
21 Reviews
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Whitewashed milquetoast blather
2 March 2020
Trying to figure out how a series based in the Canadian frontier is so....Caucasian. No indigenous tribes, no blacks (who had been in Canada since the 17th century)...not even any French.

Aside from the obvious plot rip offs from Little House and Dr. Quinn, this bland show has little in common with it's peers. The drama is minimal, the town is spotless and perfect and the cast looks like it was carved out of cream cheese. The women are all perfectly coiffed and made up, the men right out of the costume designer's idea of frontier GQ.

No grit, no grime, no blemishes. If you enjoy plot holes you can drive a car through and high school drama class level scripts, go for it.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Moving, hilarious...tragic
3 November 2019
The trailer for the movie had me scratching my head but as a HUGE fan of Waititi I felt I ought to give it a shot.

My best spoiler free review is that this is an original, outrageous film. The emotional gamut we are subjected to is whiplash inducing, but without the neck brace and ambulance chasing lawyers.

Every actor is perfection. Young JoJo and Yorkie are devastatingly earnest and so talented. Sam Rockwell is always a master. Every subtle satire is underwritten with a grim level of truth. The soundtrack n unexpected choice.

Go see it. Prepare yourself for quite a ride.
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R.I.P.D. (2013)
Seriously bad. Not even bad enough to be good.
20 June 2014
Just finished this on Tivo. Thank heavens I didn't pay to see this in a theater, thereby wasting money and a good date night. Decent concept for a plot ruined by clichés, TERRIBLE acting by everyone, mediocre effects 90% of the time and more clichés. It's like they were trying to mashup Ghostbusters and Men in Black but failing miserably with zero humor, zero charm and zero cleverness. Even Kevin Bacon is a complete waste in this film and I love Kevin.

Save yourself the pain and agony of sitting through this garbage and go watch something with a little less snore. This gets added to a very short list of movies I will never ever watch again.
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Speed Racer (2008)
Awesome fun with extra cheese
15 February 2014
I have NO idea why people are bashing this movie. I think they must be too old to enjoy it or have forgotten what a ridiculously bad cartoon (but in a good way) Speed Racer was.

I first saw this in the theater and had an absolute blast. It has all the goof factor of the much beloved original cartoon with plenty of modern touches. Bright..shiny..dash of retro.

Casting was awesome. Action was fun. Plot was perfect for the source material.

Just watched it again on Blu-Ray and I still give it a 10 out of 10. It was everything a movie based on a cartoon should be. No taking itself too seriously, right about of cheese.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
ohhhhh yeah!
29 July 2013
Before going to see Pacific Rim I had read quite a few mixed reviews. I really was sort of ambivalent about going to see it, even though I am quite fond of big action and monsters.

We opted to see it in IMAX 3D, which got a thumbs down from me (3D films should be filmed in 3D to really pull it off. Conversions are just weird in my opinion) but others in my group thought it really enhanced the action so use your own discretion.

After sitting through the movie, I have to ask... "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE??" I can't for the life of me figure out how folks could have issues with the movie. I thought it was a brilliant homage to the Godzilla movies of yore with a healthy dash of the fun of Anime robots but beautifully filmed and well acted by everyone involved. This is precisely what a summer popcorn movie is supposed to be. Just all kinds of exciting.

The action might be too much for the under 10 kiddos. I don't recall any excessive use of language or inappropriate sexual situations.
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Beautiful and poignant
4 March 2013
I laughed and cried my way through this sweet, sad film. The concept is pretty basic, an untimely death spurs a group of middle aged women to try and help the widow purchase a sofa for the family room at the hospital where her husband died, but it's how the story unfolds that makes this such a lovely movie. I am probably much younger than the intended demographic, but I just adore this movie. The actors are all on top of their game. Helen Mirren is her usually wonderful self and Julie Walters is always perfection. The other ladies are a great group of English performers I always enjoy seeing. Do yourself a favor and grab your mothers, aunts, sisters...whatever, and watch this one.
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Killer Joe (2011)
complete garbage
2 January 2013
This movie is terrible from start to finish. There wasn't a single person I cared about or a single line of dialogue that was interesting or well written.

I gather that this is supposed to be one of those "clever" dark movies where you can expect to be shocked but in the end love it because of the uniqueness and intelligence of the script. It isn't. The characters are boring, the plot is boring, the twist at the end is boring..quite frankly this could have been written by M. Night Shyamalan it is so boringly bad. Any shock to be found is there for the sake of shock - not for an actual purpose.

I don't understand at all comments by other IMDb folks going on about what a brilliant opus this is and how Friedkin "is back!" - as if he has done anything of note in the last 30 years (he hasn't). The man who wrote the script is no better. Tracy Letts has a smallish acting career playing minor parts and his writing career has even less to say for itself. If this movie is the grand high showpiece for Friedkin or Letts, perhaps it's time to find another career for the both of them.

If you enjoy movies with lots of nudity and violence and aren't big on cleverness, good writing or intelligent directing - this is the movie for you. I suggest though that you save your money and don't rent or buy it, wait for cable.
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Lots of fun - possibly a bit much if you are sensitive
31 December 2012
I won't use this review space to rehash the plot - I'm sure you've read it by now elsewhere. I'd like to simply talk a little bit about my thoughts on the film.

It's no revelation that Tarantino is a master of taking specific genres and giving them his special spin. Some efforts work better than others. This is one of them. Django Unchained is a love fest for those fond of Westerns (especially the over the top foreign ones) using an unflinching look at slavery as the back drop. This being said, prepare yourself for a lot of unsavory language. You sensitive types might have an issue here.

The violence is extensive, the deaths almost comically graphic and the humor...humorous. Foxx delivers his best performance ever in my opinion and DiCaprio was so greasy I felt the need to shower when I got home which was the intention I am sure.

If you are wondering if it is acceptable for kids - there is virtually nothing by way of sexual content other than mild discussion about it and nudity is less than minor flashes of boob and testicle but not sex related. Pretty much the only objectionable material is the almost non-stop use of the N word and other foul language combined with plenty of killing. I would say enlightened kids over 14 or 15 are okay. Honestly, the red band trailer for Seth Rogen's new movie that played before the film started was the most offending part of the evening.

This one fits in third for me after the Kill Bills and Pulp Fiction. Much much better than Inglorious Basterds which is at the bottom.
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The Sitter (2011)
absolute garbage
18 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a Jonah Hill fan, and I am not a hater of raunchy comedy, but WOW was this film just BAD.

When I first saw the trailer I thought it was pretty odd someone thought Adventures In Babysitting needed a remake. Now I can see it isn't a remake at all but a disgusting rip off.

You know what's NOT entertaining? A movie with a gross pig babysitting three kids and hollering Sh*t and fu*k at them every five minutes. You know what's even less entertaining? When the three kids are so horrible you feel no connection with them and could care less if they suffer. Oh yeah, and of course the kids are also running around hollering plenty of their own sh*ts and fu*ks. What were their parents thinking, letting them be in this crap? Ugh. I wish I could get the time I spent watching this back.
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So much love
17 December 2012
I was a little worried about going to see this movie after some of the early reviews going on about pacing issues and the length being unnecessary and so on.

Happy to say that my fears were unfounded. I loved every minute of the film and would gladly follow Peter Jackson on any journey he wishes to begin on film.

Rich a beautiful as one would expect, I enjoyed the way the story was presented using not just the book, but the extended appendices written by Tolkien as well. The story feels fuller and for a nerd like me it is pure heaven.

I have no issues with the small book being made in to three movies. It gives ample time to let fans soak in all the wonder and excitement.

There were some CGI issues I wasn't in love with, but they are minor. I saw the 2D version and had no problem. I hear the HFR version is pretty awesome, perhaps next time.

Ignore the critics. make up your own mind.
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Galaxy Quest (1999)
just awesome....
23 November 2012
What I love most about the movies, is when a film 'gets it'...when every thing and every one involved create some thing timeless. Galaxy Quest is that movie.

A brilliant homage to Star Trek, Trekkies and Trekkers, Galaxy Quest takes bits and pieces of the show and sweetly mixes it with a dash of Trek convention life then blends in some fantasy to produce a film both oddly real, yet decidedly whimsical.

The cast in brilliant in their respective roles. Tim Allen was great as the self-impressed Shatner-esque Commander role. Sigourney Weaver is hilarious as the blonde eye candy. In my opinion, the show stealer is Sam Rockwell playing the hapless glorified extra who just wants to be part of the crew.

If you love sci-fi, Star Trek, space movies or just comedies - this one is a mandatory watch. Good for the family too as there is no nudity or excessive foul language and violence is pretty typical for a mild TV show.
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Melancholia (2011)
God, I hate films like this.
24 September 2012
I heard SO much about what a beautiful movie this was. I looked forward to the day when I could Tivo it and give it a gander. Now, having sat through all bazillion hours of this mess I can say that if I never see another 'beautiful' movie again I will be a happy camper. The first 5 minutes are brain numbingly boring. I kept watching, knowing for sure no one would make a whole movie that horrifically bad - but boy was I wrong. After choking down the first five minutes like undercooked cream of wheat there were far too many hours of sick, mentally unstable people floating around their morbid lives trying to cope.

I am sure the whole "it's about depression" thing is supposed to evoke some kind of feeling, but I felt zero compassion for anyone in this movie except maybe the kid.

I would give my husband's left foot for those two hours back and the memory of having watched this art school masturbation project wiped from my brain.
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Contagion (2011)
yawn snore zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
23 July 2012
I didn't go in to this with any expectations. So-so cast, common movie plot...I was just hoping it lacked the silliness of Outbreak. After it was all over my husband asked me what I thought. The only answer I could come up with was "boring". The writing was dry and lacked any real pathos. We see people die - but it isn't tragic really. We meet characters and then they have no purpose to the story line. It's like a dozen little threads of semi- interesting concepts are suddenly cut with minimal fan far and no explanation. The whole movie plays out more like a documentary on what would happen if the planet was suffering from another flu epidemic of 1918, only less interesting. You get a little science, minimal character development, no proper resolution to anything...I think this one isn't even worth catching it on cable.
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Blessed (2004)
Unmitigated crap.
11 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was flipping past a channel that had this on the other day so I decided to TiVO it. I always enjoy a silly horror movie. Unfortunately this movie isn't just silly it's slooooow and stupid and boring. I'm not sure why they had to shoot it in a foreign country and dub a lot of the English in - it's not hard to tell it is not an American made film and this added to the crappy cinematography make what might have been a moderately bad movie in to a very unwatchable piece of trash. What a shame to see Andy Serkis's talent wasted.It isn't creepy, it isn't suspenseful, it isn't entertaining. Rosemary's Baby is a better alternative if you like this kind of film.
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The A-Team (2010)
Tons of fun!
28 August 2011
When I saw the cast of the movie I was really looking forward to seeing it. I have to say that I have really really enjoyed watching this! It's a great action movie with a solid cast. It had the humor I remember from the show but not as much of the cheese factor. The action was rocking and the effects well done. I am not sure why this didn't do better at the theater, but much like movies such as True Lies, The Expendables and Red, the A-Team delivered what I was expecting - a couple of enjoyable hours having a blast watching things blow up. Congratulations to the scriptwriters for making a 'based on the TV show..' movie that didn't suck for a change!
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Better than I thought it would be, thought provoking!
27 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of all things musical, but I had avoided this one because I was not interested in watching what I assumed would be a "praise Jesus" kind of thing. This year I finally let curiosity get the better of me and sat down to give it a chance - and I am glad I did.

First, let me speak of the performances... Ted Neeley was just outstanding and Carl Anderson did a powerful job. I was not as thrilled with Yvonne Elliman as Mary Magdalene but that is just a personal thing. Her voice is not my favorite. I had no problems with her acting. The music was well done, if a little repetitive at times.

I can't give a review without speaking of the theme and tone of the movie, and if you are wary of spoilers this is probably where you should stop. I have to say I was surprised to see the story evolve from the POV of Judas...dear friend to Jesus, but who is growing frustrated with what he thinks is Jesus's becoming too fond of his own publicity - losing track of the good that he and his followers could be doing instead of being treated (and acting) like a cult hero.

Well worth a watch, even if you are anti-religion like me. Put aside all the preconceived notions and nonsense about the film being anti-jew and just experience it.
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Paul (2011)
Seriously enjoyable
27 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Let me begin by saying that Paul is a movie by nerds for nerds about nerds. If you don't enjoy movies that glibly poke fun at themselves and fan-boys, you might as well go watch the King's Speech or something. Paul is not meant to be high brow, cerebral entertainment. It's meant to be funny and does an excellent job of it. There are a ton of giggly 'did you find the hidden (and occasionally not so hidden) reference to a beloved sci-fi film' moments that will appeal to all of us who live for space aliens and epic comic book movies. There are curse words and other cringe worthy language in such abundance you might want to leave the under 16 crowd at home but not much worse than that aside from continual references to boobs. Enjoy the action, enjoy the fun and leave the moral subplots to the foreign films.
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Children of the Corn (2009 TV Movie)
OMG..someone kill me
31 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
There are not words enough to describe how bad this nonsense is. First off, I should have known better and I know I should have known better. It was on the SyFy channel. This should have been clear indication alone that it was going to be garbage...but I love Stephen King so much I was hoping for a miracle. I didn't get it. Someone needs to just shut SyFy down or pass an act in Congress forbidding them from any more of this type of made for TV movie crap. If Sharktopus couldn't do it..this one should. The plot was so far away from the story as to make it almost unrecognizable. The characters were totally uninteresting and wooden. I was actually hoping someone would kill the wife after 5 minutes of film. With pain. The kid actors are all just god awful. Not a star among them. Blech blech blech. I need to go watch Showgirls to get the yucky feeling out of my brain.
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Entertaining Film
24 November 2010
Watched it with the hubby tonight and I have to say I enjoyed myself. I went in expecting a blow-em-up testosterone fest and that is what I got. No, no great world socioeconomic problems are, this is no Oscar contender. It's an action movie and nothing more. With the exception of being distracted by Stallone's bad plastic surgery, I was overall pleased with the film. All of the men were on their game in this one and it was nice to see Charisma Carpenter, who seemed to vanish after Buffy/Angel went off the air. It's a wonder no one thought of making this a long time ago when the guys were a bit younger. Let's hope they don't start cranking out cheap sequels.
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RED (2010)
SO much fun! Don't miss it!
24 October 2010
I think everyone knows the plot by now so I won't get in to the details. What I want to say is, this movie ROCKED. It was fun,clever, action packed, sweet in places, fun, and..oh yeah..FUN! I saw it with a good sized audience in the the theater tonight and everyone was laughing and oooohhhhhing and clapping and having a great time. This is exactly what an action movie should be.

The cast was excellent. Bruce was at his Bruce-y best. Morgan was sweet and suave. John Malkovich was freaking hysterical in every scene and Helen Mirren managed to make blowing up the enemy look like it was nothing more strenuous than combing her hair. She was all class and grace. If I had one bad thing to say about this movie it was that there was not enough Helen Mirren in it.

Don't listen to the negative nellies who hate everything that comes out these days. This movie was fantastic. Everyone from my 13 year old son to my 75 year old mom loved every minute.
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The Box (I) (2009)
Just awful.
24 October 2010
I am not going to bother discussing plot details. This movie was just the worst. Cameron Diaz and James Marsden are wooden and uninteresting. I wasn't emotionally involved with any aspect of their plight. Even the young man playing the son is stiff and unlovable. Can someone tell me what's up with the goofy accent? Do people in Virginia sound like they are from Georgia? I can't think of anything this boring since Artificial Intelligence came out. I turned The Box off halfway through and I am not going to finish it.

They took what could have been a good suspense film and turned it into a mind numbingly slow paced piece of garbage.

Skip this one and save yourself the agony. I wish I had.
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