
10 Reviews
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Not just a love story
27 June 2020
Im not sure if the extended length of the graphic sex scenes were necessary. However, they definitely describe the depths of passion the characters have for each other. For me the film was interesting when we start to see the little cracks in the characters romantic relationship. Adele and emma both come from very different backgrounds and have been raised with love but very different values. Personal freedom and choice is something Emma's family rank highly. This gives her a confidence but also a self absorbed aspect to her character. Whereas Adele has been taught by her family to think about her future, get a practical job and to contribute to society. Giving her a sense of caring for the wider community but also making her feel insecure in the light of the creative and artistic world that Emma lives in. The film shows how these differences can subtly grow and can create loneliness. The reason i have rated it so high is because i feel it gently portrays how love can be a mysterious and strong force but can be difficult to maintain if your vision and dreams are unalligned.
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Devs (2020)
interesting, nearly great!
27 April 2020
I felt the series explored a lot of interesting ideas, I didn't care about any flaws in the science, its art and drama using basic scientific ideas as a vehicle. I felt it was an allegorical exploration of someone powerful trying to influence the world with their concepts and beliefs. It was slow paced and not high drama. I didn't actually mind the wooden acting, it sort of worked with the overly intellectual tech world context. My problem was I didn't enjoy how conclusive the ending was. I think it would have been better leaving some of the ideas more open.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Amazing movie crafting for a first time director
19 April 2020
I watched this film tonight, the second time I've seen it, first time was at the cinema back in 2001. I was about 19 when I saw it at the time, I enjoyed thinking about the time travel aspect of the film. Now watching it again, I was more drawn to the way that kelly uses time travel to explore the emotional journey of a character struggling with mental health. It is a strong film as kelly is writing from immediate and direct experience and he manages to give it enough layers to give it a truly poetic dimension while capturing the urgency and romance of being young. Strong characters, good cinematography, nice set and costumes. The time travel really helps create a mystique thats a true nod to kubrick.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Reticent to watch it but so glad i did
10 April 2020
I love the original shining and view its as work of art with layers of meaning, amazing visuals and powerful suspense. Kubrick created a film that worked as a horror film, while meditating on what horror truly is - our collective trauma. I avoided going to see Dr sleep, when I saw the trailer as it made it look like a cheap homage to the Shining. I thought seeing his aesthetic and ideas being reused might ruin it a bit. However, i got curious today and watched it. My first impression is it's a very good movie. It stands on its own exploring new territory while evoking some the themes from the original. The director manages to bring his own take on king's novel while using kubrick's work as a visual platform. Yes in some areas it moves into a nostalgia but its all done in a way that explores a different vision. It's not the work of art that the shining is but it's a rollercoaster of suspense and a great horror film.
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Mid90s (2018)
Fantastic film
5 February 2020
Really describes the dynamic of a little skateboard tribe. Positive vibes and real humanity in the story
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I don't see any green it!
9 September 2016
Inside Llewyn Davis is an interesting exploration of what it means to be true to your art in a commercialised world. The sixties was the beginning of the recorded music revolution, so it's a great place to meditate on these ideas. Llewyn Davis our main protagonist is an egotistical folk musician, one of many minor stars being churned out in this growing industry. He is penny-less, selfish, lost and traumatised from the suicide of his singing partner. He seems enslaved by his past while running fearfully to some illusive and vague idea of success. He's a man who suffers for his creative ideals but the people he meets and serves as a musician, don't seem to be interested in art but money and status. Or is it his gloomy and selfish outlook that causes him to see things this way, its bit of a chicken or an egg question.
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Poetic Healing
1 September 2015
This film was a joy to watch. I have enjoyed all of Jodorowsky's previous work but this one really spoke to me. The film manages to combine a heart filled message of healing and love in the face of adversity and the chaos that can happen in a lifetime. However, it does not preach, its poetic and curious in it's exploration of Joorowsky's own life. There were points that brought a tear to my eye and it also had me laughing out loud. I left the cinema feeling very happy and filled with a joy for life. In fact I met an old friend that I hadn't seen for a very long time and the film inspired me to buy him a rose from a street vendor and say thank you for his friendship. Thank you Jodorowsky and whoever else helped to make this film.
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Go with the flow
21 May 2015
An almost meditative experience with a sprinkle of humour and poetry thats pulls everything together as an excellent minimalist movie. If you are expecting a conventional narrative with plenty of action, this movie could be perceived as boring or vacuous. However, you will be rewarded if you go with the flow of the beautiful cinematography and pacing that helps to explore some interesting philosophical ideas in a visual way. Jarmusch uses repetitive imagery to create a sense of how the main character maintains balance and stability on his unpredictable journey through Spanish landscapes, mysterious strangers and art galleries. The slow and calm pace of the film allows the viewer to experience the main characters discipline, deep focus and intuition. Some great experimental filmmaking here.
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Dogtooth (2009)
Not that strange or removed from anyones reality
13 May 2010
A whole language of deceit is created by a father to make sure that his family don't venture into the unknown which he fears will corrupt them. This film talks about the myths and lies we are told to maintain status quo and the appearance of stability and normality. It explores the abuse of protecting a child from outside influences to the extreme of denying human instincts and inquisitiveness about their world. Its shows how telling children lies for their own safety makes them fearful of the world and patronises there innate understanding about life. Its amazing because it creates a world with an absurd, fully realised, vocabulary that is completely understood by the members of this family ; its surreal nature forces you to question the oddness and the parameters of your own existence. A life unquestioned and unexplored leads to a stagnant swamp of confusion.
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Dead Man (1995)
not just a western
15 February 2010
Dead man is about fate and how choices are not always yours to choose. William Blake, an unassuming accountant, goes blindly on his journey to death when he takes the train to the town of machine to get a job but he also becomes the grim reaper for many a man hunting him down for a reward. He is guided by an outcast Indian who believes him to be the romantic poet William Blake. As he goes further into his journey he begins to embody the spirit of William Blake and sheds his old ideas and place in the material world. A beautiful film that captures loss of culture, spirituality and the move to a world of generic vampires in the western world
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