
15 Reviews
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If You Believe (1999 TV Movie)
Childish, boring, bad acting..
29 December 2022
This is a very negative and childish movie. Not only is the script bad, it's clearly not a movie for adults. It's not even a family movie, in my opinion, but only for young children. I might see children 10 years of age or younger watching it. But it's so negative, I wouldn't want my child to see it. They would see the aunt as mean, and the movie tells young children that Santa isn't real, which many parents may be very adverse to. It's probably the worst movie I've seen in years. I got through 20 minutes of it. I really couldn't recommend it to adults or children. I found it that distasteful.
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9 May 2022
I purchased this wanting to enjoy à movie with my twin on our bday. I think she enjoyed it ok. I bought it because a review said to get it right now. I thot some of the acting early on was over done. I also thot some of the movie was unrealistic. Additionally, I felt the female lead's English wasn't convincing. Early on she indicated she couldn't speak English. Later she was using words together than weren't reasonable for someone not knowing English. The movie did grab your attention, but overall, I didn't enjoy it. I felt was too similar to other movies of people stranded in isolated locales.
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Commenting about the first review here.
6 August 2019
The young woman who was reviewing apartments communicated that she was very opinionated. That is also true of many Americans. We can be far more vocal than other countries. While it may not have sounded positive that she didn't like the unfinished building that would be a view, I understood her expressing her dislike of it. After all, it's going to be where she lives and they are paying a pretty hefty price in Ghana for the place. If she doesn't like something as she's viewing a potential place, it is her right to say so without having to feel she has to prevent someone being offended. Her desires as as important as another person's feelings. This is about her move, not what Ghanians think about it. And she isn't a guest in Ghana. She was a potential resident, who gave up her life in American to try to mesh in another country. I guarantee that anyone moving from any African country to American is going to experience culture shock. Let this woman do the same. The American culture and Ghanian culture is very different. It's ok to express oneself in a different way. That shouldn't offend others. It's who people are and how the function. Should everyone that moves to another country feel forced to relate the same way the natives do? I don't think so. We bring who we are. I doubt this young woman would criticize everything in Ghana. But she is opinionated and that is her right. But she may learn to temper her words since most Ghanians aren't going to relate in her way. It's all about learning who each other are and respecting the differences.
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I wish them good success.
6 August 2019
I was interested in viewing this program since I have had more than one close friend from Ghana. My experience with Ghanians are they are such humble and spiritual people. I know that doesn't describe their entire country or race but I have found them to be very gentle and decent people. In the program I was a little concerned about this couple. The synopsis on the show didn't say that were engaged. I was glad to hear that, meaning they must know each other pretty well. But let's face it, do we really know someone perfectly if we don't live with them? It was clear that their lives would be meshing in a far greater way. But I had some concerns. The female seemed somewhat spoiled and focused on material things, in a way that wasn't practical for the male's startup business there. I was waiting to see if the male would keep his foot down regarding not jumping into a rental cost that exceeded his budget plans. He stuck with it. I do wish them good success and hope he does very well with his business. I sense that he will since he seems very take charge and is investing long hours from the get go. But I hope the female can acclimate to the country and it was stated that she won't be working there. So she'll have a lot of time on her hands and it's going to be so different for her. I've had very personal relationships with Africans from just about every African country. As a whole they don't tend to grow up with the conveniences and advances we have here. Therefore, they may not relate well in some areas, in a way we are accustomed to. But goodness goes a very long way and I probably would choose Ghana to live over any other African country. I do hope she meshes well and finds life agreeable there. I'm sure Ghana has so much to offer. But cultures are also very different and she's going to experience that a lot.
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American Ride (2011– )
Keeps me on the edge of my seat
12 February 2019
I just found this program on cable and saw one episode today. Somebody really does their research and this guys presents it incredibly well, as others here have indicated. If every episode has the same effect, I'm hooked. Two things I was thinking as I watched. One is that this guy needs to run for Congress. Secondly, it made me sad to consider how many take our country, our servicemen and our founding fathers for granted. We owe huge gratitude to so many. Also, our citizens and immigrants need a real thorough indoctrination in the depth of leadership and integrity of our forefathers. I was surprised to learn this has aired since 2011. What an incredible idea for a series and so well written and delivered. This gave me hope that there are many more such patriots in our great nation, who will not let our nation turn into a cesspool of dishonor and liberalism.
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I enjoyed very much
23 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie may appeal to those who can identify with it in some way. One reviewer said it was boring. I can understand that but it wasn't for me. It kept my attention and greatly affected me. I was inspired by various things in the movie and I think others could be as well. There is certainly much to provoke thought in it. I enjoyed the entire movie except the end. With so much buildup about the male leads convictions, his lack of committment to that was a real disappointment. But overall I enjoyed it greatly and so much so, that I purchased it. This is a chic flick and I recommend it to any women, who I think will enjoy the twists and turns of the story.
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So enjoyable
21 November 2015
I enjoyed this so much that I want to try to find a copy so I can enjoy it again. I wasn't familiar with Evelyn Keyes but she was a beautiful actress from the 40's. Glenn Ford looks very young and handsome in this film as well. He plays an aloof type and his character wasn't my favorite in the movie. But the movie kept my attention from the beginning. It's sweet and compassionate and keeps you guessing about how it will pan out. It's wholesome yet flirty and is a great movie to keep you entertained when you need to relax. It's a chick flick so I'm not sure how men would relate to it. I highly recommend it, and therefore rated it an excellent film. If you have the opportunity, see it.
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Cold Weather (2010)
Pretty sorry movie
7 August 2015
Very slow, boring movie. Not well written at all. There were two saving graces for the movie. One that it finally picked up about the middle of the movie. Secondly, the acting was fairly good. But taking about lack of creativity. This writer must have never written anything before. I don't mean to sound so critical but I agree with another poster here. It was one of the worst movies I've seen. What surprised me most about the movie is that it was not rated, which I thought mean decent. It wasn't a decent movie that a family could watch. There were at least 6 F words and lots of other profanity. There were frontal shots of women stripped to the waste. That may be OK for the bulk of the population but it wasn't what I expected for a non rated movie. Do not waste your time on this slow, boring, poorly written movie.
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Huge disappointment
5 April 2015
A real disappointment after the DVD jacket gave raves. Most of the effort was insincere and the whole plot of the movie was weak to me. Why would a company feel any moral, social or legal obligation to look after a former employee? Communication with the public would have set things in order and prevented any sense of obligation and insincerity. I also felt the movie was very disconnected in terms of flowing from one locale to another. It went from one country to another with my having to figure out what country they were in. There were some tender moments but I found the movie a huge let down from beginning to end. The only positive I felt was seeing a bit more about the various cultures in the film. But where movie production was concerned, it was clear that the producer was not American because the quality was not on the level that Americans expect. I rate it as one of the third worst movies I've seen.
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Thought provoking.
22 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I found the movie thought provoking. I didn't enjoy his relationships that didn't work. Yet one lady encouraged him to be more and another one encouraged him to be himself, despite his success in a position with her dad. What I enjoyed was that it made me think about the importance of doing what we desire, rather than what we're good at or what we're successful at. I also didn't mind that there were lots of close ups of Mr Beautiful. I didn't find it too much since he was easy on the eyes. I also thought they did a nice job of transitioning the main character's image from a student to a businessman. I didn't think it was a great movie but it does have an important message. It was timely for me. The movie kept my attention and got the point across.
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I enjoyed it but the story could have been improved.
26 October 2013
I enjoyed this movie and although it was lengthy, it kept my attention. The locations were beautiful, giving the movie greater charm. This was a loving couple with a happy marriage and family. The wife was very supportive and understanding. They seemed to have it all, an active social life, friends and a comfortable lifestyle. But changes in the husband's career, as well as interfering friends and family, created challenges. I agree that some of the acting was overdone. I don't think it affected the movie greatly though and it didn't bother me. There were some great stars in supporting roles. I feel the story could have been improved in the end. I wanted to see a different outcome.
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Not a family movie.
21 April 2013
I greatly disliked this movie because it presented a very unhealthy way of parenting and allowed disrespect of children for parents. The language was real profane, especially between a stepfather and a young child. Every imaginable profanity was used. The story also showed a parent figure stealing in front of his stepson and using filthy words in front of him and allowing him to do the same. The stepdad also teased his 9yr old stepson about french kissing girls, which seems far too young to be dealing with a 9yr old child about. The movie turned me off in every way, except for the last scene where the stepdad tells his stepson he loves him. It is definitely not a movie for children. It does reflect reality on the street but most don't live in that way and my concern is that the title and jacket might appeal to families or young children and they will be shocked by its content. I can't imagine where the title came from. It seems very inappropriate. I give it a one because of my above comments and it was one of the worst movies I've seen.
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Torch Singer (1933)
Not well written.....
24 January 2012
I agree with several other posters about this movie. It is not well written. It doesn't always flow well. I think that Claudette Colbert's acting is the only saving grace. I love everything she's in but this is my least favorite of her films. She still does a great job. But I was surprised she would be given a singing role. Her voice was atrocious and she had many singing parts. What I did enjoy about the movie was the subject matter. It evokes sympathy for this young mother and we want to see her dream come true. But I agree that the ending was completely unrealistic and I feel the latter part of the movie needed more work. It's watchable but I would never view it again and can't really recommend it. I would rate it lower but I'm giving it a five because Claudette's acting is good.
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It didn't keep my interest.
1 October 2011
I watched the movie based on good reviews of it. It was a disappointment. After watching it a short while, I was surprised it was rated so highly. I couldn't disagree more. I found the story to be very slow and not well directed. For example, when the class bell rang, it lite up, since some of the students couldn't hear. But when class was over and students began to leave, no one had looked at the bell to see that it was blinking. I feel William Hurt was overacting because his script was so elementary. I also felt the female lead's acting was overdone at times. After seeing half of the movie, I couldn't watch the remainder. I was too bored by the slowness and predictability of the story. Therefore, I could not recommend it.
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Ladies' Man (1931)
Can't recommend
4 March 2011
The movie didn't do it for me. I expected much more after reading the reviews. I can't say too many positive things about it. I found the movie boring, particularly in the beginning. I also didn't like the subject matter and found most of the characters shallow. The only good thing I can say is that Carole Lombard played her role well. Along with the fact that the title did fit the lead. But I didn't find most of the characters to be likable. I also feel the male leads real romance didn't have the time to build the relationship. It was not believable. I hardly made it through the entire movie because it didn't grab my attention and I didn't find anything appealing. I hope you won't waste your time.
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