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Radio spin off
31 May 2024
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This film is a spin off of a radio show. There are two main points of interest. Firstly this Directed by John Baxter for Julius Hagen at Twickenham. Secondly this would appear to be the frst with black performers in the leading roles.

The story,as you might expect is on the thin side. Scott and Whaley are in a minstrel show. An agent wants to put them on the music halls,but they refuse as they don't think the show will end. However when it closed they are ill prepared. They form their own show but it is a flop. They are reduced to busking. Due to illness they have to break up. However,by chance,they meet up at a travelling show. They end up at a farm where they help gather in the harvest. However the agent wants them for a big London show. He looks for and finds them. The last minute finds them doing their song and dance act. The film ends abruptly having lost 19minutes of its running time.

This is a typical John Baxter film. Full of sentimentality,countryside themes and putting on a show. So it is worth a viewing.
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The Four Feathers (1978 TV Movie)
Spot the stock shots in this lifeless remake
21 May 2024
It is easy to spot the stock shots from the 1939 epic of Empire. This film having been shot in Technicolor Monaco whereas the original was shot in Frisco and gives a completely different quality.

Everything about this remake is inferior to the original. The worst problem is the casting of Beau Bridges in the lead.

They have truncated and abridged the story taking out the tension and most exciting elements of the original.

The climactic fight looks as if shot on a beach in Spain. You almost expect Terry Jones to stagger on and say"and now for something completely different". At least that would add entertainment to this poor and pointless remake.
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Comedy lacks laughs
7 May 2024
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Gene Gerrard made 18 films in the 1930s. He was a sort of second rate Jack Buchanan.

It is difficult to realise that this film is based on a successful play based in turn on a P. G. Wodehouse book However there are very few laughs to be had.

Gerrard plays a helping hand who goes down to his aunt's country house to try and prevent her jewels being stolen.

There are a pair of crooks who speak to each what can only be called America slang of the time.

At the climax of the film Gerrard tries to get off a moving boat by a rope. In a sailing down it he makes contact with the head of a man.looking out of a porthole which looks very much like director Monty Banks.
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The Valiant (1962)
Reviewing the Italian version
3 May 2024
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As mentioned by another reviewer,this film is an Anglo Italian production. For some reason this film is only available in it's Italian dubbed version. Now this might be an insurmountable obstacle if this were a romantic comedy,but this is a war film, based on real events.

So this is a battle of wills between the Italian divers and the Royal Navy. Most of the film is devoted to the efforts of John Mills and Robert Shaw to find out the location of the mines laid by the submariners.

Lots of familiar English character actors on view even if they seem a bit unfamiliar dubbed into Italian. Probably one of the few Italian successes of the Second World War.
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Not an original thought in sight
2 May 2024
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It's all very well deciding to make a sequel to a successful film,you have to come up with a good narrative to sustain it. This the producers have failed to find.

You have to be grateful for small mercies. Such as Wally Patch doing a tango. Irene Handel doing a little Europe accent as a dresser and Dandy Nicholls as a char.

The musical numbers and are staged in a theatrical manner and are totally unmemorable.

The finale is totally cringe worthy. Danielly has a great success but decides to give the the theatre up to get married. Can you imagine Judy Dench or Maggie Smith doing likewise. That presumably is what woman were supposed to.
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17 April 2024
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This film,based on a stage play was co written by R C Sherrif,of Journeys End game.

Kynaston Reeves is President and Captain of the cricket club. Garry Marsh is the chairman. They are always arguing.

However Laurence Naismith's property company has the area marked out for residential development. He makes a recce of the village. The village are playing their closest rivals at the weekend.

The villagers make known their opposition to the plans.

The fast bowler,who is a carpenter injures his hand so cannot play. So Naismith is asked and agrees provided he can leave by 5.30.

The rivals make 83. The village are on 77for 9 and it is past 5.30. However Naismith agrees to delay his journey and goes in to bat. He is just supposed to hold his end down but scampers a quick single first ball. He is now facing the fast bowler. He contrives nearly every way to get out but survives. Then on the last ball he hits a tremendous six to win the game,and announces that the redevelopment plans are abandoned.

Very entertaining particularly if you are a cricket fan.

It can be viewed at the Reubens library at the BFI South Bank.
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What a mess
12 April 2024
For some unfathomable reason Dennis Borden seemed incapable of writing a decent film script. When he came to radio and tv he seemed rather more in his element.

This film was made towards the end of Hollywood's infatuation with the British film industry. One year after this film was made MGM closed their Borehamwood film studios and were in some danger of going into insolvency.

This film rather highlights the indulgence shown to British films at this period. I got to around 30minutes Mark at which time I just couldn't fathom.what on earth was happening. David Jennings was already on his decline when this film was made.
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Cliched but amiable
12 April 2024
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This is a thriller from Merton Park Studios. It contains many of the cliches redolent of the genre but nonetheless it is entertaining. After all when you have Martin Benson in the cast it is always a bonus,as you know from the start who is the villain. He is generally calm and assured till the last reel.

There are two blonde sisters in this film.,One is bad and dangerous to know. The other is sweetness and light and puts herself out to help Spencer Teakle who is in a peculiar way the hero,trying to recover and keep the jewels that he stole.

In these days of films with a running time of over three hours watching films of this length are a delight.
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Unremarkable quota quickie
2 April 2024
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Leslie Banks is a respected industrialist who can't remember his past. A newspaper prints an article claiming that he was a notorious crook. So Banks takes the paper to court. Amongst witnesses at the trial are a former lover and Wilfred Lawson,who turns out to be a blackmailer.

Banks wins his case but comes to realise he was the crook. So Lawson decided to take advantage of this situation to blackmail him.

Banks life's Lawson to his office with the intention of killing him. However Lawson turns the tables on Banks,knocks him out,and makes off with money from the safe.

Lawson meets up with the former lover and they shoot each other,not before the lover makes a full confession to the police.

Very much a routine quota quickie.
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Makes the Confession series look like Citizen Kane
29 March 2024
This film gives a good idea as to the parlous state of the British film industry in the 1970s.

The fact that it features so many familiar faces is indicative of how little film work was available to them in this period.

It is good to get a glimpse of such favourites as Bill Fraser,Sam Kydd,Arnold Ridley and Fred Emney. However this cannot be said of Diana Dors who was rapidly becoming a caricature of her former glamorous self.

This farrago was written,produced and directed by my favourite screen villain of the period, Derren Nesbitt. Its a pitty that he couldn't find one funny line in the overlong 90 minutes running time.
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One of Lew Grades better films
22 March 2024
Lew Grade had to step down as a director of ATV when he reached the age of 70 so he decided to go into the production of films,more's the pity. He inflicted some truly awful films on cinemagoers,including Raise the Titanic,which eventual him and his company.

This however was a totally delightful film starting the great Tom Moody and scruffy the dog. Moody proved to be a fantastic dancer in this film.

Even if you are not a dog owner of lover you will really enjoy this film.

So what did Lee Grades do? He sold the film to television so it never got a cinema showing. His judgement clearly failed him,but given his many poor decisions it is little surprise.
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A Wife or Two (1936)
Standard quota quickie from British Lion
15 March 2024
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This film is based on a play and shows its origins.

Fred Duprez is a rich American who is coming to this country to make Henry Kendall the manager of a branch of his business. This is welcome for Kendall and his wife as they have just lost all their money in a failed gold mine.

However when Duprez arrived at the flat he assumes that Garry Marsh's wife is Kendalls,so they go along with him.

All 5 then go down to a country cottage. An inmate of a lunatic asylum has escaped to add to the plots comtrivances.

Duprez discovers the deception and leaves,supposedly giving a cheque to Kendall,only it turns out to be a voucher.
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The Baim of my cinemagoing
12 March 2024
As one other reviewer has mentioned shorts like this appeared in the cinema in the sixties. Not because anyone in their right mind would want to see them but because they could lots of money from the Easy levy. Whenever films like this were shown i would go and find a seat in the foyer and a paper till it was finished. They were truly dreadful .I found it difficult to keep any interest after about the halfway point.

For some reason Talking Pictures tv have decided to inflict them on us.

They are not a patch on the Look At Life series which are a fascinating insight of what life was like 60 years ago.
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I've always liked George Colouris
10 March 2024
Firstly I want to correct a statement to the effect that these were "children's quota quickies". Films such as this were always made with children's Saturday morning shows,and were.not shown during the adult programme and therefore would not be counted for quota purposes.

This is a delightful film starting the great George Colouris with a cameo from that stalwart of British cinrma,Kathleen Harrison.

Coloured was a very versatile actor ,quite apart from his time in America he appeared in classic plays on the stage and has no less than 145 entries on IMDb.

The story is one of a type used in many OFF films.

I reckon much of the later part of this film was filmed in Hampstead.
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10 March 2024
I first saw this film at the Odeon Temple Fortune in 1962,when I thought it be funny with a silly ending. Now it's no laughing matter. Difficult to realise that the play upon which this film is based fan for 900 performances in the West End.

Sadly not a Twitter despite a very strong cast. Cecil Parker at his dithering best. Joan Greenwood with her voice which just oozes sex. Ian Carmichael in an unethical a corporal and butler. Dennis Price,with his handlebar moustache. He should have been a big star but his alchoholism meant that would never happen. Finish Currie,into his eighties,being a typical Scottish character,but alas all in vain.
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Carl Laemmle (2019)
Story of a true hero
7 March 2024
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I do not understand why there isn't a decent biography of Carl Laemmle,a true giant among pygmies. I have read the 1930 biography,and that's all there is.

So till someone decided to correct this omission,this documentary will have to do.

He was a founding fathers of the American film industry. However his greatest legacy was the saving of over300 families when American anti Semites tried to block the way. This is a great documentary with living recollections by members of his family,and film executives,who recognise what a tower of strength this diminutive figure was. Furthermore his legacy lives on in the families of those that he saved.
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Tension maintained
4 March 2024
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A very reasonable Children's Film Foundation film. They manage to keep up the suspense,despite the fact that this is a OFF film and therefore the children have to emerge victorious at the end.

The children get accidentally locked in British Home Stores,which is next to a Trustee Bank,which the villains are hoping to Rob overnight. There's two names that no longer appear in the High Street.

There are lots of high jinks on an adjacent high rise building site. Though it is stretching belief a bit when one of the children starts operating a crane on the site.

One big plus is the number of cameos by very familiar actors of the period.
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Woefully unfunny and full of anachronisms
28 February 2024
This is almost joke film. Hearing women constantly using sweat words. This film managed to send me to sleep for a time.

Then there are the anachronisms which I presume are deliberate. The first black judge in the UK was not appointed till the 1960s. Again the first Asian woman police officers came along in the 1960s. The hat worn was more like a semi circular affair.

One reviewer has stated that there was only civil libel. This is incorrect as the offence of criminal libel existed until 2010 when it was repealed. The offence would cover obscene libel as featured here.

For a good film about poison pen letters watch"Poison Pen"starting Flora Robson.
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25 February 2024
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This Children's Film Foundation film may be in unusual territory but it is on familiar ground.

The salmon poachers are using dynamite to catch salmon. The net result seems to be a stunned salmon floating down the river,rather than masses of dead fish on the surface.

As usual the adults are slow to catch on,but Jeremy Bullish heard the explosion and knows precisely what is going on.

So in usual OFF fashion it is up to our young heroes to trap the gang and put them in the back of a van to await the adults to catch up with them.

So all very much to plan. The children are better actors than the adults. It is a simple film,but sometimes simplicity is a virtue.
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Memory of a sad day
23 February 2024
This was the film that I watched on the closing day of the ABC cinema Golders Green. It was a popular cinema but was sold because the fire Cannon Group had to have money to pay for their loans.

This film does have some funny moments in amongst some really silly scenes involving The Myall.

Peter Cook is the most prominent name in the cast. He plays all the absurdities with a straight face.

Herbert Lom,one of my favourite actors,plays the rebel General in his own inimitable way.

Loretta Switt,has a fairly straight part as the. United States President.

This film is no great classic,but it will not bore the pants off you.
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Predictable quota quickie
23 February 2024
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There was a problem viewing the print. It ran for 48 minutes as against the original run time of 71 minutes. So great chunks had been hacked out. At one significant point I virtually lost the plot.

Anyway Elliot Markham is a bank manager and a severely hen pecked husband. His daughter,a very young Dinah Sheridan becomes heir to £5000,but as she is 19,her mother is appointed trustee till she reaches 21.

Along comes a con artist with fake bonds trying to get the mother to invest the money in a dodgy scheme.

The film reaches a predictable finale when the con man is arrested and Markham finally has the upper over his wife.

A very young Michael Ripper features as a journalist.

Moderately Amusing.
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Champions (1984)
Two subjects i dislike.
22 February 2024
I viewed this film more out of curiosity than interest. Any film featuring an actor with a dreaded disease is something that I won't normally view. However as it featured that great actor,John Hurt i have it a go. Horses and horseracing totally note me. I think the only good racing for was The Marx Brothers At The Circus.

So whilst one must applaud the courage and tenacity of Bob Champion,the film for me was a borr. I have only given it a 5 because of Hurt,the excellent sore by Carl Davis and the cinematography.

This a film simply for racing fans and those who enjoy a good film. I am in neither category.
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Florrie wins out
18 February 2024
I have Nail Deans autobiography. He says that he had the utmost difficulty in persuading Florence Desmond to take the female lead because her part consisted mainly of rushing after George carrying a child of three. However she needed the money.

He says that they had to be careful about his musical members because he couldn't read a note of music.

He adds that none of his films did worthwhile business in the West End but elsewhere it was a case of all seats sold most of the time.

His films sold on the strength of his personality. So far as the audience was concerned he was gormless. His best known number was featured in this film.
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Manhunt (1970)
14 February 2024
TPTV brought us a great BBC wartime series in Secret Army,so I hoped that this would be just as good. Sadly I was very disappointed. It is unbelievably bad. Every aspect of this series is below par. The writing is truly abysmal. The characters are all stereotypes. Phillip Madoc as the AS officer is almost identical to his naval officer in Dad's Army .

Each week they seem to be running almost aimlessly across fields. Most of the episodes contain a lot of talk with a small amount of action at the end. The series seems to be underfunded as there are barely a handful of German soldiers in evidence at any given time.
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A fascinating cast
9 February 2024
I fully agree with the sentiments of the first reviewer. It has only been in the last few years that this situation has been addressed. The film is available on the BFI iPlayer. It is also due to be shown at the BFI South Bank in March.

The leading lady was the daughter of Lewis Casson and Sybil Thorndyke. We see Flora Robson before her film career got into its stride. Then there is Moore Marriott doing a standard character actors job before he found famee as Harbottle.

Renee Ray,is featured well down the cast.

An interesting sidelight is the fact that this film was recorded on the Klangfilm system,which shows the close goes with the German film industry at this time.
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