
9 Reviews
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Pig (2010)
Visceral, brutal, and brilliant
30 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's been said in other reviews, but I'll try to put my spin on the whole PIG experience. Make no mistake, it IS an experience and definitely not for the soft hearted.

First of all, Howard's performance was nothing short of superb. He carries the film with an insanity that is both hard to watch and tough to turn away from. I also feel that not enough has been said about Black's performance. She plays deftly around Howard and does it disturbingly well.

Almost the whole film is done in a real time constant, which was definitely brave of both the filmmakers and the cast. They do it exceedingly well and since the film does not look away, it makes it very tough for the audience to be able to look away. The feel of the movie (and it's been said in other reviews) is a continuous dread of what might come next and therefore keeps attention even during the "slow" parts. You never know when the characters are going to suddenly be set off.

PIG is visceral, brutal, brilliant, disturbing and worth the watch.
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It is NOT the epitome of Sci-Fi... but it tries
8 July 2008
If you saw the 1st Recon movie, you'll know what to expect from this one! Yes, the sets and the costumes are better than in the first movie, and the special effects (while throwbacks from the 70s or 80s) are better in the sequel. Viel tries to continue the story of Earth's decimation by an alien race and the subsequent journey of humankind to the stars to fight what seems to be a never ending battle against the creatures that are determined to wipe them out.

This is beyond a low budget film, it is a sub-level budget film. The dialog is painful at some points and overly predictable. The acting is.... well, there were actors in the film. NONE of this however stops Viel from bringing this story to a video store near you, and thankfully so. If you like really bad "B" movies, this one is for you! Viel and his troop of actors don't just go through the motions, they really are trying to bring the story to life. Unfortunately, they just don't have the resources to do the job. Should it stop them? No way... while not a multi-million dollar blockbuster, it's nice to see people making a movie because they WANT to. It's worth a rental just to support the fun they are obviously having. A 5 for effort, if not for delivery.
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Beatles music for the new generation
5 February 2008
If you know Beatles music, you'll love it... if you've never heard of them before, now is the time. If you remember the protests, the war on TV, hippies, and radicals, then you'll feel right at home. Now imagine taking all these aspects of American culture and making a feel good movie from them guided by the songs of the Fab Four.

Visually this movie will take you back to the 60s and early 70s during the upheaval of American culture. I know some say that it's TOO American, but the Beatles influenced so much of America at that time, I don't know how this CAN be too American. The songs were almost all perfectly picked and the vocals were stunning. I was amazed at the virtually unknown talent that starred in this film. This is not only worth owning, but worth watching again and again.
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Dead & Deader (2006 TV Movie)
LOL at the zombies!
19 April 2007
Not a bad movie at all. The action was good, the acting was pretty good, and the story was original. Keeping up with the references was fun, one that no one has mentioned here is the conversation in the cooler when Judson asks Quinn to use his heat vision to make a fire and warm the place up. Quinn replies, "I don't HAVE heat vision." (obvious reference to Lois & Clark, where Cain played Superman) Pretty good movie to entertain you for a few hours, just don't expect the grand settings and effects that come with a big budget zombie flick. It's a great movie to laugh with and doesn't take itself too seriously. Rent it or catch it on the Sci-Fi channel, you won't be sorry. (Unless you are VERY serious about your zombie flicks)
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Predator Island (2005 Video)
Not as bad as others I've seen
23 February 2007
What do you do with a few thousand dollars and a long weekend??? MAKE A MOVIE!!! Yup, the budget is low, the special effects are... well, basically nonexistent... but if all you want is about an hour and forty five minutes of silliness and fun.. check it out. Especially when one of the main characters tries to lure the monster into the open and refers to himself as all kinds of food products. "Come and get it, dinner is served... MEATLOAF, KELBASA, MEATBALL...MEATBALL!" It's obviously meant as a joke, and it comes off really funny.

The acting COULD have been a lot worse, but it's not gonna get Oscar nods either. I've seen a LOT worse than this, and if you're a fan of "B" (better make that "C") horror movies it's worth the watch.
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Should you watch this movie?
26 December 2006
I don't want to give out any spoilers or give out too much information about this movie. I watched it at the urging of my daughter without knowing what it was all about. So, without giving any spoilers or over-analyzing this movie, let's just say that it's a great feel good movie. Yes, it's a comedy/drama and there are some parts that will pull your heart out of your chest, and some that will have you laughing out loud. It's a great story for anyone, Jewish or not. You won't be disappointed in watching. For those of you that are on here just to find out if this movie is worth watching without wading through all the analysis, the answer is YES. Watch the movie, you'll be glad you did.
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Dragon Head (2003)
A missed opportunity (a couple of spoilers)
18 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
While Japanese theater has reached a new height in the west, there are still some duds to be seen. The premise of "Dragonhead" is a great one, 3 students survive a train wreck in a tunnel on the way home from school. One of them decides to get out of the tunnel and get to the surface any way possible where they find Japan changed drastically. Total destruction as far as the eye can see from an unknown cause. This premise opens the door on LOTS of possibilities, but the film falls short of any real scares. The problem that I had was that the film has a feel of a society in months or years of disintegration, not days. There are kids that have had MAJOR brain surgery and fully recovered, fully degenerated people out to kill themselves and the students that find them, and a somewhat weak explanation of magnetic forces on the brain. Originality aside, this film fails to deliver what so many other Japanese films do well. Skip this one.
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Dragon Storm (2004 TV Movie)
Could have been worse.....
20 June 2004
I've read the other comments, and I have to say that I agree with most of what has been said. I also notice that even people who DIDN'T like the movie rated it above average, I also agree. We are the people that know that this movie could have been GREAT, but thanks to the budget, was simply o.k.

The acting really wasn't all THAT bad, given the script the actors had to work with. The script and the plot blew harder than the dragons at their worst (or best, depending on your view). The whole overthrow the king thing was TERRIBLE, and didn't add a single thing to the movie, and the dialog was horrific! I just don't understand why even in the Dark Ages people didn't know to roll around in the SNOW to put out a fire on their back!!!!! The costuming was a joke! Yes, the princess had a bra showing, and yes, all the cloaks were the same, but even worse than that, at one point, I SWEAR that the princess was wearing black jeans!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!!! Well, for those of you that are fans of "B" fantasy movies, or of dragons, give it a peek. If you can ignore all of these things, well, it's a pretty decent movie.....hey about a sequel with a BUDGET?????? oh, and a script, and costumes, and.....oh just forget it.....enjoy!

Oh, by the way, all of you fussing cause you saw it on Sci-Fi? Well, I can't feel but so bad for you, I rented the thing!!!!!!!!!! lol
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Basic (2003)
Not as bad as you might think!
13 July 2003
After reading all the rest of the comments, I have to say that I will take the middle ground and agree with..well, all of them. Now, before you think that's a copout, let me explain. The plot twists are many, "Who done it?".... "No, who REALLY done it?"..."Are you sure, no? Then what about this?" The plot changes are reminiscent of "CLUE", without the humor. The acting is not great,(BTW: Did Connie Nielsen have a southern accent or not, she swam in and out of it through the whole movie!) Anyway, Travolta has certainly done better, but he's done worse too.

All of that out of the way, this is a real mind blower! The plot twists DID go about 2 steps 2 far, but other than the last couple of twists, this movie will entertain you for the better part of it's 99 minutes. All of you have probably read the synopsis herein so I will not bore you with those details.

MY BOTTOM LINE! As a rental, it's worth the view, you may even want to watch it more than once, you're almost guaranteed to catch something you missed the 1st time.
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