
11 Reviews
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Rampage (2018)
Horrendous Movie
28 July 2018
I went in with pretty low expectations and not even those were met. I don't even know who the characters were and what they did. They spend so little time on character development and as a result I didn't really care much about anything that happened to them. The action scenes are incredibly long and I found myself wanting to move past all the smashing and banging to see what actually happens. In the end I learned that what actually happens after all the action isn't really worth taking the time to watch.
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Detroit (2017)
Great film but
5 April 2018
For me, I loved the film long as I pay too close attention to it. I felt that I enjoyed the movie more when I wasn't noticing the bad acting and other minor details that annoyed me. One example was the choice at about 40 minutes into the movie. They really messed with the voice of the guy singing in public, it was so obvious that it sounded like it was dubbed over. Maybe it was? Either way, it sounded bad and little things like that throughout the movie just took away form the overall quality of the film as a whole. Great story though and filming looked good!
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Gerald's Game (2017)
4 April 2018
I went into this movie not knowing anything about it. I didn't know it was a Stephen King novel and I had not read any summaries about the plot. I was looking for a good, recent thriller .

I was very impressed. this movie delivered all the twists and emotions that I would hope for in a thriller.

Carla Gugino delivered in one of the early scene what I personally feel was the best performance I have seen from a female lead all year.

The movie and the actors pulled my right into their world and I loved every minute of it. Right up until and including the end.

If you're looking for a good thriller, I highly recommend this one.
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Eden Lake (2008)
Don't be fooled by the high rating
25 June 2013
This movie has a completely mindless and unbelievable script. The main characters do things that no person would do in real life, whether sane or insane. After Steve and his wife do so many things that are completely unbelievable during the first fifteen minutes, I was happy that they were terrorized by these kids. They had it coming for acting so unbelievable. The guy in the film is planning some romantic getaway for his girl. They drive awhile to get to some remote town and then some kids ride their bikes in from of his car and he gets a bit irritated. Shortly after that someone cuts him off getting to a parking spot and he is livid. This guy clearly has anger management issues. They finally get to a bar and the man gets upset because he feels the bartender ignores him when he tries to order a drink. Of course the bartender had his back to the guy and the guy didn't raise his voice for the bartender to hear him, he just whispered something about beer a few times. I guess he just kind of expects that the bartender will know that he's waiting there? Anyway, the poor baby has had a bad day. So to cap it off he takes his girl to some dumpy, mosquito infested lake surrounded by construction to propose to her (really!). Then, after some local kids show up playing music and partying (things you'd actually expect at a place like this), the guy decides it's time to take his shirt off and show them how manly he is. Maybe he thinks that will terrify them into going away? The kids and their music stay and their dog goes up to the couple and barks menacingly at the main character. She just lies their as the bark snarls and barks at her....really! Apparently she likes exposing her abdomen to an angry dog and human nature doesn't kick in to say "hey girl, get the heck off your ass and tell this dog to go away, or at least tell the owners to control it". No no no. They don't do anything rational like that. instead the guy goes over, acting like he owns the lake and tells them they should turn down their music and stop being a-holes. really! How does he expect this GANG OF DELINQUENTS to react to that kind of instigation? By saying "yeah OK dude, we were wrong, this is your lake, have a good time and thanks for calling us a-holes" Right... Anyway, if you're rooting for the "bad guys" to harass and terrorize this snotty couple, you'll like parts of this, but even then it's pretty annoying.
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Kidz (2010)
Good short zombie film with a twist
9 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Things I liked:

Saturday Morgan-Lynne. She added a lot of charm to this. She obviously enjoyed the part and fit the role really well.

Good use of humour throughout

The mom was hilarious and meant to be that way. Like something out of the 50's.

The sequence of events made sense and helped the story. Lots of amateur short films are so messy and things just happen. In this one, there's an initial event that causes a reaction (the dad dies and the kidz become zombie fighters), then we see the kidz in action (would have liked this part to be expanded), and then the plot reaches its conclusion (the kidz come back to reality)

The story moved quickly and didn't have scenes that were too long to get the point across

Things that I didn't like:

Max (Clive Holloway) was really wooden, emotionless and hard to watch in this. His type of character is important though. Maybe he was just really really bored but it sounded like he was reading off a dry erase board.

Too short. I wanted to see more when it was over, but this was also a good thing. It would have needed some new and different scenes to keep my interest rather than just longer scenes.
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Absentia (I) (2011)
Interesting Story and a mixed bag of actors
14 March 2013
The storyline here is interesting and the way the movie plays out keeps things interesting until the end. The acting performances by Courtney Bell (the pregnant woman) and Dave Levine (the detective who got her pregnant) are absolutely wooden and painful to watch and in stark contrast that to the performance given by Katie Parker who plays Callie, the pregnant girls sister.

Parker holds this movie up. Without her performance the movie would be too painful to watch.

The scare scenes are pretty decent too. Enough to get a spine-tingling jump or two out of most people.

If you focus on those good parts and try to look past the awful performances by the supporting cast, then you might find it worth your while.
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Bullhead (2011)
It's excellent
14 March 2013
A very deep, well-written story line. Character development is first-class and the acting is also very good all around. Directing is excellent with a lot of attention to detail.

There is a main plot and several interesting side-plots. The flashbacks that give background and significance to what's going on at present time are perfectly placed and not an interruption like so often happens.

The ending is excellent too.

One thing I didn't like was a part of the final scene that didn't seem to make sense (would a person in that situation really do that?) but overall this one is a winner.
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The Divide (2011)
Watched this at night, in a dark room in one sitting. AAA+++
13 March 2013
Warning: If you want a movie that spells everything out and gives you the reason why things are happening, you may not enjoy this one.

I loved this movie. I was surprised it scored so poorly but when I looked at the reviews, most poor reviews centre on the same complaint "The characters did awful things without any reason behind it" and if you don't think about the movie or if you're watching it while doing something else, then you really WON'T get it. The entire script is unpredictable like this and it doesn't spoon-feed your mind.

The actors all get right into their roles and all of the main actors are very believable and put on great performances. I think that the director really worked hard to get the most out of his team. Kudos to him because I'm really tired of seeing so many movies where the director obviously just 'let stuff go' because it was too much work to get that little bit extra out of each scene. I don't know who the director for this one is, but he really nailed it.

One of my favourite aspects of the movie is there's so much meat leftover after the movie ends. What's up with the dudes in suits? What's up with that tunnel? What happened outside? Why was no one else taken away? These questions and others will drive your imagination wild throughout the whole film and afterwards and while some questions have a logical answer, many don't and that adds to the intrigue. In fact, I think these parts are the things that can create a cult classic and I hope there will be a sequel from the same writers, although these days that seems pretty unlikely.

I could go on for pages about how awesome this film was, but I realize that there are a lot of people who won't like it's style. So I'll end by saying this: If I think back over all the films I've seen over the past year, The Divide sticks out as providing the most memorable film watching experience.
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Upside Down (I) (2012)
Enjoyable fantasy with an interesting storyline
13 March 2013
If you're looking for Sci.Fi., you might not enjoy this. It's a fantasy/love story. It's not too bad either.

Dunst is great and Sturgess also puts in a good performance. I found the performances from the supporting cast really wooden and uninspiring. Even the main supporting actor, Spall, was rehearsed and unconvincing, despite having a good script and role. I think the supporting cast brings the movie down.

This movie tries to please the Sci. Fi. lover and the romance lover at the same time. And though it doesn't do either really well, it still turns out to be an interesting and fun movie with a good storyline and good use of humour. The action scenes were good for the most part, though a bit drawn out in the end. I felt that the movie should have stuck to it's strength in the interaction between the two main characters rather than try to focus on action at some points.
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Riveting storyline
13 January 2010
This movie was very good overall. My favorite foreign film this year.

The child actors are excellent as are the adults.

The story-line kept me riveted to the screen, eager for the next clue to the mysterious and frightening events going on in this town.

The love story between the narrator and the young Nanny in town is also very well done. In fact, many of the characters inspire a strong emotional response, which I myself enjoy in a film.

The film leaves you with just enough to put together your idea of what was going on behind the scenes and doesn't spoon-feed the audience.

Very much an adult movie, I wouldn't recommended it for young adults or children as they may find it hard to follow the significance of some seemly minor events.
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Ballast (2008)
Good Direction? Yes. Good movie? No
13 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Director certainly did a wonderful job of putting this film together. He used very short scenes, avoiding a lot of editing that would come about with long scenes and poor acting. Great job of getting the audience into the mood of the film with very frequent cuts as people move about in the film and interact with each other.

These frequent cuts can also be annoying to some viewers.

The actors aren't very good and although the very short scenes hide this fairly well, the scenes with a lot of dialogue have a very flat and rehearsed mood. This is especially true when the boy is speaking to the main character about suicide, while holding him at gunpoint. The flat, uninspired acting works well for the guy who is dealing with the suicide, but not so well for the other characters.

I am surprised this film has nominations and wins for acting. Though not too surprised to see some nominations for new director.

Overall, I thought the directing was solid, making maximum use of minimal talent.

Storyline is cliché, but still OK.
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