
7 Reviews
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22 July 2005
The first Jeepers Creepers film was an entertaining if somewhat unoriginal film, and it drifted a bit in the second half. However, Salva's original looks like a masterpiece compared to his terribly realised sequel! The opening is stylishly shot and initially intriguing, but soon begins to grate in its approach. The same can be said for the rest of the film; it has promise but the tedious buildup lacks any kind of payoff. There is no tension, atmosphere or suspense to leven the tedium. When the creeper finally gets off his ass to terrorise the bus load of kiddywinks -and what a bunch of stereotypical dullards they all are!- there is no sense of horror or terror to the proceedings. The film is simply laughable. The actors are all bland and barely distinguishable, but more importantly, the characters are poorly written and charmless. The creeper looks rather crap when shown in closeup too much, lacking any sense of creepiness he had in the original; the cruddy flying element of the character only adds to the list of foolishly poor ideas the filmmakers bring to the table. The ending is also extremely protracted and obvious without any kind of payoff; its like watching paint dry fer chrissakes! Give this film a miss for the love of God! Its really not worth your time. I give it 1/10 but only because I'm feeling charitable! Watch the original if necessary, it at least provides excitement; this one makes you long for the untimely death of the films characters to numb the pain your senses are feeling, and so the film will FINALLY end. To think I sat through two hours of this kitty litter!
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Eurrghh!.. Appalling drivel
16 July 2005
Just in case anyone out there decides to watch this film. Don't! It will just be ninety minutes lost which you will never get back. Amanda is an unsympathetic actress, and Jonathan Pryce is as hammy as ever in a role so predictable and stereotypical that his dialogue brought a clanging deja-vu to every thing he uttered. Colin Firth is typecast again. In an awful film AGAIN! All in all this film makes me realise that Hope Springs wasn't so bad after all. At least that had a couple of charming moments among the clichés. What A Girl Wants is simply painful to watch; cinematic root canal! Also why does Amanda Bynes insist on one of those crap 'dancing like a berk while trying on clothes' montage scenes in every film she's ever made? GIVE THIS STINKER A MISS, and if you really want to watch an Amanda Bynes film for the love of God watch Big Fat Liar instead; that at least co-stars Paul Giamatti as 'Marty Wolf', and therefore comes highly recommended!
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Innerspace (1987)
Joe Dante Classic
10 July 2005
This 1987 film is a wonderful combination of sci-fi, comedy, romance and thriller elements. It is briskly paced despite being almost two hours in length, and features superb performances from the leads; Dennis Quaid is excellent as usual, as is Meg Ryan in her best role. Yet the plaudits must go to Martin Short in a truly great performance he has never matched. He just needs the right role. The supporting cast are great as well; the delightful villainy of Vernon Wells who is unrecognisable as usual! Also Robert Picardo camping it up superbly as The Cowboy, one of his most memorable creations, plus the great pairing of Fiona Lewis and Kevin McCarthy, who memorably says to his dog before feeding it: 'Never beg, never beg!' The cinematography and special effects/makeup are all great as well, and Jerry Goldsmith's score is brilliant, perfectly complementing the tone of the film, alternately exciting/sprightly/romantic. Joe Dante binds it all together with magnificent verve, plus Dick Miller makes his trademark appearance! A great, timeless classic. Highly recommended.
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Blade Runner (1982)
Best Sci-Fi film ever made
14 May 2005
Yes friends this is the greatest sci-fi film in the universe, and is one of the 10 greatest films ever made; Ridley Scott will never do a film this good again after having peaked with this, his third film. All of the actors are flawless down to the smallest roles, the visual effects remain unsurpassed -cgi? Pah!- and the art direction/ production design is awe inspiring. The film is mesmerising right from its opening, which is the best film opening of all time. The script and direction are superbly judged too. Only Silent Running comes close to this masterpiece. Other required sci-fi film viewing; Forbidden Planet; Star Trek 2: The Wrath Of Khan; The Empire Strikes Back; 2001; Star Wars; Star Trek - The Motion Picture; This Island Earth; The Day The Earth Stood Still; Mad Max; The Last Starfighter; Spacehunter: Adventures In The Forbidden Zone; Planet Of The Apes.
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Outrageously self-reflexive!
27 July 2003
Last Action Hero is an unbelievably self-indulgent film, but also an undeniably unique one; simultaneously both parody and homage of the action film, it demands several viewings to take in all of the references due to its sheer messiness. The parody is spot on however, and come the film's climax, I was surprised at how beautifully the film captured the appeal of the action film, and how affectively it had homaged it. The sheer assault of the film means that it is not for all tastes, but there are moments to treasure... 'To Be Or Not To Be... Not To Be!' BANG!
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Daredevil (2003)
Sheer class...
16 July 2003
Daredevil joins the likes of Superman 2 and The Crow in the ranks of the best comic book adaptations, and is superbly directed and acted throughout, maintaining a beautifully consistent sense of mood and pace without sacrificing the surprisingly well-rounded characterisations. A dark, thrilling, moving [and blackly comic] comic book masterpiece. All I can say to Mark Steven Johnson is roll on Ghostrider!
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Gideon (1998)
steaming pile of .........
15 June 2003
This film is so good ......... NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In actual fact it is quite possible the worst film i've ever seen it contains ludicrously homoerotic scenes of toe curlingly sentimental male bonding.

Which quite frankly makes me sick to my stomach.

my advice would be to never see this film,if you do make sure you bring a vomit bag because it is a steaming pile of concentrated excrement
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