
2 Reviews
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Before Sunset (2004)
so simple and amazing
21 August 2005
So I just saw Before Sunset. It is such beautiful movie! I can see why this ranks # 112 in the top # 250. I can't believe I didn't think to see it before. My mom and I just about always watch DVD's and video's together (we have the same taste most of the time), she'd probably think this one is boring because it's all talk and no actual action (in sense of fighting or running and stuff). I usually go for a little speed in movies as well, don't get me wrong I like movies like this but when I'm in a videostore I don't go out of my way to find a jewel like this. I tend to go look for a good action/comedy or a thriller, but I just loved this movie. The story has no elaborate scheme to it, it was just so simple, the whole concept and how everything played out. It was so serene and just calm but up beat (it's somewhat contradicting I know) and in a real sense. The movie has a pace but like real time, it's not like a day went by in several minutes. It was very romantic and I was just intrigued by their conversation. The whole movie revolves around these two characters Jesse (Ethan) and Celine (Julie). I just love the simplicity of the whole movie.

It's amazing how a night, nine years ago, can make you realize that have so much in common with each other. Its funny that they can strike up a conversation after nine years that actually has some context to their experience and feelings, they make each other laugh, almost cry. They're just a perfect match, after knowing each other one night that happened nine years ago, they still have so much to talk about. Yeah, sure some of it (the beginning) is pure superficial BS and just politics and such, but still their conversation had a lot of substance to it. I just find it incredible that someone is able to know another person like that and be able to 'pour' their heart out after one night. (sorry, I can't seem to get over the one night thing.) It is just so unlikely that 2 people that met each other nine years ago, spent one night together and still remember everything that happened, meet again to find that they still feel the same way about each other. That one person, one night, deciding to show up or not can make someone dismantle their whole believe system on what love should be like, what life should be like. To be able to have such an impact on another life is just amazing. (it is to me, I've never met someone who had such an affect on me) Everything that happened in those nine years makes them the people they are today, they've changed but still they find that they're just made for each other. That one night can make such a difference in you're life...

There was never a dull moment in the movie, no real awkward silences, every silent moment had a purpose. I was an absolute pleasure to see the interaction between Ethan and Julie on screen. I was on the tip of my seat and I didn't want to miss and word that was spoken. This basically never happens to me! I was just so amazed by the connection and conversation between the two characters. A while back I met a friend from grade school, we hadn't spoken in 6 years and we had absolutely nothing to talk about. It was so weird, 'cause we were friends back then and we got along fine, but now it's like there's nothing there. I guess that's why I was fascinated by these characters.

Anyway, I definitely recommend seeing this movie, it is just, I don't know I can't explain, you just have to see it. And if you don't like it, well I don't know what to think of that but I'd definitely like to hear why not.

These are a couple of quotes from the movie that I really liked.

"Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past." "I guess a memory's never finished as long as you're alive." "If you don't believe in any kind of magic or mystery you're basically as good as dead."
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Devour (2005 Video)
hmmm...I was expecting more, but it was okay
1 August 2005
Okay, so I first just wanna say, I'm not a hardcore horror fan but have definitely seen my share of horrors. I'd even go as far as to say that I actually like some of the horrors that have gotten bad reviews. So basically, when it comes to horror I even like the bad ones.

As for Devour? Well I gotta say it started of okay. I didn't like the music at the beginning titles but that can be overlooked. I liked the beginning of the movie, as it went further it started to fall apart bit by bit. The flashbacks of day nightmares or whatever you wanna call them, were a bit over the top and shown a bit to often. There were moments that were gross and gory, that even I had to look away for just a sec. (I've seen many horrors and I'm a nurse in training, so I've seen my share of blood and gore in real life)

I'm not the one that scares that easily, but there was one moment during this movie that got me. And that was the only moment in the entire movie. I don't know if you could define that as a good or bad point. It could be considered good cause it definitely got my jumping out of my seat, it could also be bad seeing as I wasn't really paying that much attention to the movie.

I'm not a sucker for happy endings or anything but the ending was somewhat disappointing. I expected more, the ending was just unsatisfying.

The acting was alright, all though I've seen the actors act better in TV series or movies.

I don't consider watching this movie a waste of my time, I've seen better horrors sure but like I said before, I kinda tend to pick the bad ones out. (maybe that's because I've seen the good ones :D) so I guess if you like horrors, you could give this movie a shot, just don't expect a masterpiece.

I'd give it a 6,5 out of 10
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