
39 Reviews
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
Not Fantastic, but FAR from horrible.
12 July 2005
Reading all the horrible bashing reviews of Fantastic Four, i had low expectations of the movie. But i came out of the theater pleased none the less. This is not a groundbreaking, amazing CGI, blockbuster film, but its sure not crappy like its been made out to be. The film was very well cast, with the expect ion of Chris Evans who any good looking guy in Hollywood could have played. The film is cheesy at times but so is the story of the Fantastic Four so you get what you paid for. Could have had alittle more something something in it, but it didn't and it still works just fine. Not the best superhero film ever made, but FAR from the worst. Maybe a sequel will be alittle better directed and have what the first lacked. 7/10
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Yes, Dear (2000–2006)
Never even watched it until TBS picked up reruns....
2 February 2005
I dismissed this show when it first went on the air in 2000, never even watched due to the fact that it looked horrible and got really bad reviews. TBS recently picked the show up in reruns and i've started watching it. It isn't always funny, sometimes its annoying, but for the most part its an OK show. Nothing outstanding or anything. Good cast though. This is for sure not a classic or anything, but very simple easy to follow, and some good jokes at times. Its not as bad as it was made out to be thats for sure. Overall i'd say if you never watched the show before, for whatever reason, give it a chance. Its not the best no, but there have been plenty worse.
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I don't get it, why do people like this movie?
2 February 2005
I heard nothing but good things about this movie. "oh its SO funny" "best movie of the year". Well i thought it sucked. I usually love the stupid yet funny movies (Dumb & Dumber) but man i could hardly sit thru this one. I didn't laugh once. It was pointless there was nothing good or even slightly funny about it. Am I missing something? i mean i have a very open minded, and like i said LOVE the stupid dumbass movies, but this was just like people got bored so they started acting like retards on film. This movie ranks very high up on my "worst movies ever list". I don't see why anyone would enjoy this. This is like an SNL sketch gone wrong (like they all do). Terrible, 1\10.
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A nice Surprise.
28 January 2005
When you think of Vs. movies you think right away, "how cheesy". Freddy Vs. Jason is one that comes to mind, and yes Cheesy is the word. This is not the case in Alien Vs. Predator. I've seen many bad reviews of this film saying the story was stupid, but i have to disagree. The way the 2 characters came together made sense to me. Though the actors in the movie were a bunch of no names, their rolls in the movie didn't really matter, expect for the woman. Though i'll agree the way the movie ended was just alittle cheesy, but again it made sense to me, SHE WON! I think for what it was, Alien Vs. Predator turned out pretty damn good. It could have been a lot worse. Not the best movie ever made, but i enjoyed it. The ending left it open for a squeal...but i think its better left where it was.
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This might actually work....
4 January 2005
So when i heard that "Mr. Wick" was becoming host of The Late Late Show i thought, flop. But after watching Craig Ferguson's first show as host of The Late Late Show i have to say i was surprised. Ferguson comes off as kinda creepy and weird during his monologue, but interviewing seemed very natural. Time will tell if Craig Ferguson can bring the show up from where Kilborn left it, unwatched and not funny. Whoever thought that "Mr. Wick" would be hosting a late night talk show, i sure didn't. But i think he will do just fine. If you are up that late at night, and ConanO'Brien is not your thing, then no doubt catch The Late Late Show, it maybe your cup of tea.
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20 June 2004
If there was ever a doubt in your mind that Hanson didn't have talent, this DVD will make you see. Underneath Acoustic Live is a MUST HAVE for any Hanson fan, and no doubt worth owning for non-fans too. Hanson takes it down to the basics on their 3rd concert DVD. Nothing but acoustic guitars, a piano, percussion, and a small drum set for this one. Filmed at Chicago's House Of Blues, Hanson brings down the house, acoustic style. Songs like "You Never Know" and "Rock'n'Roll Razorblade" will have you rockin hard. Who knew a band could rock playing acoustic, Hanson knows how. Hits like "Where's The Love", "MMMBop", "Runaway Run", and "This Time Around" have never sounded better than on this acoustic dvd. Their latest smash hit, "Penny & Me", is no doubt a crowd fav already. Each brother takes the stage alone for one song on this set. Isaac's "Hand In Hand" shows he would have no problem with a solo carrer. Taylor's "Crazy Beautiful" is a nice addition, and Zac Hanson's "The Walk" is no doubt a highlight of the concert.

If you are looking for new music, something good, something maybe you wouldn't have ever thought to check out; check out Underneath Acoustic Live, you will be pleasently surprised.
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10 April 2004
This is the worst daytime talk show on TV today. Ali Wentworth is the most annoying woman in the world. I watched the show one day and i knew i had seen her on TV before, and then i remembered, she was on Seinfeld once before, and she was TERRIBLE! She played this annoying girlfriend of Jerry's, basicly the same person she is in real life. and who the hell is Jack Ford? I can't see this show being on the air much longer, lame ass guests lame ass show, if anyone watches this show everyday, find them and smack them in the face and then say "NO!" This is like worse than Regis and Kelly, if you can believe that.I'd take Kelly Ripa over Ali Wentworth. Go away Ali Wentworth you are a no name lame actress.
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Late Night needs a new host
10 April 2004
Ok when Conan O'Brien took over for Letterman as host of NBC's Late Night, nobody thought it would last. Well turned out, Conan was funny. 10 years later, he's still doing the same crap he started out doing. Late Night needs a new host, badly! He is not funny anymore, and from what i understand, his contract is almost up, and NBC hasn't contacted him about signing back on. I hope they let him go and find someone else. And really why would Conan keep doing it? He'll never host the Tonight Show, and when Letterman retires, CBS wouldn't dare ask Conan to host the Late Show. He's stuck at 12:35am. There is no place for him to go. I hope they either fire him, or he steps down. 10 years is a good run, but the show is not funny anymore. However, Late Night is still better than The Tonight Show and The Late Late Show, but not much though....
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Somebody Pull The Plug On This Show QUICKLY!!!
5 March 2004
WOW talk about hitting rock bottom. I can't believe Regis is sticking with LIVE. Kelly Ripa is so stupid, she has brought down the quality of the show. Not that the show was really good when Kathie Lee was there, but its worse now, MUCH worse. Here's what i think they should do. Cancel the show, fire Jimmy Kimmel from ABC's late night spot and give Regis his own late night talk show, that would be cool. Regis is the best he's always funny and got something to say i enjoy watching him on shows, expect his own cos it sucks with Ripa. So yea don't watch LIVE avoid it at all costs. Hopefully SOON Regis will realize he's not going anywhere and he will get out, before its really too late.
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Scooby-Doo (2002)
I loved it!
18 February 2004
I didn't see this in theaters or rent it cos i heard it was really bad. Then it came on HBO, and i loved it! It was alot better than i had heard. It was fun and easy to follow. Scooby Doo looked great! I really enjoyed it! I hope the 2nd one is as good as the 1st! Great movie.
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The Sharon Osbourne Show (2003–2004)
17 February 2004
I knew this show would be canceled, and for good reason too. Its pretty bad really. The whole Osbourne thing is really getting old and then Sharon got her own show, i mean come on people are you kidding me? Its so bad and so meaningless its pointless. It will be one less crappy talk show on the air, and not a minute too late either.
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Jay Leno is a poor mans Dave Letterman.
17 February 2004
Someone once told me that The Tonight Show was what white trash people watched and that the Late Show was what classy people watched, and i really think thats true. Jay Leno is a poor mans Dave Letterman. The show is so low quality, its terrible. And then Leno stands up there and tells really bad jokes for like 20-30 minutes its like SHUT UP you aren't funny! I bet it makes Johnny Carson sick anytime it watches Leno, cos man he's horrible. Letterman is best thing Late Night talk shows have ever seen. He is the real king of late night, Leno will also be 2nd.
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Black Sheep (1996)
I liked it the first time...when it was called Tommy Boy
12 February 2004
Chris Farley was a funny guy, and its really too bad that he's gone. Black Sheep was, meh ok at best. Same kinda story as Tommy Boy pretty much, but whatever. David Spade is still struggling to become a good actor now that Farley is gone. Ok movie, not the best though.
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Tommy Boy (1995)
Very Funny
12 February 2004
This is a good movie, funny story, ok cast. I really enjoy watching it. Everytime i watch it i wonder what Chris Farley would be doing today if he was still alive, would he be making good movies, or what. Who knows Tommy Boy is a good comedy, i think Chris's best movie (since he didn't do too many good ones)
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I Got Punk'd
24 January 2004
Saw the previews for this movie and i thought hey, this actually looks kinda good, so i said what the hell lets give it a chance. I got punk'd. This is NOT a good movie, its very unbelievable, and sorry Ashton, but you'll never be a respected actor in hollywood. You'll always only have Demi and That 70's show, sorry to burst your bubble.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
Great Movie
18 January 2004
This is one of Bill Murray's best movies i think. Its always on TV and i always watch it. I never get tired of it. It was a good idea for a movie. Bill Murray is one of my favorite actors of all time, he usually delivers a great comedy, and Groundhog Day is one of the best. Great movie, 5\5.
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This one was pretty funny
28 December 2003
Vegas Vacation and Christmas Vacation are my 2 favorites of the Vacation movies. Vegas Vacation was very funny. Good cast, and good story. I really enjoyed it. Lets face it, Chevy Chase has made some pretty crappy movies, but the Vacation ones seem to always make it for him. I like, its worthing buying.
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Another one of my favorite childhood cartoons reuined
27 December 2003
Inspector Gadget was one of my favorite cartoons growing up. I loved it! So i was excited to hear that they were making it into a live-action film. I thought man this is going to be a great movie. it sucked. It shouldn't have sucked, but it did. Thanks alot Disney for reuining a great cartoon. It wasn't even kinda good, it was all together terrible. Nice going, Disney.
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One of the best...
27 December 2003
Ninja Turtles is one of the best live-action adapation from a cartoon, ever! This was an awesome movie. The story was good, the Turtles looked awesome. You had to watch it as a kid to really get into it i think, but hey its fun. As for the 2nd and 3rd ones, well....yea they kinda sucked but this one was great!
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Not really good, but not really bad either
25 December 2003
I can say this, it was a million times better that the Super Mario Bros. movie. Basing that on just the simple fact that its a video game adaptation. I think its cool when they try to bring video games to life, its a cool idea. Sometimes they turn out crap like Mario Bros. and other times they turn out ok, and Street Fighter is ok. Not too bad.
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Who thought this was a good idea?
24 December 2003
I have always liked Roseanne, i think she is, or well i should say WAS funny. But now...she's a freak. and this new show she tried to do, was horrible. I watched it for the like 3 times it was on, and it was pointless. It was a stupid idea. Roseanne, you had a good run with your sitcom on ABC, you screwed up your talk show when you got all weird, and now your latest has bombed, STOP MAKING SHOWS! you aren't funny anymore.
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Daredevil (2003)
Not The Best SuperHero Movie, but Not The Worst either.
14 December 2003
Daredevil was kind of a lame movie, but far from the worst superhero movie. Ben Afflect did a pretty okay job in the movie, there were a few pretty stupid parts like where him and jennifer gardener did the little fight thing in the park, that was totally gay. I think the idea of Daredevil is a great idea. A man who is totally blind, and relies only on his other senses, which are now super senses, it could be a really good movie, but it wasn't, but like i said not the worst by far. It was much better than The Hulk, which totally sucked ass. Daredevil is not a good movie, but not a bad movie either. I hope they don't make another one though. 3\5
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Hulk (2003)
WOW this movie really sucked
14 December 2003
Hulk is one of those movies you start watching and you think..."its gotta get better, its just gotta!" but it doesn't. It gets worse and worse and worse. The editing of this movie was extremely poor. The story was very hard to follow, and it just sucked. The CGI Hulk was very cool though i will say that, honestly, thats the only reason i watched it all the way through just to see The Hulk. But its hard to believe that a movie with pretty okay actors sucked so bad, but it did. 1\5
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Saturday Night Live (1975– )
It Gets Worse Every Year...
13 December 2003
The show peaked in the mid-late 90's. Its getting really bad now. The cast just isn't that funny. All the funny ones have left. I am a huge SNL fan, but the past few years, its been really hard to make it through the whole show. Its not funny and is stupid. The writers are either totally out of ideas, or they are just really bad writers. Tina Fey is running the show into the ground as Head Writer, she does have some funny bits on Weekend Update, but they are few and far between. The ratings can't be good, i don't know who could sit down and actually watch the show all the way through. And they are coming up on Season 30! in its 30 years, the show has had many crappy seasons, and they are on a losing streak now. Hopefully they will get rid of some cast memebers and replace them with funny people. (Tina Fey, Chris Parnell, Maya Rudolph, Seth Meyers, to name a few)
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28 November 2003
I am a big fan of the first 2 Austin Powers movies. They are great very funny. So i was really excited to see the 3rd one. So i went to see it when it hit theaters. When the movie was over i stood up and the first thing i thought was, "thats 2 hours of my life i'll never get back". This movie was horrible. I can't believe anyone actually liked it. The jokes were gross and stupid. And whats up with all the cameo appearences? I thought that was really gay, and just the whole plot of the movie was stupid. Mike Meyers isn't a good actor by any means, but he did good in Austin Powers 1 and 2. I hope that Meyers doesn't do another one, i know he's talked about it. But geez this was so bad, i can't even imagine how crappy a 4th one would be.
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