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Does Not Do The Book Justice
5 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have been a fan of the Harry Pottter books ever since they came out. Having read all of the books and sees all of the movies, I honestly have to say that the Half Blood Prince is easily the worst of the Harry Potter films by a country mile.

The main problem I have with the film is it does not follow the book at all. Only the scenes crucial to the plot from the book were included in the movie. What made it worse was that some scenes were left out in favor of others that had no relevance to the story! For example: while the battle of Hogwarts and Dumbledore's funeral are left out, we still get to see many scenes of the love/hate relationship between Ron and Hermione.

Indeed the film seemed to be focused more on teenage hormones rather then the secrets of Voldemort. There are many scenes of Ron and Lavender plus Hermione expressing her feelings toward Ron. In addition there were scenes for the Harry/Ginny relationship. Overall all of these dating and flirting scenes grew tiresome.

The worst part is the film leaves out many great scenes in favor of these love scenes. Here is a list of all the scenes that were left out for no good reason:

The battle against the death eaters in Hogwarts. David Yates didn't add it because of the battle in the Deathly Hallows. Yet he worked in Hermione hiding from Cormac McLaggen.

Most of Tom Riddle's back story and memories are left out. Only what was absolutely essential was included.

Dumbledore's funeral was not included because according to Yates it didn't fit with the rest of the film. Yet Ron making out with Lavender was deemed essential to the plot.

Several characters are left out. Bill Weasley, Fleur, and Rufus Scrimgeour don't appear in the film. Greyback the werewolf is barely included and does not look scary at all.

Harry's touching chat with Ginny explaining why he couldn't be with her was also left out. That was a special scene but it was not included.

The scenes that were included were changed for the worse. Dumbledore picks Harry up at a subway station and not at the Dursleys. Once the death eaters are in the castle, not one person notices them. They also calmly leave the place with out anyone stopping them. And am I really supposed to believe that Bellatrix can destroy the Great Hall and not one person hears it!

I thought the acting was terrible as well. Michael Gambon shows little emotion as Dumbledore. By the time Dumbledore dies you have a hard time feeling bad. Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint seem more interested in their dating problems rather then the war against Voldemort. Emma Watson delivers a lackluster performance as Hermione who is only worrying about Ron going out with Lavender. Overall the acting was far worse then any other film. The actors really didn't seem to get into character.

So to sum it up what we get in this film is a boring film where you have a hard time getting into it unlike the other films. The movie leaves out important scenes in favor of others that were irrelevant to the plot. The plot itself is weak and the movie drags on for far too long. There is little action and no fear at all.

If you are a fan of the books you will most likely be very disappointed in the film. The only people who might like the film are those who know little about the series.
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Wild Hogs (2007)
Full Of Laughs
12 July 2009
Wild Hogs is a very funny comedy. The plot is 4 middle age men who want to escape their everyday routine. So they decide to hop on their motorcycles and ride across America with no schedules or deadlines and leave their worries behind. Along the way they encounter many mishaps including run ins with real bikers who don't take kindly to pretenders. It is a funny movie with a great plot and great scenic locations.

The actors help make it a funny film. Tim Allen and Martin Lawrence usually make any movie funny. John Travolta and William H. Macy also chip in with their antics. The supporting cast does a fantastic job as well. The acting, plot, and locations all combine to make for an awesome film.

Wild Hogs is a comedy and it does not disappoint. It will make you laugh.
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Excellent Live Performance
5 July 2009
The Gorge is one of the Dave Matthews Band's better live performances. It features many classic songs such as Grey Street, Ants Marching, What Would You Say, Tripping Billies, and Halloween which is rarely played live. Other songs that can't be found on studio albums such as Seek Up and Loving Wings which are great songs in their own right.

One element that makes it such a great video to watch is where the concert takes place. The band plays at the Gorge Amphitheatre in the state of Washington. This is one of the most beautiful places in the United States. The scenery combined with the talented band makes for a excellent performance.

In addition to the songs there are 3 intervals between the songs. In the intervals are documentaries featuring the band at the Gorge. It shows the fans and gets in depth with the music crew as well. One of the documentaries also shows the making of the music video for the song Grace Is Gone. The music video is also on the DVD.

If you are Dave Matthews Band fan then I would recommend this DVD. If you haven't listened to DMB before this will make you a fan. It is a great buy for people that enjoy great music.
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Happy Gilmore (1996)
Best Golf Comedy Since Caddyshack
5 July 2009
Happy Gilmore is one of the funniest golf comedies. It is easily a classic and the funniest golf film since Caddyshack.

Happy Gilmore (played brilliantly by Adam Sandler) is an aspiring hockey player who has loved the game since he was a kid. However Happy's temper and poor skills prevent him from joining any team.

The plot revolves around Happy's grandmother's house. Happy's grandma is about to lose her house due to having 270,000 dollars in back taxes. Happy is determined to earn the money. He discovers his hard hockey slapshot is perfect for hitting golf balls off tees. This gives Happy the way to earn money for his grandma.

The whole film is hilarious and you don't have to know a thing about hockey or golf to enjoy the movie. It is a classic Adam Sandler as he will pull many stunts that will have you laughing.
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Movie Of The Year!
24 June 2009
The Dark Knight was the top film in 2008 hands down. No other movie came close to equaling the excellence this movie displays. There are many different elements making the movie fantastic.

Acting: Every actor and actress brings their A game in this movie. Christian Bale reprises his role as Batman/Bruce Wayne. He strikes a perfect chord as the hero trying to walk the fine line between vigilante and full outlaw. However the real character that steals the show right from the beginning is the Joker. Heath Ledger played the role of a maniac with devil like cunning to perfection. Make no mistake, the Joker is easily the best character of the piece.

The supporting cast is right up there as well. Aaron Eckhart plays the hero turned villain as Harvey Dent/Two Face. Maggie Gyllenhaal plays the romantic interest of Bruce and Harvey and gets into her character like they all do. Michael Caine continues to act as the father figure to Bruce giving him advice and speaking his mind. This movie has acting at its best.

Plot: If a movie has a poor plot, not even the best actors can save it. However the plot in this movie is spectacular. Batman, Jim Gordon, and new DA Harvey Dent team up and are effective in going after crime and the mob in the city. But in life there is always a balance. Enter the Joker who is out to counter Batman and his force for good. The Joker is as cunning as the devil and in a few short scenes tears down everything that Batman and the others have worked so hard for. The Joker is a villain Batman does not know how to handle. The back and forth match between the two makes for a great movie.

Music: The score for The Dark Knight was done brilliantly by Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard. The music helps capture the dark feel for the movie. It is done so well after you watch the movie, you may want to go out and buy the score. I think it is safe to say the music is one of the best movie soundtracks in quite some time.

Overall there is not one bad element to this movie. It doesn't matter if you like or care for Batman or any comic movies for that matter. This movie will blow you away and you will want to watch it over and over again. The Dark Knight is a must see.
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A Classic Christmas Comedy
22 June 2009
Christmas Vacation is one of the best Christmas comedies that I have seen. Now that it has been 20 years since it was released, I think it is safe to say it has attained classic status.

Christmas Vacation follows the Griswald family dealing with Christmas. Unlike the other vacation films the Griswalds don't travel anywhere. They have Christmas right at home. However just because they don't travel doesn't mean that it isn't a funny movie.

The film is about Clark Griswald (played by Chevy Chase who does his role perfectly) trying to create the perfect Christmas for his family. However much like the other films things constantly go wrong or don't succeed. As the film goes on the mishaps become worse and funnier by the second.

Christmas Vacation is a hilarious film that will have you laughing constantly. It is possibly the best of the Vacation films and is well worth watching.
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The Hangover (2009)
Exceeds Expectations!
20 June 2009
I have been waiting to see The Hangover ever since the first trailer came out. It looked a great comedy and I was looking forward to seeing it. Well I finally saw it last night, and I must say it was awesome. I expected it to be funny, but it exceeded even my expectations.

The Hangover follows 4 friends celebrating their bachelor party in an outrageous fashion. They go to Las Vegas and are looking forward to having a good time. However when they wake up the next morning, things aren't right. One friend is missing, one has lost a tooth, they find a baby in their hotel room, and they can't remember a thing. With the wedding coming up in a few days the 3 of them must find their missing friend. They spend the movie doing that with hilarious events happening along the way.

All of the actors deliver in the film. The supporting actors do a fantastic job and Mike Tyson delivers a great punchline (I'm not talking about a joke). As the days go by and the friends continue their search, crazy things happen to them, each worse then the last. With each passing scene the film gets funnier and funnier.

The Hangover will make you laugh and it doesn't let up on the comedy. If you want to have a great laugh, this is the film to watch. It is easily the funniest film of the year.
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Year One (2009)
Better Then I Expected
20 June 2009
I have to admit that going to the drive in to watch Year One that I did not have high expectations for the film. Having seen the trailer I didn't think the film would be that funny or well put together. I am happy to say that it turns out I was wrong.

Year One follows 2 hunter gathers Zed (Jack Black) and Oh (Michael Cera) who have been banished from their tribe. Zed is convinced destiny has plans for him. They wander early in the film coming in contact with many characters from the Bible. Both Zed and Oh are trying to get the girls of their dreams to like them. Eventually they try to rescue them from slavery. The efforts of Zed and Oh are what the movie follows with great comedy.

The movie has great acts of comedy and will surprise you into laughing. Year One pokes fun at many characters from the Bible and do it in an outrageous manner. The film itself has many moments of comedy and some parts are disgusting yet hilarious at the same time.

Overall it is a good comedy film and I would suggest you watch it. It will make you laugh.
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The Ultimate Suspense Thriller
31 May 2009
The Blair Witch Project is possibly the best horror movie in terms of suspense. It keeps your eyes glued to the screen as the suspense rarely lets up. It is truly a spectacular horror movie as it will definitely frighten you and at the same time keep you interested.

The Blair Witch Project is about 3 teens who go off into the woods searching for a legendary creature called the Blair Witch which is supposed to haunt the nearby woods. The students never come back. However a year after their disappearance, their footage is found. The movie is the entire footage that the 3 students shot.

There are many elements that make the film so great. The most obvious one is that the students become lost in the woods. Being lost in the woods is bad enough. But when you have unexplained elements plaguing you while you are lost that takes it to a whole new level.

Another element that increases the fear is the many things we do not know. We all have a fear of the unknown and this movie plays into that strongly. So many eerie things happen to the students that they are unable to explain. The fact that we never see the antagonist or the witch adds to the creepy sensation and builds up the fear.

The best element of the movie is the perspective the viewer sees it from. Since the entire movie is from the view of the camera the students carry, the viewer sees and experiences everything from the point of view of the characters. So in a sense we get to go through what the characters do.

Overall the movie keeps up the suspense as viewers never know what to expect. By day we follow the teens as they walk through the woods in an attempt to find civilization. Along the way they find more supernatural elements that challenge their sanity. At night unearthly sounds are heard beyond the light of their campfire.

The Blair Witch Project is not the typical horror movie in that it is all about suspense rather then being pursued by someone. There is no doubt someone or something is stalking the students. But unlike most horror movies this movie is more about agonizing suspense and the unexplained rather then stopping an antagonist or killer. It is that that makes it such a suspenseful and fantastic horror movie. The Blair Witch Project is one of the best horror movies and I enthusiastically recommend it to anyone regardless of whether you like horror movies or not. No matter your preference the movie will not disappoint you.
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The Dark Half (1993)
One of the Better Stephen King Movies
16 May 2009
The Dark Half is a very good horror movie which is not surprising considering the novel was written by Stephen King. George Romero a man who has done a wonderful job with horror movies is the man in charge of taking this from a novel to a movie and he delivers.

The plot revolves around author Thad Beaumont. Beaumont had written several best selling novels under the pseudonym George Stark. However a law student makes the connection and threatens to reveal it to everyone. Before this can happen Beaumont goes public and tells everyone he is Stark, essentially killing off his pseudonym. Stark isn't content with being dispatched and he comes to life determined to stick around. Stark then goes around killing those responsible for his demise. Beaumont must fight Stark because only one of them can survive.

Timothy Hutton does a spectacular job as both Beaumont and Stark. He really makes you believe the two are separate people but are tied together. The plot is suspenseful and full of unexpected twists. There are also supernatural elements such as the sparrows or bringers of the living dead.

So to sum it up The Dark Half is one of the better adoptions to Stephen King's works. It follows the story accurately and succeeds in scaring the audience which is the aim for horror movies.
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Phenomenal Movie!
16 May 2009
The Shawshank Redemption is one of the most touching and greatest movies I have ever seen. The movie is based on the novella Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King. Unlike most of his novels King didn't write a horror story but instead a inspiring tale of hope in unlikely places. Overseeing the transition from book to big screen is Frank Darabont who in his director debut scores a home run with this movie.

Not only does the plot pull you in but the actors do as well. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman do a fantastic job as the 2 central characters and as friends. Bob Gunton is great in the part of the villain as the evil warden. The directing, cast, and plot all combine to make the movie awesome.

The plot of the movie revolves around Andy Dufresne a man who is imprisoned for life for a crime he did not commit. Over time Andy becomes friends with Red an inmate who runs the business of smuggling in things into the prison. The story then follows the 2 and how they handle prison life.

Years go by but Andy continues to speak of hope. Ultimately Andy will commit unbelievable acts in a touching story that is truly inspirational. The message the story delivers is to never give up hoping. The climax of the movie is fantastic and the ending is one of the greatest in film history.

Overall the Shawshank Redemption remains one of the greatest films of all time.
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Miracle (2004)
Mesmerizing Movie!
7 May 2009
Miracle is one of the better sports movies that I have seen. The movie portrays the United States team's unlikely Gold Medal victory at the 1980 Winter Olympics. It does one hell of a job at capturing one of the greatest moments in sports history.

There are many elements that make the movie great. The actors really get into it and make you believe they are the players. Kurt Russell turns in an astounding performance as Team USA's coach Herb Brooks.

The critical event in the movie however is the time period and events surrounding everything. The Miracle On Ice occurred during the Cold War and not long after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Morale was deteriorating at home and the country was in desperate need of a morale booster. That came in the form of a hockey game.

The Soviet Union had been the dominant hockey power for years winning gold medals in 64, 68, 72, and 76. The US is a team made up of young college kids molded into an effective unit by coach Herb Brooks. The US would end up playing the Soviets as a huge underdog. It is a story of the little team that could versus the superpower. David versus Goliath basically. The events taking place made this more then a hockey game. This was a competition between 2 countries with heightened tensions. Even before the puck drops you can feel the intensity in the air.

Overall you don't have to like hockey or know an ice skate from a roller skate to appreciate this movie. It is an unlikely underdog story surrounded by international turmoil. The movie is inspiring and the best fact is it really happened. Miracle is a must see.
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Sicko (2007)
Revealing Movie
1 May 2009
As an American watching this movie it made me very upset. The reason I was upset is Sicko exposes and brings up the God awful truth about our Health Care System and it is not pretty.

Sicko is about America's Health Care System and how flawed it is. Michael Moore doesn't hold back as he finds some of the worst cases of Americans being abused by the very system that is supposed to help us. No matter what country you are from, Sicko will shock you and make you cry.

Despite the sadness in the film it is still spectacular. The movie reveals many elements of our health care versus other countries and has the facts to back them up. The film has been put together very well and pulls no punches in its intent. Michael Moore has always excelled at exposing things that people should know or need to know and Sicko is no exception.

The bottom line is every American whether you are insured or not needs to see this movie.
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Powerful Film
29 April 2009
Fahrenheit 9/11 is quite possibly the best work of Michael Moore's career. Moore still has the talent to get people talking while even working in a bit of comedy into the film.

The plot revolves around the Bush Administration and what has gone on from the years 2000-2004. It explores many interesting aspects of what has gone on while George W. has been in office. The film raises questions and controversy of course but has the facts to back up their claims. What you see will shock and amaze you. You may also cry when faced with the harsh realities the film reveals.

Whether you love it or hate it, Fahrenheit 9/11 will undoubtedly get people talking which was Michael Moore's aim. My personal opinion is it was very well put together and Moore should be admired for his courage to question the way things are being done. Form your own opinion once you have seen it but the movie will impact you no matter your political affiliation.
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Smallville (2001–2017)
Vivid Portrayal of Superman's Teen Years
27 April 2009
Smallville is a fantastic show in its own right. Smallville's plot is about a young Clark Kent and his struggles to control his powers and to find his destiny. Along the way he must deal with many different forces whether it is the Luthors, his real father's plans for him, or the many Kryptonite infected people. All of these factors are what a young not yet Superman must face.

What really makes Smallville a great show is how well the actors portray their characters. Tom Welling is one of the best men to play Superman, and possibly the best next to Christopher Reeve. Kristin Kreuk is the perfect love interest for Clark as Lana Lang, while Michael Rosenbaum does a fantastic job as Clark's friend and later arch enemy Lex Luthor. Rosenbaum's character evolves and changes much through the show just as Clark does except in the opposite direction. The rest of the cast are all exceptionally talented as well and really perform well as their characters.

The challenges Clark faces are interesting and the plots become more complex and obstacles more difficult as time goes on. Overall Smallville is a wonderful show and you do not have to be a fan of Superman to appreciate it.
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Family Guy (1999– )
Great Show
25 April 2009
Family Guy is a hilarious show. There isn't much that can be said about it. The show is very well written and provides comedy in many forms the most common being the cutaway gags. The show focuses on the main characters and what happens to them rather then base the comedy on current people or events.

Critics do not like the use of Family Guy's gags and feel it goes over the line in what they joke about. However that is what makes the show funny is they do not hold back in fear of offending someone. Usually if someone is offended, something funny has occurred.

Overall Family Guy is a funny show that should be praised for its comedic genius. It is a comedy show and it delivers in that aspect.
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South Park (1997– )
One of the Funniest Shows
25 April 2009
South Park is always condemned by parents and critics. They contend that it is nothing but toilet humor and it does not teach good morals while going over the line. These people seem to miss the point that people watch TV shows for entertainment and not lessons. If there is one thing South Park does well it is entertain and it does that through controversial yet funny methods.

South Park follows 4 eight year old boys living in South Park, a mountain town in Colorado. Usually outrageous events happen that the 4 boys are in the middle of and usually end up solving. The show has no problem making fun of people or current events. But once you get past all of that you see the creativity of the show. The plot is always good and South Park excels at creating very unique situations and characters.

However the show usually creates controversy with its humor. There are absolutely no boundaries when it comes to South Park which makes it both popular and unpopular. Sex, drugs, violence, religion, murder, current events, race, and orientation all appear in the show. Nothing is held back in this show and it makes fun of anyone or anything.

The beauty of the show lies in that they can take anything and make it funny no matter what it is. South Park is a show that will make you laugh about something that normally you would not or probably should not laugh at.

The bottom line is South Park is a comedy show and it is excellent at providing comic relief.
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Mind of Mencia (2005–2008)
Funny Show
25 April 2009
I may differ from many people on this board but I enjoy watching Mind Of Mencia. The reason I like Mind Of Mencia is the host is not afraid to speak his mind or exploit stereotypes. Carlos Mencia does what we all do with our friends but are unwilling to admit and then some.

Mencia has no problem doing jokes about any race, religion, sex, or orientation. While he gets a lot of flack for this it is a breath of fresh air in these politically correct times. Mencia does not care if he offends anyone but he is not a racist and even does jokes about his own race.

The typical format for the Mind of Mencia goes like this: there will be an open skit making fun of a person or recent event. Mencia then comes out and does a 5 or 6 minute stand up where he talks about various issues. The show then has 2 separate skits divided by commercials. In these skits Mencia does a variety of things such as making fun of people, giving his personal opinions with a funny twist, or simply doing parodies of people, events, or movies. At the end of the show Mencia comes out for a minute with either one final skit or something else to say.

People criticize Mencia for exploiting stereotypes and say his statements are overly offensive. Carlos only does what everyone else thinks of certain races but are afraid to say. As for Mencia being offensive he is only speaking his mind. I find nothing wrong with that.

The show is not perfect. The skits can be not put together the best and sometimes Mencia does go over the line in his jokes. For the most part however it is a show where the comedian says what is on his mind no matter what the consequences and presents in in a humorous matter. So if you aren't afraid to laugh at stereotypes and see someone speak his mind and often say what you have wanted to say then watch Mind Of Mencia. However if you are easily offended you should not watch this show because you will be offended or worse yet you might even laugh.
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Maury (1991–2022)
Terrible Show
25 April 2009
The Maury Povich show is hypocritical in its meaning. While the other shows that air alongside it (Jerry Springer and Steve Wilkos) are pretty clear in their intentions Maury's show is different. Basically it is a show that pretends to care when all it does it exploit its guests. Kind of like a cross between Jerry Springer and Steve Wilkos.

The Maury Povich show usually has the same topics. These topics are out of control teens, teen girls wanting kids, hidden videos, cheating spouses, and the most common topic is paternity tests.

No matter the topic Maury comes across as someone who is pretending to care but he is really doing nothing to improve the situation while profiting on the problems of these dysfunctional people. The only thing accomplished in the majority of his shows is someone finding out if there spouse has been cheating or who the father is of their child.

As if that wasn't bad enough there seems to be an Anti Male sentiment coming from the show. More often then not it is the males cheating and in the who's the daddy segment usually the male wants nothing to do with the kid. That is not always the case but more often then not it is.

So the Maury Povich show does not help people like Steve Wilkos and is not entertaining like the Jerry Springer show. It is a show that pretends to help people (like Steve Wilkos) while really exploiting their problems and making it into a circus (like Jerry). The Maury Povich show is not a quality television show and I would not recommend watching it.
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The Jerry Springer Show (1991–2018)
Good For Entertainment Only
24 April 2009
The Jerry Springer Show is unlike any show on television and not for a good reason.

The Springer show focuses mainly on violence and the people on the show are usually poor white trash. The topics on the show range from people cheating on their spouse, to transvestites and hookers. The topics used to have more of a variety in the past but now are mainly cheating spouses.

The people that come on the show do it to mainly get a piece of someone that has wronged them or to defend themselves. Calling the Jerry Springer show a talk show seems ironic because the majority of the show focuses on violence.

Usually the format of the show goes like this: someone will come out and tell Jerry what is going on in their life. After talking with them another guest comes out and the fight begins. Security separates them and Jerry asks another question or two. Usually the 2 people just go back to fighting and then the next guests will be brought out for a different story.

At the end of the show they all sit on stage when guests ask insulting questions. Finally Jerry gives his final thought as if they came to that conclusion because of the show. All of the side antics on the show are both funny and ridiculous.

So the bottom line is when it comes to the Springer show is it is purely entertainment at its lowest level. It can be fun to see trashy people fight or stupid issues but this show really does nothing to solve people's problems. It exploits those problems for ratings and makes it into a circus. So watch the Springer show for entertainment but not for an intelligent talk show or anything above wrestling.
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The Most Important Talk Show!
22 April 2009
The Steve Wilkos show is nothing like any other show on television. It deals with serious issues going on in the world today and it doesn't attempt to sugarcoat these problems.

Steve is a former marine and police officer and those experiences help shape the show. If there is one word to describe his show it is: accountability. Steve holds people accountable for their actions regardless of whether you are the offender or the victim. If you are not making smart choices he will call you out on it.

The main reason this show is excellent and so important is it is one of the few shows that really is all about helping people. But not only does Steve help people, he confronts the worst the world has to offer without holding back.

Steve has dealt with drug addicts, rapists, pedophiles, spouse beaters, and out of control teens on his show. Up to this point I have seen no other show that gets results the way Steve's show does.

Another reason the show is so good is Steve's character. Unlike some talk show hosts that are only out for ratings or seem distant, Steve genuinely cares for the guests on his show. People may not believe that by the way he acts but the man has taken time to help people get off drugs, to stop prostituting, fixed relationships between children and parents, and he has also helped women get away from men who were abusing them. So Steve is a good man who's heart is in the right place.

Critics contend that Steve is nothing but a bully who screams at people. However they fail to realize that there is a reason Steve acts the way he does. And that reason is he tells people what they need to hear without beating around the bush or being soft. His tough love tell it like it is approach may not be the nicest but it does get results.

So if you do not like to see evil people put in their place by someone who means business and is unwilling to sugarcoat anything then don't watch. But if you like to see a good man dole out justice and handle problems the way they should be handled, then the Steve Wilkos show is for you.
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