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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Boring and over rated
7 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really tried to like this series. Turned out it's really over rated and borderline boring. It takes 10 episodes to tell a story that could easily been told in 3. Everything has to be shown again, and again, and again. We know already that's everybody's suffering. We know that it's dreary, and dark, and that every woman that wears red is slaves. We don't need 10 hours to understand that. I have nothing against slow but when it's done just to be artsy and to fill out the programming time, it gets silly. How about some hope? How about some good plot twists, or at least some interesting things happening? Yes, I know you want to tell a story about religion, refugees, and what happens in a totalitarian state. But... doesn't everybody know that already. Don't you think the people who don't know would get it after... hmmm.... let's say Three hours? Do you really need to rub it in and press it down our throats? I don't get why this has got such a good Reviews. Is it just because it's PC?
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The Leftovers: The Book of Nora (2017)
Season 3, Episode 8
Excellent series with a perfect ending
6 June 2017
In series like this, that don't follow a certain template you always have to worry about the ending. There's usually more and more questions, and they never get any answers. But not this time

"The Leftovers" have been a wonderful and interesting series with great acting. You never known what was just around the corner, and you never felt that you seen it before in other series or movies. So it was with great expectations that I sat down to watch the finale. As always it took it's time, and as always you never knew what was going to happen. And, for once, I felt that the viewer was treated with respect and was served some kind of explanation.

Off course one can debate if it really was a concrete answer, and maybe it wasn't. But, still, the way I see it the ending was more than that, it was an insight that, maybe not everything has to be explained to 100%. Like in the title song, both from the second series and the last episode I felt like they just: "Let the mystery be". They left out just enough, and explained just enough for the ending to feel satisfying. Good Work, and thanks for all the great time I've had with this series.
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Twin Peaks (2017)
No story, no glory
23 May 2017
So were is the script? Was everybody asleep when they came up with this joke. I saw the original series when it came and it was fresh and interesting. Since then a lot have happened in the TV world and there is a lot of really good series around.

This is NOT one of them.

The original had a good, solid story, with good dialogue and a great cast. In that world they injected strange happenings and strange people. The base in reality and the fluid story line was what made the original series so good. This new joke has nothing of the original quality.

Here they have just put a lot of solo scenes after each other, with no glue to hold them together, or development of anything. You just sit and watch scenes playing, and as soon as you get invested in something, the scene switches to something else. Twin Peaks have become a soap opera, and not a good one.
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Santa Clarita Diet (2017–2019)
10 years too late
5 February 2017
I wanted to like this series, but it felt a bit dated. Maybe 10-15 years to late with all the blood and gore. So what's left then, well, that would be the actors. Right? Wrong! Not working either. They seem wooden and really not into the whole thing. Yes, I understand that this kind of show shouldn't be taken to seriously. But still, there have to be some kind of feeling for it to work. Some kind of hook that makes it good. With a lot really good series around, like Fargo, The Leftovers, Silicon Valley, Halt and Catch Fire, Bosch, Narcos, just to mention a few, it just has to be better than this. A good try, but way off the mark.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Boring, unlogical and silly
8 October 2016
I just can't believe the high rating of this soap opera. So, they are going to build a new set of hosts (robots) for a new happening. So let's put in a lot of money a lot of effort, and build the robots first. Then, after all that effort and work, let's present it to the old fart that's the boss - so he can say no. Let's have some boring dialogue and then some violence. Then, let's have some more boring dialogue - and... hmm, let's see... yes I know... some violence. Repeat. And while were at it why not have some dark and very unrealistic working environments were people operate on the hosts, were they program them and were they actually manufacture them. And then let everyone involved have a high degree of disrespect and contempt for what they really working with. Let's make a pair of surgeons act like a couple of clowns. And, another thing, isn't this theme park suppose to be fun? Then why are most of the high paying guests look like they are totally bored? And, I know, let's ad some confusing plot were someone are running around killing people, or hosts, to look for the secret... hold on... the secret maze. Wow, how exciting. This series are a big costly disappointment. Take a look at the original movie instead, it's much, much better than this drivel.
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Totally useless
25 September 2016
This is probably one of the most boring movies that I've ever seen. To be able to make such a boring viewing experience of an unusual event is a feat in itself. The story goes nowhere, the choices that that the persons in the movie does is just stupid and unlogical. There is no continuity, thinks just happen that its off to the next disconnected scene. And of course when there is no gas you continue to dance. I'm just so surprised that good actresses like these lend themself to crap like this movie. Didn't they read the script. And above it all the have to slaughter an animal to make it a little more artsy fartsy while their at it. How this movie got the green light is a mystery.
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Zero Days (2016)
Sponsored by Iran?
9 July 2016
If you think this will enlighten you about the technical details of the so called stuxnet attack. Think again. This movie is more like an attack on America and Israel. Iranian professional lobbyist and a critical American so called NSA spokeswoman (with a stupid digital appearance) all have a field day in this film. The NSA woman is almost silly in the obvious script she follows in her "interview". The movie just drags on an on and on. It repeats itselt and stumbles on political standpoints and Political correctness so much as it forgets to really tell the story about the ICT and software side that was so important about the so called stuxnet. If you really are interestet in the stuxnet please see the seminar for Google people by Carey Nachenberg instead. That gives you the real story without any politics.
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Bad stage play
26 December 2015
The problem when a director becomes too successful is that no one dare to say no to him.

They let him ramble on with hours of pointless dialogue, violence and boring back stories. They let him put the actors in a room for almost three hours, saying lines that are totally uninteresting. And they expect the audience to eat it up.

Just because it's QT who have done this, some fan boys, fan girls of the public and press will eat it up and praise it - just because it's done by QT. Any unknown writer/director and it would go straight to the DVD shelf. Well, bring a lot of caffeine and you might get through it. Or... just drink the coffee without the movie/stage play, and you will save both time and money.
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The Gambler (III) (2014)
Bad and pointless
30 March 2015
Why make a movie about a character that is uninteresting. Why make a move about a spoiled brat who wants to waste money? Why make a movie about someone who are not interested in anything? Or anybody? Why make a movie about someone who are born with a silver spoon, who get's a lot of money from his mom, but don't even thank her? Why do we as an audience want to follow, or root for a guy like that? Well, we don't. So why make a movie like that? The talent are there. All good actors, and actresses are wasted on a script that goes nowhere. Why make a movie like that? Well, I have no answer to that question. Why make a review about such a bad movie? The answer is; so you don't have to see it.
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16 January 2015
Really boring. Good acting, but nothing special. No script. Too dark overall and the cinematography are gloomy. I don't know why this has such a good rating, it's not any better than a broadcast TV crime show. The story never takes off. You are waiting for a point, or at least something that makes it interesting. It never comes. Suddenly it's over - and you are kind of glad it is. Even Jessica Chastain is under used and not up to her usual high standards. This is a movie that didn't give me anything. It's very strange that a movie with this amount of acting talent never give the impression of any real tension or story arc.
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The Identical (2014)
Just see it
1 January 2015
Sometimes it's refreshing to see a sweet movie that has some nice cinematography, good actors and no violence, for a change. Doesn't matter if it's faith based or not; it's relaxing and rewarding. We just have to lay our usual critical sense aside and enjoy the ride. This movie have not wasted money on excesses, it's all there on the screen, and for the budget it's really managed to capture the times nicely. This movie has a little bit of Elvis, the 50s, Jerry Lee Lewis, a bit of faith, nice cars, clothes and manners from times gone by. And, why not? It feels fun to see something that are sweet and in a way a little silly sometimes. That doesn't mean that it don't have real feelings and emotions, just that it's not pretending to be something it ain't. I saw this movie with an open mind, and I found the ride to be quite good.
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The Salvation (2014)
Doesn't work
27 October 2014
It's a good attempt - that didn't work. Some of the settings looks almost digital (maybe they were), and some of the acting have the same feeling. It was fun to see a swede and a danish actor, I'll give them that. But the rest of the actors overplay didn't amuse me the least. The plot is the basic revenge story. Nothing wrong with that, but here it doesn't work. It gets old quite fast. The sex scenes with the clothes are as uninteresting as the rest of the cinematic effects they don't achieve. Nope, sorry, better luck next time. But with that said, If you don't have anything else to do and are curious how a Danish western may look, please take a look. But don't expect anything special, because that it can't deliver.
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Great and underrated movie
15 October 2014
This is one of the movies I like a lot. Ever since I saw it in the cinema in the 80's I have returned to it over and over again. It still holds up today. The actors are great and the film handles topics that most movies today would not dare to. It's a world were some things are hard and some things are magic and everything in between that we are a part of for a while. Wes Anderson with "Royal Tenenbaums" and "Grand Budapest Hotel" owes a lot to this movie. Today this movie couldn't be made, at least not by main stream studios. The free flowing topics in the movie are just to taboo to handle for today's audiences and studios. That's a part of the allure of this movie, it goes everywhere and it's just for the audience to hold on and enjoy the ride.
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Hand of God (2014–2017)
31 August 2014
I don't get this. What was the point of this episode? Nothing was ever explained. Is this another series were there are more and more questions raised and no answers supplied? The only good thing about the series was to see what a good actor Ron Perlman is when he get the chance to play outside the action genre. Every story has to have some logic in it, and at least I couldn't find any in this one. It has to be a lot better than this if it's going to survive. Hope it will, but it probably won't. I was hoping for some special feeling of a higher meaning or at least some signs of it, but the series felt like it wasn't knowing if it was going to be about some supernatural thing or just about some guy who was losing his mind.
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Borgman (2013)
Really bad!
26 January 2014
Started up as an interesting movie. Became more and more strange. Suddenly no one was reacting to anything in a normal way Story became even more strange, then even boring. I really hoped things would catch on an became interesting again. It didn't. Suddenly it became even more strange without any explanation. Then it was over, the movie finished This movie seems to use the strangeness as a driving force for the story. It didn't work either. Actors? Hmm, uninteresting too. Why would any woman be turned on by the main character? I tried to see some redeeming qualities in this movie, Didn't find any. A movie is not good just because it's strange.
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You're Next (2011)
No, sorry...
4 January 2014
Spoiler (somewhat).

Somebody just got a arrow in the head through the window. So... what is everybody doing for the coming 20 minutes - positioning themselves in front of different windows. Again and again. Staying in dark rooms - alone- where somebody got murdered 10 minutes before. Come on! This is just stupid. How is this innovative? Cheap scare effects all the time. I just can't see why this has got such good reviews. There has to be some kind om reality built in every story, and this has none of it. The people just act stupid all the time, and I understand that people can do that in situations were they are afraid and chocked - but not all the time!
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Hope Springs (2012)
Great movie for grown up people
25 July 2013
Excellent actors with dialog you can believe. A movie made by grown ups for grown up people. Brave, funny and worth seeing for most people who been together for a couple of years. No big gestures, no comic characters, no shaky hand camera, just a good well written story. We recommend this movie to everybody who are tired of Hollywood popcorn movies for kids. This is a film that you can relate to, especially if you marriage or relationship has been going on for a couple of years. The actors were great and you could really feel how good they are. It was also nice to see Steve Carell in a serious role. Brave, funny and worth thinking of even after you've seen it.
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Extremely bad
2 December 2012
What a joke of of a movie. This is one of those movies that don't have any new tricks so it just tries to be bad, make bad characters good - and that just doesn't work. I am surprised that Billy Bob Thornton wanted to be in something this ugly. Must need money really bad to even lend his name to this boring and over violent embarrassment. To say that it have a story is to stretch it quite a bit. It tries to tell a story, it tries to make brain dead characters look cool, it tries to be something. But it's not. It also tries to be sexy but fail. Longoria tries to be sensual. She's not. All in all the movie fails at everything that a good movie succeeds at. Save yourself the trouble of wasting time on this. You'll be glad you did.
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Total Recall (I) (2012)
2 November 2012
How can they waste all that money on something this bad? Grey and brown sets with a Blade Runner complex. No story, just a lot of running around. And then more running around. The former wife just shows up everywhere. Yes I know that logic don't apply on this kind of films, but some realism is to be expected, otherwise it becomes silly. And the acting; well, it's all right but without any memorably appearances. The "original" with Arnie and Stone are way better. More good looking, more interesting, better directed, and with some humor and human touch involved. Avoid this and see the first one instead. You'll be glad you did.
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Could have been a good movie
22 September 2012
I wanted to like this as i really liked "Another Earth" - but I couldn't. The storyline was weak and never went anywhere. What could have been a really interesting story transformed into a lot of psycho babble. The actors was OK, but nothing special and direction fair but nothing special. The main problem as I see it was that the movie didn't fly. When you thought it would leave the ground it just sat there and nothing really happened in those long scenes that revealed anything new of the story. As I said, what could have been a good movie became not any more than a try for something different. I give one point for the try and one point for the movie itself.
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W.E. (2011)
No chemistry, no passion, no nothing!
2 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is the story of a man who gave up the kingdom for a woman and a woman who gave up everything for the man. Still there are absolutely no chemistry between them whatsoever. The movie totally misses it's mark. No passion, no sex, no feelings - nothing. You missed out on this one Madonna. I a movie are to show us how true passion is bigger than everything - yes, there has to be passion involved. And another thing - spoiler coming - in the contemporary story a woman are married to a cheating husband, who also abuses her - still SHE ask HIM: "Why won't you have sex with me". Come on... please! Why would she be stupid enough to want to have sex with a cheating and abusing husband? This movie really sucks and i would not recommend it to anybody.
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