
7 Reviews
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Tyrel (2018)
Great, nuanced acting in a slice-of-life style film
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Some reviews here say it's not scary at all while others say there's an underlying threat in every scene. After seeing this movie, I have to assume the ones who think it's about nothing are white males. I honestly don't think they can comprehend just not feeling physically safe in day-to-day life. And that's not to say there's something inherently wrong with that, they've never had to feel scared or on guard in normal situations. But it'd be nice if they could recognize this as a blessing & have a little awareness that the rest of us aren't so lucky. Tyler was accutely aware that if something happened here, he was completely alone in the middle of nowhere.

No, nothing super major happens in this slice-of-life movie, but if you've ever second-guessed going to to a simple location bc you're concerned about your well-being, you'll recognize that the tension is high throughout this movie.

****SPOILERS***** And then he made the rookie mistake of letting his guard down & getting, like, wasted drunk.

Kudos to his friend (played by Christopher Abbott) for recognizing what Tyler needed in that moment - I applauded when he let Tyler have the room for the night & said "I'm locking the door behind me."
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Most of the 1-star reviews seem to miss the point.
30 September 2023
I almost whole-heartedly agree with a lot of the negative reviews, but this isn't a bad movie. The amped-up score, frenetic pace, editing, and all that shouting are representative of the addict's inner turmoil. Yes, this movie made me feel stressed out & out of sorts afterwards, like I needed a hot shower to wash off the grimey feeling & a warm bed to "sleep it off". But isn't that how Adam Sandler's character feels all the time, as he struggles with a gambling addiction that has clearly been spiraling out of control for some time now? It's very rare that a movie's style can make me feel the character's plight in such a visceral way.

But.. as much as I can comend the filmmakers for making that possible & as good as Sandler is in this film, his character is still a pretty terrible guy & I can't say this was a particularly enjoyable movie. Still, the people who gave this 1-star seem to have completely missed the point & maybe didn't know what they were waking into, as other Safdie films have a similar style.
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Ida Red (2021)
Great for what it is
22 August 2023
I seem to be in the minority based on the negative reviews, but I don't start every movie EXPECTING award-caliber writing, direction, acting, editing, etc. ;)

I'm having a really hard time lately reading negative review after negative review all saying the same thing. I know it's due to social media making everyone feel their opinion is wanted, but if there's 50+ other negative reviews & you don't have anything new to add, why bother?

I was intrigued by the cast & description & ended up really enjoying this movie! The acting was fan-tas-tic by pretty much everyone. I was esp. Impressed by the girl who played Darla, I'll definitely be keeping an eye on her career. Frank Grillo, as usual, seems to disappear into his role. And it was fun to see Hartnett get to play a different sort of character, he was great!

There's def. Some plot holes & i could tell editing must have cut some useful scenes out, prob. For time. But all-in-all, an enjoyable crime thriller.
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Atlanta: The Big Payback (2022)
Season 3, Episode 4
Brilliant episode
21 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the most brilliant episodes of TV ever written & filmed. I am floored after just finishing this episode. I came on here expecting to see a nearly 10-star episode (Atlanta as a series has 8.4 stars!) How telling that this is one of the lowest rated episodes of the season... The mustacchioed man in the hotel bar towards the end is so spot on. "We were running from it, hiding from it. Now we're free." I think the point of this episode is that reparations, while terrifying for the white majority in this country, shouldn't be such a taboo subject. It's showing that even if the "worst" were to happen & some people in society had to pay a "reparations tax", we would get through it. Just like the black minority had to get through, not just slavery, but everything that came after.

Such an innovative, thought-provoking episode. Wow.
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Judy Justice (2021– )
So glad Judy is back!
3 November 2021
I'm so glad Judy is back! She's a common sense TV personality we NEED. For anyone who prefers to watch eps. On your TV - if you have Amazon Prime Video, you can find it there instead of streaming thru the Imdb app.

To address some other reviews here - 1. Her granddaughter is a law clerk, the other woman is a stenographer.

2. The judge & the law clerk discuss the case afterward for *maybe* 30 seconds, it's certainly not a long discussion. AND if it's not interesting to you, just stop the episode there, it's the last thing they do.

But, I rather enjoy these short discussions. It's nice to see Judy talk about the case on more of a personal level.

If you hated her show that was on since the 90's you won't be a fan of this one either, but I think she's amazing.
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Well-made documentary
18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a well-made documentary that did a good job keeping me guessing: at the end of one episode I was convinced of his guilt, at the end of the next I was convinced of his innocence!

I think the whole point of this 5-episode series is that we can't be sure one way or the other, but the fact that the judge & prosecution did their best to not allow certain suspects & evidence to be heard or seen during the trial proves that the suspect did not receive a FAIR trial. A lot of the possible evidence related to Helena Stoeckley & the men she was (possibly) with that night was lost over time, as the investigative team felt they knew who did it & chose not to look anywhere (or for anyone) else. They also allowed over 2 dozen people to traipse all throughout the house before gathering evidence!

There doesn't seem to be any sort of a motive for him to have committed the crimes. I think it's possible that the doctor was somehow involved with these kids - he had been taking an amphetamine himself, some of the addicts were living on the Fort Bragg base, seeking drugs; it's entirely plausible that he had been dealing to them, or they were trying to convince him to deal to them. Maybe he had some culpability in them being in his home that night (IF they were in his home that night.)

Even Errol Morris admits he doesn't know for sure if the doctor is guilty or innocent, only that there were many mistakes made. When you're putting someone away for 50+ years of their life, there should be no doubt of their guilt, & the jury had the right to hear the defense's alternative theory. Aptly named, the handling of this case definitely contained a "wilderness of error."
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Reality Bites (1994)
Why are people so hard on this movie??
12 September 2019
I don't usually write reviews but I had to add a little positivity to these brutal reviews! This is an essential 90s movie - I loved it then, I still love it now. It kindles so much nostalgia in me for that time period - right before cell phones & social media were ubiquitous. Many of this movie's negative reviews are just complaining that the characters are lazy & whiny. I'm really not sure why reviewers seem so brutally dismissive of this movie. I wholeheartedly enjoy well-written critiques and reviews, but why bother taking the time (& space) just to say "this movie sucked", "so and so's acting sucked."? That doesn't tell anybody anything about a movie, because it's all your opinion that isn't backed up in any way. I guess I'm just sick of sifting through all the nonsense to find well-written reviews (of any movie) on IMDB. Reality Bites is a sweet rom-com with great 90s styles, music, and topics. I don't think it's intended to define a generation, but it is very reminiscent of that time period.
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