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I wanted to love it, I really did, but....
5 May 2013
Iron Man 3 has a lot to live up to after the huge success of last years Avengers Assemble, so a lot was expected for this film to take Marvel Phase 2 to a whole new level. Sadly, in my honest opinion and not stating this as a fact, I was not won over by Mr. Stark...To me, Iron Man 3 was going down the right path until it took a complete U turn and plummeted after a huge plot twist. I also felt like Rebecca Hall's character was not satisfyingly fleshed out as her character had a lot of potential to carry parts of the film, sadly this was not the case. Those were two major criticisms of Iron Man 3.

I would like to comment on Tony's dealings with the experience of 'The Battle of New York', I completely understand why they chose to stretch out Starks character development by showing a bit of humanity and emotional depth, however, due to the numerous references to Avengers Assemble, sadly the billion dollar summer blockbuster casted a huge shadow over this kick off to Marvel Phase 2...yet again, I understand what they were trying to achieve with focusing on how Stark is coping after 'The Battle of New York' but for some reason, I just couldn't connect with his character within this film. However, I would like to strongly emphasise that I don't hate this film, it's just that it didn't connect with me and sadly I wasn't swept away by Marvel's recent outing.

The positives of the film are the characters. Partlow's character definitely stepped up from her previous outings, she definitely played a vital part within this film. I loved the scenes with Stark and a young boy he encounters, it's like he sees a younger self within this boy and learns a lot about himself through this encounter.

Great visuals and an amazing "battle" scene at the end of the film. Overall, a decent outing that sadly did not allow myself to immerse myself with this adventure of a blockbuster.
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
A beautiful and sophisticated sic-fi blockbuster, with a hint of blandness...
5 May 2013
Referencing to the Tom Cruise canon, Oblivion is a stronger effort than Jack Reacher. Mr. Cruise can still make taking down the bad guys look cool, however this is not his finest hour yet it is far from his worst.

Oblivion has an eerie and beautiful feeling in regards to the scenery and visuals. The whole production design was sophisticated and had a crisp feel to it. Overall however, I feel that Oblivion had the potential to be a strong outing for Joseph Kosinski yet the third act did not deliver. The film starts out as a simplistic and imposing, Jack Harper (Cruise) feels a strange connection with planet earth and has doubts about migrating to Titan with Victoria (Riseborough) How the film dealt with Harper's connection with a planet lost from the grasp of hope and life allowed me to engage with the film. Yet, the second half of the film felt like it escalated at a quite rapid pace and the conclusion felt slightly rushed. Oblivion should have stayed with its personal and raw approach rather than levelling it up to a hashed conclusion.

The action is not being criticised, but it should have been dealt with a more steady pace. Apart from that, Oblivion is a decent sic-fi which does provide some form of excitement. Focusing on the positives, the soundtrack gave Oblivion a sense of depth and the potential for the film to be epic.

Oblivion is far from a disaster, it's just failed to reach for the heights of an epic sic-fi blockbuster.
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An arcade version of "Toy Story" (1995)
16 December 2012
Disney are amazing. Over the past 80 or so years they have brought us endless classics and memorable characters and stories. But when they break away from their traditional fairy tales or from their traditional cel-animation (eg. "Meet the Robinsons" (2007) and "Bold" (2008)) they aren't as beloved as a Pixar CGI animation is. In my opinion "Wreck-It Ralph" follows the patters of the two films mentioned above, so I was hoping that Disney could make a really enjoyable CGI animation solo. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed "Meet The Robinsons" and "Bolt" but they didn't live up to the likes of "Aladdin" (1992, "The Little Mermaid" (1989), "Tarzan" (1999) etc. However, with "Wreck-It Ralph" they have produced one of their best solo CGI animation to date.

This film reminded me of an arcade version of "Toy Story" (1995) which is a compliment. It was sheer genius how they translated an arcade gaming world into a film world, and how the arcade gaming characters would occupy themselves after playing hours. Also how the depicted the good and bad characters was really interesting and enjoyable to watch. Disney allows us to feel sympathy for the villain which is interesting, because as it is mentioned in the film, the "bad guy" is just a label, it doesn't make them bad people. It's hard to explain without giving any spoilers, but I can say the message of the film is really ironic and clever how they used a traditional message and altered it in a unique way.

The story is decent enough. Bad guy wanting to break out of the mould and be the hero and win a medal for once. But his encounter with Vanellope von Schweetz is really special. Her character is so adorable and is very easy to relate to. It kept you watching because it is a unique film so you didn't know entirely where the film was heading, and it came with many thrills and surprises.

Despite it's interesting and enjoyable characters, I wish they did feature more of Sonic and characters from his universe. I didn't know the majority of the gaming characters so I was really excited when seeing Sonic on the posters, so was a little saddened at the 1% you see of him within the film, but it didn't hinder the enjoyment of the film. Also, despite the story being really unique and enjoyable, I wish they included more arcade gaming worlds. This is just a minuscule criticism.

Overall, an enjoyable family film with a fresh story and fun characters.
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A potential for an amazing trilogy
13 December 2012
Finally Peter Jackson graces us with the prequel to the best film trilogy (The Lord of the Rings) with "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey". Obviously people are going to draw comparisons to the two, however, we have yet to see the completion of The Hobbit Trilogy so it's hard to make a strong comparison just yet. But we can see that there is a different tone for The Hobbit, a lighter tone with humour sprinkled on the film which is done in a tasteful way.

First of all, praise has to go out to Martin Freeman for an amazing portrayal of Bilbo Baggins. He looks the part and plays a certain naivety and innocence and we get to see his character development throughout the film, and there is enough room for his character to develop throughout the trilogy. As a LOTR fan it was a treat to see Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel, Saruman and Frodo within this new Middle Earth adventure.

The Hobbit is full of great adventure and epic scenes. Favourite scene is the riddle scene between Bilbo and Gollum, it was so simple and engaging, to see two contrasting characters interact the way they do. The dwarfs are a great bunch, and praise for how their songs were included within the film.

Initial comparisons of the two (LOTR and Hobbit) are that The Hobbit has a lighter tone, which is enjoyable. Yet I loved the more serious and epic tone to LOTR. The Hobbit has room to progress as we see stronger character developments and the adventure is assumed to get more dramatic and epic. This is not a criticism, as the first film is an introduction of what is to come, and what a great job Mr. Jackson has done. I just know that there are more exciting things to come, given from what I have seen from this amazing kick off to a new and potentially epic trilogy.
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Everything came together
21 July 2012
Now I think that this film was different to what I expected. I expected more of an action story plot like in "The Dark Knight" (2008) however, it felt like Nolan took the approach where he wanted to show how everything from the previous two films gave off something, for this film to deal with and for it to bubble up and explode. It's hard to explain but the main thing that I loved about this film was it's message of rising up against everything that is against you (could have easily used a title of a song to explain my point, but I resisted to urge to sound cheesy) Bruce Wayne has been in exile for 8 years and now has to "rise", but it's how he does which is brilliant. He slowly gets back into the game but I loved how he found his purpose to become Batman again, not just the typical one of becoming a symbol for the people, but more of a personal reason. The fight scenes between Bane and Batman were breathtaking, it was amazing to see Batman find his physical match.

It's wrong though to dismiss the involvement of Hathaways's amazing take on Catwoman. Slick, ambiguous and "adaptable" she was just so cool! The chemistry between Hathaway and Bale was great as well. The great thing about watching this film is that there are so many surprises that were thankfully hidden from the heavy promotion of this film, It was just genius. Let's just say it all came full circle. The cinematography was beautiful, cinematically breathtaking and the production design was to fall in love with. Hardy was just exceptional as Bane, menacing and brutal he was a great choice for the villain of this film. I think it was clever how Nolan decided to choose a different type of villain from the Joker, it makes both of their performances distinct and you don't have to compare their performances. They are both amazing in their own right.

Hanz Zimmer does not disappoint, his eerie yet inspirational feel to his music is a perfect marriage with what is happening on the screen.

I think it will take a while to sink in, because like I said it was different to what I expected, but Nolan is a genius in concluding this masterpiece of a trilogy.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Unique, fresh, enjoyable
2 June 2012
Prometheus is a fresh, different and unique film. Yes it is argued a prequel to Alien, but in today's landscape of film it really does stand out. It had the right balance of scares, shocks and time for the plot to develop and to be engaged with the characters. At the end of the day it is a really good sci-fi/action film where, because it is different, you were unsure where events of the film would lead to and you were unsure of the fate of some characters. Ridley Scott managed to draw you into this world (it even works in 2D) and you don't question the credibility of anything until the end when you remember, it is just a film. The whole cast were brilliant: Noomi Rapace lead the film amazingly, Charlize Theron managed to pull off this cold and heartless character and so on, but Michael Fassbender was one of the standouts of this film. Playing robot David, he portrayed his character as a cold, mysterious and interesting character who has a big part to play in the film. It felt like Ridley Scott gave us about 90% (in a good way) because he doesn't want to give too much away. It felt like that he wanted us to feel like we wanted to see more, equalling a possibility of a sequel. Prometheus manages to be an engaging, interesting, enjoyable, unique and clever sci-fi film which at the end makes you want to see more of this world Scott has created.
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An Imposing Film
24 March 2012
I will firstly say I have not read the book, but what appealed to me was the content of the film. This has exceeded my expectations of how effective and impactful the film is. This film is so engaging, you constantly try and put yourselves in the characters position and try to imagine how they would be feeling and how you would deal with the situation. The pre-game part of the film has a steady pace, nothing riveting but a good enough pace to set up the main characters etc. But as soon as they enter into the arena....It goes up a whole new level. It is so tense, whilst I assume watching it a second time it may not be as tense, you can never stop thinking, "what would I be like in that situation?" Jennifer Lawrence was brilliant in this film, I knew that this film would be good because she can act. Josh Hutherson wasn't bad, he fitted well into the film. The camera style was very modern, fast paced and had a lot of quick editing. I can't give too much away but I can say it will keep you at the edge of your seat! The murders were very quick, but still effective. It was quite shocking but yet again, you keep thinking to yourself, "would I kill people?" or "how would I feel knowing I can be killed any minute?" It is a really engaging film with the right amount of pace and action at the right time. They made it feel real, not manufactured emotions or clichéd moments, but it was very gripping and enjoyable. Don't be sceptical just because of all the hype, it actually has a reason and has the right to receive all the hype: Because it's awesome.
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The Artist (I) (2011)
Actions speak louder than words
26 February 2012
I love this film. It's just as simple as that. But I'll explain why I found it to be so enchanting and perfect. I loved how they handled the subject of the rise of the talkies, despite the fact this film is a silent film....If I told you how that would be a spoiler for you. Jean Dujardin (George Valentin) and Berenice Bejo (Peppy Miller)had an amazing chemistry on screen. They really stole the show. But what has to be credited and ofter overlooked is that the fact they only are allowed to capture the audiences attention for about an hour and forty minutes with expression and movements only, no dialogue. That is impressive and not once did I find myself falling asleep, because the enthusiasm of Jean and the sweetness and jolly manner of Berenice was so enjoyable to watch and you know what the say, actions speak louder than words. Of course the dog, Uggie, was beyond brilliant. The music of course was also the star of the film, the music alongside the actions of the actors is vital in terms of trying to convey certain emotions across to the audience. It was so beautiful and perfect for what was taking place within the film. Don't let the fact it is a silent film put you off, because it is so much fun and it is so lively that you can't stop smiling throughout the whole film. The film meets up to the critical acclaim this masterpiece has received, it does not disappoint.
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Hugo (2011)
An innocent film with a good message
25 February 2012
I was worried walking into this film, mainly because I hoped the film would meet up to the praise that the film has rightly met, but my mind was put at ease during the opening shot and straight away the film captured the beauty of Paris. The whole visual of the city was polished, sophisticated and artistic. The production design has to be praised. The synopsis does not give away what makes this film so magical, and this is a good thing too. But what I am allowed to tell you is that it actually has a good message about how Hugo believes the world is like a big machine and that everyone must have a purpose in it, just like a machine's parts has purpose for the machine it will become (if that makes sense) The film had such an innocence and a comforting feel to it. Asa (Hugo) and Chloe (Isabelle) were quite good, I don't really like them as actors to be honest (I like the boy much better than the girl though) but I wanted to not let that spoil the film for me, and it didn't. Because they actually fitted quite well into the film, they had a good screen chemistry. The whole film is a great homage to cinema as well (but I can't tell you how they do it otherwise it would be a spoiler) watch it for yourself and you'll see what an amazing film this is. Who knew Martin Scorsese could make a clean film without anything offencive in it? ;D
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War Horse (2011)
Are you serious?
18 February 2012
First of all, I want to acknowledge the amazing job done with the technical side of the film. The whole look was polished and beautiful. The scenery and even the war settings were amazing to look at. Also the horse was amazing, I loved it and he definitely steals the show (even though Joey is a stupid name for a horse) However, did the film move me? no. I found it so hard to believe that after four years Albert would still care about trying to find the horse, there is a war to fight and all he can think about is his childhood horse? I know it's based on a children's book but the film seemed to try to "grow it up" but even so I don't understand how this is entertaining for children. Also the film focuses about 60% on the horse and only 40% on the boy, but because the focus is mainly on a character who can't talk you focus on the people he is with and they are mainly bland and also he encounters many people so you don't get a chance to know them. It seemed quite rushed and I think it would have been more interesting if they followed Albert more. The film should have either been just about the horse and the boy on the farm and how their relationship goes or more about the action and the war. It was like two rushed films in one. It was close to perfection, and it has potential, but at the end of the day...the characters weren't that interesting to care about and the over enthusiasm of Albert over his horse (during the war) was unrealistic in my opinion. This is a great afternoon film when there is nothing to do, but not a cinematic motion picture. Are they serious that a war film can be a soldier who instead should be focusing on fighting for his country he instead long for a horse who realistically may have forgotten about him? I'm quite disappointed in Spielberg, where was the suspense and excitement that he injected into "Jaws" or "Raisers of the Lost Ark"? It wasn't a bad film at all, just bland. I may enjoy it on an afternoon in, but not enough to rave about it.
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Chronicle (2012)
A fresh approach to the Superhero Genre
18 February 2012
This is what you call entertainment! I loved the new approach they took on the superhero genre, instead of automatically becoming the hero of the world (aka America) they explore their powers and use them for first. Andrew (Dane DeHanne), Steve (Michael B. Jordan) and Matt (Alex Russell-who looked A LOT like James Franco) were brilliant in the film and they were a great trio to entertain the audiences. All different in their own right, but their powers bring them together. I loved how they used their powers for fun, to play pranks on people at first, because that is realistic (I know gaining powers isn't, but IF you did...this is what might happen) and it is funny how they explore their powers. The chemistry these actors had was great and fun to watch. But there is more to this film than just playing around with their powers...the shocks and events that occur are brilliant and keeps you watching to see how things pan out. I loved the found-footage style, it made it more raw and easier to connect with the characters. I'd like to explain I loved superhero films where they automatically become the new icon for the city to look up to, but this was unique, and it was nice to see something a bit different on how they handled this genre.
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The Muppets (2011)
11 February 2012
"The Muppets" manages to offer something to all ages which they can all enjoy together. This film just gives you such a positivity and an uplifting feeling because of the amazing characters and the beautiful connection they all have. The editing was brilliant in the film, in terms of how they spoofed various editing techniques. For example, to recruit all the Muppet's instead of individually gathering them one of the characters offers to finish the job by using a montage, also to travel long distances they keep referring to travelling "by map" (like they do in Indiana Jones etc.) and how they keep saying how they have had to sing a song about a various situation. It just felt like they weren't taking themselves to seriously and it was light-hearted in everything they did. The leading characters: Jason Segel, Amy Adams and new edition Walter did an amazing job at keeping spirits up and giving really enjoyable performances. Of course, the Muppet's themselves have to be applauded. I loved how they explored Kermits and Miss Piggys relationship like a proper modern day relationship, it was very very humorous. I felt like Disney really gave everything to this project, it was well thought through in how they addressed the Muppet's decline in popularity and how they were going to revive themselves in the public's perception of them. This film wasn't a cop out film, a film just to make money, it felt like this was a story that needed to be told and that leaves the door open for many new and fresh Muppet's adventures.
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The Grey (2011)
29 January 2012
The trailer promised an action packed, adventure filled epic film to kickstart 2012. Of course with Liam Neeson fronting the film you assume the film will have quality and depth. It looks like a chilling and interesting film. However, after watching 10 minutes of it till the end you understand that it is far from your assume. The main criticism which I assume many people will have no problem with, but which offended me greatly, was the constant swearing. I must have heard over 100 F words...or more! As well as blaspheming and other foul language. I just saw no point in it whatsoever. It's as if the script writers were raised on using the F word in every sentence, every character used the ill fated word in every line they spoke. That aside, even the characters were hard to warm to and engage with. You didn't care if they lived or survived, because you had little time to get to know them. Also (for reasons known I'm not allowed to reveal the ending) but the ending was a huge disappointment. Liam Neeson wasn't at his usual best unfortunately. There is no point to this foul languaged film and you just feel like you have wasted 2 hours of your life. Do not see this rubbish!
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It had great potential.
15 November 2011
Not a bad film. It could have been a 4 star film if maybe the played with the narrative earlier on but the plot itself is actually quite good and the best bit is the whole blowout at the end. Daniel Craig is brilliant in this film as being himself an Englishman his American accent is really good and his character as this mysterious lone ranger is portrayed really well. Harrison Ford does not disappoint as his supporting role is really good that he almost comes to the same level as Craig (in referring to the amount of focus the film has on the characters). Oliva Wilde is good, at first seems like an ultimate stalker for wherever Craig is at the beginning she is right behind him...being stalkerish. But she turns out to be not such a creep as she appears to be later on. The appealing thing about this film is the generic hybrid of the western and alien invasion genre and it's interesting to see how people of a western era react to an alien invasion, instead of seeing how people of the present day react (as it has been done before, not a bad thing though) so if you're unsure about this film, it doesn't hurt to check it out! However it can be pretty violent, maybe should have been a 15 rather than a 12A certificate. Oh well
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The Help (2011)
15 November 2011
"The Help" manages to not only tell a powerful story but it also has a lightness about the film. This is seen in the unlikely friendship between Skeeter, Aibileen and Minny. Emma Stone steps out of her comfort zone to play the cleanest character yet, she plays the role of Skeeter convincingly and is great to watch. All the cast were top notch and delivered great performances. At times it felt effortless, in the way the narrative played out, to the chemistry and the development of the characters, it all felt natural and enjoyable to watch. This is like the American version of "The King's Speech" (2011) in terms of how the Americans have taken to this film like the Brits did with the Colin Firth led drama. Yet, you don't feel alienated or isolated and instead you watch a tragic yet heart warming story. A watch for all to see.
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Good old fashioned fun, in a new form of technology
15 November 2011
An old school action adventure story! Spielberg and Jackson manage to bring this boy hero to life on the big screen with amazing technology and with a great cast! There were some amazing action sequences which were pulled off really well, especially for a motion capture flick! This film has a lot of stand out moments which you would normally expect in a live action adventure film. Also a technical point, the editing was so different and unique. The transition cuts from one shot the the next were genius, they blended in to each other so well and with such style and class. For a person who never heard of Tintin before, I really enjoyed it and recommend it to everyone of any age! This is like the teenage version of Indiana Jones, Great family fun!
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15 November 2011
Trash! I am using an American word because in this film they spoke in American accents....WHEN IT IS SET IN France! Honestly! don't people care about authenticity anymore?! I would give it one star but it's surprisingly good storyline allows it to be given another star. Logan Lerman as D'artagnan is the major anchor in the cause for this film to stop becoming a good film! With his fake looking wig, he brings the most unashamedly American attitude to the film when he is meant to be a humble French farmer boy in search of becoming a hero! All the actors managed to deliver such cheesy and disgraceful lines which could destroy ones careers! Using words like "cocky" and a couple of swear words was just stupid since they wouldn't have used words like those back in the day! The only stand out performance was James that says something about the quality of the film! But like I said before, the storyline makes you at least want to stay until the end of the film. In a period drama piece you either use English accents or English language with a French accent! Not with an American accent!!! They could have done a much better job, the story was there but the acting and scriptwriting was not
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A thought provoking blockbuster!
15 November 2011
This film really makes you think, not in the whole animal hugging type way, but in a way of following the main characters. Ceaser, the ape who starts the whole riot, shows that actions speak louder than words. For the audience have to watch Ceaser and try and "read his mind", so to speak. The whole development of the rise is very well done, not to fast and not to slow in pace. The human characters are also a joy to watch, James Franco and Freida Pinto are really good in this film. Tome Felton? meh (good thing he's not the main character) the rest worked really well in the film. Don't expect the whole world to be overtaken by apes in this one film but expect to see the beginning of the growth of the apes domination over the whole world. It's only the beginning, i'd be surprised to see if there were to be no Ape sequels.
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Jane Eyre (2011)
Slow in pace, but the slightly interesting characters keep you watching
15 November 2011
"Jane Eyre" is one of those films where you want to praise the film as a classic, but in fact it is not as good as you want it to be. Before I explain the reason why, the positives of this film is the cast. Mia portrays Jane very well and is a great watch, also Michael as Mr. Rochester plays the mysterious character who has a hidden secret very well as well. The visuals of the film is brilliant, very bleak and beautiful. Yet even though there was a story there it didn't feel like much of a story, even though it's not a weak story it just felt like there was not much to it. Also the romance of Jane and Mr. Rochester felt quite rushed despite the fact that both actors had a good chemistry. At the end of the day it all depends on taste, I like stories like "Pride and Prejudice", "Sense and Sensibility" etc.. but Bronte's "Jane Eyre" didn't do it for me. Not a bad film, but not my favourite film.
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Contagion (2011)
Not too dramatic, but not too bland. The perfect balance.
15 November 2011
Steven Soderbergh manages to create a film which is between a documentary and a drama. "Contagion" is one of those films where it has enough drama to engage an audience and yet doesn't overdo it, because it follows each character at a certain pace and doesn't over dramatise everything. Of course the cast is worth mentioning, an A-Lister cast which I think without them this film would not have been great. From Kate Winslet, to Laurence Fisburne, to Matt Damon etc. they all played interesting characters and despite all having different backdrops they all blended into each other and it felt like the same film. But let's face it, it's a film about the flu, however, the cast draws you in and makes you take the story seriously. A great watch.
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An interesting take on such an aggressive natured novel
15 November 2011
This is an interesting adaptation of such a dramatic, Gothic and aggressive piece of literature. Meaning that instead of going down the conventional over dramatic acting, soundtrack and lots of scenes including a storm of some takes a step back and goes at a certain pace. Andrea Arnold shares her interpretation of the novel by involving the setting as a character. Her film-making style is amazing, so focused and calm. Andrea made you appreciate the setting and allowed you to be part of the film by putting you in the place of the surroundings. Whether it be a close-up of a beetle, or a low angle shot in between two blades of grass, there is a certain calming nature which comes with the film-making style. Also the smallest things like the sounds of the buzzing from the moths and bees, to the soothing yet wild natured sound of the wind, it all felt so natural and calming. It felt authentic and naturalistic. However, there is the issue of the infrequent use of the "F" word which I'm sure in the context of the film that word may not have been used, and there is one tiny dodgy scene. Those issues aside, it is an interesting watch. They left quite a huge chuck out, but if they had included it within the film maybe it would have felt cluttered and it may have interrupted the storyline of Heathcliff and Catherine. Speaking of which, the actors were brilliant. Both the younger and older versions of the two main characters. Not a film for a Saturday night, but a film which requires focus and for you to be in a serious mood. Not a bad watch.
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Super 8 (2011)
A Super Film!
20 August 2011
I think "Super 8" deserves the praise that it has been given for this film was refreshing from many films out there now. However, i'm not one of those cynical people who say "finally, a good movie amongst sequels, reboots and comic book movies" because I love all of those but I do agree that it is still refreshing and has more focus on character than many films. "Super 8" owes it's praise to the casting, especially of the children who have an amazing chemistry and keep you amused all the way through...even in the actiony moments. Joe Lamb (Joel Courtney) was like the leading man of the group, he was the most normal, likable and has the most substance in back story. But then there is the goofy and humorous Cary (Ryan Lee) who always carries fireworks. Also there is the wuss of the pack Martin (Gabriel Basso), the bossy director Charles (Riley Griffis) and the list goes on. Point is, each character is unique and individual yet they manage to dwell really well together, allowing to conjure up many laughs even in the intense moments. That's what made this film special, because it was from the point of view of kids instead of from the military or grown ups and in the scary moments you could laugh because of the humour of the children. This was a good film, but maybe the ending was a bit weak. Not bad but a bit weak compared to the amazing suspense and steady pace of the film. It doesn't spoil the film though. Stay for the credits because they show the short film the kids are trying to make in the film and it is really funny. The language is an issue, as a Christian the blaspheming (about 5 times) was offencive and inappropriate especially coming mainly from Charles. But there were no sexual scenes which was good. Overall, a really good film with great characters and a great story. Enjoy!
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A conventional superhero film-in a good way!
16 August 2011
This film had a steady pace, which is great because you didn't feel that Chris Evan's character was fleshed out too much but at the same time it's not like his character was explored like in an Oscar worthy film. You felt like you were on this journey with Chris Evan's character, Steve Rogers, from a whimpy kid with a dream to an action hero who was saving the world. The action had a great balance, there were a couple of strong action scenes where we see Captain America really showing off his moves. All the characters had their reason to be in the film and really supported Chris Evans hold up the film, and as a leading character he did it really well. You liked the characters you were meant to like and dislike the characters you were not meant to like. Also there was no swearing nor any sex scenes which made the film all the more enjoyable and making it a plain cool superhero flick. A great way to introduce the character and especially since "The Avengers" (2012) will be coming out next year so we will feel some sort of connection with Captain America. The high rating I have given this film isn't necessarily to do with acting, scriptwriting etc. (not that it is bad because it is good) but I just loved the film because it is a great escape into things you could only wish to do. Marvel delivers a great film once again!
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27 July 2011
This film is a true classic, all ages and all generations will love this cinematic masterpiece. Vivien Leigh really brought this film to life, portraying the complex character of Scarlett. You cannot define her character in one word. Her character can cause a lot of debate: Is she good or just plain selfish and cruel. Well, she's a bit of both but I would argue that at the end of the day she is a good person, who only knows a certain way of life which isn't exactly the right way but you see her growth in maturity and character throughout the film. There are moments when you realise that she has determination and strength to rise above situations and she really surprises you, in a good way, in certain ways which makes you grow respect for her character. You can't help but like her or be interested by her no matter what you think of her. Also, it would be wrong to not mention Clark Gables brilliant performance as Rhett Butler. He was so different from the "gentlemen" that in those days was of the norm, but the chemistry between Scarlett and Rhett was perfect, totally convincing and brilliant to watch. But the whole casting was spot on, every character was interesting and likable and all gave everything into their characters. Even in the 21st Centuray it is still considered a masterpiece and watching it, you don't feel such a huge gap in years. You can still watch it today and thoroughly enjoy it. You have to watch this film, it's a must see!
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Cars 2 (2011)
Not as good as the first, but still an enjoyable PIXAR animation
23 July 2011
First to say that it was not as good as the first film but that aside you will still enjoy this film, it's PIXAR, no matter what they do it will still have some substance. Starting off with the positives, I loved the whole cultural and spy genre addition to the film. The film focuses on Mater and it's more of a self discovery of his character than about Lightning McQueen which was quite cool. They travel a lot in this film and you see Japan, Italy and England which was really good, and it felt so real because of the brilliant animation. The new characters voiced by Michael Caine and Emily Mortimer as spies were a great addition to the film. However, I hate to criticise a PIXAR film but for a sequel it felt a bit relaxed, in a way of thinking "Cars was great, we don't really need to develop anymore" until the whole spy plot kicks in but it should have thrown itself into the new plot instead of lingering from what made the first one great. Just like how "Toy Story 2" felt like a great sequel. But you will still enjoy this film for the great action and how cannot you not resist a PIXAR animation, they know how to make an animation.
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