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Captain Ultra (1967– )
Japanese Lost in Space
18 May 2024
Very low budget kid's show set in space.

24 episode TV series that is very hard to find outside of Japan. At the time of this review only two episodes are available online. I can't review the series as a whole but I can give my thoughts on the opening two episodes - great stuff!

An amazing use of bright colours (just like Lost in Space) and the goofy robot is rather amusing even when I listen to him in subtitles.

However, in recent times I have watched a few 60s/70s Japanese TV shows and I have sometimes found that (with the exception of Ultraseven) they run out of steam after a few episodes.

As I have only seen two episodes of Captain Ultra I have some concerns that it might not be able to maintain the quality we have at the start.
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Spectreman (1971–1972)
Japanese Planet of the Apes
18 May 2024
Japanese kid's show about space invaders dressed like Planet of the Apes rejects.

The first few episodes are very entertaining and fans of 70s Planet of the Apes films will be very happy indeed. An English dubbed version is available on Youtube which made it a different viewing experience to my 60s/70s Ultraman screenings (not dubbed, subtitles instead).

However, I am sorry to report that Spectreman begins in a pleasing straight tone but soon gets a little silly. However, my first screenings were made as an adult in his 50s so maybe little kids will get a good laugh out of it??

I might suggest watching the first half a dozen episodes then dropping out.
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Ultraman Taro (1973–1974)
Oddball Ultra Series with so much to look at
18 May 2024
A more light hearted Ultra series mainly for the kids.

First viewed in 2024 when I was aged in my 50s, so how do I review a kid's show like this?? The more serious and adult Ultraseven (1967) always stands as the best Ultra series but Taro has a lot to look at (oddball cars, colourful uniforms, nice filming locations and great sets).

But after a few episodes the viewer gets hungry for more than colourful images and the series as a whole becomes a little dull. I would suggest watching a half a dozen episodes every six months as binge watching a series like this is not wise.

Another issue, Ultraseven (1967) was mostly free of child actors but Taro has just a few too many of them. Once again, don't binge.
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Man from Atlantis: Scavenger Hunt (1978)
Season 1, Episode 14
This Monster Episode is the Best of the Series
27 March 2024
On an island, Mark (Patrick Duffy) finds a two-headed creature (aka stuntman in a suit).

Without question the most memorable episode of the series! And the best! Before this hour we had little hints of the previous underwater series - Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1964-68) - but this episode takes things to a new Voyage level - a sea monster!

I should explain that I am not the biggest fan of Patrick Duffy as the Man from Atlantis. He is about as wooden as you can get. Yes, some would say he just seemed that way because he was out of touch with our land based world. Maybe so, but the viewer simply can't watch someone like Duffy every week. Atleast this episode gives us something very different and fun to look at (the sea creature).
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Close Encounters of the Green Kind
25 March 2024
A house with a family inside is sucked into a space warp.

People seem to love or hate this movie. Some sit on the fence with it but it does seem to get extreme reactions from viewers.

The flick turns into something else all together once we see the little dancing aliens. Everything is unexplained but I don't see this as an issue as the makers of the movie were obviously asking us to use this thing called our imaginations.

I am a very visual movie fan and I sometimes see things others don't - I can't think of another film in history that has made a better use of the colour green. Enough said on that point.

An under-rated and not often seen gem with a very interesting family of characters. Outstanding.

See the remastered print only.
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A Fine Flick But Not Perfect
25 March 2024
Bombs destroy LA, so a family heads for the highway.

In the previous year, Frankie Avalon had appeared in another doomsday science fiction film - Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961) - so I could not get that movie out of my mind during Panic in Year Zero!

"Panic" is a fine flick with a great script and compelling acting. Maybe they could have done a bit better with the musical score? Also, it does not compare to something like The Omega Man (1971). But all things considered, well worth a watch.

A later movie - The Day Time Ended (1979) - also had a typical all American family all alone encountering fantastic dangers. You might wish to track down that film as well.
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Akira Ifukube is Back Doing the Music!
25 March 2024
A smash hit box office giant of the mid-90s.

I lost some of the impact of this "last film" as my first viewing was in 2024. Viewers of the period would have been in tears over the climax but, while I enjoyed it, I was missing the feeling that this was the true end of old school Godzilla.

However, I can say this is a knockout movie, even today. Thankfully they got the old music composer - Akira Ifukube - back and his score is about 50% of the film's entertainment value.

It is a bit different having little monsters create disaster in the city.

All in all, a knockout flick. As always the human characters are less pleasing than the monsters, but all things considered - not bad at all.
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Godzilla 1985 (1985)
It Has Improved With Time
25 March 2024
After several years away, Godzilla returns.

This is a knockout movie that has improved with time. It is nice that Godzilla still has the goofy "cookie monster" eyes which are a left over from the 60s/70s movies. I mention this because the later Godzilla movies would change the eyes to something less pleasing. Godzilla is not Godzilla without those eyes.

The miniature special effects are outstanding and the musical score is rather good. With the exception of the William Shatner Star Trek movies, the 1980s is not exactly remembered by me as a great period for science fiction films - this makes Godzilla 1985 stand out even more!

Granted, this 80s take is missing the wonderfully silly appeal of the 60s/70s stuff, but all things considered - not bad at all.
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The Evil Touch: Campaign '20 (1974)
Season 1, Episode 15
Oddball Time Travel Episode
22 March 2024
In the year 2020, people travel in time.

The plots for this series were usually horror or fantasy so this full-on science fiction time travel tale was something of an oddity.

The Evil Touch was on a constant 1970s to mid-1980s rerun in Australia but despite my watching the show so many times - I just could not remember this episode (when re-watched in 2024).

The time travel plot has shades of Twilight Zone (1959) but without the timeless class of Zone.

The Evil Touch series is still worth a look in this century but this might not be the episode to start with. It just felt too goofy and out-of-place in the run of the series.
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Power Rangers: Final Wars
22 March 2024
Monster madness and Matrix tributes (???) as this is meant to be the end of Godzilla movies...for now.

Seriously, 60 minutes into this thing I had to remind myself I was watching a Godzilla movie! Our titled hero hardly appeared in the first hour! It felt more like a Power Rangers movie - complete with an angry young man as the villain.

There are some nice moments, such as when Hedorah (from Godzilla Vs Hedorah) makes a comeo, and the bits in Sydney, but this flick is flooded with CG rubbish that basically wrecks it.

The movie that came before this - Godzilla: Tokyo SOS (2003) - was the TRUE end of old school Godzilla. There is nothing old school in Godzilla: Final Wars. It is the sort of cold hearted rubbish that would infect our 21st century.
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I just re-watched all 26 episodes!
22 March 2024
Teenagers on a mysterious island with a satanic 200 year old immortal running things.

I viewed the whole series a few times in the 1970s. Then the show was off my radar for about 43 years - just watched all 26 episodes this week!

This is one of the very best Australian TV shows ever made! New things stand out when re-watching the series today. Now it seems a little odd that these teenagers (a mix of male and female) are not romantically interested in each other. Now the island "villains" seem so harmless and almost amusing. But there is nothing wrong with all this because the series was for children. This is how a kid's show should be.

By today's standards the plots would probably seem too simple for many but I manged to get taken in by the wonderful filming locations and appeal of the whole cast.

If you are expecting a 1970s version of another mysterious island series - Lost (2004) - I should warn you there is much less science fiction going on here. Take away the plot point of the island leader being immortal and you are left with what is basically an adventure series.

There is the odd moral or message added but basically this is an adventure series and not much more. But I am fine with that. It might be a good thing that the show ended after just 26 episodes as this is a kid's show and it just felt like there was a limit to the plots they could do - because anything too adult or grim was obviously off the cards.

Over the last 50 years Australia has produced endless soap operas and crime dramas for television. Today, The Lost Islands stands as a refreshing oddity in the history of Oz entertainment. It also has one of the greatest theme songs in 1970s TV history.
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Space: 1999: The Metamorph (1976)
Season 2, Episode 1
Enter Maya, enter new music, new sets, new producer!
8 March 2024
A jolting season opener where everything is different.

Gerry Anderson still has his name on the opening credits but even he later admitted that he let the Americans take over and he was no longer in charge.

This is still called Space 1999 but it is just so different to season one that some will be shaking their heads wondering what the hell happened?? The internet is flooded with details about the behind-the-scene dramas so I will not go into it here.

Right from the opening scene with an eagle being attacked by a strange light - this is a taste of things to come in season two. The hour also ends with a very well written exchange between the commander and Maya. This is nice start to the season.

Personally, I like having two totally different seasons of Space 1999. Two totally different music composers for each season. I think if the series remained exactly the same for 48 hours that might have presented a problem. Then again, I do miss Barry Morse.
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Space: 1999: Mission of the Darians (1975)
Season 1, Episode 9
Joan Collins in Space
8 March 2024
An ark in space is found.

In my 1970s childhood I saw Joan Collins appear in fantastical TV shows like Batman (1966), Star Trek (1966), The Fantastic Journey (1977) and this. I honestly can't remember what sort of impact she made on me back then. It was not until the following decade with Dynasty (1981) that the name Joan Collins took on a whole new meaning with me.

When looking at Collins in Mission of the Darians today only one thought seems to come to mind - if only she knew what was around the corner (with Dynasty).

Has Collins mentioned Space 1999 in later interviews? I have seen her mention Batman and Star Trek in interviews. Interesting woman. Interesting episode of Space 1999.
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The Invaders (1995)
8 March 2024
Terrible attempt to cash in on The Invaders TV series of the 60s. This sort of thing was going on in the 90s with Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1964) becoming SeaQuest DSV (1993). There was also a remake of the 60s Outer Limits series.

In fact during this period I felt so swamped by remakes of 60s shows that some of them just went right over my head.

The original Invaders TV series of 1967 was a very professional looking production with knockout music cues (mainly in the first season) and it had the unusual situation of having wonderful looking Ford cars appearing all the time (this was because Ford sponsored the series and they demanded the cars be constantly seen).

The old series was a product of the time and it simply does not belong in 1995. Which is probably why this 1995 production gets negative reviews.
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The Twilight Zone: The Invaders (1961)
Season 2, Episode 15
Starring The Spaceship
8 March 2024
Little aliens in a house.

I normally like the science fiction themed Zones and always like the Zones with a Forbidden Planet (1956) connection - so I like this episode, right? Wrong.

The Forbidden Planet spaceship is more interesting to look at than the woman.

The episode was fine on first viewing because I enjoyed the twist at the end. But the problems start when you make repeat viewings. It becomes a little boring and the non-speaking woman gets on your nerves a bit.

My suggestion, watch it once and never again. If you do that The Invaders is fine. The music cues would be reused in several other Zone episodes.
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Just as Wonderful as the Movie Itself
28 February 2024
Highly detailed look at the making of 20,000 Leagues.

Watching this adds to the entertainment value of the movie itself. Once you know all the nuts and bolts about the production you respect the movie itself even more. Being a fan of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (movie & TV series) I found it interesting that the submarine Nautilus and submarine Seaview both used the same studio tank for miniatures (at 20th Century Fox studios).

As explained here, there were two filmed versions of the giant squid attack. The unused "sunset" version and the version we got in the final cut. The deleted version is more clear and pleasing to the eye.

It is not often we get a 90 minute documentary about a 50s science fiction movie...they are normally much shorter. Great stuff.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
The first two seasons stink but season three is a knockout!
30 January 2024
Very flawed Star Trek series that finally picked up in the last year.

Boring characters, terrible plots, a sleepy looking lead character, the F-word being spoken in Star Trek. Some viewers will be so let down by the first two seasons that they simply will not get to season three - but you must see the final year!

Like many others, I could not make it through all of season one and season two - it was just so bad! Thankfully they dumped a few idiots from the first two years and put things back on track in season three!

You can totally follow the last season without watching the first two years. Granted, some characters make reference to the fact that Picard has changed a bit since the motion pictures of the 90s, this will be a tiny bit confusing to new viewers. But other than that, you will be fine jumping into the last year without watching the revolting opening seasons. Enjoy!
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Good Characters and a Sinister Musical Score
29 November 2023
Highly controversial remake of the famed lost island/Captain Nemo story.

Firstly, the 1961 Mysterious Island is very highly regarded by me. Despite this film holding the same title as that 1961 flick the trick is to just forget the title and think of this as new material (which is not too hard).

Secondly, I am a sucker for a film which contains a very impressive musical score - we get that here! A sinister sounding music cue plays a lot which creates the feeling that something about the island is a bit off. Most science fiction productions of the last 20 years don't have music that is half as good as this.

Finally, the nice mix of characters from 2012 and the distant past hold your attention. Who could not like a movie where a young man says to a 2012 girl: "Dude? Why does that mean? Why do you keep calling me that?"

When compared to a lot of the science fiction that has come out in the last 20 years - this is not too bad. Just don't compare it to the 1961 Mysterious Island.
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Mysterious Time Travel Tale
12 November 2023
60s US soldiers and a tank seem to have gone back in time.

The last two seasons of Twilight Zone sometimes had some less pleasing episodes but tales like this make you glad the series lasted five seasons - a knockout time travel story.

Different to some other Zone time travels as it is less sentimental than Walking Distance and others. Instead it is soldiers and a tank. But the mysterious nature of the whole thing is what gets you in. This is what Zone could do but many other TV shows could not - spooky mystery!

The actors playing the soldiers are all fine. This might not make my Top 5 Zone list but it makes my Top 20 Zone list without question.
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The Twilight Zone: The Little People (1962)
Season 3, Episode 28
Before Land of the Giants....
12 November 2023
On another planet, spacemen discover tiny people.

A very hard episode to review. The story is well written and acted but something about the general look of it turns me off. Perhaps I have seen so many re-runs of Land of the Giants (1968) that I demand this sort of "Little People" plot line be done with better effects?

Whatever, if you can forgive the flaws in production you will probably be impressed by the story here. There is a Forbidden Planet (1956) related moment at the end that makes the the whole thing worthwhile. In fact, the whole series of Twilight Zone has many Forbidden Planet related moments.
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Zone Fighter (1973)
Godzilla, Nice Old Cars and RED Everywhere!
12 November 2023
Toho, the film company that made the Godzilla movies, also made this 26 episode TV series. Godzilla makes appearances.

Firstly, this review is coming from an adult in his 50s who made his first viewings of Zone Fighter in 2023. With that in mind, this review might be a little different from other reviews of this series. After Ultraseven (1967), this would have to be one of the very greatest Japanese TV shows ever made. The only thing going against it (for me) is that a couple of the fighters are little children which is a bit of a struggle for someone of my age to look at. But other than that, this series wonderfully captures mid-1970s Japan (the cars, the fashions, etc).

I am a massive fan of Godzilla and the goofy way he was shown in the 60s/70s movies. Well, this is THAT Godzilla, so basically 50% of the appeal is Godzilla. As a lover of old cars, it is great to see the villains drive around in a black 50s car (a 70s show with a bit of the 50s) and the heroes drive around in a flying white/red vehicle. The great looking cars are big characters in this series and they are well filmed chasing each other on interesting Japanese roads.

Other fun things to look at include retro blinking light hardware in the hidden Zone base and red. If you like red like I do there is a lot of red in this show. From the Zone car to the clothing to the creatures - RED everywhere!

Don't be turned off by the subtitles. The plots are very simple and the show is very visual, so if you miss the odd subtitle you can still follow the plot without any problems.

At the time of this post, several full length episodes of Zone Fighter can be found on the internet (with subtitles).
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Mothra (1961)
90s Mothra Stinks - 60s Mothra is a Winner
11 November 2023
The first Mothra movie. A tropical island, city destruction, kidnapped twins - it is all happening here.

I reluctantly watched this on Youtube and to my complete surprise had a ball with it! There were a few less pleasing Mothra movies in the 1990s that damaged my view of this character but this flick - and the later one with Godzilla - are knockouts!

A colourful epic with amazing miniature effects!

The world released some knockout science fiction films in 1961 like Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Mysterious Island, Master of the World and Creature from the Haunted Sea. Now this as well. There was something in the air in 1961.
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The Starlost (1973–1974)
Hated in the 70s and Hated Now
11 November 2023
Very low budget and short lived space series.

As a lover of science fiction I have always wanted to like this but two attempts at viewing it (in my 70s childhood and today) both totally bombed. When seen today I just could not get past the opening 20 minutes. This would have to be the most boring start to a sci-fi series in history! My concentration was out the window because of the boring style of acting here. The terrible effects hardly helped.

Maybe it picked up in later episodes but I will never know because I just could not make it through the whole first episode. Ark II (1976) and Space 1999 (1975) have stood the test of time in flying colours but The Starlost should get sucked down a black hole where it belongs.
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Sole Survivor did it Better
11 November 2023
A WW2 bomber, complete with the pilot, still exist in the desert in 1960.

This very much resembles the 1970 TV movie - Sole Survivor - and my viewings of SS came before my viewings of King Nine - so guess which one I like most?

I have liked Cummings in other productions but, to me atleast, he comes over as almost annoying during this 25 minute TZ. Also, season one had done a few of these alone-but-not-alone tales (Where is Everybody?, etc) so beginning season two in this way is a problem. However, the location filming and bomber itself are impressive.

In a nutshell, this is okay but hardly a mighty season opener.
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Ultraseven (1967–1968)
The Sci-Fi Element Got Me Hooked
22 October 2023
Very highly regarded Japanese superhero and science fiction series.

I responded more to the sci-fi element over the superhero element. By that I mean when we see the traditional episode climax of giants doing battle - I was more interested in what came before with the aliens!

Even today, Ultraseven is an amazing looking production! The various alien creatures, the knockout filming locations, the unit costumes, the retro car they drive around in, the great use of colour - all outstanding even today!

Episode 31 is basically a remake of Fantastic Voyage (1966) involving Ultraseven shrinking and going inside a human body.

Also, unlike the previous 1966 "Ultraman" series - this is played totally straight with adult appeal.

If you missed this series in your youth and are a little concerned that you might not connect with it today as an adult - don't worry about that! I am aged in my 50s and had my first viewings in 2022. However, my repeat viewings in 2023 went over better than my first viewings.

If you have seen later "Ultra" TV shows or Power Rangers and don't like the endless giant creature/person battles - Ultraseven has fewer sequences like this. And that is a big strength of the series. Once again, I am here for the science fiction element instead of the superhero element.

There is a Gerry Anderson look to the aircrafts in flight.

Granted, the plots are simple, maybe too simple for some, but you just get sucked into the general look and feel of the series. And this happens right from the word go - the opening episode is a knockout!
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