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Such Rubbish....
8 May 2015
The tragedy about most movies in the last 20 years is that the scripts and acting mean nothing. It is all about CGI....and that is SO sad. This crap is just another example. If you like "Super-heroes" you may enjoy this. I dislike Super-heroes (perhaps ..because I have a brain) However--lots of people LOVE this kind of trash..Heath Ledger won an Oscar for his ridiculous performance...He was actually an above average actor, but this whole pile of nonsense was just...very bad. Batman or Superman ? Both are better in the magazines...The young folks who spend half their lives looking at their Smart-Phones (trying to work out how to use them !!) Will love a movie where you don't need to use your brain.
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Troy (2004)
8/10 Underrated Movie
25 February 2015
Troy was one of those films that Professional reviewers scoffed at. Quotes like "Brad Pitts accent sounds ridiculous Etc" I don't like many CGI movies, but this is one of the better ones. Pitt is just fine as Achilles & the acting is generally convincing. The script (like all modern scripts) is not fantastic.....but better than most. I don't think it would be inappropriate to take the children along to see this little piece of history. A brave decision to make this...And it works pretty well. Historical movies are difficult to This 2004 film may be highly appreciated in years to come--When CGI takes over completely --and--actors are replaced by better versions of themselves. "Its the way of the future"
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The Aviator (2004)
De Caprio.....Fails....Movie....Fails
1 January 2015
This should have been better.....I see this still scores 7.5 on IMDb.....Which is a little amazing. It is only an average flick with Scorsese not at his best ( He was only a very few times "at his best") Cate Blanchet over-acts so blatantly She had to win the Oscar.... De Caprio trys his best but he is a trillion miles from.....The guy he is supposed to be This is really not a 7.5 movie....It is a movie where the main character is played by a Non--Entity Who never GOT the character......And so the movie is so not 7.5 Lots of people see Scorsese movies Because they think they may see a Taxi Driver...or a Good Fellas ,,,,,
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Killers (2010)
Shockingly BAD...............
15 May 2014
Its pretty amazing that bad movies like this...DO make money. I have never seen Ashton Kutcher in a movie (only on terrible T.V. Sitcoms) Here-- he is more wooden than a Redwood tree...Really quite shocking. These date (or chick) movies are turned out with amazing regularity ...some people call them rom-coms.. I call them rubbish when I am in a good mood. It always looks like is taking it seriously --so there is no acting Just B & C grade actors not caring. Perhaps they know this kind of stuff does not require any acting. Funny ?? If you are looking for a funny movie do not watch this --The story is appalling And the whole shebang is so limp. Cant believe people watch this kind of crap......
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Dead Calm (1989)
Are You Feeling Sleepy....?.....this is better than....valium
20 March 2014
A 96 minute Australian "thriller".......that feels much longer. Perhaps its because it is boring and predictable. The 3 main characters...played by Billy Zane--Nicole Kidman and Sam Neil ...need to convince us about the perils of a psychopath being on a private yacht ...and the thrills that follow. They don't. The Zane character...struggles to play a zombie...who can be outwitted by a simple girl. The simple girl is unbelievably resourceful. OH YES. She is ....a sort of Bond/Bourne....person...facing up to the moron (Billy Zane). Zanes performance was over played. She is incredibly....incredible. The movie gets an over-all score (by IMDb)....of 6.8. That is very charitable........It is only 4 in my estimation.....
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Dreadful copy......of a very funny British comedy
18 March 2014
The big question is...Why on earth did the Americans try to copy a British movie...which was quintessentially British? Its a bit like the British doing a remake of The Godfather. Anyway...this movie is quite simply terrible. Loud and crass...(very American) with all the subtlety of a monkey in a pottery shop ..with a sledge-hammer. One American reviewer said "almost as good as The Hangover". Ummm YES That's the problem. The Hangover (a huge success in America) is loud and crass too...nothing else. American "humour" is very different from any other countries. (Its uniquely not funny). The days of The Marx Brothers are long gone. Chris Rock is probably the luckiest "funny guy" in the world. Simply ...he has never been funny. And gets worse as time goes on. One day a funny U.S.A. movie will be made. We just need to be patient.............................After all America is a great country. I particularly like the New England area.
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13 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Most "experts" this an anti war movie. But it is much more than that. Here we have the top brass of an army who are very willing to sacrifice their soldiers for there egos...and political gain. It is 1916 (the First World War) and the French are under pressure to take ground from the enemy. The task they are totally impossible. Here we see the very worst and the very best of humanity. Nobility had no place in the hellish trench war-fare of this war. Yet it was there. Kirk Douglas plays the good in the human race. But the evil... (the Hierarchy of his own Countries Generals)...are evil...and much more. Willing to execute there own men...even fire apon them in the the madness of conflict. This is a movie about what lies in us all...GOOD & EVIL. It is also the best ever movie about the complete madness of war. Because of the disturbing reality of this can only be viewed...occasionally.
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The Mask (1994)
A movie that is.....NOT....funny....But is Boring.........
8 March 2014
I have never watched "The Mask". Made in 1994, this was quite a big its I keep being told by my...not so bright friends. After watching it ,,,for the first time...I have to say , it is garbage. The whole thing is ridiculous...and never funny. The pedestrian ..."special effects"...are not really special. Jim Carrey made a mistake when he got involved with this rubbish. Later in his career he did better Liar Liar..and other funny and also serious movies. The people who enjoy this type of movie...are the kind of hombres...I never want to meet. If one can laugh at this drivel may be dangerous. (in a psychiatric way.) Some things work.......The Mask does not work............
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Cellular (2004)
Are Fast Paced Thrillers Your Thing ..?..Watch This......
24 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is now 10 years old....Wow-----time flies. If you like really fast paced thrillers, and your not into Checkov...this could be your movie. The name of this above average flick could have been..."101 uses for your mobile phone". This does for Cellular Phones ...what Chocolat did for Chocolate. It is real edge of the seat stuff, and once you start on this zany ride...the credits are where your getting off. The story is good...although most people will guess the end about 21 minutes and 41 seconds before the end. However it is impossible to criticize a film with so much energy...which is well directed and pretty well acted. One may say it is way over the top...and it could never happen in real life. Both of those points are true......but we do go to Cinemas to be entertained....don't we...???
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9 February 2014
There are only 2,349 IMDb reviews of this movie. I think it needs another one. Brandon Routh , who plays Superman does not get the character all. At certain times during this movie...he appears more wooden than a dinner table. When the team who made this were watching this....for the first time....what made them think the public would buy this pile of incompetence ? Routh as Clark Kent was pretty good , but when he had that cape on....he turned to stone. If it is strictly C.G.I. that turns you on, you may like this. If you enjoy a little original dialogue not even think about it. Like all recent super--hero films, it relies completely on the entertain ??
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Proof of Life (2000)
Proof Of..........Inadequacy ...........
7 February 2014
This is one of those movies that simply...does not work. The three principle actors lack any intensity in what is a life and death situation. Russell Crowe tries hard to be cooler than cool...he finally looks like a live zombie. (far, far away). Meg Ryan looks very happy ...even after her husband has been kidnapped for many months. I do know this is the movie where Meg and the Crowe started there love affair...perhaps its true what they say about the Crowe. (anyway Meg sure looks happy). David Morse as Megs husband is never convincing in his role. The jumpy direction certainly does not help....and the continual instant changing of locations is not good. Its a movie with high ambitions is also a bomb
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RoboCop (1987)
Robocop.......A Funny ....Futuristic....Cult Classic
4 February 2014
Robocop has become a cult classic for many movie buffs. And I have to agree. It has a great mix of humour, great dialogue and satire. Many find the violence --over the top--but if taken in context with the whole movie...its really a necessary element. I believe that this film was never---at any point---meant to be taken seriously. The first scenes, where we see two ridiculously funny T.V. presenters sets the tone for what is to come. I don't agree with those who call this science fiction. The word is FUTURISTIC. This is never boring and moves along at a nice pace. The characters are well acted and memorable. Well worth watching ...and like all cult movies...can be enjoyed on multiple viewings.
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Mad Max (1979)
STRICTLY........for those without a brain................
21 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Friends of mine have been begging me to watch this movie for several years. I watched it last night. Anyone who reads my reviews (there are many) will know I regularly give Australian movies low scores...(only because they are mainly sub-standard.) This was far worse than I could have possibly imagined. If you like ...violence ...on outback roads in MAY like this. Bad motor cycle gang comes into town...good guys (cops)...want them out. Things turn ugly, and our hero ...Mad Max...does what we expect a hero to do. It has an IMDb..score of 7. Lets be honest about this was made ..on a shoestring budget (and it shows). ..The direction is shaky ..the script awful , and let me be really brave----the acting woeful. I am Australian I know how much this review is going to hurt them...(poor things)...Australia hates any criticism about anything Australian....yet they make movies like THIS.
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Walter Mitty ..? ..You Cannot Be Serious ..!!
24 December 2013
This is not a remake of the 1947 classic "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty". This should have been called....The Secret Life of e-Harmony (an online dating Agency). Is it possible for an actor to use one and a half expressions throughout a complete 2 hour movie?? ....Yes it is..!!!!!! Oh Ben Stiller--- (Director and player of Walter Mitty) how could you be so wooden ?? This is a movie.....or is it..?? The amount of product placement here is ridiculous. E Harmony is the first in a long line of adds. The movie is over the top with the day dream sequences and (of course) C.G.I. is used in abundance. It is well photographed (if you like scenery this is your film) , but is this a comedy ?? The use of the name Walter Mitty is the only (sick) joke I can think of. The guy who came up with that was thinking ONLY of the novelty (and the money).Mitty is used in many dictionaries...after Danny Kayes wonderful performance in the REAL FUNNY Secret life of Walter Mitty. This is sure to be a success. (Yes, that's how poor it is)
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Stiller And Black......Fail To .....Deliver
19 December 2013
I read a lot of the IMDb reviewers opinions. What came up again and again was "I have a problem with Ben Stiller". This movie is genuinely funny at times. Given the wonderful premise, it should have been VERY funny...throughout. Tom Cruise and Robert Downey Jr. are actors. REAL ACTORS. Stiller, Jack Black are funny guys ??? ..who really don't act very well. Stiller has not learned to stop TRYING to act. Just be yourself couldn't act your way out of a paper bag. Jack Black did not do a very good job either. He never appeared comfortable at any stage of the movie. Movie acting is easy (ask Al Pacino). The trick is ..don't try too hard. Downey Jr. and Cruise are "just fine and dandy", and looked like they had a ball making this. I have been hearing that Ben Stiller may stick to directing if his new movie "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" is well received. He certainly is not a funny I hope Mitty does well. Even with the lame duck performances by Stiller and Black....this is still a movie worth seeing. You will L.O.L., but you wont be convulsing on the floor in fits of laughter (like you should have been)------
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True Justice: Deadly Crossing: Part 1 (2010)
Season 1, Episode 1
Retire Steven.......Then Go On A Strict Diet
16 December 2013
Steven Seagall looks like he has been on the K.F.C.(for a long time) And...Why did he use a Magic Marker (or charcoal) to draw a black triangle on his forehead.? His acting was always very at this advanced time in his life (he was 59 when he made this) his acting is dreadful. He wrote this....and the dialoque is strictly for lovers of Scooby Doo. I have never seen the True Justice T.V. programme...and I don't ever intend to. Steven (fat man) give it up man, you look like a big blob of inertia. His backing actors are poor...the directing is awful...the whole thing is B grade. I find it hard to believe that there actually people who can watch this garbage.....and enjoy it.
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Williams Fails.......The Monroe Test........
13 December 2013
Michelle Williams was widely praised for her performance of Marilyn Monroe, but I cant see why. She is made up to look like Marilyn, but really... that does not work. Where Williams really misses the mark is her attempts to talk like Monroe. Her voice gets no-where near the soft sultry tones of the magical Monroe. I was very disappointed, because if you don't think you are watching at least a reasonable impression of the STAR...then the whole experience is completely devalued. It is like Will Smith...when he tried unsuccessfully to play Mohammed Ally. (maybe some people are too huge, too iconic to copy). The movie portrays poor Marilyn as a tragic, lost pill popper. And indeed in 1956 she was addicted to sleeping pills (and other pharmacy products)). The movie has other people in it, and they are quite good. The story however is weak. {I find it truly astonishing that Williams won a Golden Globe and was nominated for an Oscar for this performance}
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Towelhead (2007)
Strange Movie.....About A Delicate Subject
13 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was Alan Balls directorial debut. He was also the screenwriter. It has --at times--a distinctly American Beauty feel about it, but this is not in the same class as that movie. (Ball wrote American Beauty.) Sam Mendez is a truly gifted director, but Alan Ball has a lot to learn. The actual story is mainly about a 13 year old Arab / Americans innocent sexual awakening and her early sexual conquests and discoveries. Ball is often clumsy in his direction of such delicate material. The acting --generally -- is sub standard. This is a strangely uncomfortable movie to watch--perhaps because some of the actors didn't want to be there (and it shows in their performance) or maybe directing is not Alan Balls "thing". Perhaps showing a 13 year old girl masturbating (on more than one occasion) is just a little "too much information". I think this movie is like is an acquired taste.
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Ben-Hur (1959)
It Remains........The Ultimate........Epic Motion Picture
27 November 2013
A 1959 "epic" directed by one of Americas finest directors, William Wilder. Cecil B.De. Mille had been the great religious epic director, but with Ben Hur, Wilder showed that you need not part the Red make a wonderfully epic movie. The main difference between De Mille and Wilder was....De Mille always loved to show over the top scenes....with maximum effect. Some of them worked really well......others flopped badly. Wilder was a superior operator....holding key ...important moments for many extra vital seconds. He also understood his actors better than Cecil. Wilders body of work (Some Like it Hot....Sunset Boulevard Etc.) is vastly superior to De Milles. However, De Mille was a pioneer and should be regarded as a brave front runner. This is one of those old films that everyone should see....if only to demonstrate to-days movies are ....all about CGI...and poor scripts.
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A Great Australian......................WESTERN ....!
21 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Proposition... a 2005 Australian / U.K. collaboration is a really very good movie . It is unforgiving in its relentless negative assertions of the human being.. It washes away the clean suppositions of the American "wild west", as told by great American movie directors over many decades. This is the real...TRUE GRIT... , a film that dares you to assume this couldn't have happened. O.K....its in the Australian Outback, but men are men...and when they are free to behave like savages...they will.(It is about survival too) It requires more than one viewing (all great movies do),if you can stand to see again--- the horror that lurks in all of the human psyche... its here for all to see.

Ray Winstone (Captain Stanley) is brought from England to "clean up" a particularly nasty family of murderous thugs...the Burns Family. He is a tactical policeman who puts a daring operation into motion. He expects Charlie (Guy Pearce) to kill his brother Arthur (Danny Huston). The scheme is put into jeopardy by the poor judgement of the Judiciary. From that point...anything can (and does) happen. There are violent scenes here...But this is a small town in the Australian Outback in 1890. Violence was not.....un-common. This an above average Australian ("Western")..........Watch IT....!!!
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Ruby Sparks (2012)
Ruby Sparks..........Does She Exist..?
21 November 2013
I highly recommend this funny movie. (it is 104 minutes...wish it had been longer). The two main players, Paul Dano and Zoe Kazan simply revel in a movie that deals with things as strange as those in Groundhog Day. The premise made it almost easy to have the audience rolling around the floor. It is a real shame that (although the funny moments are very funny)....there should have been many more. The interesting change comes along after about 80 minutes, when things become surprisingly serious. It is a movie I had heard little about, so it was a great surprise to see it. The supporting cast give wonderful performances, and I shall certainly watch this again.
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Adoration (2013)
A Ridiculous Movie..............
12 November 2013
Provoke the controversial...Then, hope it works. This does not work. The premise here is actually...THE MOVIE..!!!...And, If you are into the usual Australian soft may enjoy this usual Australian...nonsense. I do like the Sergio Leone close ups, but the actors (poor things)-- have a terrible script to work with. I am sure they did not like those revealing close ups. It is a mystery to me why ageing movie reviewers here in Australia MUST..give this type of garbage great reviews. Where is the honesty.? The actors Naomi Watts the most "famous"....and the others....try too hard with an awful script. Result ?.....Funny , in the reverse sense of that word. There are those times when you watch a fascinated by its MUST watch it all. Every terrible minute. This is one of those.....
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Diana (2013)
31 October 2013
This is one of those movies.....when you have watched it and you are walking from the want to ask for your money back. You do not..............Only psychos do that. So you go a bad mood.

Australian TV reviewers (David & Margaret)......Both in there dinosaur period ....Give it 3 out of 5............and 3 and a half out of 5. Reason......There is an important Australian (playing Diana)....... Yes MS Naomi Watts is an above average actress. But David & Margaret ---should just......tell the truth. The whole movie is ......bad. Particularly Ms. Watts (playing Diana). And Ms. Watts.......has a lot have

if she ever wants takes on a role like this again.........

This the easy roles ...... . she got in...King Kong. (and other movies). ......reviewers ....should just be honest. We know Australians have an inferiority complex.

The world...knows...that.....

This required good acting..........and she could not do it.
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The Sessions (2012)
Hunt.......Finally Acts Her Pants Off.....A Great Performance....
30 October 2013
John Hawkes plays the extroverted Mark O Brien who is totally crippled by polio, and has to spend several hours every day an iron lung. Based on a true story, O Brien died in 1999..aged 49. This movie deals with his life in 1938, when the bold Mark decides he wants to lose his virginity. He eventually gets lucky...when he meets an attractive and caring professional sex surrogate ...played by Helen Hunt. The relationship between Hunt and Hawkes is basically what the movie is all about. Its very well made, and the supporting players are all very good. O Brien had a reputation as a real character ...with an exceptional sense of humour. Hawkes does a great job in a difficult role, but I feel he was let down a little by the script. Sure he is mildly amusing at times, but he needed to be more sharply realized....a few great one liners would have lightened the load...for the viewer. It is still a movie I would recommend...for its high degree of a controversial area. Hunt is wonderful her greatest ever acting role.
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Ridiculously bad......and stupid
29 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A movie for young adults....between the ages of 14 and 23. Lots of un-coordinated action and a script that is worse than I can possibly describe. The acting is abysmal (and what was Anthony Hopkins doing in this terrible film?) I suppose its an easy pay check for him. Still, he must be a little embarrassed. Super Hero trash , like this is strictly for air-heads. Watching things burst into flames and dumb "heroes" pretending to be heroic is idiotic. These awful movies are for the brain dead. Or should I say the living dead. If you are above 25 years old, and you go to see flicks like this---you need treatment....of a psychiatric nature. (3 points)
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