
19 Reviews
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The Iron Claw (2023)
An annoying film experience
5 May 2024
Pro Wrestling is a lot like religion - you get a bunch of people together all pretending that something is real - when it clearly is not. Zac Efron's roided up character's appearance distracts from the plot in every scene. Nothing enjoyable about this film for me. I grew up in the 60s and 70s and remember when pro wrestling would come on our black and white tv and it always reminded me of my friends dads walking around in their underwear, just not something you want to see. I really wanted to like this - Lily James was amazing, at least. Now I am just typing to come up with enough words to post this review . . . And, done!
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Lawless (2012)
Ugly and Dark
27 October 2023
Ugh, disturbing and depressing with truly unhinged characters with no redeeming qualities. I did not enjoy this, but I did endure it because of the star-power attached. Perhaps I am being a bit harsh and need to give it another chance but I just can't help feeling like I need a nice hot shower and a Disney Pixar film in order to recover from the trauma of watching this. I once read a quote from a famous author that he preferred non-fiction because it does not have to make sense, just like life. Well this must be a true account because, like life, I found it random and absurd - indeed. I will give it another chance - who knows, I may totally change by opinion.
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Warrior (2011)
Wonderful film
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
One of my pet peeves is when a movie involves the military they always get something (usually many things) ridiculously wrong. In this case, there is a scene where one of the announcers says "Tommy Conlon, who ripped the door off of a tank, saving his fellow Marines and didn't claim a medal" is just so jarringly incorrect. Being active duty and foward deployed is not a video game. Many soldiers, sailors and airmen do heroic things all the time. The only people that receive awards (some are medals) are the ones whose superiors take the time to do the admin and submit them for awards.
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Little Women (2019)
What am I not getting?
3 June 2020
I find it difficult to buy into a movie where a family of sisters look nothing like each other despite coming from the same parents. Also, the image quality is quite inconsistent - in some scenes it's downright awful. I could not follow the plot or the switching back and forth, flashback sequences. Suspension of disbelief is the magic of wonderful movies and this one just does not have that magic. I am sincerely puzzled at the glowing reviews.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
You can't say a movie is "bad" . . .
25 March 2020
But you can certainly say "I hated it." From the sound track to the dialog to the repugnant characters, I just plain could not get into this film. Ugh.
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The Searchers (1956)
This movie makes no sense
23 December 2019
I have tried to watch this film on several different occasions but just can't bear it for more than 15 minutes or so - it is so "choppy," and there does not seem to be a flow to the plot. It is also unceasingly melodramatic and the music is annoying, every line seems to be punctuated by the ridiculous soundtrack. All the actors are so wooden and come off as either insincere or just over the top "emoting." It is very tedious for the audience when every character is angry and emotional. The characters seem to be riding around in circles in the same 500 square yard area. There are so many goofs and mistakes it's like there was never any editing. They pull that big stone up to uncover the "dead" indian and he is clearly breathing, lol. I will say that actors back then certainly knew how to ride horses though, very impressive. I can't understand how this film is so revered and acclaimed - to me it is almost unwatchable.
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Hustlers (2019)
15 December 2019
A repulsive film. I feel so foolish for having spent money on the 4K blu ray. How did this get released? Guys will watch anything with nudity but there is nothing attractive about this.
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Booksmart (2019)
Wonderful film!
7 September 2019
I buy and watch a lot of films and am surprised at how quick I am to dismiss something that does not immediately 'click" with me. This film is very clever, nuanced and witty. Excellent production values in cinematography and sound quality, I really did laugh out loud throughout the film and am looking forward to seeing it again. To each their own but I really can't understand the negative reviews. Of course, I could not understand the positive reviews for Pixars "Inside Out" which I thought was dreadful.
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Don't believe the haters!
13 April 2019
Wonderful film - very inspiring and well made. I rented this from Red Box but now I will buy it.
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Aquaman (2018)
Meh . . .
30 March 2019
I guess movies like this get made because of the profits to the studios and the investors, regardless of how trite these over the top superhero films have become. Aquaman is text book formulaic and reminded me of a combination of Gladiator, Star Wars and Finding Nemo - lol. I quickly became fatigued and could not finish it.
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
Too busy and not enough heart
15 March 2019
To say I was anticipating this movie would be a huge understatement. The first one was so amazing. One of the few movies that I have watched over, and over, and over. A straight forward and simple story that emphasized love, family, and good conquering evil. One protagonist and a very clear plot line. Who didn't get choked up when Syndrome sends rockets that destroy the plane the Helen and the kids are coming on to save their dad "mayday may day, there are children on board!" And the way they all came together as a team - so wonderful. Incredibles II is just too busy and goes off in too many directions. Too many new (repugnant and uninteresting) characters. I watched it through once and have tried on three occasions to re-watch it. I am probably selling it short and will enjoy it in the future, but that is my opinion at the moment.
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Especially poignant to identical siblings everywhere . . .
9 January 2019
As an identical twin, and, coincidentally, born in 1961, this was particularly an emotional experience. The line where one of them says, "I would make a comment, what I considered to be based upon an original thought, to someone only to be told - your brother said the exact same thing." That has happened to me many times growing up and is rather annoying - especially when talking to some girl I was interested in. I was amazed at their level of affection and admiration for each other when they were reunited at age 19. In my case, my brother started using drugs at age 14 and essentially abandoned me and has been nothing but a source of anger, frustration and disappointment ever since. He has never missed an opportunity to take advantage of me and many others. We were also orphans and our lives were extremely dysfunctional, abandoned by our parents I am told we were in over 20 different homes by age 4. But, I digress, everyone has baggage. This film is a wonderful and sad slice of life and especially heart breaking to me.
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Upgrade (2018)
Awful film in every regard
4 September 2018
Let's see, bad acting, terrible script, fake looking sets, unattractive cast - yep, awful movie. I gave it 30 minutes of my attention, ugh.
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Remarkably wonderful . . . mostly.
16 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this but after being in the military for twenty years the glaring errors are hard to take . . . Wow, couldn't they have listened to the military consultants I know they must have hired? The younger brother comes to the breakfast table and says "I'm going to enlist" or words to that effect, and he, lol, is, hilariously, already in uniform. They used every cliche from every war movie from the last twenty years - I found some aspects cringe worthy. Not to diminish what Desmond Doss accomplished but dang, they really missed an opportunity to do it justice . . . Too bad.
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Your Name. (2016)
What am I missing?
23 March 2018
I can't get past the awful voice characterizations - all the grunting and what you usually have in American dubbed anime. The artwork and animation is stunning but can't hold my attention.
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Collateral (2004)
Excellent film . . .
26 December 2017
Say what you want about Tom Cruise but he delivers an extremely authentic performance - I was stunned. I am writing this December 2017 and I was also very impressed with the image and sound quality (on Blu Ray) of a film from 2004. Looking forward to seeing it again.
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Atomic Blonde (2017)
Another film with high production values but not much else
19 November 2017
Half an hour . . . that's as far as I got before I realized I could not continue watching. Beautifully shot, enveloping sound track but missing that indefinable element of a film that holds your attention. I love Charlize Theron but she can not do a credible English accent and that in itself was a deal breaker. It's ironic that we have so many British/Australian actors (and other countries) that routinely are cast as Americans that speak flawlessly. Maybe I'll finish watching it . . . Maybe not.
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Megan Leavey (2017)
High production values but awful movie in my opinion - contains spoiler
9 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Military movies should always be dead-on accurate when it comes to all the little details and this was another "this is what most Americans think is how the military acts" as opposed to the reality. I know they have consultants - so they do this on purpose I am forced to conclude. The Hollywood explosion where Megan and the dog go flying through the air, literally flying through the air, just made my eyes roll. That kind of force blows off limbs and is instant death. Also, it was apparent to me that there was no chemistry or "bonding" between Megan and that beautiful dog, but there was chemistry with the handler who was always obviously just off camera. I found the acting of most of the cast, except Kate Mara, to be very wooden and painful to watch. I admit I did not finish the movie - too frustrated and annoyed with how ridiculously bad it was. Hey, great cinematography and sound though - thumbs up on that!
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Self/less (2015)
I really wanted to like this movie . . .
1 December 2015
So, I am a home theater enthusiast and am always on the lookout for films that can flex my amps and subs but also are unique, well written, directed, cast and edited. I loved this premise and the production values were through the roof . . . up until Ben Kingsley's character transitions to Ryan Reynolds role. Yes, so his consciousness is transferred to a young healthy body but why is there not the slightest glimmer of his previous personality? Ben's character had a distinctive east coast accent, dressed exquisitely, was 68 years old and was of obvious refinement and so suddenly a new younger body means he is a totally different person complete with mad skills on the basketball court? It would seem that the director would have ensured that there was some shred of his previous persona in the Reynolds character - not just a vague "do you know who I used to be" line of dialog nod to that existence. That obvious lack of attention to detail was enough to keep me from watching past the cliché explosions and flamethrower "escape from the farmhouse" scene. Maybe I will revisit it and enjoy it but just too disappointed for the time being.
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