
6 Reviews
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Does everyone in this film have a severe case of autism?
2 June 2022
Poorly written script, robotic and unreleatable characters ... basically a snoozefest. It's like the director is actively trying to be weird, which is so off-putting.
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
A Movie About Changes
22 April 2022
There's a lot of things to love about Boyhood. Linklater once again showed that he has mastered the art of letting the story unfold itself. Relationships between characters felt organic, which was certainly helped by a tight script.

Overall, I found Boyhood immersive, and left with an impression that it was more of a documentary than movie. At nearly 3 hours it seemed too short, and I got a feeling that huge chunks were left out, which is unfortunate. I think that it would've been even stronger as a miniseries, but I surely wasn't dissapointed.
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Psychedelic boredom
30 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Yesterday I went to my local theater and was very excited to see this piece of artistic expression.It all started with rapidly swifting colors that could easily trigger someones epilepsy,blended with some strange electronic music that sounded to me like a freaky mix of Japanese rpg soundtrack.Beginning of the movie was very interesting,specially the part when he was smoking DMT which was well presented,with mind blowing visual patterns.Plot started to develop in interesting direction,although dialog was pretty poor it was compensate with visual effects that were amazing. I was almost guaranteed this would be an amazing movie,however it all fall apart during too many overuses of effects,such as diving into objects,white screen etc.In last hour and a half (maybe even more)that made this movie so difficult and unpleasant experience to watch.This movie could work a lot better with editing and cutting many of the later scenes,which to me seemed dull and uninteresting.Everything started to repeat itself and it became repulsive,I could not immerse myself into movie anymore.Looks like even director did not know what to do with it,so he just left it spinning in monotony.I heard many people saying this movie was pretty shocking but all it did for me was slowly putting me to sleep.
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Unused potential
30 August 2010
Although this movie had a nice start,with quite a few good jokes it failed to become much more than that.I was hoping to see something different,a breath of fresh air in the mass off generic,cheap teenage comedies.Unfortunately Zack and Miri are stuck somewhere in the middle of an sandwich and it's not pleasant at all.The first half of the movie I admire the most.This part is filled with something,not to say original but different,and actually has something fresh to bring to audience.Closer we are getting to ending movie starts dragging us in different direction,from unique and funny comedy towards cheap romantic flick filled with every possible cliché there is in a book.Actually it started becoming so bad it literally erased all enjoyable moments this movie did offer.Only thing that stopped me from turning it off was pure boredom.Disappointed,to say at least.
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Ghost World (2001)
Find the place where you belong
9 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A movie about two high school graduates Enid and Rebbeca which are trying to start living on their own.Both of them are not quite sociable and despise most of people they know.Things started to change when they met Seymour.Firstly thinking he is a pathetic middle-age weirdo,Enid becomes greatly obsessed with him and is trying get him a girlfriend.At this point relationship between Enid and Rebbeca starts to be more and more distant.Sometime later Rebbeca finds job at local diner,but Enid seems to reject every job offer.Enid herself is not quite sure what is she aiming for.At one point of the movie she gives up and is about to start a normal life when she is anything but.Strangely enough,people are closer to salvation when it seems that there is no way out.Movie ends with Enid getting on a bus which for me represents her moving on with life.

Thora Birch and Scarlett Johanson both did excellent roles portraying angry,lost and insecure characters to which pretty much everyone can relate to.End tells us that there is much more and u have a choice:to be a slave of life or to live your life as much as you can.
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Happiness (1998)
Ask for slap in a face!
3 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Before I started watching Happiness I thought it would be just another regular drama about finding meaning of life.At first I did not have some high expectations but further the film developed I realized this movie is like nothing I have ever watched.Movie does not try to embellish life it shows it exactly how it is.And for some people it is pretty f*cked up.For example I could take that fat guy Allen which entire life is based on jerking off and fantasizing to have sex with his next door neighbor or maybe that depressed kid who just wants to come and openly talks about it with his pedophile dad.That very last conversation they had was one of the most heartbreaking scenes I ever saw in a movie.It makes you feel sorry for both characters although you know what kind of sick things his father has done.Happiness is a very well acted movie,with great story developing and its dark sense of humor makes it even better.Well,at least for me that is.A beautiful portrait of modern society with variety of characters that are so different and yet so alike.
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