
29 Reviews
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Pretty Much What You'd Expect
23 August 2022
I think everyone else did a really good job of reviewing this here, so let me pick a couple of nits for fun and call it a (great) day (in the morning).

1) Why do the women in these films always appear as impossibly well-coiffed "gals" who just gotta get their men? (And they often end up fighting over the one dude who isn't really that much of a catch.) I swear, when Virginia Mayo hops down from her horse in perfect shape after a horribly long, dusty, dirty and physically-exhausting journey, I knew we were in trouble.

2) I know Robert Stack was considered to have been a decent actor, but I felt he was terribly miscast in this. He is supposed to be from North Carolina, but nothing about him says he's a Tar Heel, especially his deep Los Angeles baritone voice. He throws in one "Nawth Carolina" reference early on which ends up being the sum total of his accent for the entire film.

That having been said, I understand why fans of this genre would find this film appealing. It has an interesting premise, but it fell into cliché-land a few too many times for my taste.
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Tentacles (1977)
Oh. My. God.
22 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was unintentionally hilarious and incredibly awful. I don't even know where to begin, and everyone else has done a pretty good job raking this one over the coals already. So, I'll just add some personal perspective. I live in San Diego, and first visited the city four years before this was shot. My husband was born and raised here. So, we had a great deal of fun trying to ID all of the filming locations, since there isn't any kind of a list anywhere. Other than that, it was painful to watch and even more harmful on the ears with the DREADFUL and extremely inappropriate film score. For me, I finally threw in the towel when the dude talks to the killer whales at the aquarium and convinces them to go (as a fellow reviewer termed it) "Roy Scheider" the friggin' thing. Shamu and pal save the day!
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Tall Story (1960)
Almost Unwatchable
5 April 2022
We stumbled upon this, and, although my husband and I are huge Jane Fonda fans, neither one of us had ever heard of Tall Story. During the cheezy opening credits, we looked at each other and said, "Uh-oh. This could be pretty bad." We couldn't buy Anthony Perkins for one second as a basketball player - or a "hunk" that a woman as gorgeous as Jane would need to snare in a matrimonial trap. To sum it up in one word, it would probably be "cornball". Now I know why neither one of us had ever heard of it.
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Sometimes Nostalgia Isn't Enough
16 March 2022
After what has been a pretty dismal year for film, I was holding out hope that "Licorice Pizza" - the last of the Oscar-nominated films I had yet to see - would catapult to the top of my list for the year and give me something to unabashedly recommend to friends and family. I like Paul Thomas Anderson's films and I guess I was hoping for another "Boogie Nights"-caliber film doing for the early '70s what BN did for the latter part of the decade. Unfortunately, this fell way short.

In a nutshell, I thought it was based on a pretty creepy premise, went way too long, had multiple, random storylines that went nowhere, and for a film named after a record store, one of the worst soundtracks ever. It gets points for some good Valley nostalgia, but that's about it. Seriously? A 15-year-old owning and running a waterbed store? Sean Penn and Tom Waits plopped into a weird, motorcycle-jumping sequence just to throw a couple of big names on the marquee? But the worst offense was "Diamond Girl" being the only legitimate 1973 hit on the entire soundtrack. Google "Top Hits of 1973" and you'll see what a huge miss this was!
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Fargo (1996)
Best movie ever. Endastory.
10 January 2014
You either get Fargo or you don't. I have a friend who now thinks I like "quirky" movies and has recommended some not-great films, since she really didn't understand why this film struck such a chord with me.

Sure, being from Wisconsin helps. It was the first time I recall sitting in a theater and laughing hysterically -- my husband actually had to whisper in my ear at one point, "Ssssh! Try to keep it down!" I had never heard anyone nail that accent and the mannerisms of that area so well, and it floored me. But, more than that, the characters are so brilliantly created --the hooker from White Bear Lake ("Go Bears!")-- not only added to the story, but was absolutely hilarious. Here it is almost 20 years later (impossible to believe!) and there isn't a day that goes by when I don't utter at least one classic Fargo line.

The best. Period.
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Gravity (2013)
Worst casting decision EVER
10 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Really?? Sandra Bullock as a "brilliant scientist"? You have to be effing kidding me.

I wish IMDb allowed you to submit reviews of just one line, because that would have been enough for me. That sums up the entire problem with this film -- oh, and the other completely unrealistic and silly twists and turns along the way don't hurt, either. I saw it in a 3D IMAX theater, and while the scenes from space were beautiful, I really couldn't get past the rest of it.

Yes, Sandy Bullock is Everyman's sweetheart, and her winning the People's Choice award proves my point. I have always thought she is a terrible actress, and she basically turned this film into "Speed in Space". If IMDb had an audio function, I would add a sound clip of me doing an impression of her great "acting" from this film -- but perhaps you can do it, too. Just go, "Aaaah Aaaah Aaaah Aaaah Aaaah" in the most annoying nasally voice that you can muster at just the right nails-on-a-chalkboard pitch, and you've got it. If she wins the Oscar, someone kill me, please.
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I really enjoyed the soundtrack . . .
10 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
From all the hype and buzz surrounding this film, I was expecting to be blown away. I was not. To me, it was just okay, and the best part was the music, the hairdos, and of course, the clothes. The storyline was a little confusing, and, as someone else commented, it was hard to find a single, likable character to root for. I thought, at first, Bradley Cooper was going to be that guy, until he went completely wacko and turned out to be the worst of the bunch.

Also, I really like all of these actors and thought their performances were great (Christian Bale slipping into an unintended Al Pacino impression a couple of times, notwithstanding), but it was a bit like watching "Silver Linings Playbook" all over again. I don't know why it bothered me when David O. Russell recycled his cast and it played like a re-run, but someone like Woody Allen or Christopher Guest can do it and the film feels fresh and funny. I think, at the end of the day, perhaps Mr. Russell isn't my favorite director in the world.

At any rate, if you go not expecting too much, the experience is worth it, especially since the story is somewhat based on actual events. However, if you are trying to choose between this and a lot of the other fantastic films out this awards season, perhaps save this one for a NetFlix rental.
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Nebraska (2013)
Alexander Payne does it again!
4 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I think that "Sideways" will always be my favorite Alexander Payne film, because it was just so perfect in every possible way. But I, like most people reading this, have learned my lesson over the years being quick to highly recommend a movie that I love only to find that it fell completely flat for someone else. I feel that might be the case with "Nebraska" because there is a large segment of the population who say they want to go to the movies to be "entertained", and would find this film really depressing, with unlikeable characters in uncomfortable situations.

I, on the other hand, go to the movies to be told a good story -- and I really don't need every loose end tied up with a bow or to leave the theater with a spring in my step. For that reason, I loved "Nebraska", and thought it told a pretty realistic tale in a sort of Fargo-meets-About Schmidt kind of way. Yes, the characters were quirky and somewhat stereotypical, but hell -- I grew up in Wisconsin, and I can tell you, some of those people and the lives they led were pretty spot-on. And, at the end of the day, it did have a nice conclusion in that Will Forte's character got to do something nice for his dad and I don't think it went completely unappreciated. If you caught the quick, stolen glance that Bruce Dern gives Will Forte as the two are driving away from the dealership in the new truck, you might agree.

It goes without saying that the acting, cinematography and art direction are really top-notch, and added a lot to the film's overall effect. I would expect a slew of Oscar nominations -- and with an extremely strong Best Actor field this year (Robert Redford in "All is Lost", Forrest Whitaker in "The Butler", Chiwetl Ejiofor in "12 Years a Slave", to name a few) Bruce Dern will definitely be in contention to take home the top prize. I hope that Academy voters will also recognize Will Forte and June Squibb in their supporting roles, but it has been an unusually strong film year so the competition will be tight.
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Enough Said (2013)
Really well done -- definitely for the 50+ crowd
23 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this film for three reasons: 1) to pay tribute to the wonderful Jimmy G in his last role; 2) it got good reviews; and 3) I love the cast. I was not disappointed at all. I thought it felt like a very "real" film, and those who have commented that they found it to be too much from the female perspective need to get a clue. I'm sorry, but women really do talk about their ex-husbands/husbands/boyfriends, so I didn't find the premise of this too far-fetched. The only thing that is pretty unlikely is that in a city as large as Los Angeles, the women would happen to be talking about the same man. But, hey, I live in San Diego -- the sixth largest city in the country, and I can't believe how often I run into people I know.

I think if you want to see a nicely done, intelligent romantic comedy for the slightly older crowd, this is your movie -- and at an hour and a half, just the right length so as not to wear out its welcome. My husband commented as we were exiting the theater that he was really glad a small film like this can still get made -- they are few and far between, it seems. The only thing I would change was the soundtrack -- the edgy, stupid sounding crap that is omnipresent these days didn't seem to fit. But, hey, that's a small nit to pick.
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Phil Spector (2013 TV Movie)
HBO has spoiled me -- I was expecting more
25 March 2013
To be honest, I didn't make it all the way through this film -- which isn't saying much, considering the short running time. But based on what I did see, I agree with most of the posters here that it left me with a question mark over my head bigger than Al Pacino's afro. I will take any excuse to watch the likes of Pacino, Helen Mirren and Jeffrey Tambor act -- I love all three of them. So, when this hit an overall sour note with me, I was trying to figure out why. At the end of the day, I find Phil Spector so creepy, that I guess I couldn't stay interested in a film seemingly dedicated to showcasing his legal team and raising reasonable doubt as to his guilt. Even HBO couldn't save this, which is saying a lot. For me, the best part (and probably most telling) was the very clever subtitle: "The Truth is Somewhere in the Mix". I would say the point of this was somewhere in the mix, and if anyone finds it, please let me know.
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Absurd plot and a little too sappy for my taste
8 March 2013
Seeing this in 2013 for the first time and as a 50-year-old adult, I really tried to imagine what I would have thought of this film had I been a young teen back in the late 1940s. I think I might have had a different reaction, but I have to say I didn't care for it at all and thought it was pretty odd.

I won't recap the plot -- you can read other people's comments for that -- I'll just skip to what bugged me the most. Aside from the multiple "Oh, c'mon!" moments that made no sense at all, I thought the acting was very over the top by everyone -- with the possible exception of the dog. Several characters did highly moronic things, which, although they moved the story along, were very unbelievable, irresponsible, and disturbing.

I'll give the film two stars for the outdoor sequences which had some gorgeous scenery, although I was wondering for about the first 15 minutes if I hadn't recorded a National Geographic nature flick by mistake.
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Oh my god --- is it over yet???????
21 February 2013
We had no intention of seeing this film as it sounded and looked awful, but were finally brow-beaten into it by two different couples (whose taste we generally agree with). They assured us that it was wonderful, spectacular, and drove them to tears.

Well, about five minutes into it, I was moved to tears, too -- realizing I'd made a horrible mistake. All of our worst fears about this film were true -- horrible, horrible "singing" and miscasting right and left. Not to mention, we're in frickin' France -- what's up with the little cockney kid? When did it turn into Oliver?

I don't understand why people are gushing over this mess, and why in the world Anne Hathaway is nominated for an Oscar, much less the shoe-in favorite to win it. She was on screen for about five minutes before she croaked. I was completely unmoved by her performance -- it all happened too fast to care what happened to her. Character development, anyone?

All the way home, my husband and I mockingly made up our own lyrics and sung them in the over-the-top, terrible style of just about everyone in the film. That was far more entertaining, and a much better use of our time. Now, if I could only have my $22 and 2-3/4 hours of my life back. Miserable, indeed.
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Solid belly laughs in this one, and a fantastic supporting cast
1 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this movie several years ago -- not in the theatre, but pretty soon after it went to DVD. I have now watched it several times in its entirety, and it seems when I'm flipping channels and it's on Showtime or HBO, I'll tune in for a few minutes and then get hooked again. Oh my god, Philip Seymour Hoffman is worth it alone -- between the sharting, the basketball game, and the community theatre presentation of "Jesus Christ Superstar", I am a wheezing mess by the end of this film from laughing so hard. And, every time I watch it, I appreciate someone else's performance, or see some added nuance that I might have missed before. I think this is Ben Stiller's best film by far. It will remain a classic in our household for years to come.
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Great Danes
23 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am discovering that I really enjoy Danish films more than maybe any other country's offerings except France . . . and that's only because there's nothing better than hearing French being spoken no matter what the context. But back to the Danes -- what great tone, cinematography, lighting, acting, and direction in their films -- I'm sold! Yes, the subject matter and tone can seem to some a bit melancholy, but I find it more realistic, especially these days, when there isn't a lot to be jumping up and down about in the world.

I found the characters in this film to be interesting and compelling as we observe them struggle with various themes: good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, and forgiving vs. seeking revenge. One person commented that she couldn't buy the 10-year-old boys behaving in this fashion and making the poor decision to blow up the jerk's van, but I don't agree. I didn't find it that much of a stretch, especially given all the violence that kids are exposed to these days. And as for having the knowledge to make an explosive device, all of that is apparently on the internet if you choose to find it -- look at what that whack job in Aurora, CO was able to do just this week.

This was not an easy film to watch given the story lines, but it was very well done and it gave the viewer a lot to think about. What would you have done in the parents' shoes or the doctor's shoes when he has to save the life of a brutal tyrant, but later makes the decision to throw him to the wolves? How 'bout having the restraint not to send the mechanic sprawling head first into the wall?

What did I do? I raised a Carlsberg to Ms. Bier (appropriate last name) and toasted her outstanding job making "In a Better World".
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Win Win (2011)
I will see just about anything with Paul Giamatti in it
23 July 2012
In an effort to clear out our DVR in time for a gazillion hours of Summer Olympics coming up, my husband and I went on an Indie film bender and watched about 10 flicks that we had recorded. Out of all of them, only two really stood out -- Win Win and In a Better World, a small Danish film. I had resisted seeing Win Win in the theater, honestly, because it didn't look like something I'd like based on the trailer. I thought it was going to be one of those feel-good, high school sports movies with the troubled kid and the coach who turns everything around and everyone goes home happy. This had many more layers to it, as all of the other positive reviews posted here will attest to.

My big takeaway from this film is that I really trust Paul Giamatti's choices of roles, and until he proves otherwise, I will see him in anything he does. I am also amazed at the range of characters he can play, and his ability to make a huge difference in a film even if the part he plays doesn't seem that significant in terms of screen time. Win Win was truly a vehicle for him (as the film Barney's Version was a year or so ago), and he carries it with no problem. Great supporting performances here by Amy Ryan, Bobby Cannavale (who I currently love hating in Nurse Jackie), Jeffrey Tambor, and newcomer Alex Schaffer as the kid.
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The Big C (2010–2013)
This show has really gone downhill
8 May 2012
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Well, after hanging in there this far into Season 3, I think I'm about done with The Big C after the young couple has decided that Cathy and Paul would be perfect adoptive parents for their baby. You have got to be kidding me -- what a stupid and completely unrealistic plot twist. Besides, I've had enough of seeing those two raise an a-hole of a son . . . why in the world would I want to see them start from scratch with someone else's child. Yeech.

I'm tired of every character in this show -- some I had a hard time tolerating from the start, and others who have become unbearable especially this season. I miss Cynthia Nixon in the roll of her good friend (although her relationship with Cathy's brother was ridiculous), as well as Marlene -- the cranky neighbor lady who they killed off at the end of Season 1.

Don't get me wrong, I am so thankful that Showtime, HBO, and the other cable TV outlets do original programming, because there hasn't been a single show on Network TV that I've liked for many years. That having been said, I think they should be careful about not wearing out their welcome with shows that are ill-conceived or that stay on long after the writing has ceased to be decent. The Big C is already in this category, and I find myself hoping that Cathy's melanoma makes a comeback pretty quickly.
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Decent enough remake of a better Swedish film
29 January 2012
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I think that, for the most part, this was a perfectly fine remake of the Swedish 2009 film, but that's exactly the problem. Why do something that's already been done better -- and not that long ago, to boot? Everyone was very good in their roles -- I think finding Rooney Mara for the lead was key, because if you don't have the right Lisbeth, the whole thing goes downhill fast. But it did seem kind of weird that they're all supposed to be in Sweden, yet everyone is speaking English. Again, a reason to see the original and leave it at that.

Another thing that bugged me was the ending -- please stop reading if you don't want a spoiler. When they showed Lisbeth going to Mikael's house with a gift for him, and she sees him emerging with his arm around Erika, Lisbeth is obviously upset and hurt. She throws the expensive jacket into the trash, and vrooms off on her motorbike. In the original film, we surmise that Lisbeth and Mikael's relationship wasn't really anything more than friends with benefits -- in fact, I don't remember them having sex more than once. Lisbeth seems like she'd have a L*O*N*G way to go before she could be intimate with a man in any meaningful way, so the whole last scene in the U.S. remake didn't really ring true to character. I left the theater wondering if the director did that to make her more likable to American audiences -- can we not handle the fact that Lisbeth is a very damaged young woman who isn't going to see Mikael as her knight in shining armor? At least they didn't have Lisbeth and Mikael ending up "together" as a couple -- that really would have been insulting. Gee . . . Erika or Lisbeth -- who would any guy in his right mind have gone for?
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If you love Paris, the film is worth it for the opening montage alone
24 June 2011
While I've caught most of Woody's last few films on NetFlix (I think the last one I saw in the theater was Match Point), I wanted to make sure to see Midnight in Paris on the big screen for the full effect. I was not disappointed -- I had tears streaming down my cheeks within the first two minutes, feeling as if I'd been transported to beautiful Paris for a couple of hours.

I think this is a fine film, and it was certainly entertaining -- with a core message that I can understand and relate to. When you've seen most of Woody's films over the years, you immediately recognize the character "types" reappearing in slightly different situations with other actors in the rolls. That's a double-edged sword in that there's something familiar about the ebb and flow of his films, but it can also be somewhat trite and annoying. Fortunately, that didn't seem to bother me as much in this film because the historical characters helped to draw some attention away from the more formulaic ones, and really added a lot of spice.

I don't think this is one of Woody's top five films, but it's certainly the best (and only) 2011 summer release I'm planning on seeing . . . it's slim pickings in the theater these days for people with a brain.
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Tornado Alley (2011)
I expected a little more for the price of admission!
20 May 2011
On an unusually rainy May day here in San Diego, we recently took some friends visiting from Pennsylvania to the impressive Reuben H. Fleet Space Center's domed IMAX theater to see Tornado Alley. The admission was a steep $14.95 per person, but included all of the exhibits in the museum -- which, frankly, I could have done without. The museum is definitely of interest to school kids, or parents with kids -- all fine, of course, but it would have been nice if there were a "film only" price for those of us only interested in seeing the movie.

Once we waited for what seemed an incredibly long time for them to empty the theater from the previous showing (although the place was not crowded), we finally got seated. While I found the film interesting, and appreciated the "behind the scenes" look at what the tornado chasers do, I have to say that the overall impression was that the end credits started rolling just when the action seemed to get going. I realize this is a documentary and not Hollywood's version of tornado chasing, but for all the build-up, there were just a few seconds of actually being surrounded and inside a tornado, and then boom -- film over.

Don't get me wrong -- if you are a science lover, or have kids and love those kind of exhibits and museums, this is a great thing to do. But for four adults, I'd have to say we felt a little short-changed.
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If you love all things Francais, this is for you!
31 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Normally, I would give this film an 8 or 9 and reserve a 10 for something that really blew my socks off, but I felt compelled to balance out the two reviews that were very stingy on stars due to what they perceived as lack of action or "oh la la" as one reviewer put it. Honestly, if you are saying that you needed the lead character to be a French hottie and to see lots of skin for this to grab and keep your attention, then I'm taking your comments with a grain of salt, buddy! And to the person who thought this was dreadfully slow, please go to any multiplex anywhere and stay there . . . leave the art house, finely-crafted, interpersonal dramas for those of us who don't need a car chase in every film.

That having been said, I will acknowledge that there were no real surprises in Madmoiselle Chambord, but that was okay for me. The fact that our leading man decided, in the end, that he couldn't leave his family made it more realistic to me, and therefore more "European" in sensibilities rather than the treatment this story probably would have gotten had it been an American film. I enjoyed being transported to France for a couple of hours, and I did think it a bittersweet and honest look at the choices we make in life and love.
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Friend THIS
23 February 2011
I don't think this has any business being nominated for Best Picture -- it felt like a "Movie of the Week" to me, or maybe an HBO Original Film. Definitely not worthy of a theatrical release, and MOST CERTAINLY no Oscar contender.

I went to see this only because I make it a habit of seeing all Oscar nominated films and key performances so that I can really enjoy the awards show. I knew going in that I don't give a rat's behind about Facebook and feel that social networking is destroying, not enhancing our culture. Suffice it to say that the actors did a good job, talking way too fast and mumbling half their lines -- perfectly depicting the Facebook Generation. Glad I saw this via NetFlix and didn't spend $20+ at the movies.
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"Blue" is right . . .
23 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have to preface this by saying that I might have made a mistake seeing this the same day as Biutiful, another really depressing film. However, there was one big difference: I felt for the dad (Javier Bardem) in Biutiful -- sad for his situation as well as for the hopelessness in the lives of so many in Barcelona's underbelly.

As for the couple in Blue Valentine, I found myself not only not liking either of them, but not caring what happened to them. I just felt sorry for the little girl, and mostly for the family dog . . . although maybe he was the lucky one -- being put out of his misery within the first five minutes of this clunker.
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Dogtooth (2009)
This is the weirdest film I've ever seen
23 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe this is up for an Oscar -- must have been a pretty slow year for international film.

I don't need to rehash what everyone else has already said about Dogtooth -- let me just add that there is a VERY disturbing scene where a cat gets attacked with gardening shears and we're treated to a shot of the completely gratuitous, gory results. I turned to my husband and said, "I don't need to see any more of this, thank you." It just went downhill from there.

I do "get" what the filmmaker was going for and the message behind the film, but I can only think of one person I know who I could recommend this to -- a good friend who taught film studies for years at our local university. I think he would appreciate the stones it took to make this movie knowing that most people are going to be completely put off by the disturbing content.
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Another Year (2010)
Director Mike Leigh scores again!
23 February 2011
I loved this film -- another excellent character study from Mike Leigh and a solid, "quiet" standout film that should have been nominated for the Best Picture Oscar instead of 99% of the ones that are on this year's ballot (exception granted to The King's Speech).

If you like noisy, action-packed films, then don't go, and please don't post a one-star review of how "boring" this film is. You ought to be bright enough to get from the trailer that this is a thoughtful, bittersweet contrast between an enduring happy marriage and the needy, clingy train wrecks that make up their inner circle of friends.

Kudos to all the actors -- this was a real winner.
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Black Swan (2010)
Duck soup
23 February 2011
Everyone has posted some really good and lengthy critiques of this film, so I'll keep this short. I wasn't ready for the unintentionally funny, W-A-A-A-A-A-Y over the top, and completely silly plot twists in "Black Swan" -- I figured with all the Oscar buzz and nominations, it had to be decent. Wow.

That having been said, I have no problem with Natalie Portman's nomination because I've always felt she is a good actress, and she obviously put her heart and soul into this very physically demanding roll. I wouldn't, however, be completely shocked if Annette Benning pulls the upset on Sunday.
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