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Don't Believe The Haters
20 March 2024
I'll be the first to say I'm not a huge fan of Jennifer Lopez. While I enjoyed her early albums I haven't quite figured out how she kept leveling up with such mediocre music and later, films.

When I heard she was doing a new album plus movie and documentary I thought that it was an interesting move.

So I listened to the album, it's pretty good, it sounds like a JLo album and it is a solid effort. The album however underperformed on was her lowest charting album in her career. Which could be due to the reckoning of her behavior off stage which is to say, not kind.

Then came the movie, I saw some people ripping it to shreds on social media but never the less I gave it shot and well, I liked it.

What I liked whas the effort and the vision plus the allegorys.

It not so much what you see on the screen it's the interpretation of that, it makes you think and out the pieces together.

It's not perfect and certainly has its flaws but it's not trash and I certainly wasn't bored.

Lastly, it's an hour and 10 mins roughly and features a lot of the music from the album. I thought it was a great effort but not perfect.
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1 February 2024
Yeah, no. I don't know where to begin with this one. It's a cross between Silent Night Deadly Night and The Terminator, unfortunately those were good movies and this was bad.

The script wasn't Shakespeare and the directing wasn't Spielberg and not should you expect that but cmon, there are limits. I don't blame the actors for this one since the script wasn't written well...I wouldn't be surprised if there was no script but there are certainly a lot of FBombs and swearing. The actors were believable having so little to work with.

The directing was meh but the cinematography was good, it captured the atmosphere I think they were going for.

The killer Santa robot was ok, but nothing about this movie made you scared or created tension, which is bad when it's that kind of movie.

I should've known after the 30min mark when I was about to shut it off but I stayed because why not? The movie didn't get any better and I didn't expect it to. Once I realized I was going down with this ship I was like fine, let's let Santa kill everyone and get it over with.

I'd like to think time will soften my review but I'll probably forget this one and you should too.
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Um, what? Yeah, no.
13 January 2024
What can I say except Ladies of the 80s is wasted potential. It has all the right ingredients, mega famous Soap stars from the 80s coming back together in the same vein of These Old Broads from 2001 but Those Broads did it better.

Ladies Of The 80s misses the mark on the writing and directing. Instead of creating something iconic, which it could have, it created something with mediocre writing and even less when it came to the acting.

While I love seeing these ladies again, I wish someone had put more thought into this since they deserved so much more than what they got.

The sub plot of the director and assistant was even more annoying since it was clearly forced sexual tension that was completely un-erotic.

Anyway, I can't hate on it too much since I watched the entire thing but my nostalgia is the only reason I didn't give this a lower store.
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5 December 2023
The third entry into the Equalizer series left me wanting no more. Part of the problem is it feels like Denzel Washington's heart wasn't in it like the first two. Also, the plot is thin and within the first 15 minutes I realized this was going to be paint by numbers, not breaking any new ground. The action is decent but the gore is over the top, reminded me of a horror movie and not an action movie. The cinematography however is fantastic. There are plot inconsistencies that could've and would've ended the movie sooner so of course the movie drags on. Add to that that half the movie or more is subtitled...and here's the kicker, I forgot to enable subtitles and when I realized I didn't, I didn't care and could still follow the plot. Dakota Fanning however, was a pleasant surprise and did a good job in her small role.

To summarize: it's not a horrible movie but I expected more considering the star and series.
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Margaux (2022)
Not Terrible, Not Great Either
30 October 2023
Not Terrible, but not great either. The concept is interesting and the production is pretty good, some of the effects weren't great but they were passable. The acting for the most part was decent.

This film feels like a dress rehearsal of the movie, it has all the right elements and you get the idea and feel for it but it's just not quite all there.

The kills, again, are respectable but it doesn't quite hit the spot.

It's not amateurish but it's not quite big league. There are a lot of horror movies that are bad, this isn't one of them but again, it's not great. It's not scary but it could've been, it has the all elements but misses the mark. Watch it but don't expect much from it.
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29 October 2023
Ok, I'm a pretty lenient person when it comes to horror movies. I can overlook a few things here and there and still appreciate what it's offering but Last Of The Grads is just bad. The only saving grace is the production which is oddly enough top notch. The acting is beyond horrible and that's due to the inability of its cast and the script. How the heck is a high school graduation only attended by 20 ppl or less? And what kind of school looks like a HOA in a retirement community? It's so implausible and the kills are pedestrian at best. I think the good reviews here clearly are fans of the YouTube influencers who star in the movie because there is no way we all saw the same movie. It's also about 30mins too long. Seriously, it's so bad. Sometimes a bad movie will be so bad it loops around to being good again but not this one. Don't waste your time or rather go ahead and waste it and then come back here so I can say I told you so.
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I liked it.
18 September 2023
I've read some of the reviews on here and while they mostly have a point when it comes to the adaptation, the movie itself is quite good.

The cinematography and directing are top notch plus the characters are compelling.

The plot, like most Agatha Christie murder mysteries has a lot of twists and layers, instead of trying to figure it out (I had read the book but forgot the ending) I didn't find the use of green screens and CGI to create the world of the Nile, they were nicely done also.

Basically, I just chilled and enjoyed it. It's a nice film, nicely done and a great distraction for a couple hours.
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65 (2023)
A Good Film You'll Forget
12 April 2023
I enjoyed this film. Though it wasn't original and had one too many cliches, it was entertaining.

The special effects were top notch, the dinosaurs were impressive as with the scenery and everything else. The storyline wasn't original but the actors lift the material slightly to make it watchable.

65million years ago a space crew heading for distant galaxies gets caught in a meteor field and crash lands on earth.

The crew is dead except for two individuals and they must get to the escape pod in time to avoid a cataclysmic event.

Dinosaurs, giant bugs and geysers support this movie.

All told, I got what I expected.
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Sick (2022)
Tight and Effective
14 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
SICK is a horror movie of the slasher kind. It's delivers all the effective elements one needs in a slasher movie, hitting all the marks and checking off all the boxes. While not terribly a scary movie, it is tight and tense. SICK give you the standard girls in distress while adding a COVID theme behind it.

Some friends go away for a trip to a secluded cabin during Covid. While they are there an ex boyfriend shows up, soon after that an intruder has entered the house and begins the killing spree. The production is good, actors were good script is decent while the look and feel all delivered a new entry from Blumhouse into the horror genre.
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Violent Night (2022)
A "Die Hard" horror movie.
26 December 2022
Take "Die Hard" and add a little "Home Alone" and you have Violent Night.

A group of naughty men hold a wealthy family hostage on Xmas and Santa Clause is their only hope.

VN has a decent script that's elevated by the performances of the actors, good direction and a healthy production budget. While the story is almost a direct knockoff of Die Hard except substitute a police officer for a little girl, both on walkie talkies and replace the skyscraper with a secluded mansion and you essentially have the same movie.

It's a fun movie, sometimes implausible but after you get the idea you just let go of any sense of reality and sit back and watch.
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A Fun Whodoneit
4 November 2022
See How They Run is a throwback to the murder mysteries of 50s, being set in the 50s the cinematography and graphics are spot on. This movie is simple, I found myself not really trying to figure out who the killer was since it was so much fun to watch I didn't care, I was along for the ride and it was a fun one. The acting is great, the set pieces and costumes were fantastic and the story was simple and effective. It's not a movie that tries too hard and that's what makes it fun, plus the dark humor puts a smile on your face.

If you have an couple hours to spare and want to relax and watch a movie that you can enjoy without and overly complicated plot, See How They Run is a movie worth checking out.
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
The Foods a Little Funny...
2 November 2022
Terrifier 2 or T2 is the follow up to the Terrifier and it follows the rules of the all sequels; bigger budget, bigger kills, bigger gore. While T2 isn't scary I think the point the filmmakers were trying is to see how far they could push the limits. This is gore porn, murder porn or whatever you call it it's extreme...except when it comes to the acting, script or production. The money was spent on the gore.

If a film showed two people having sex, close ups of the gentitals etc it would be rated XXX, not shown in mainstream theatres and called porn. We, however, live in a world that glorified violence and condemns nudity, hence why I repeat why I think the filmmakers were trying to see how far they could go. And did they ever go.

I thought T2 was so over the top I found myself laughing at the ridiculousness of it, the extreme gore, sometimes done very well but in a cheesy way. It's not horrible, it's just not that's good. The hype is about what I mentioned, the gore, the extreme gore. Anyway if you have a light stomach, skip it but if you're looking for a over the top gore fest that clocks in at 2 1/2 hours (seriously way too long of a movie) then pull up a chair because The foods a little funny at the clown cafe.
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No, Just...omg, No,No and No.
14 October 2022
I'm not sure who thought this script was a good idea because it's not. If there is a film in film school called "How to ruin a franchise" this would be it. As a lifelong die hard Halloween fan I have a love for the good ones and the bad but this along with Halloween Kills is just a no. So much potential was wasted and im not even going to mention the plot or any details. Halloween Ends is an insult to the characters, the ideas and the franchise. It borders offensive. While Halloween Kills has redeeming values Ends just screws it all to high heaven. The final insult is that Michael Myers has been reduced to a couple cameos in his own film. Watch it on a streaming service or somewhere else for free and give it a try just for nostalgias sake but you have been warned. I gave it a 5 because the Halloween franchise has a soft spot with me and I can't bear to give it a lower score.
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13 October 2022
The Autopsy of Jane Doe is a creepy atmospheric movie with great acting, storyline and production values. What it offers is simplicity and essentially and a one set piece setting and does it get really weird and creepy. While some jump scares were predictable and one plot error the rest of the movie plays out in a good pace. It's hard to write anything without spoiling the plot but the premise is this, while investigating a crime scene police find an unrelated body whom the coroners (father and son) named Jane Doe. The police task the coroners to find out who she is and what she died of. That's it. Sounds simple right? No, again, this movie is just creepy and it's good.
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Decent Horror Movie
13 October 2022
While the production values are decent and the acting is passable, the idea itself is what being the movie from bad to good. The main idea behind this is a documentary crew comes to interview and would be serial killer in the same vain and Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees and Freddy Kruger who are all mentioned as having really loved and that the crimes they committed were real. The wanna be serial killer, 'Leslie Vernon' leads us through the horror/slasher genre step by step, how to choose the final girl, who dies first, typical hiding places etc. Think 'Scream' but with a much smaller budget. The final act of the film is when things get real and that's another reason why this movie is a good watch.
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The Northman (2022)
Great Film 10/10
23 May 2022
I read a few of the reviews on here before I watched The Northman and I'm glad I ignored the negative ones.

The Northman is a great film. It may lack some of the punch you'd expect from a film like this: a period piece about revenge and honor, but The Northman has a mellow violent vibe and feel to it. While the pacing is good, it moves the way it should; building the emotions our main character has as he exacts his revenge. There is a saying I've heard before but can't remember who said it but it's "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, first dig two graves." Extra credit goes to the cinematography for the beautiful visuals.
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Freaky (2020)
A Fun Ride.
18 May 2022
Freaky is a tight little horror comedy movie. Vince Vaughn really takes the movie to the next level with his great acting abilities taking on the role of a 17 year old high school girl. While there are some plot glitches in order to keep it moving it's a forgivable. While the horror elements aren't that scary they are pretty gruesome. All in all Freaky is a fun movie with great performances by the cast.
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Upgrade (2018)
What A Movie!
17 May 2022
Upgrade is a tight little movie. Great acting and script, reminded me of Robocop meets the Matrix. I kept thinking this movie should be turned into a series on primetime tv as I could see its potential. The production was great considering the small budget. Definitely worth watching.
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Catfight (I) (2016)
Good, but predictable.
17 May 2022
Catfight was a nice little dark comedy. While it does begin to get predictable it's still entertaining. The acting is good, the script is good and the production was good.
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Moonfall (2022)
Stupid but Entertaining
7 May 2022
Moonfall is every disaster flick you can name rolled into one. Bad dialogue but decent acting it's the special effects that save the movie from being complete garbage. On paper I can see how this movie was greenlit but the execution with the forced sentiments and interactions Moonfall isn't breaking new ground or even reinventing the genre. In order to enjoy this movie you literally need to shut off your brain and enjoy the show.
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Scream (I) (2022)
A Familiar but Decent Ride.
20 February 2022
Scream isn't bringing anything new to the table but it does make it a fun movie to watch. While not scary it did give a couple worthy jump scares. The acting is good-ish, well directed and well shot, the plot is predictable but at this point it has to be. It definitely plays on nostalgia by bringing back the 3 main characters (Sidney, Gale and Dewey) which has become as ubiquitous to the Scream franchise as Jamie Lee is to a good Halloween. If you have a couple hours, watch it and have some fun.
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Stylish Remake...that's about it.
18 February 2022
This movie is a different take on the series, while giving us a small backstory that sets the tone for the movie we have great sets and lighting and pretty decent acting on just about everyone's part.

The big difference with this version of Texas Chainsaw is that while it's nice to look at I just didn't find it scary maybe if I had never seen the previous entries and the original I would change my mind but I have see them and the plot, thin at best, isn't scary to watch. The sets are great, directing is great but it doesn't invoke a feeling of dread or horror.

Novice horror fans will leave this feeling ok or worse while newcomers might actually be frightened. It's a good effort but doesn't quite hit where it's suppose to.
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Father, Son, House of Gucci
2 February 2022
House of Gucci is a movie telling of the story of family troubles and missteps of Italian luxury goods maker Gucci. While the storyline isn't original or groundbreaking what makes everything work is the talent of its actors and director. Lady Gaga easily carried the film and is convincing in her dedication to the role. Adam Driver delivers his role as much as he can given the limitations of the character, Al Pacino and Jeremy Irons also deliver believable performances but it's Jared Leto as Uncle Paolo who stuns. The physical transformation and commitment to the character doesn't give you any clues it's Jared and that's how convincing he his in this role.

HOG is a movie worth watching if only because you get the Gucci history and some insight into family trife.
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Laura (1944)
A nice calm thriller
31 December 2021
"Laura" was an engaging movie told at a great pace that I never found boring. The plot is fairly simple, a woman named Laura is killed-before the movie begins-and everyone is a suspect...well not everyone until something happens in the investigation that turns things on it's head. A great cast, sets and script made for a nice movie about murder.
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Brash, Campy, Offensive and Very Funny
31 December 2021
What a wonderfully offensive, crude and funny holiday movie. What more can one say about a one hour twist on classic holiday songs and new one as well. And there's a naked guy who may or may not be Jesus. If you have an hour to spare you should probably watch something else but if you have two hours to spare then save one for this little gem. It's lowbrow but fun.
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