
514 Reviews
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Wasteland Rage
3 June 2024
'Fury Road' will go down as an action classic. I mean, heck it already is in my mind, it's almost ten years old. 'Furiosa' adds to the story by being a prequel to obviously Furiosa, but all the factions we saw in 'Fury Road'. We now know more of the back story to them and why they do what they do.

As for the film itself, lots of action, a feast for the eyes, but unfortunately an overuse of CGI. 'Furiosa' will be compared to 'Fury Road' in every category, and one of the biggest differences is the CGI vs practical effects. 'Fury Road' is a masterclass in practical effects, and 'Furiosa' was sadly the opposite.

Great performances by all. Hemsworth is practically unrecognizable with that nose and teeth. I'm not always the biggest fan of Taylor-Joy, but she was very good too.

This is no doubt a summer blockbuster and should be appreciated as such.
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For Caesar
2 June 2024
I feel as though this rivals 'Dawn' for me as the best modern 'Planet of the Apes' film. If anything it's super close.

Stunning CGI. This is how proper CGI in 2024 should look. It was amazing. Wes Ball did a fantastic job, and I'm sure his apocalyptic 'Maze Runner' series helped him in establishing the look of the setting in this film.

This story had a lot of feeling to it. These were well developed new characters in a carefully crafted storytelling saga. It's a story about the journey as much as it is about the destination.

I thoroughly enjoyed this entry into the 66 year old franchise, and I'm excited for what they have planned for next.
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Rollerball (2002)
Stunningly Brutal
31 May 2024
This was just really hard to watch. One of the worst movies I've ever seen, and I'd say the worst remake I've ever seen. I actually don't mind when a remake is not a carbon copy and does a reimagining, but this was something else. The original 'Rollerball' had layers and concepts that invoked interesting thought. I'm convinced this 'Rollerball' killed millions of my brain cells.

The only potential redeeming quality would be the practical stunts. But that is absolutely it. Everything else is so bloody awful. I have an extremely hard time believing this film was actually made by John McTiernan. He's made some my all time favourite films, so I just don't know how it was even possible that he made something this bad. The writing, story, plot, and acting are atrocious. I really have no idea what they could have been thinking throughout the entire production.
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First Knight (1995)
First Knight, Second Rate
22 May 2024
It has to be said, this medieval film pales in comparison to films of the same genre during this time, mainly 'Braveheart'. Every single aspect of this film is less superior in comparison and it's not even close.

But looking at the film by itself; its not too bad, and has its own redeeming qualities. Some of the acting is a bit over the top, but Julia Ormond was the standout to me.

The tale of King Arthur and Camelot has been told many times, and this explores an older version of Arthur. That being said, 'First Knight' is ranked low on my list of films depicting Arthur and his knights of the round table.
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Rollerball (1975)
Was Never Meant to be a Game
21 May 2024
I always get a kick out of what the perceived future would look like to people in the past. That's not to say the people who made 'Rollerball' were trying to predict the future, I merely mean the esthetics of it all; music, fashion, technology. It's essentially the same as it was in 1975.

Anyways, the film itself is shows the world revolving around the ultra violent sport of rollerball. The world is run by corporations, and everyone is "happy" with all the struggles of life done away with. It's the argument or debate of freedom. If everything is provided, are you really free? You live a life that is laid out for you by someone else. Doesn't sound very free to me, and that's what the movie is about. Johnathan E. Revolts by choosing to keep playing rollerball.

I enjoyed the concepts of the film, it's the delivery of sci-fi in the 70's that I sometimes struggle with. I'm sure 30 years from now people will have the same struggles with the sci-fi films that I love. It's just how time and trends work.
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The Outfit (2022)
Master Class Manipulator
15 May 2024
Mark Rylance plays an expert cutter with a shop in 1956 Chicago, but hails from England. He's caught up in one crazy night involving himself, the mob, and others, all within his shop. Armed only with his intelligence and shears, he has to outwit all that make their way into his domain.

Rylance is brilliant and carries this entire film, it is absolutely nothing without him. Due to his character, and the time period/setting, the film has a ton of class. The film takes place entirely in one location, so it seems like it would be based off of a stage play, but you may be surprised to know it's actually an original screenplay.

I agree with the current rating of 7.2 and could even be higher, but definitely deserves no lower.
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Cobweb (2023)
Sister Gollum
14 May 2024
An underrated and fairly unknown horror from 2023.

This is by no means a masterpiece (I find very few horror films are), however, it is creepy and has a couple of twists that keep it fun.

Anthony Starr plays unhinged characters so bloody well (ie. Homelander). I really enjoyed his performance in this.

There were a few things during the final act that really held this film back. To keep things vague and spoiler free, I'll just say some abilities were hard to fathom as a viewer. There was a taste of 'The Purge' that also left some question marks. And there were a few other things too, but I digress.

But with most horrors, belief must be suspended and character decisions ignored in order to just enjoy the ride. If you're able to do this, you'll most likely enjoy 'Cobweb'.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Protect the Hive
12 May 2024
David Ayer made one of my all time favourite films with 'End of Watch'. Even though he hasn't really had any other films I've truly loved since then, I'll always tune in to his new projects.

'Beekeeper' is a typical one man army action movie, where the main character is brought out of retirement in an act of vengeance to inflict nightmarish brutality on those who have done him wrong. The feats of course are over the top and way beyond any scope of believability, but I'm here for it.

Jason Statham plays, you guessed it, Jason Statham. I don't have a problem with that; you know what you're getting. Another thing going for it, the bad guys deserve what they get, at least the main ones do. The sad part there are people like this in real life, just look around. The FBI agents are painful. I especially liked the line where she says something to the effect of a sensing a hidden British accent from Statham, like really?

The whole beekeeper analogy and it beeing a classified assassin program was a cool concept.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Creepy But Too Similar
11 May 2024
The movie overall and its effects looked good, and I didn't mind the acting at all. There are of course the typical bonehead decisions that are always made in horror films, though my biggest issue is with the story and how this entity or curse attaches itself to its victims. It totally reminded me of 'The Ring'. I haven't seen 'It Follows', but from everything I've read it's the same as well. So yes, that's my main criticism as well.

One thing for sure, it had me looking over my shoulder expecting to see some sort of shadow figure down a dark hall in my home. A shiver down your spine is to be expected.
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Argylle (2024)
So Wrong So Fast
9 May 2024
A bit of a love child between 'Bullet Train' and 'The Lost City', except 'Argylle' is so much worse than both of those films.

It's wild to think this movie wasn't actually too bad for the first half, heck even arguably the first two thirds were fine. And then it goes off the rails so incredibly fast and hard it really is difficult to believe. It begs the question as to why? It's a silly spy movie if course, but that doesn't mean go full stupid. Remember RDJ's line to Ben Stiller in 'Tropic Thunder' about never going full (blank)... yeah it did that. Never do that.

I hate to say it because she seems like such a sweet heart, but Bryce Dallas Howard was not casted well. Sam Rockwell can hardly do wrong, and he's the brightest spot here, but he can only carry so much.

Honestly, I just don't know what happened. It almost seemed like they were running out of time and slapped the last third of the film together and went "yup, that should work". That brings up another point, it was way too long. It dragged on and on. It just wouldn't end.
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Weakest Entry of the "Real" Ghostbuster Films
8 May 2024
I would rank this entry 4th among the Ghostbuster movies, so last (we don't talk about or even acknowledge that reboot abomination).

There's not really anything wrong with this film, it just seems like a bit of a safe family outing movie with a teen who is coming of age. Everything looked good and all, it just seemed a bit bland.

'Afterlife' had the perfect amount of nostalgia mixed in with their story and new characters. 'Frozen Empire' tries to continue that nostalgia formula with their established new characters, but it just comes across a little flat. The build up to the villain is long but then his reign of terror is very short lived.

The main thing to consider is that this film does no injustices to the franchise. It's all very much within the same vein and stays true to it's name.
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Bloody Punks
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Colin Farrell just does it for me. Actually, mostly everyone on this film did it for me. Knightley, Thewlis, and Winstone were all great in their roles.

The movie is an English gangster flick with a cool as ice Farrell. With an arsenal of quality actors and diologue, it had tons of potential, and sadly for whatever reason I can't get past the idea that it just doesn't utilize all of that potential. It's missing something, but it's difficult to say what exactly.

The ending is full of irony, and it's one that will leave you devastated, which I hate nine times out of ten and this was not the one time.
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Flipper (1996)
Dolphin Saves the Day
6 May 2024
A fun 90's film, that takes place in the Florida Keys and suitable for the whole family.

I can understand Elijah Wood's obsession with going to the Chili Peppers concert. I finally went two years ago and it was such a blast.

I watched thisvas a kid, but pretty much had zero memory of it. It's essentially a cross between 'Free Willy' and 'Into the Blue', except not as good as either of those films.

It's hard for me to shake the image of Paul Hogan as Crocodile Dundee, but he does well with his role. And who would have thought Wood would become the famous Frodo Baggins when this film came out. Not me.
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Western Epic Worthy of it's Extended Run Time
1 May 2024
This western epic has a lot of good things going for it. First of all, the cinematography is outstanding, especially in the extended version. Second, the effects, props, costumes, and stunts were amazing. Then, the acting is great as well.

'Dances with Wolves' is not a truly unique story, there are many iterations of similar told stories, and there have been many that have been told since this film. However, if anything, that only speaks to it being a story that people enjoy being told, and this film is no exception.

This is not my favourite Kevin Costner film, but it would be completely fair to say that it's his greatest achievement.
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No Pattern on My Quarter. Cut Your Own Path
30 April 2024
A coming of age story for a shy, angry, awkward, and unhappy 14 year old. It's a film with a lot of down points throughout, and many characters you'd love to just punch in the face, but there's some really great moments that will undoubtedly make you smile.

No dispute from me, this is a well made and well acted film. Steve Carell again shows of his range, because he's never been so unlikeable. Sam Rockwell, in true Sam Rockwell fashion, is amazing and extremely loveable. No matter who you are, if you're able to have that much of an impact on someone's life, especially at that stage in life, you are a hero.

The only thing that really got me, and this is not a criticism, it's a me not you scenario, is that it was almost too much awkwardness for me to handle. Just be ready for that.
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Bookmis in Seattle
29 April 2024
'Harry and the Hendersons' is an 80's classic, no doubt. Watching this nowadays makes me appreciate the effort filmmakers put in to make a decent suit that a person could actually wear and utilize prosthetics. If this was made today, there is no doubt in my mind Harry would 100 percent be done with CGI. That's just the age we live in now, for better or worse.

This is a great family film with a good message, and that's coming from someone who hunts, though not a proponent of trophy hunting. You could say the film is anti-hunting, but I think it's more about respecting nature.

Who knows, maybe Bigfoot, Bookmis, Sasquatch, or whatever name you may call him, is out there in the woods. And maybe he is a lovable giant, or maybe he'd just like to rip your limbs off. Whatever the case, I'd still like to believe there's a 0.1 percent chance he's out there.
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Papillon (I) (2017)
Stays True, but Lacks Heart
27 April 2024
A remake that stays very true to the original. It cuts down run time on certain middle sequences, while expanding on the beginning and ending.

The casting choices were spot on. Charlie Hunnam looks the part, and I could easily see Steve McQueen playing the same character, though Hunnam's acting was more reminiscent of Jax Teller in 'Sons of Anarchy'. Rami Malek, also looked and played the part of Louis Dega very well. I wonder if Dustin Hoffman watched it and what his thoughts were.

It's a good movie, but is ultimately inferior to its predecessor, as it doesn't bring anything else to the table other than what was already mentioned. The original had more emotional feel to it, and honestly seemed more brutal, even though the remake was more graphic.
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Campy Fever Dream
23 April 2024
Boy, the DCEU would have been much better off ending on any other note than this... which in my opinion is the worst entry of the DCEU (and that's saying something because 'WW84' was atrocious). And that's not even taking any of the Amber Heard drama into account.

Many times, I just found myself thinking, what am I even watching? It's non-sensical, and campy beyond belief. I thought the first one was bad in that department, but it has nothing on the sequel.

Patrick Wilson is the only actor that is actually okay. Everyone else, and especially Jason Momoa are just bad. The dialogue is seriously some of the worst I've heard in awhile.

My desire to watch this film was so thin, but I'm a completionist and felt obligated for some stupid reason and I hate myself for it.
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Civil War (2024)
Frontline Immersion
21 April 2024
It was a good idea to keep the sides vague as possible as far as politics go. If you're trying to figure out which side is democratic and which is republican, you may have a difficult time. There are elements mixed in from both parties on both sides. Case in point is the Western Forces consists of Texas and California. It intentionally avoids all discussions of politics and focuses solely on a country at war with itself, and the consequences of such a war. I applaud Garland for portraying the film this way. It opens the topic up to important discussions while remaining neutral and unbiased.

Dunst is very good in her role as war journalist/photographer. It's crazy to think how long she has been in this business (think 'Interview with a Vampire' and 'Jumanji') and she's done well in a wide variety of roles.

The final act was intense (along with many other scenes), but you definitely felt immersed and on the streets with the boots on the ground.

It was also great to see my Canadian dollar finally have some value.
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Shot Caller (2017)
Goes Hard
13 April 2024
No comedy or wisecracks with this one. This film is dead serious from the onset and goes hard all the way through.

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau has had many great roles throughout his career, but I'd say this is his strongest performance to date as a lead character. He is a force in this one. The range displayed with this character going from one spectrum of society to the complete opposite is shocking as it is convincing.

Not surprising that this is directed by Ric Roman Waugh, as he's known for good crime/prison dramas/thrillers with serious tones.

Truly an underrated gem that is hidden amongst a lot of other Hollywood trash.
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Road House (2024)
Meh, as Expected
12 April 2024
I'm not opposed to remakes. They can do their own thing, or a reimagining of the original, as long as it doesn't disrespect what came before. And I don't think this remake disrespects the original or Swayze. It does it's own thing, adds a modern flare, but keeps the core principle of the movie; a bouncer that cleans up a bar.

I always like Jake Gyllenhaal, and as with pretty much every role he takes, he was great in his role as Dalton and owned it. Billy Magnussen is always entertaining, but he plays a fairly generic spoiled brat character type in this one, but hey that's his role and so I can't fault him for that. McGregor's debut is pretty much him just playing himself, but even more over the top. It's like Liman whispered in his ear and said, "just be yourself, but crank it up to 20".

Speaking of which, I'm actually a bit surprised this is directed by Doug Liman. He's made some fantastic action films with stunning fight choreography and effects, but I have to say, 'Road House' was disappointing in both of those areas. The CGI was atrocious (the truck backing up on the bridge jeeezz). The CGI assisted fights were actually not horrendous, but needs work. I give props for maybe trying something new, but like they say, it's not always best to fix what 'aint broke.
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The Marsh is Full of Beauty... and Death
6 April 2024
I didn't know anything about this film, and just thought it looked interesting in a indie kind of way. I'm glad I checked it out.

The only actor I was any bit familiar with was David Strathairn, and I loved his character. It is so refreshing when there is common decency in the world, as we are so often bombarded with bawdiness. And so keeping that in mind, this film was very believable. I could see an outcast girl like that being taken advantage of and treated so poorly by those who should of been kind neighbours, except only a select few were.

The film itself and the cinematography are absolutely beautiful and worth a watch based on that alone.
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Best Live Action Talking Animal Movie Ever
4 April 2024
No CGI, all real animals, yet everything meticulously done with the animals welfare in mind. If you actually read up on how they achieved a lot of these scenes it's amazingly creative.

I have so much nostalgia with this film, but even so, I've watched it a couple times as an adult and I really don't think there's any denying that it's an incredible movie as much as it's an incredible journey. It definitely remains a staple of my childhood viewing. Shadow, Chance, and Sassy will always be three of my favourite movie pets.

The voice acting for all three animals is excellent, but Michael J. Fox really is something else. What an absolute gem.
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It's Been Emotional
3 April 2024
When the world was introduced to Guy Ritchie. In fact, the world was also introduced to Jason Statham at the same time.

By now, the world is very familiar with Ritchie's style, though he has been changing it up every so often (see 'The Covenant'). It's a style that I love, and many do. Does he always nail it? No, he doesn't, but he does more often than not, and in the case of his first feature film, he absolutely crushes it.

An interwoven British comedy gangster film with outstanding witty dialogue. Proof you do not need a big budget to make a fantastic film. A good story complete with coherent writing and above average acting will do the trick just fine.
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Yup, It Really Is Good
1 April 2024
I came in with huge expectations for part two. I expected it to be better than the first, and had heard nothing but good things from trusted sources. Well, I'd say those expectations were met.

It is by no means my favourite movie or anything, and even though I give it a 10, it's more of a 9.5 for me. It's got great action scenes, which are spread out through the lengthy run time (which is not a negative). The cinematography is amazing, which at this point, is just the standard from anything directed by Denis Villeneuve.

I got nothing bad to say about the acting as it's all pretty well top notch. I absolutely loved that Chistopher Walken was in this, though I would have loved to see him walk without rhythm (Fatboy Slim - Weapon of Choice reference).

All I gotta say is... they better damn well make a part 3.
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