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Oregon Trail (1945)
Fun and lively shoot 'em up!
6 June 2024
Escaping the law, Jim Parker arrives in a town that is controlled by Higgins and his crony Judge. When he stands up to Higgins he is made Sheriff only to be shot in the back, After recovering he returns to get the man that shot him. When the gang attacks, he fights back from the newspaper office. When a stray bullet nicks the printing press plate he sees that it is solid gold and its not long before the masquerades on both sides of the law are revealed.

The Oregon Trail - odd title as I don't know what it refers to as no Oregon was referenced - is one fun western bustling with energy, humour, witty dialogue, decent shoot em up and a clever plot - there's enough twists to keep you happy, especially in regard to the second "unknown" villain. Sunset Carson might not be a great actor but he certainly has a natural charm and fits the saddle really well. Love his accent, too. Peggy Stewart is beautiful as always but Mary Carr as her granny steals the scene.
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Montana Incident
6 June 2024
Whip Wilson (Whip Wilson) and his friend Dave Connors (Rand Brooks) survey the range for a railroad line, and are ordered to get out of the territory by Clara Martin (Peggy Stewart), the cold-eyed and unscrupulous older daughter of a retired cattlemen who owns the entire town and land around it. He allows his oldest daughter, Clara (Peggy Stewart) to run things, unknown to him, she has been milking the town dry with the aid of her fiancee (Bruce Edwards). Clara wants to stop the railroad surveying at any cost as the coming of the railroad will bring an end to her rule of the territory.

Whip Wilson doesn't brandish a whip here as he and his sidekick have to put up with a hard nosed lady who is aided by her fiancée. Wilson is ok as the hero, his dialogue towards the end is well expressed, but he can be a bit bland and stiff. Rand Brooks as his sidekick has a good chemistry with Wilson, which helps. But it's the Peggy Stewart show all the way and gives this standard oater a lift, making it quite involving. It just needed a longer time to flesh out the character and plot twists.
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Red River Renegades
5 June 2024
Postal Inspectors Carson and Underwood have been sent to investigate a series of robberies where both the driver and stagecoach disappear. They team up with Pinkerton agent Bennett who has found some of the stolen money in the possession of Stevens.

Sunset Carson stars as a postal inspector and his acting isn't exactly spellbinding as he looks like he's reading from a cue card but he does have a certain charm. Here, he's supported by western regulars like the ravishing Peggy Stewart and Ted Adams who plays the villain. It's an ok western featuring a female Pinkerton operative which is an interesting aspect, but it could have been sharper in its execution as it comes across a little meandering. Also, I just find it amazing that Peggy told Ted Adams that Sunset and his sidekick are postal inspectors- it makes her come across as a poor operative. I mean, Ted Adams looks so shady! The action is really good, the chases and fistfights have a certain gusto.
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Rio Grande Raiders
5 June 2024
Sunset Carson, ace driver for the Harding Stagecoach Line, persuades his boss Frank Harding (Edmund Cobb) to hire his brother Jeff (Bob Steele), recently released from the penitentiary. Sunset isn't aware that Jeff owes his release to Marc Redmond (Tristram Coffin), owner of the rival line, and that Redmond is forcing Jeff to give him advance information when the Harding stages are carrying valuable shipments so that his henchmen can rob the stage and force Harding out of business.

Brothers are pitted against each other as they are on opposites sides of law - Sunset Carson is the good brother who works for a Stagecoach line and Bob Steele plays the former Stagecoach employee who works for the villain who has a shotgun toting man behind a curtain. Rio Grande Raiders is action-packed western with plenty of impressive stunt work, length chases - it's these things that make this western quite watchable. Plus there's fine acting all around.
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Ambush Trail (1946)
Ambush Trail
5 June 2024
New ranch owner Curley learns that outlaws have been raiding incoming supply shipments, forcing fellow ranchers out of business. After getting framed for murder, Curley must apprehend the deadly bandits to convince a U. S. marshal he's innocent.

Ambush Trail is a formula b-western given a boost by the presence of the steely-eyed Bob Steele - he's got a likeable personality and a stare that can intimidate a raging Brahma bull. His fighting is high-energy, he's nimble mover and it adds gusto the array of fistfights. The villainy is standard stuff, scheming and scheming. I. Stanford Jolly and Charles King do the villain work really well. Sid Saylor is a good sidekick and he's not stuttering here. Ambush Trail fills its short time really well, entertaining with some decent action and its fast-paced plot. One thing, though, I didn't get the message in the bull horn. How did Steele figure out it was there?
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Wildfire (1945)
4 June 2024
Fanning has his men rustle horses and then blame it on a wild horse named Wildfire. Happy and Alkali arrive and immediately get into trouble with Fanning and his men. When Alkali is shot, Happy catches the outlaws but the Judge not only releases them, he discharges the Sheriff and tries to arrest Happy for rustling. Happy escapes and he and the Sheriff then set out to prove who the real rustlers are.

Bob Steele is steely as ever, well, when it comes to stopping some varmints from killing Wildfire - they are claiming that the horse is doing the horse stealing. Wildfire is a pleasant western with a humane element. The horse sort of steals the scene when it's on screen, and there's some real good scenes that tug at your heart strings such as Steele not wanting to shoot Wildfire who is injured by lead from the varmints and he nurses the horse back to health. And the horse responds in kind by coming to their rescue later on. Nice shootout at the end and a satisfying send off for Wildfire who is set free.
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North-west trail
4 June 2024
Canadian Mountie Matt O'Brien encounters Kate Owens, an arrogant American who is stranded in the wilderness en route to visit her uncle. Reluctantly, Matt escorts Kate to Canoga Valley, where he has been assigned to investigate some strange phenomena; a missing sergeant, unexplained gunfire, and a stream that has suddenly run dry. Before they reach town, Kate is robbed of the $20,000 she was carrying, and the ensuing deadly shoot-out leaves everyone in town suspect. Ignoring official orders to return home, O'Brien takes it upon himself to unravel the mystery, and uncovers a ruthless conspiracy that reaches deeper than anyone could have imagined.

Bob Steele has a very aptly named surname as he shows his usual steely reserve as an indomitable Canadian Mountie out to right wrongs. The scenery definable steals the scene giving the rather routine affair a punch. The repartee between Steele and Kate is quite good. Some decent action and a serviceable plot, though nothing too earth shattering.
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The Courageous Avenger
3 June 2024
Kirk Baxter has been sent to investigate murder and robbery involving gold shipments. Identifying a gang member by his bullets, he uses that man's horse to locate and join the gang. He learns the gang is tipped off to the shipments by a mine employee using carrier pigeons. But the next message reveals his true identity and he is made a prisoner.

Great desert scenery, John Mack Brown's easy going delivery and some intrigue are some of the decent things here, however it was just average with a plot that just tickboxes. Action at the end is good - fine stunt work with Brown skimming underneath a fast moving wagon. No CGI!!
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Undercover Man
3 June 2024
When Wells Fargo loses one too many shipments of payroll cash to notorious outlaw Ace Pringle, the company sends its best undercover agent, Steve McLain, to protect the route of the next stagecoach. He shoots some robbers in the beginning, annoying Ted Adam who is saloon owner and the brains behind the gang. He hides behind the lawmen for protection, but McLain gives the lawman the run around.

Johnny Mack Brown is good as always as a harmonica playing lawman undercover and Ted Adams is very good as a villain. There's some good lines, humour and action but on the whole quite routine and nothing too remarkable. Passable enough.
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Oklahoma Frontier
2 June 2024
It's the opening of the Cherokee strip and the Rankins are after a particular section. Frazier is also after the same section and has hired outlaws to make sure he gets it. When Jeff gives Rankin a map, the outlaws kill Rankin, steal the map, and Jeff ends up getting framed for Rankin's murder. He ends up in the hoosegow, sentenced to be hanged...

Johnny Mack Brown ditches his badge for a quiet life and with Fuzzy Knight in tow he travels to a town and gets framed for murder and has to find a way to prove his innocence. So much for a quiet life! There's some neat action, a lively land grab scene (stock footage) and a twist in the tale with Brown being accused of a friend's murder and the friend's sister is inclined to believe it. Something which I didn't understand because she claimed to love him and there's no reason for brown to kill her brother - this aspect is a bit weak as well as the murder framing bit, but if you are willing to overlook those things you will enjoy it. I did! It wasn't boring and the pace was decent.
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Nicely executed story
2 June 2024
Righteous Jim Mallory and his friend, "Happy" T. Snodgrass, are seeking Jim's father, because they have heard about his cruel domination. They try to stop him with this gang. After they manage to stop their activity with the help of newspaper publisher Jonathan Taylor, his daughter Nan and Governor representative Brent Gordon. But then, Jim is put into the jail. After this complication, Jim's father decides he joins Brent and Jonathan and they together let Jim free.

Johnny Mack Brown and Tex Ritter head a good cast in this good western that has a strong plot and a nicely executed story of father and son finding themselves opposite sides but when Johnny Mack Brown is arrested the father (William Farnum) comes to his senses. There's some fine action and sprightly pace adding some icing on the cake. Jennifer Holt adds some classiness to the proceedings.
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Unusual Johnny Mack Brown western
2 June 2024
As a boy, Johnny witnesses the massacre of his family by outlaws, but he does nothing even though he held a gun in his hand. Years later he is known as a coward until a bandit called, "The Cat" comes to town.

Branded a Coward is a solid western with unusual touches such as the fact the hero (Johnny Mack Brown) suffers from occasionally gun-shyness, his nerves gets the better of him a couple of times, though later on he's fine, taking on the bad guys, but Johnny Mack Brown brilliantly expresses trepidation every time he has to face danger. He suffers from a childhood trauma which isn't normally covered in westerns. In addition to this, the sidekick -Sid Saylor does indeed overdo the stuttering - bites the dust and the identity of the cat surprised me. It was a great twist. The pace can be slow at times, but it suits the ambience of the film and there's sufficient gunplay to keep things enjoyable.
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The Hawk of Wild River
1 June 2024
The Durango Kid, a.k.a. Steve Martin (Charles Starrett), is sent to the town of Wild River to take care of a gang led by the ruthless Hawk (Clayton Moore, TV's "The Lone Ranger"). He infiltrates The Hawk's gang looking to return stolen gold to Wild River.

The most interesting thing about this Durango Kid entry is that you get Charles Starrett, the Lone Ranger and Jock Mahoney ( the Range Rider) in one film - Clayton Moore is the bad guy called Hawk and Jock Mahoney plays a good guy, the sheriff. It's a pacy entry and has some moments of liveliness. Smiley doesn't sing too many songs and they aren't too good.
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Double Durango!!
1 June 2024
Bandit Pop Ryland and his two sons, Clint and Dave, are planning their biggest job; the printing and distribution of territorial bonds. The elder Ryland contracts a hired gunman, McCall, to dispose of his stepson, Tommy, who knows what his step-family members are up to. The Durango Kid captures McCall, takes the letter and presents himself, Steve Lacey, as the hired killer. He stages a fake killing, and discovers the Ryland's scheme. Cling ambushes Durango and is killed in a gunfight, and Durango also shoots McCall who has made an escape. Cash-Register salesman Smiley Burnette aids Steve/Durango in rounding up the remaining villains.

Pop Ryland and his broods ( his real sons and not his stepson who he wants to bump off) are a mean bunch and they lend an edginess to the breeziness of this Durango Kid entry. There's some nifty subterfuge with Durango faking the stepson's death as well as getting him to play Durango in order to fool the boy's evil stepdad and stepbrothers into thinking that Steve (aka Durango) is doing the job they had hired him to do, plus they know he isn't the Durango kid.
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Whirlwind Raiders
1 June 2024
It's 1873 and the disbanded Texas Rangers have been replaced by the corrupt Texas State Police. Steve Lanning arrives posing as a wanted outlaw to get in with them in his attempt to have them replaced. His inside work helps the Durango Kid break up the State Police raids but he is in trouble when his secret identity as Durango becomes known to them.

The Durango Kid take on the Texas State Police and Fred F Sear's scheming villain in this standard yet enjoyable entry which has some good toe tapping songs and a better than average comedy routine by Smiley Burnette who tinkers a lot as a tinkerer who is plumbed tinkered out by the end of the film.
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Frontier Outpost
31 May 2024
Federal agent Steve Lawton -alias the Durango Kid- works undercover with his assistant, Smiley Burnette, to track down an outlaw gang that is raiding government gold shipments bound for Fort Navajo.

Frontier Outpost has its fair share of intrigue, duplicitous characters and a deserted fort is a back drop for most of the time. It's another action-packed Durango Kid - it's simple yet fun. Smiley Burnette does what he does best -act like a buffoon. His hollering can be annoying at times. Ends with a lively finale. Formula stuff but done with energy. Not many songs - the plot is too busy to accommodate Smiley's warbling.
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Sheriff of Wichita
31 May 2024
It has been almost five years since the outlaws have stolen the army payroll from Lt. Raymond D'Arcy. While claiming that he gave the money to Major Bishop, neither the money or Bishop have ever been found and Raymond was convicted of the theft. Now he is at the abandoned fort, an escaped convict with a letter, looking to find the truth about the robbery. Members of his old command are also there and Rocky shows up to return Raymond to prison.

Love a mystery element in a western, it's one combination that is quite enticing, and Sheriff of Wichita starring the dependable Rocky Allan Lane is one solid mystery-western with noir-like qualities and a close attention to the intrigue which unravels smoothly. Letters from a major implicated -along with Lieutenant - in an army payrolls theft draws a group to a deserted fort. Plenty of suspense and action follows.
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Blazing across the Pecos
31 May 2024
Power-hungry mayor Ace Brockway (Charles Wilson) is trying to drive trader Matt Carter (Thomas Jackson) out of business by having Indians attack his trading posts and supply wagons. Steve Blake (Charles Starrett), alias the masked Durango Kid, arrives in town, signing on as deputy to the inept marshal (Smiley Burnette), and making friends with the local newspaper editor (Paul Canpbell) and Carter's daughter (Patricia Barry). Blake works to foil Brockway's scheme, starting with his supplying of rifles to the Indians.

The Durango Kid pow-wows with the injuns, dives through windows and leaps on horse as he fights against the nasty mayor and his crony in this fast-packed and action-packed entry. It's a good entry where you see Smiley Burnette swipe a cloth with glasses on top! To enjoy the Durango Kid I think you have to be a kid at heart /a perpetual matinee kid!
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Riders of the Lone Star
30 May 2024
An outlaw gang is trying to stop the reopening of a mine as they look for the money left there by the famous outlaw Dusty Morton. After a ten year absence, Morton has apparently reappeared and Steve arrives looking for him. He finds his son who also wonders if his father is still alive. With the gang soon after him, the Durango Kid goes into action and Steve tries to learn who the real Dusty Morgan is.

There's a little mystery in this fairly engaging entry featuring that masked hero in black on top of his white horse and as well as being action-packed there's some nice acting by the kid and a little twist at the end. Only problem there's too many songs.
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Texas Panhandle
30 May 2024
Steve Holden, a secret service agent, is suspended when his boss becomes suspicious of his activities as The Durango Kid. Can Steve prove his innocence? Let's hope so- but he gets involved in his own case, even joins the bad guys in order to stop them.

For once, the villains figure out that Steve is the Durango kid but only being hoodwinked for while after hiring him as a lawyer and then they find the horse Raider and evidence proving Steve is the Durango Kid. There's plenty of action in this one, with Durango ducking in and out of the town, the bad guys on his tail. Dub Taylor is good as the sidekick.
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Prairie Raiders
29 May 2024
Government Agent Steve leases land to Masters so he can bring in horses for the Army. Henley has obtained a forged lease for the same land and Steve is unable to prove it's a fake. While Steve checks with Washington, Henley plans to roundup and ship the horses. Masters also intends to roundup the horses and he has the Durango Kid on his side in the battle with Henley.

The plot has more twists than a pretzel and is busy with gunplay but I found it overlong!! I know it's running time is 52 minutes. Maybe the plot was stretched out too much, not sure. Still watchable - there's something reassuring and charming about a man dressed in black with a mask astride a white horse appearing out of nowhere and saving the day.
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Roaring Rangers
29 May 2024
When Sheriff Jeff Connor of Powder River cannot stop the crime wave, his young son, Larry, writes to the Durango Kid for aid. Taggart, the saloon owner, is the secret head of the outlaws, while Connor's brother Bill is in cahoots with him. Steve Randall, the Durango Kid, and his pal, Smiley Butterbean, arrive in time to stop a stagecoach holdup, and Steve is made a deputy sheriff. Taggart has one of his men, Slade, pose as the Durango Kid and while he is speaking to the townspeople, the rest of the outlaw gang pillages the town, and this somewhat damages the Durango Kid in the eyes of Larry and his sister Doris. Steve suggests that Sheriff Connor visit the government about a railroad project, and Taggart instructs Slade and the gang leader to kill Connor on his trip back.

A fairly standard Durango Kid entry with nothing really setting it apart from the others, but it's hard not to be entertained by the Durango kid and Smiley Burnette. Some of the songs are ok, placed in the right places and not getting in the way of the action.
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Trail of the Rustlers
29 May 2024
Kindly Mrs. Mahoney is actually the mastermind behind a scheme to acquire all the ranch land in the valley. Her sons and their henchmen use violence to get the ranchers to sell with her son Chick impersonating the Durango Kid who leads the attacks on the ranchers.

Charles Starrett is back as Steve and the Durango Kid in this better than average, thanks to Mira McKinney as the villainess, a kindly old woman who is actually anything but that. She and her broods are after land and they concoct a scheme, which includes luring Durango kid in the fold by pretending to be him. There is some fine twists, the usual hard ridin' and shootin' and a cool scene of Durango running across the rooftops.
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Outlaw Gold (1950)
Outlaw Gold
28 May 2024
U. S. Marshall Dave Willis (Johnny Mack Brown) and Sandy Barker (Milburn Morante), traveling incognito to investigate the robbery of a shipment of Mexican Government gold, rescue Kathy Martin (Jane Adams) from an outlaw ambush, after her father Joel Martin (Steve Clark), publisher of the Latigo newspaper, has been wounded. Later, Martin is killed, and Bull Jackson (Marshall Reed), who claims to have seen the crime, accuses Dave of the murder.

Johnny Mack Brown is looking a little older and tubbier but not any less charming and meaning business in this formulaic western that ticks the right boxes, but not as sharp as the other Johnny Mack Brown westerns I have seen. It's still an ok piece of entertainment.
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Bad Man from Red Butte
28 May 2024
In the heart of the Wild West, a mysterious cowboy rides into a small town and is mistaken for his notorious twin brother, wanted for murder. As accusations fly, he must navigate a treacherous path to clear his name and get the varmint who framed him for killing an old rancher.

Johnny Mack Brown plays "twin" again in this snappy western that has a strong plot fitted with enough humour, action and villainous schemes. Fuzzy Knight lends the humour with his magic hair tonic (wish I could have one of those!), Bob Baker is a singing lawyer and Anne Gwyne adds glamour as a schoolteacher. There's a good line when one of the main villain's crooked lawyer (Earle Hodgins) is ordered by Brown to get out of town and to keep riding to Death Valley, and the lawyer replies, "That's illegal," and Brown replies, "well you'll be right at home."
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