Al Pacino, Keeano Reeves, and the rest of the crew do a fine job with the Devil's Advocate.
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Evolution (2001)
its ok but if you don't get to see it ... I wouldn't worry
2 October 2003
I saw this movie in the theatre in 2001 and I thought it to be goofy. My only saving grace in this movie was the person I was with. Basically, the movie is about the discovery of alien presence here on earth. The lead actor is david decoveny from the x files and although he is a good actor, this movie doesn't really do him justice.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
this movie has similar content as beautiful mind
2 October 2003
This movie came on the movie channel about 3 months ago and it was the name that drew me in. I am glad that I chose to watch it because it is a movie which has similar content as the movie beautiful mind. If you are interested in learning more about mental illness, this movie is appropriate.
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I will never look at a forest in the same way
2 October 2003
Man, this movie scared me! I have seen it a few times and I always become scared. Probably its because I live in the country and am surrounded by forest and see how ez it could be for someone or a group of people to use the/my forest as a haven to conduct witchcraft. I would recommend this movie to anyone who gets freaked out ezalee.
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Quills (2000)
its a must see
2 October 2003
I knew nothing of this movie until a friend of mine picked it out at the movie renting place. Together we watched it and the end result for me was that I liked it and it reminded me a lot of philosophy (the way in which the language is constructed in philosophy).
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The Terrorist (1998)
Good movie....
2 October 2003
I saw this movie way b4 9/11 and at that time thought who in their right mind would ever do such a thing....but now after 9/11 I am open to all possibilites and would recommend this movie to anyone with an interest in learning more about terrorism...but not for the purposes of condoning it but for the mere purpose of trying to understand it.
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Wide Awake (1998)
A good family movie
2 October 2003
I cannot wait to have children for after seeing this movie...I am convinced that children in many ways are much more fearless and mature than adults when it comes to questioning and wanting to know the truth about life and how humans became humans.
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Fallen (1998)
Awesome movie --- excellent concept
2 October 2003
I give this movie a definite thumbs up. This movie deals with the underworld of angels and fallen souls and has Denzil Washington going crazy trying to figure out what is going on. There is occult subject matter in this movie and so that is why I liked it.
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Breakdown (I) (1997)
Would you let your partner go alone with a stranger?
2 October 2003
I did like this movie but my question becomes Why would you let your partner go alone for help? No wonder why they ran into trouble and so I always think one could never be too cautious when it comes to asking and/or receiving help. I guess for the sake of this movie, if the partner did not go alone for help, the movie would not have been the same. I would recommend viewing this movie.
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Another good flic with Deniro
2 October 2003
There is no other title but Maddog and Glory which would suit this movie. Since Robert Deniro is my number one Actor, I may have a biased outlook on all the movies which have him in them. I will say though that even if Bobby wasn't in this movie...and although it wouldn't be quite the same, I would probably still say that this movie should be viewed.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
Bill Murray is great
2 October 2003
This movie is about a guy who's conceit and self-absorbness has him repeating his life over until he can get it right. It is based around Ground hog day and is funny. Andie McDowel is also in the movie and plays a real sweetheart.
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This movie is good!
2 October 2003
Since I take a deep interest in the 60's and 70's, I knew once this movie came out that it was one that I would see almost immediately and like. I was right and so much so that I had blockbuster order me my own copy. All of the characters in this movie are great and I could really identify with them.
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Cape Fear (1991)
Robert can do no wrong in my eyes
2 October 2003
What an awesome movie about an ex convict who mentally tortures the lawyer who put him away many years ago. Max Cadie had a lot of time to think during his time in the pen but and now that he is out, he commits himself to making this lawyer pay. As always, Robert Deniro puts his best effort into making Max Cadie's character one that at times during the movie you will like and at times you won't. This is a must see movie!!
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Flashback (1990)
its all in the 60's
2 October 2003
As mentioned in other comments I have supplied, I am extremely interested in the 60's and 70's and so this movie is one that I had to see. It seems to me that the way in which the movie is structure, it has two worlds clashing with each other (almost like a dharma and greg). There are lessons to be learned in this movie and I was glad to have discovered them and learned from them. Flashback is a great movie with good background music.
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A recommendation which I took and I am glad that I did
2 October 2003
The movie itself is good and has a lot of useful pieces of information but what has captivated me the most is the soundtrack from it by Peter Gabriel and it is called Passion. Hats off to the person who recommended both the movie and the soundtrack to me...I am forever grateful for it has in many ways changed my life.
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if you like the occult...then this movie is 4 u
2 October 2003
since occult subject matter is up my alley.......I really enjoyed this movie. Jack Nicolson is one of my favourite actors and so I think he done an excellent job in portraying a person who can and will make you think that you should always be careful what you wish for.
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Angel Heart (1987)
Another Robert movie ... Another occult movie
2 October 2003
This movie I really enjoyed and so I bought it to add it to my home collection. I not only bought it because it had Robert Deniro in it but I got it because ... it is another one of those movies which deals with being careful what you wish for....and it is also about Karma.
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Wild Style (1982)
A movie about Graffitti
2 October 2003
I am not into Graffitti in the sense that I spray ... but I am into it in the sense that some artists in Toronto and in other parts of ontario..are absolutely amazing in their ability to draw or create from scratch. I do not condone the destroying of public property in order to show graffitti...and so I do wish that there was a way that these artists could turn their talent into something much more positive that the general public would like just as much as I like their creations. Maybe...what I can do to help is to just start by recommending this film to anyone who doesn't really know that much about the graffitti scene.
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This is a classic
2 October 2003
if you have not seen this movie, I would suggest that you see it as soon as you can---especially if you are into occult type stuff. PS...Not all Damien's are evil...for I have a friend named Damien and he is the sweetest guy...
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I now own a copy of this movie
2 October 2003
This is very much about the 60's and Jimi Hendrix and I just absolutely love this movie and its sense of humour ... Hat's off to Hartley as she makes her way to Hawaii for a private concert with Jimi Hendrix. Man, I wish I was from the 60's.
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Woodstock (1970)
Another sixties movie
2 October 2003
This is the real thing the real deal...3 days of peace love and rockin roll.......I had to purchase the movie after seeing it for the first time...and when I am feeling blue...I just pop this movie into the vcr..or dvd and instantly...I am feeling ok.
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WoW...I am truely touched
30 September 2003
I was recommended this film and the end result after I viewed it is that I am forever grateful. This film is based on a true story and is about the life of John Forbes Nash, a renouned mathematician professor at Princeton University. What makes John's life so remarkable is not only all of his awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize; but his inability and then ability to cope with his mental illness. I too would recommend this movie to anyone interested in learning more about mental illness.
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Serendipity (2001)
it can and it does happen
30 September 2003
Since I have always wondered about fate/destiny and the alike, it was not for one moment, hard for me to embrace this movie. To me, this movie signifies the importance of saying what you feel and feeling what you say. All to often in life people pass each other by and subsequently up all because of being afraid to feel, say, think, and of what others will think. I have tried to become more honest in my life as a result of seeing this movie.
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I liked it
30 September 2003
This film is for people who like to fantasize about passionate erotic relationships. Unfortunately, the storyline revolves around a cheating wife and so for those of us who do not condone infidelity, it may be difficult to fully embrace this movie one hundred percent. If you make it to the end though, I think you will be glad that you did.
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Red Shoe Diaries (1992 TV Movie)
definitely not the x files
30 September 2003
Red Shoe Diaries is a collection of movies that exist to arouse the imagination through showing it passion-filled fantasy. Although the storylines vary, one thing is for sure about this collection and that is that it is clean entertainment.
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