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An over-rated piece of rubbish!
7 October 2010
Let me first state that I am a very big psychological thriller fan, I love films like insomnia, the machinist, the game, Jacob's ladder etc...

Now whilst searching for great psychological thriller films this movie kept popping up every now and then so I thought I would give it a try, and what a waste of time! The acting generally was mediocre to poor, the story isn't that great, and it generally quite boring and doesn't hold your attention what-so-ever and it truly is a terrible film. The thing that irritated me the most was Naomi watt's stereotypical Australian/Hollywood stereotypical melodramatic acting that we see too often these days, and whilst she's improved since then she is just awful in this movie - the only good thing about her in this film is you get to see her boobs.
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This would have been better as a serious drama!
7 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Let me first state that I'm a big fan of Paul Rudd and Steve carrel so I was looking forward to this movie and watched it on the day it released and I was very disappointed with the outcome and I'll try to explain why without giving too much away.

The story is simple and predictable, Paul Rudd needs to get promoted in his job and as part of him getting promoted he must attend this dinner with his boss and bring a complete idiot so everyone can make fun of them and the one that brings the most idiotic/radical/crazy person wins - Paul Rudd crashes into Steve carrel and the crazy relationship builds from there...

Now the bad point about this film is it just isn't funny, you just watch the film feeling sorry for Steve carrel as he's clearly an emotionally disturbed character with mental issues, and Paul Rudd trying to play the "bad guy" is just a joke because he simply doesn't have it in him - obviously it's not quite as generic as that and things happen around all this but ultimately that's the feeling I got from the film. I thought to myself, considering it wasn't funny it would be better if it was a serious drama, like carrel had a break down because his wife left him and Rudd tries to help rebuild his life or something; there are very few parts were you'll laugh and they are all on the trailers... A very disappointing 3 out of 10.
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Moon (2009)
One of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen - a classic!
23 August 2010
Now let me first just say that even though I've seen my fair share of sci-fi movies I'm certainly not a sci-fi boff. With that said sci-fi films are not my favourite so I didn't have high hopes for this movie and MAN was I pleasantly surprised.

This film with it's great performance by sam rockwell, creepy music and artistic style draws you in from start to finish with a great story told in a non linear but understandable fashion, kevin spacey as a VO was a good choice too.

The only things about this film which I disliked was the fact it seemed a little short, and also the fact that it could and probably should have gone into more detail about the story but ultimately I highly recommend this.
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Hit and Run (2009 Video)
Bad story, bad acting, terrible film!
3 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Man is it just me or is America training people to be over melodramatic teens with an idiotic mentality and incredibly predictable performance? but hey, so long as they're sexy they can get away with it right? WRONG!!! I am sick of seeing this stereotypical actors in horror films these days, they just make you cringe and the only satisfaction is to see some nudity and then seeing them die but it's not enough to justify them being in a movie (except maybe porn).

I give this movie a shot, and for the above reasons of terrible acting by pretty much all the cast along with a bad story and hacky directing makes this film a waste - simply put, don't bother.
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Gone Fishin' (1997)
Not even a Sunday afternoon movie
3 August 2010
This film was terrible, and not because it's a nice light hearted comedy because I love them (grumpy old men type film) but this film tried too hard particularly with character development relationship and things along those lines that makes you cringe through this film.

Let me first state that I love Joe pesci I personally think his best and most funny film is "My cousin vinny" and also Danny Glover is good particularly in lethal weapon, but this film goes so wrong which is a shame because it could have been great. The main issue lies between the two characters, they over-emphasise the character relations by doing things like quoting past events way too often, saying there name to each other after every f**king sentence which makes your blood boil, and generally acting too goofy which is enough to put you off the film entirely which is a shame because I wanted to like this, I really did.
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Should have stayed on the shelf
3 August 2010
After hearing great things about this film I thought (without expecting too much from it) I would give it a try and what a waste of time that was - this is a terrible movie and I'll explain why...

Let me first state that if you like drag me to hell then you'll probably like this - why? because like the aforementioned, this film doesn't know whether it's a comedy or a horror and whilst you're watching it you just don't know how to take it and that combined with mediocre to bad acting make this a terrible movie that should have stayed in the shelf, if not locked up never to be released to the public.
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Step Up 3D (2010)
Terrible, just terrible
21 July 2010
This is a completely rubbish film from start to finish and I'll explain why without spoiling anything (not that there is anything to spoil).

Firstly lets start with the good (will be quick) the acting is amongst the worst I've ever seen in a film, literally, it's a range of people probably genuinely from a street life style and upper-class people who know how to dance street (despite the fact street dance is meant to be a representation of your life-style and culture) and there are also other dance styles in there too - but to be honest that is the only reasonably entertaining thing about the movie and that's only due to choreography and over-dramatic scenes, now to the bad (grab a coffee).

Let's first start with the story, well there isn't much of one it's basically an excuse to start dancing nothing more, if you want a decent dance themed movie with a reasonable story and decent acting you should look at save the last dance. Now onto the directing, editing and general theme; it's bad, It's like the creators got together and said "let's make a movie based version of Britain's got talent with only the dancing parts and more dramatic" and took it from there. Now the acting (if you can call it that) is just terrible, now I know some people are saying to themselves "hey we're not watching this for the acting etc, just wanna see some dancing" well if that's the case the go to a dance show because that's all this movie is but more glam and dramatic. Acting generally makes a film, obviously directing etc comes into play but usually if the acting is terrible then so is the film, and that's exactly what this film is - the even funnier thing about this film they try too hard to make dancing seem like a mysterious force that is essential and way of life which leads you into wisdom etc yeah right! it's an art-form, an expression etc but that's it. I could literally moan about this film until I'm blue in the face but I will stop now and let you judge, and if you have a few brain cells you'll just learn from my experience and pass on this film because it's simply crap.
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Gabriel (2007)
A good film
20 July 2010
OK let's get the bad stuff out of the way first, it's a low budget film, the actors aren't great and generally quite bad a times but that is easily forgiven.

To me there is a lot of truth within this film and the story is good which is ultimately what makes this film good and it's a great example that you don't need millions to make a decent film as well as the artistic feel (at times) it's just let down by some terrible acting, corny moments because this could have been a masterpiece if they worked on those things.

They are actually working on a sequel and I for one am very exited, hopefully they'll work on the aforementioned negatives and make a brilliant next movie.
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Inception (2010)
Way over-rated it was more of a deception
20 July 2010
Oh man this film wasn't really that good and I'll try to explain why without giving anything away.

Firstly let me just say that I've always been a fan of Christopher Nolan, and whilst I've never particularly been a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio his recent films particularly shutter island changed that view and I've actually started to like him he's surely grown as an actor over the years, furthermore, there are other talented cast in there but Joseph Gordon-Levitt I think was a bad choice for this movie he just didn't suit his role.

OK now onto the actual film, the ideas were there, so was the budget and the cast so were did it all go so wrong? With a mixture of the directing and writing things got too deep and generally quite cryptic that felt a little hacky at times. It's not greatly structured nor does it seem well thought out, I think they tried to put so many twists and turns on the movie that it just wasn't that enjoyable; I totally understood it but the time they spent putting too many twists and turns in it could and should have been spent using deeper character development and general creativity opposed to just making things as non-linear as possible.

4/10 and that's being generous
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A true masterpiece in every way
20 July 2010
Were do I start... To keep things generic, the story and screenplay adaptation is excellent, great directing, editing and music with an artistic feel all the way through. This would have almost been worthless if it had a bad cast, but it wasn't - it's actually one of the best casts I've ever seen in a movie/mini series and a lot of them play more than one role.

I remember I actually knew nothing about this and it was 2010 I watched it, it's because I came across it whilst looking through some of the casts film(s) and didn't even know what it was about. As I started watching it the "subject matter" was a little much for me at first, because I am a straight guy but not homophobic, but I thought I would be mature about it and give it a chance and I am damn glad I did because I couldn't stop watching, I remember I stuck it on late at night and watched it all the way through until early hours in the morning.

In short this is overall incredibly well done definitely watch it. Very well done 10/10
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Sniper (1993)
One shot, One kill, What a thrill <- damn I am cheesy
26 April 2010
This is definitely Tom Berenger's signature film, he is perfect for this role and also Billy Zane did his job well in this film.

The best thing about this film is it's simplicity just like predator, the jungle and well chosen music works perfectly with this film adding to the suspense. This is a generally speaking (in a non-sexist way) truly a guy film, I remember watching this with my girlfriend and I am sure she was counting the squares on the carpet after five minutes so be careful who you watch it with. I have watched this film many times and it goes on "the keeps" shelf of my DVD collection, awesome film.

Unfortunately I can't say the same for the sniper films that come after this but they are watchable.
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Slappin the base!
26 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of Paul Rudd, I like role models, 40 year on virgin and others but when I heard of this I thought it was going to be like a weird Rom-com/chick flick - you know the ones that trick you like adventure-land but I was pleasantly surprised.

The story is basic, a guy is due to get married to his wife, she realises he has no friends, he see's this and decides to get a friend as a best man for his wedding so he doesn't look like such a loser - many funny events happen on this search and he finds one. A guy that is almost the opposite of him and they learn a lot about each other.. blah blah he's the best man at the wedding. OK I could have made the story sound better but stripped down that's ultimately it. Not an amazing story but that doesn't matter - why? because the cast are all equally brilliant, the directing/editing and general theme is great and ultimately it's one of my comedy favourites I definitely recommend it.

The only reason it doesn't get a 10/10 is because it's quite predictable.
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No reason to reject this film
26 April 2010
This film is in a class of it's own much better than the over-satanic/Gothic style of the first one.

Now in the wrong hands with the wrong cast this film would suck - but it's in the right hands and the cast are equally brilliant though Sid Haig is just a cut above the rest in my opinion.

When I write a review I like to talk about the cast, director, writer etc because frankly you can look at what the story is about for yourself and be your own judge on whether you think it's something you may be interested in and same goes here. Therefore in a nutshell, story is good, directing is good, artistic style is good and so are the cast definitely a film not for the weak with some interesting points in it.
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Nice heart warming comedy
26 April 2010
Firstly let me just say I love Walter Matthau his puppy dog face with his expressions and the lisp are funny, never mind him actually being funny as a person - jack lemon is OK but I think he relies heavily on other peoples performances, definitely not a lead actor but still good.

These actors are actually more entertaining the older they get but unfortunately they have both died not so R.I.P both of you, they will be missed.

I love this film and is one of the many films I've searched for with them together since I watched the terrific grumpy and grumpier old men. This is a good film because of the chemistry and there characters, the story is decent and the whole theme generally works very well. And I think for the aforementioned reasons that this is actually much better than the first one, good job guys!
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Insomnia (2002)
One of the best movies ever made
25 April 2010
For you who have read my reviews, you'll know I usually start with the cast, so: Al Pacino: He has had a long and successful career but this in my opinion is his best performance thus far, I mean you literally couldn't create a person more perfect for this role and he made this film from good to an absolute masterpiece.

Robin Williams: Stepping out of his normal comedic role, he really surprisingly pulls this off to top standards - good job.

Hilary Swank: She is good, not I think she could have done better for an actress of her standard.

All the other cast did there jobs well and great job Chris Nolan! The story is great but I don't really want to tell you much as I don't want to spoil it, this is one of this films (like cloverfield) where you should watch it initially not really knowing anything about it - that's what I did and I believe I got a better experience in doing so, but please take my word for it that it's awesome!
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One of the most disappointing horror movies ever created - actually thought it was a joke
25 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I begin, let's start with the cast: Justin Long, now I usually like him I though he was great in die hard but taking him seriously as a doctor in my opinion was a bad choice. Now he has some funny lines but him playing a doctor is like Al Pacino playing the terminator, it wouldn't work (though would be amusing).

OK now Alison Lohman is such a bad actress it hurts, it makes me feel sorry for her - really, why did you pick her for this movie? SPOILER HERE: Now, I genuinely thought this movie was a joke; I actually thought the people who put the great "scary as hell" type reviews on it were all in on a big joke because it was halariouse. It absolutely could pass as a comedy and I really am serious, think about it, the funny fights, 1980's graphics, the gunge coming out the womans mouth and halarous funeral scene, the cat that was clearly a teddy being tossed in a ditch, the rubbish acting - need I go any further?
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Wrong Turn (I) (2003)
Overall, a good movie!
25 April 2010
This was a good film, the cast or more specifically "Desmond Harrington" helped make this film from good to excellent. You often see horror movies these days with melodramatic/stereotypical teen acting which generally makes me cringe but all the acting was passable.

The tension and general design of this film is great and some very jumpy moments - but I think the key ingredient to this film is that is wasn't over-done to the point where it was believable.

Good job, though I must at this point say that, wrong turn 2 and 3 are a big disappointment in my opinion; like with a good with/idea people tend to milk it and often destroy it, shame.
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