
14 Reviews
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Good Posture (2019)
Enjoyable - some great characters
16 October 2019
A quirky enjoyable film that is centred around Lillian (Grace Van Patten) whose character finds herself in a situation with some interesting we played characters especially John Early plays a really wacky film producer called (Sol sometimes) and Timm Sharp a dog walker.

There are some great scenes like where Lillian first meets Emily Mortimer who isn't actually in the film visually very much and the ends up getting stoned with her husband and the interactions with Lillian ex really captured some early adult phase scenarios.

The length of the film is also well measured from the scope of the story. Nice One
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Mythology Continued
14 February 2017
I felt the brilliance of the first film was found in the under lying mythology of the Continental Hotel, the coins, the laws/culture between the Reeves and some of the smaller parts (police official / bartender etc). As such I hoped that in the second film this would be continued; I wasn't disappointed.

The film continues from the first film with a great level of balance. Respecting the first film and allowing a 2-hour film to have its own identity without dragging was a challenge that was met well. The Laurence Fishburne element and the subsequent ending allow a great opening for another film.

Another strength of the movie is that the John Wicks character (like Neo i) is so well suited to Keanu Reeves. He is the strong-silent type and it feels Chad Stahelski, the Director, glorifies this and uses it to move the story forward. He gives you the same in an enhanced but similar format.

Loved : Lance Reddick as the Hotel Manager / Ruby Rose and the signing stuff Note: If you don't like people being shot in films – this is not the film for you!
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If you don't like – then maybe your lucky.
14 February 2017
I have seen a few reviews being harsh about the structure and content of this film – I wondered how many of them had been luckily enough never too have felt real grief or regret. As someone who has had to deal with significant lost on several occasions, there were many scenes when I found myself genuinely moved. It was often the scenes where Casey Affleck performed less or said nothing that really captured the feeling of grief.

In time of trouble and loss it's often that someone can become insular and feel that your alone in the world. The film captures this brilliantly and like De Niro in the early years, Affleck pulls off one of those rare films that doesn't feel like a film, so much as real life The positive I took from the film is that I was affected by the movie, I cried, I've had loss, I am not that different.

C.J. Wilson and Lucas Hedges were also very strong

My Verdict : Brilliant.
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Triple 9 (2016)
This isn't a bad movie but it's not brilliant
23 February 2016
Triple 9 is a dark and gloomy story, which feels strongly inspired by Michael Mann's Heat. Unlike Heat, the film/script doesn't give the characters enough substance to make us care for their outcome in the film. The ordeals of the characters came and went without me feeling any real emotions towards any of them.

This isn't a bad movie but it's not brilliant. There are a few of gun battle/action periods that are really well shot and entertaining enough to keep you interested in the film as a whole. It's not too predictable but there are not enough shocks or tense moments that you would expect from a thriller.
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Refreshingly Different - Beautiful Film
16 February 2016
I personally feel that this is the best animated film of 2015, surpassing even the highly acclaimed Inside Out and Princes Kaguya.

The magical story unfolds in a style that is so refreshingly different to the the standard computer animated films that have become far too commonplace. Song of the Sea has been constructed with lovingly drawn, hand detailed animation. The animation style is so simplistically real, yet the animators use their incredible story telling skills to allow you to feel an immediate closeness to it.

From the opening we are blessed in hearing the hypnotic "Song of the Sea" melody, within seconds it is clear that this film is something special. The song while beautiful, also perfectly complements the tempo of the film.

Massive praise to all those involved in creating such a beautiful film, well done, thank you and please carry on.
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Legend (I) (2015)
It's not a classic but ...
12 October 2015
First some facts about the film (not these are not spoilers) Facts 1 : Tom Hardy's performances as Ronnie and Reggie Kray are amazing. His acting, coupled with clever effects meant that within minutes you completely forget that these two characters are played by the same man. My partner thought that both Tom Hardys were very handsome – so I am presuming this will give the film a couple extra stars for the ladies.

Fact 2: The film should have been advertised as The Reggie and Frances story. This film centres on Reggie and Frances' marriage and is told by Frances. However, it fails to grip you into this turn of events. Frances is not overly likable as a character and the film fails to show the thrills that must have made someone fall in love someone such a Reggie Kray and while it shows the lows it doesn't overly play them. Yet the majority of the two hours was spent developing/reviewing this love story, it had the potential to go further but didn't live up to it.

So what about the film – is it any good? It was shot well, it had a feel of an Instagram account to it, which gave a sense of ease and comfort to watching.

My main complaint is the structure and tempo of the film. The Kray's have so much background material. If I were the director I would have built a trilogy for this story, there's a good cast coupled with a rather British fascination of the Krays which could have been developed well over time. Brian Helgeland's focus on the Frances and Reggie story seems to have missed an opportunity. The bad bits weren't bad enough, the glory bits weren't glorifying enough and the black parts were beyond obvious. The Krays have become a Legend over time, I am not saying that they are people who should be admired but they have none the less gone down in our history, this could and should have been utilised better.

The focus on Frances means that the violent and dark parts of the East End in the 60s don't come across. The voice-over by Frances could have been brilliant at implementing this but it barely scratched the surface.

The disappointing thing is that this isn't a bad film, it is actually quite good. It isn't boring, but it gives you a sense that it is growing into something that basically never appears - a climax than never happens.

It's not a classic, it's too long yet too short at the same time but it is worth a watch.
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Neighbors (I) (2014)
Bad Neighbours (a 15!!!!!)
23 May 2014
First the film is crude and rude, extreme and at parts immature - but I did I laugh at a couple of points.

Secondly, being an English graduate it's hard to imagine what level of fratboys culture (part of the films content) is actually true. I only hope that at least a percentage is true - and all these young American do have that much fun.

Thirdly, I didn't hate it, BUT I made sure from the start I didn't take the film to seriously, and I found it fairly funny. In the main Seth Rogen (Mac Radner) and Rose Byrne (Rose Byrne) did a goodjob at being the cute in love couple (in general you wanted them to win). The humour was on point - but obvious. Just before posting this I saw on IMDb lots of negative words - I have no idea why people are complaining about the content. When the saw SETH ROGEN did they think it he going to singing hymns and stuff???? Although on the one point I do wonder now what the hell you have to do to get an 18 certificate in 2014 - the film completely simplified the issue of drug as a teen age years and pushes quite a few boundaries. What do you have to do to be an 18????

Casting did well recruiting the world's cutest and best behaved baby of all time. Note to all non parents - Kids pick on your weakness - they know when you're tired. This is not at all real.

This isn't giving anything away but if you don't laugh at the airbags - you have something wrong with you. LordWagga
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Blended (2014)
If you enjoyed 50 First Dates, then you will enjoy this.
23 May 2014
Well first of all the current IMDb score (4.3) is very harsh - maybe because it's fresh out. The movies not a master piece but a sold comedy. If you enjoyed 50 First Dates (a decade ago - scary), then you will enjoy this.

From very early on you know where the film is heading - but the great thing about the film is the sweet way the film arrives at the inevitable destination. There are not too many twists and turns thrown to try and may the film something it's not - the direction stay focused on what the film is - a good solid "rom com".

Kevin Nealon (Eddy) character is great and other good supporting roles from Terry Crews and Abdoulaye NGom. Sit back, relax, don't think and forget life is serious for ninety minutes. Then you might enjoy. LordWagga
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Life Is Beautiful - years on still class.
7 December 2013
I recently noticed that I have scored a lot of films extremely high (on IMDb). The first time I had watched these films was many years ago. I thought out of respect to them films I should put finger to keyboard and comment.

My comments are: Firstly if you watch this film and it's not a movie that will have a lasting effect on you, then maybe film is not your medium. I suggest this could be the most perfect balance of hysterical comedy and serious drama ever made in film.

Secondly can any three words highlight a films content so strangely, Life if beautiful? The focus given to the strength of human nature in adversity but somehow delicately handling the Holocausts content.

Thirdly, the film could stand alone on the acting. Roberto Benigni incredible, the doctor who loved puzzles, the wife's portrayal of pure good nature – they could have all won awards.

Laugh and cry in the same moments is something that special – this film did it.

As a farther in times of stress and panic - Guido is still a role model in the back of my mind years on. LIB Respect Paid.
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Make a film not the book.
27 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The opening of the film is positive – I felt it had a strong definition and a good tempo. The early stages of the movie did a good job building motives and some of the confusion in the character development really did help build the plot. The film got to a critical point where something great could have been unleashed. Then just when you thought it was about to get good, that something was really going to kick in it didn't.

Firstly, the introduction of the other districts characters seemed rushed. Secondly, the fight scenes totalled a couple of minutes, the biggest fight scene with some monkeys (I know baboons) was poorly lit. I enjoyed the concept of Amanda Plummer's character discovering the time zones but this was never developed in the plot (I think the director just wanted her to act a little Pulp Fiction). I did think Jeffrey Wright's character was interesting and needs a little spin off series- how to kill people by science. However, the ending was lazy - the cliff hangers only purpose was to sell the next film in the series.

I actually got to the point during the tournament where there were a few little yawns – did anyone actually care when someone died? I wasn't even sad when the nice old bird got cannoned by the gas. In summary – the film starts with good tempo then moves into scenes which are disjointed and unorganised, most running at double speed during important moments. The film could be just so much better if Francis Lawrence had made a film and not tried to make the book.

Note, I do still recommend watching the film as its entertaining – and no disrespect to the book is intended in this review.
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After Earth (2013)
"What an earth" not "after earth"
9 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As a fan of Unbreakable, Signs or The Sixth Sense I was looking forward to Mr Shyamalan latest output. Secondly, I am a HUGE sci-fi fan and love most sci-fi movies I am that much of a fan that I can often turn the other way when minor flaws are present. SO WAS I Disappointed.

This film is not recommended - This film is just wrong in so many ways. It's not just the acting, it's the plot, the tempo and the "buy in" to the characters. Without adding a spoiler I do wonder if a little part of you will want the Alien to win if you manage to sit though the film to that point.

A lot of people walked out of my showing .. that is a review enough.

In summary, many films can be over analysed but this doesn't need to be – it's predictable, dull and so impersonal.
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Brilliant in nearly all ways
11 October 2012
To set the scene I try my very best not to watch trailers or see any spoilers to films so I can always review with my own eyes and mind. Today I have walked into 'Perks of Being a Wallflower' with no preconceptions or favouritism.

Verdict: The film is brilliant in nearly all ways. It's fun but not, it's happy and sad, it's got a simple story but it's deep. The film is class.

Directing wise, it was well shot and the film built brilliantly. The were scenes where the camera overlooks the skyline of the city (I don't know where) which made me want to hop on a plane, and I have just heard he wrote the book which makes me feel he was the only guy with the vision to truly make this film come alive. Director (I am sure you would never read this) - Please do this again.

Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, Ezra Miller ..well everyone. I think the casting choices were spot on – give the team a cigar, the casting was nearly faultless.

Just one other final point Paul Rudd plays a great inspiring English teacher – which I don't know if it was just me but the lack of true communication between the Charlie really worked – it gave the edge this film more into the world of Dead Poets Society than say something like .... well I don't want to say.

Boomskanka – Respect Paid to everyone involved. It's an ace film.

Also for anyone younger than me wondering what the song was after watching the film – it was Lord David Bowie - Heroes
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Underrated – Great Tempo
17 June 2012
I personally think this is one of the most underrated films of last year. In memory I cannot remember any film in years where the tempo is set so well. The film builds and builds like a crescendo to the final battle – which is incredible.

I really am surprised about really negative feedback/reviews on this film. What's not to like. I have now lent the DVD to over twenty people and nobody hasn't enjoyed it. Reviews saying the acting was poor – everyone is believable and consistent.

I only hope that the 'Power of Six' (the second book) is made - then the third then the fourth.

Respect to everyone involved.
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Its a long time since I walked
19 April 2012
I don't know this 'Mabrouk El Mechri' but Bruce Willis and Sigourney Weaver it cannot be that bad can it? Well I don't often write reviews and I am only normal prompted by three reasons :- 1. Ace film / everyone must see 2. Great underdog / unexpected delight / under the radar (Animal Kingdom / I am Number 4 ) 3. I actual walked out.

Unfortunately it's the latter - please note also it's a long time since I walked.

Why? Reason one - before anyone dies in any film. you have to give them a reason to like them. Two - If you've seen the any of the Bourne films and then watch this - you're going to think bad copy. Three – the lighting and editing was that bad I have booked an opticians appointment in case it wasn't the film.

Time will tell, but I worry that I have scored this film to high. Boomshanka
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