
17 Reviews
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Beyond excellent
23 April 2023
I really like this series. It's like House of Cards combined with Zero Dark Thirty.. But better. Every episode has an unexpected twist that keeps you hooked for yet another episode.

Now , i'm really hooked up for season 2. Maybe changing location , another embassy, another country, another mission, would make it even better.

Please don't make Kerri Russel's character as vicepresident. We already have seen such series: Veep with Julia Louis Dreyfuss.

The Rufus Sewell's character needs a series for himself. He really needs the head role in a separate series. Diplomacy is his middle name. His character seems more sophisticated and more prone to escapes from conflict zones.

Maybe "send" him to Africa, to some God forsaken and unstable zone like Lybia, Mali or Sudan. Have some SEALS extract him, then lose him in the middle of an enemy jungle somewhere. Humor should come as natural as Africa: chased by hyenas, hunted by rebels, swim with crocodiles on the Nile, couple him with 3 viwes from a zulu tribe, i mean: possibilities are infinite.
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Suits (2011–2019)
What's wrong with "paper people"??
20 August 2014
This show is good, even great sometimes, but it has a serious problem: Paper!! They have all those computers, and tablets, and phones, and money, and yet they do everything ON paper?? This is ridiculous!! They don't have a digital archive? No scanned documents? I wonder how they find any information in there. It's absolutely hilarious, that firm looks like an seventeen century monastery from Transylvania. Even children in primary school are using digital manuals and quizzes! Who's using tons of paper anymore when you can fit entire libraries on a microsd card? There was a certain episode in which they were using a fax machine!!! Really?!? What's next, a Gutenberg press? Despite all these oldies-nerdies i really enjoy this show, especially that spicy redhead secretary. Personal secretary, another thing of the 20th century. Why not use Siri, or any digital assistant, like 24/7! And they say lawyers are smart! The digital nerds will eat them for breakfast. These lawyers should stop copying words from computer to paper. They should start using copy-paste methods, just like the prime-minister of Romania.
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Covert Affairs (2010–2014)
(So) Much better then Burn Notice
25 August 2013
I like this kind of series, Burn Notice, Covert Affairs, etc. Covert Affairs is the best series in many years. Burn Notice is kind of rough, muscle-kind of agent with doubtful intellectual skills, and little-to- none plot between the episodes. Too much flashy action and little actual intel work. And it always takes you to some dump site in the middle of nowhere. No real mark-points and no real plot line.

Covert Affairs is more refined, complicated plots and twists, takes you around the world in big cities with compelling stories. BN is fun, but CA is really breathless. I think they should bring back that mossad guy, he's like spice in every mission. I really don't understand the producers' need for rough physical contacts in every episode. Spying is more like waiting and intel gathering, is like detective work on much higher level.

NB is like fast-forward rapid slackware, CA is just the right speed, although the latest season is losing main characters (and great actors) really fast.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Most idiotic movie EVER
29 July 2013
Yeah, most idiotic movie EVER! They create those ultra high-tech gigantic robots, and all they do is box-matching the enemy (the green dinosaur- like creatures)? What is this: Mike Tyson versus the evil lizards? It's absolutely insulting! No gamma-rays, no ultrasonic weapons, no lasers, no satellites, no stealth planes, no Apache helicopters, no secret weapons, no flying saucers, no nothing!!! Who made this "movie", a three-year old with a mental condition? Imagine Star Trek in the Stone Age, that's what this movie really is. SF movie means is science-fiction. But there is no science in this one. Just lots of punching. I'm sure that boxing fans will greatly enjoy this installment.
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The wrath of mediocrity
8 June 2013
I am really stunned by this movie, and NOT in a pleasant way. It's a mockery to the original Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan made in 1982. That was the best StarTrek movie EVER made! This movie, made in 2013, is absolutely tasteless. The actors are doing their best, but the screenplay and the basic idea of the movie is just outdated. The technology imaged in this movie is like middle ages. Everything works "manually", everything works on steam and "radiation".

The Star Trek should amaze you by their miraculous technologies, unheard of and unseen of ever before. The made such a complex ship, but when things don't work out, they fix it by hammer and muscle. You always fix things by smashing it! It's just incredibly stupid! Their universal solution is the use of force. When you don't like something, you just smash something to the walls, or better yet, beat the crap out of the bad guy. It will definitely make you smarter! Congrats, J.J! You destroyed the Star Trek magic!
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Good Lord! What a horror!
7 February 2013
This is nothing like LOTR! Such a mocking! Everything is wrong, the makeup, the scenery, the gnome army is SOOO false and lacks individuality. There is no narrative thread, there's no logic, just a bunch of scenes stitched together without any obvious reason. Oh, and my head hurts because of the action motion. I don't know what they did, but it's pure torture! Nothing new here, same monsters (orcs, trolls, Saruman), same gnomes (Bilbo), same elves (Elrond, gorgeous queen), same Golum. It's like the same car in different color! What a ripoff! I want my money back! P.S. I liked the elf queen though, gorgeous as always!
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Burn Notice (2007–2013)
I want Fee back!!!!!!!!
5 February 2013
Hey, i don't care about that super-angry, super-sharp superspy. I want Fiona back. Why don't you make a series about her? She's hot and she should be the lead character. And she looks even better without the implants! I really enjoy this show, but please ease down the spy extermination thing! It's a bloodbath! Every single spy or agent dies, except for the main character. It's becoming ridiculous. One last thing: Please, please, get some technical advisors. Some scenes look all goofy and sometimes ridiculous: like cutting down reinforced concrete walls or floors. I mean, cutting regular concrete is hard enough, cutting rebars made out by high-grade ductile steel is worst. You can't do such thing with small improvised tools. You need REAL heavyweight powertools and LOTS of time and patience.
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Leverage (2008–2012)
The next action-hero team is here
3 January 2012
First there was the team of one : Superman. Next was the team of two : Batman and Robin. Then the team of three arrived : Charlie's Angels. The team of four was next in line : the A-Team. Now it's time for the team of five : Leverage. If you liked Charlie's Angels, original or remake, doesn't matter, your gonna love this show. From all the hero team series, i think Leverage is closest thing to Charlie's Angels, just yet better. Pretty alert, yet not disturbing, mixing good and bad in just the right proportions. No world conspiracies, no deep drama, just joyfull and smart. Fresh, even though not entirely original. About typical American justice/action series. It reminds me a bit of Knight Rider-the original series. No talking car, though. I think this series is the civilian version of The Losers movie (staring Zoe Saldana).
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Simply the best!
25 May 2011
I'm no fan of history shows, whatever type it be. Yet i do enjoy this show. And that's no little thing, especially when it be coming from a startrek/stargate addict. It's purely fictional, yet it ressembles Middle Age England. I admire screenplayers and actors for using a pretty strong language sometimes, yet i have no criticism on that, i believe it makes the show more real. Truly brits. I wish i had a detailed map of the Realm and a genetic map of all the characters. There are so many distinct characters, sometimes is hard to keep track on who's related to whom. I don't know why is forcing me to write at least 10 lines of text on this subject! If i'd write 10 pages on it, it still wouldn't be enough. You just have to watch it for yourselves!
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Wild Target (2010)
Surprisingly light comedy...
11 October 2010
Well, it's a bit difficult to describe this movie. Essentially, i believe it's supposed to be a lite comedy. A comedy about killers and their targets. Something like those french movies filled with absurd and hilarious situations. Unfortunately, it's not. The only asset of this movie is Emily Blunt, but even herself can't save this movie from total oblivion. It's a mediocre film at best. I don't regret watching this movie, all i regret is seeing talented Emily Blunt in this. She's too good for this movie. If you're traveling by plane and got some time to kill, this is the perfect movie for you. It's lite and funny, up to a point. If you're looking for a serious, captivating film, don't waste your time on this.
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Fringe (2008–2013)
7 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This series is really addictive! All shows seems a bit weird in the first episodes, the characters need to settle into their places, to develop relationships. But not this one. This series seems the right stuff right from second one. Evething is perfect and Anna Torv is gigantic in this role. Just one thing is really annoying: someone, please change the writer!!! He's atrocious. Please get a scientific consultant! In episode called Dreamscape (ep9 of season 1) the most respectful doctor Bishop says: "The amigdala is the fear center of the brain", and he's really convincing, by the way. Does anyone knows that the amigdala is a pair of organs located in the neck? And what kind of doctor is the old Bishop anyway? What is he, a microbiologist, a geneticist, a physicist or perhaps a chemist? I can't simply understand how a single person can master so many scientific fields at post-graduate levels! It makes Einstein looks like a complete retard compared to Bishop. Or perhaps the screenplay writer is THE complete retard. The all-smarty doctor Bishop is 'stealing' all the show. He's resolving all the mysteries and makes agent Dunham looks really stupid and useless, just walking around like a blond babe. Despite all the little critics, this is one of best shows i've ever seen. P.S. This show ain't nothing like X-Files, no UFOs, no little green men, looks more like Paranormal Activity.
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V (2009–2011)
Really good.
5 June 2010
I didn't watched The original V series back in '83. It was too old for me. But i like the V series in 2009, especially the alien queen. That Brazilian actress, Morena Baccarin, also stared in Stargate, also as a evil queen of some sort. That FBI agent (Erica Evans) does a great job, too. Sometimes, the actors look pretty strange and act a bit awkward. I think it's because of the computer-generated background that is added to the movie after the scene is made. This series is not about special effects, like Avatar does, it's more about characters and their lives. This series reminds me of District 9 movie - a story about a conflict with an alien race - but this series seems much better.
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Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
Stargate on crack or something...
5 June 2010
I'm a very big fan of Stargate in general. I watched every Stargate series and movies at least twice, except for this SG:U. This series is so plain and boring i don't have the patience to spell the entire name (it's just too long for me). This SG:U must be on crack or something. Somebody please, PLEASE, kill the screenplay maker: everything in this series is so dull and stupid. I just don't understand how it is possible to have such good actors together like Robert Carlyle, Alaina Huffman, Elyse Levesque, Julia Benson, Ming-Na, David Blue and still make such a worst series. PLEASE, PLEASE stop this torture: it' worst than a horror b-movie.
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Taken (2002)
Taken, not abducted!
4 February 2010
They always use the term taken, not abducted. Beside this elusion these series are really great. The alien abduction issue is really delicate since no one ever actually catched an alien (at least not officially, but Spielberg really did a great movie. He maintained a very delicate balance between believers and non-believers, so this movie is very watchable for both sides. The episodes are quite long, about 1&1/2 hours each, but they are so catchy you won't realize it and you'll even ask for more. The special effects are not mind-blowing and they don't need to be. Beautiful movie from a real genius director. He has a rare gift of movie-making knowledge and that's something one can't learn in any school. There should be a distinct rating for this movie: Made by Steven Spielberg.
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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
28 January 2010
Save the cheerleader! Save the world! Wow! Really cool series, especially the first season. The first couple of episodes seemed somewhat weird, but, once you've got full image of what's going where, the plot and the action are incredible. Plenty of characters to love or to hate: the goods fighting the bads to save the world in a very unique and outstanding visual style. The special effects so perfectly real, yet not exaggerated like in Star Wars or Star Trek movies, so human and earthly, so fully integrated into the real world, so credible, so natural. As with every new season the plot changes, new challenges and new situations occurs enriching the flavors on this real-life-SF series. The fifth season though seems to fade out from the original script, the main characters become fuzzier and the adrenaline rush is almost gone... Characters become more static, predictable and even boring sometimes. Oh, and someone do please end the misery of that Samuel (gypsy) character. He's quite awful and a real whimper. The Samuel acting guy looks a little like Johnny Depp, but he's not half as good as Depp. Oh, that Scottish/irish accent for a gypsy is totally ridiculous.
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What the hell is wrong...?
22 January 2010
What the hell is wrong with you, people? Are you blind or just completely stupid? This Bring It On 4 is a DISASTER. They should have skipped the number 4 just like they skip floor 13 on hi-rise buildings. Thanks Goodness for Christina Millian in Bring It On 5 or this whole B.I.O series would have died long time ago. What to say about B.I.O 4: all the actors sucks, especially the blondes. The cheer-dances are like nothing compared to the dances in the others B.I.O movies. The script is awful and the acting is even worst. There is absolutely no face to remember in this movie, not even the main character. Do you remember Hayden Panetierre in B.I.O 3? Or that HOT afro-American babe in B.I.O. 2(sorry, i don't remember her name)? Or even Kristen Dunst in the first B.I.O movie? I surely do. But this B.I.O 4 is like a complete void to me. I just finished watching it like just 5 minutes ago and i already forgot everything and everybody in it. Don't waste your time and money on this one, 'cause even if you do, you'll forget it all in less than 5 min. Guaranteed.
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Nostradamus: 2012 (2009 TV Movie)
Crappiest movie ever
19 January 2010
On a scale 1 to 10 i'd give this movie a -1 (a mean MINUS one). It's a complete waste of time, more yet it's an insult to one's intelligence. Those quatrains they keep on quoting could mean anything, but no, they just had to interpret it their way. No one could ever decipher a quatrain to actually predict anything. It is a complete idiotic film, it doesn't even worth the value of the disc it is printed on. Those lunatic, drug-addicted people sees disasters everywhere and anywhere. I think the only disaster it's (in) their heads. This film is such a mess i don't know where it begins and where it ends. There are absolutely no narrative guidelines, just some patched flash-episodes stitched together. The mixing of the antique cultures is incredibly awful and the decoding of the Nostradamus' lost pictures is so hilarious that it won't foul not even a 3 year old kid. I wish i could write more about this movie but i'm simply out of words. Don't waste your time on this movie, not even if you got a death wish.
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