
26 Reviews
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The Final Sacrifice (1990 Video)
Only MST3K could save this movie
14 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
You'd be hard-pressed to watch a movie as bad as this without the trio from MST3K poking fun at it throughout. It's not the worst movie they've riffed on but it's pretty bad. If you look through the list of cast members, you'd see that none of the leading characters have really been in much of anything besides this movie. The whole premise of the movie is some skinny kid in a Mister Rogers-type sweater sets out on a quest to find out who killed his father and why. In the process of running away from hooded thugs in tank tops (when it's probably pretty dang cold at the time), he meets up with a guy named Zap Rowsdower who drives a crappy pick-up truck that he apparently lives out of considering his laundry is in the back and he has totes of empty beer cans and bottles. The most hysterical part of this movie (the MST3K version, of course) is when they come across Mike Pipper, a poofy-haired guy with a beard that talks like Red Green. Again, don't watch this movie without the MST3K guys cause you'll just be wasting your time.
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Love the series, not the movie
18 November 2014
When I heard they made a movie from Are You Being Served, I was more than intrigued to check it out. Sadly, it lacked the hilarity of the TV series. Many of the lines in the movie were taken from various episodes of the series and just weren't as funny without the audience laughter. I liked that the original cast was all in it but seeing this movie just once was enough for me. I think the only BritCom that can pull off making movies and have them be just as funny as the series is Monty Python. I believe if Keeping Up Appearances or Allo Allo tried to make a movie, it would be just as much of a disaster as the Are You Being Served movie. If you're a die-hard fan of Are You Being Served, don't waste your time seeing the movie. You'll be disappointed.
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It was okay
21 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really wish I could give this movie a 10 but just the fact that Jack Black is in it prevents that. I never cared much for him as an actor or as a musician. Now onto the movie itself. I found a lot of the script dull and some of the lines really stupid like "It's 9 and that's a magic number." About the only time Black does remotely good acting is when he's ranting about "the man" to the kids. The rest of the film, his "acting" is well below average. Sarah Silverman was also pretty lame in this film. When it's discovered that Black is pretending to be his roommate and the scene returns to the apartment, the first thing Sarah says is "I have nothing to say to you" and then 5 seconds later she starts tearing him a new one. Really? The only reason I gave this a rating of 7 is that I like the intro song and the song the kids perform for the competition. Definitely not the kind of movie you want to watch if you're looking for laughs unless you like laughing at how comically horrible this movie is.
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Girl Meets World (2014–2017)
13 August 2014
My wife and I watched Boy Meets World all the time. We were big fans of that show and we were looking forward to checking out this spin-off in the hopes that it would be just as good. We managed to suffer through one episode and that did it for us. The show is terrible! Boy Meets World dealt with real-life issues of love, life, and family. This show is too much like all the other Disney Channel shows: cheesy, poppy, and unfunny. It probably seems like the greatest show ever if you're 13 or under. If you're expecting it to be anything like Boy Meets World, you will be very much disappointed. It's pretty much a Hannah Montana/I Carly mix and that's not a good thing.
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Not the best Star Trek film but it's decent
22 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I thought after Star Trek 5, the movie franchise was destroyed but they did make a decent recovery with Star Trek 6. However, there are some flaws they could have worked on. First off, it was clear that Valeris was a traitor from almost the very beginning. When the Klingons leave the ship, we see two random crewmen talking trash about them and suddenly Valeris appears and tells them "you men have work...then snap to it." Gee, I wonder what she meant by that. Shortly after that, we see one of the grossest moments in Star Trek history when the 2 random crewmen board the Klingon ship and kill a few members of the crew. Later in the movie when they finally discover that Valeris was in on the plot, they question her on the bridge. She mentions Kirk saying "let them die" earlier in the movie when he was talking to Spock in the conference room about the Klingons. How did she know he said that when she wasn't there? They also made it clear that Admiral Cartright was in on it early on when they had him refer to the Klingons as "alien trash of the galaxy". Not a very well written movie but certainly better than it's predecessor.
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Don't waste your time
28 June 2014
I can easily see why some war movies aren't promoted as much as others and some just aren't promoted at all. This movie was clearly low-budget. The grenades had hardly any explosive effect to them whatsoever. The first hour or so of the movie featured way too many close-up shots. If you can't stand the sight of blood, this movie is okay to watch because there was no blood seen anywhere in the film. The acting was very poor as well. I'm a big fan of war movies but the only way I can enjoy a film is if the acting is at least decent, the effects are genuine, and it's historically accurate. This film wasn't as hard to get through as Brother's War was but it's not far off in the level of horrific film making.
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One of my favorite episodes
22 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I always loved Weyoun's character. This episode is perfect for anyone who also enjoys him. The story begins with Odo informing Kyra that he received a message from a Cardassian informant that was believed to have been executed. Odo takes a runabout to the planet he was told to meet his informant friend but instead, Weyoun is there waiting for him. Weyoun tells Odo that he no longer considers himself part of the Dominion and wishes to defect. Odo becomes irritated how much Weyoun worships him even though that's how the Vorta were programmed. On their way back to DS9, they are contacted by Damar and the new Weyoun clone and tells the other Weyoun to either surrender or kill himself. Damar wants the runabout destroyed but new Weyoun is hesitant because Odo is still considered a Founder despite the fact that Odo is essentially neutral. Damar eventually talks Weyoun into having the runabout destroyed and just not telling the Founder that Odo was on board. Sadly, the defecting Weyoun ends up activating his termination program in order to save Odo. I just didn't understand why Weyoun didn't fake his own death but that would have taken away the moment where we see just how much the Vorta look up to the Founders. He knew Odo didn't want to be looked at as a God but his dying wish was to receive Odo's blessing. The other plot line in this episode is that Chief O'Brien is ordered by Captain Sisko to fix the Defiant in a few days with a part that isn't on DS9. Nog helps O'Brien by doing trade after trade after trade to get the stabilizer. Things start disappearing on the ship like Sisko's desk and Martok's cases of blood wine that his wife sent him. It's discovered that Nog used O'Briens authorization code to make those deals. Just when things seem bleak for him, the Captain's desk is returned on time, Martok ends up getting cases of blood wine that are better quality than the ones his wife sent, and the stabilizer arrives in time for O'Brien to install it. Great episode.
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Glad this didn't ruin the Star Trek movie saga
22 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I didn't give this movie a 1-star is that there were a few enjoyable scenes but overall, the movie was terrible. The plot was just ridiculous. It surrounds a guy name Sybok, who we find out is Spock's half-brother, who kidnaps 3 representatives on a planet called Nimbus 3 in an effort to draw a ship to the planet so that he can capture it and take the ship to a place he is convinced is the center of the universe. He gets the crew to cooperate by making them release their "pain" to him, which also turns out to be a form of brain-washing as after they do this, they blindly follow his orders. After a good Star Trek film like Voyage Home, it's a shame that this was the best the writers could do to follow it. I'm just glad Star Trek VI saved the saga.
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Boston Legal (2004–2008)
Why couldn't this have lasted more than 5 seasons?
31 July 2013
This show ended way before it should have. I never get tired of watching this show. Between Alan's countless humorous speeches to Denny's gun-loving goofiness, this show delivers many laughs. I know some people were unhappy about the constant cast changes and how it was never explained why each character suddenly disappeared but who cares? Alan and Denny may have been the only ones who were in every single episode but they were the ones who made the show funny. The only complaint I have about it is that Rene Auberjonois wasn't a regular in every season. He was a regular in the first 3 seasons but only appeared in 1 season 4 episode and 3 season 5 episodes. Anyway, I was happy to see this spin-off of The Practice. Unfortunately, as seems to be with a lot of David E. Kelley shows, it ended way before its time. I'm surprised he kept The Practice going for 8 seasons.
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Brothers War (2009)
15 July 2013
I am a big fan of war movies but this one is a complete waste of time. Even though I saw how bad of a review it got, I checked it out anyway to see if it lived up to the poor rating. Needless to say, it did. The acting was horrible. There was a scene where a German soldier slaps a guy and it was so fake, it was almost in slow motion. I understand this was a low budget film but that's no excuse. There are many films that were low budget that became successful like Rocky, Juno, Slumdog Millionaire, The Blair Witch Project, Bruce Lee's "Enter The Dragon", and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. This film makes no effort at keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. Rather, it makes them fall asleep in their chair.
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Mama's Family (1983–1990)
Wonderful show
15 July 2013
I absolutely love Mama's Family. I didn't watch it when it was in syndication cause I was only a child when it aired but when TBS started showing reruns, I watched one episode and was hooked from that point on. Vicki is brilliant as the irritated opinionated Mama. It's just a shame that Eunice didn't make any appearances on the show after it was picked up by CBS. I don't know if that was when Vicki and Carol were feuding over the rights of the Mama character since this is a spin-off of the "Family" skits on The Carol Burnett Show. I do agree with some of the other reviewers that the first couple of seasons were funnier but the later seasons have their moments. I did notice that in seasons 3-6, Vint was more of an ignorant goof ball in contrast to the first 2 seasons when he was more of an intelligent serious character. Either way, it's a great show that you could never get tired of watching.
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Everybody Loves Raymond: Marie's Sculpture (2001)
Season 6, Episode 5
8 July 2013
So many comedies these days seem to feature way too many sexual references and I was hoping the wonderful show Everybody Loves Raymond would not stoop to that level but unfortunately they chose to with this episode. I saw this episode only once and I didn't even watch the whole thing cause I was so disgusted. I change the channel whenever I see that it's this episode. I fail to see the humor in a statue of a woman's private area. There are much funnier and more cleverly-written episodes than this one. I will always be a fan of this show but this episode is a black eye on an otherwise hilarious comedy series. I know many people don't share the same opinion and that's fine. I'm just not one of the people that enjoyed this particular episode.
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A Star Trek film even the non-Star Trek fans can enjoy
29 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Sure this film isn't like the 3 previous films but that's what makes it so interesting. Instead of spending the entire movie in space, we get to see Kirk and the crew on Earth back in the 1980's and watch them try to adjust to the way things were back then (example: Kirk had to sell his antique glasses that McCoy had bought him for his birthday in order to get money). The film also takes the step of adding a lot of comedy to it. From Spock experimenting with "colorful metaphors" to Scotty learning how to use a non-voice activated computer, the film is a treasure to watch. Also stars Catherine Hicks (from 7th Heaven) as the intelligent but stubborn Gillian Taylor. Wonder whatever happened with her character after she got assigned to a science vessel. We'll never know.
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Thank you MST3K for saving this film
29 June 2013
Like so many awful films, I could never bring myself to watch this without the Mystery Science Theater crew adding their many hilarious lines to the film. I don't understand how some people gave this film anything more than a 3-star rating. The movie is complete nonsense. It focuses more on cheesy dancing and singing than it does on zombies. You don't even see any zombies until near the very end of the movie and that's only briefly cause they all get shot within 3 or 4 minutes except for one of the stars of the film who leads 1 police officer on a long and boring chase along a beach before the cop finally shoots him. If you have any interest in seeing this film, please do it with MST3K.
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Imaginaerum (2012)
A fair effort by Nightwish
25 April 2013
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I was highly anticipating this film because I am such a big fan of Nightwish but the movie itself was very difficult to follow. That is, until the very end when old Tom is confronted by the snowman while on the roller-coaster. Then it starts to become clear. I liked that the band performed in a couple of scenes, even though one of them was a song I don't particularly care for (Slow, Love Slow). I do wish the other members of the band had as much of a role in the movie as Tuomas did. They're listed in the cast but only Tuomas appears outside of performances by the band. Overall, an interesting movie. The special effects were very good for being low budget.
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I love this episode
10 August 2009
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It doesn't have anything to do with the storyline in season 7, but it's still a great episode. Being a huge baseball fan, I really enjoyed watching the DS9 crew learn how to play the game. Though I was rather surprised O'Brien knew so little about baseball since he's human. I'm not surprised at all that Rom and Quark didn't know the first thing about baseball since there's no profit in it haha. It would have been nice if the DS9 team actually won the game, but it teaches a good lesson in humility. The Vulcan couldn't understand why they were celebrating when they lost, but that's Vulcans for you. They don't know the first thing about emotions since they don't use theirs, so the idea of keeping your chin up after a loss is foreign to them. Overall a great episode that I highly recommend.
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Shut it, Jonas lovers!
5 June 2009
I swear, their fanbase is pathetic. Heaven forbid we should ever say anything bad about the Jonas Brothers. It's just like running over their dog or something. Shut up, already. They are horrible "musicians" and I use that term loosely. It's laughable that you think we are jealous of them. What do we have to be jealous of? Last time I checked, I have no desire to write crappy songs and target pre-teen girls. At my age, that would get me arrested. You all say we have no life, yet you're doing exactly the same thing we are so I guess that means you don't have lives either. I'm sorry you all have closed-minds towards real music but that's not our problem. You can all give in to their shameless pandering all you want. Every time I see a Jonas fan spouting off whiny little rants, it makes me even more glad I'm not part of that fanbase. I listen to bands with way more talent than them like AC/DC, The Beatles, Metallica, R.E.M., etc. Who cares if we haven't seen the stupid movie? The point is, we don't NEED TO see it. We KNOW what this lame movie is about: the Jonas Brothers in concert. Lah-de-freakin'-dah. Like seeing the movie is going to change our opinion of them? It won't. I would think you'd be smart enough to realize that. To the person who wished death on Jonas haters, real classy. I hope karma comes around to bite you on that one. We hate the Jonas Brothers and seeing their stupid 3D movie isn't going to change it. Now go back to kissing your Jonas posters and daydreaming about being their wives.
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The Scout (1994)
Ridiculously bad movie
24 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely one of the worst sports movies of all-time. The writers made little to no effort in creating a decent plot. Albert Brooks plays a scout for the New York Yankees who thinks he finds the next great pitcher, but the guy can't handle pitching in front of large crowds and ends up puking on the mound. When Brooks travels down to Mexico, he discovers a phenom who is a fan favorite named Steve Nebraska (played by Brendan Fraser). When he tries to convince the Yankees GM that he's found an outstanding pitcher, he's told he isn't bringing anyone up and ends up getting fired. I'm a huge baseball fan, but I found this movie appalling, especially near the end when Nebraska pitches in a World Series game. He throws 81 pitches, all strikes, and no hitter even makes contact. Who ends up with the only run of the game? Nebraska, of course, with a home run. Imagine that. They obviously thought no one would see the flaws in that game. For one thing, being in an American League park, they would be using a DH. The pitcher would not be hitting. Another, how did he end up with only 1 at-bat the whole game if he pitched the whole game? This movie was very predictable and, therefore, very boring. I would not recommend this movie to my worst enemy. I wonder if even Fraser looks back on this movie and wonders why he made the mistake of agreeing to do it. It's not Fraser's fault though. No matter who was picked to star in this movie, it would have been bad simply because of the plot. I found Little Big League to be more realistic than this and that was about a little kid managing a major league team.
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19 April 2009
This is a good example of why sequels are rarely ever good. The plot was stupid. The acting (if you want to call it that) was awful. The special effects looked like something you'd see out of a low-budget 1970's sci-fi movie. I'm usually leery about seeing sequels to movies but thought I would give this one a chance just in case. Now I wish I could get back the hour or so I spent watching this piece of junk. This is a very cheesy movie and I would not recommend this to anyone. If you want to see a real version of War Of The Worlds, rent the Tom Cruise version. It's much better and didn't look like it took a week to put together.
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'Allo 'Allo! (1982–1992)
People that hate this show, I disagree with you
23 March 2009
I absolutely love this show. Every episode is funnier than the one before it. If you can actually sit through an episode of Allo Allo and not even crack a smile, I suggest you go to a doctor and have your sense of humor examined. Allo Allo is one of the best, if not THE best Britcoms ever made. I even find this funnier than most of the Monty Python's Flying Circus episodes. To the person who asked us if we'd enjoy a comedy set in a death camp, that's pretty sick and has absolutely nothing to do with our enjoyment of Allo Allo. Here in the US, we do have a comedy set in a POW camp. It's called Hogan's Heroes. Maybe you should check it out.
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Are You Being Served? (1972–1985)
Wonderful show!
23 March 2009
I don't understand how anyone could bash this show. Yeah, there were a lot of sexual references in it, but it's not near as bad as some of the shows we see on TV these days. There are other Brit-coms like Monty Python that show actual nudity. AYBS does not. I could never get tired of this show. Frankly, I've been a fan of it for years and I hate that it's not currently on our local PBS station. Thankfully, I have taped episodes from when it did air so that if I feel like watching a real comedy, I can just pop in a videotape of AYBS and laugh away. This is an outstanding comedy and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants a good laugh. To all the people who have left nice comments about the show, all I can say to you is "You've all done very well."
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Not as good as I hoped
22 March 2009
I was actually anticipating the release of this movie when I found out they managed to get all of the original cast members from the first two movies. The main stars, anyway. Usually on the 2nd sequel to movies, it's a completely different cast, but not this one. Anyway, onto the movie itself. I was very disappointed. Oliver's son graduates from high school and his daughter is on break from college and he wants to take the whole family on a trip to spend time together, but the kids want to go off and do their own thing rather than spend any time with their father and step-mother. I especially didn't like them having Katie fall in love with some guy she had never even met before. The first 2 movies were much better than this one. Just like other movies that have had too many sequels, this one should have stopped at 2. If they wanted to make a third one, they should have done it a year or two after the second one and not 8 years after the second movie.
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Early Edition: Fate (1999)
Season 3, Episode 18
Very emotional
8 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely one of the most, if not THE most, emotional episodes of Early Edition. I'll just say you'll have a hard time watching this episode without almost crying. In some ways, it's cool think about getting tomorrow's newspaper today, but as this episode shows, it's not always a great thing. Gary tries to save 12 people from an apartment fire and thinks he saves everyone, but there was 1 man who was hiding on the roof of the apartment complex. Gary attempts to save him by using a ladder as a bridge to a building next door. Sadly, the guy falls off the ladder and Gary tries to pull him up but couldn't hold on. The rest of the day, Gary kicks himself over failing to save the transient, Jeremiah. The next day, when the paper comes, Gary throws it out of the window because he wants nothing to do with it anymore. Later in the day, Gary attends Jeremiah's funeral. Just as Gary's about to leave, Lucius Snow shows up and tells him he forgot his paper. Gary is shocked to find out that his own obituary shows up in the paper. He dies in a building collapse. Marissa and Erica beg him not to go to the building where the collapse occurs, but if he doesn't, a couple who sneak into the building will end up getting killed. Gary promises his friends that he won't go, but he feels he has to. When the building collapses, while waiting for rescue, Lucius shows up again and tells Gary to think about the people he has saved and not the ones he couldn't save. As great as this episode was, I think it should have been saved for the series finale.
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Keeping Up Appearances (1990–1995)
Brilliant comedy!
19 February 2009
This show is so great, you could never get tired of it. Patricia Routledge plays Hyacinth Bucket ("bouquet" as she would prefer people to pronounce it), who drives everyone on her block crazy to the point where they avoid her at all costs. Her best friend and neighbor Elizabeth is asked over for coffee on almost a daily basis and she rarely leaves without spilling some on the rug, the table, or herself. Elizabeth's brother Emit is constantly annoyed by Hyacinth, who decides to sing (if you want to call it that) every time she sees him because Emmit's profession involves music. Hyacinth constantly boasts about her sister Violet and continually mentions all the things she has thanks to her rich husband Bruce (swimming pool, sauna, room for a pony, etc.). Hyacinth doesn't like to mention her other sisters Daisy and Rose because Daisy's house is always a mess and Rose dresses in skimpy outfits. Not to mention Daisy's husband Onslow is not exactly the type of person you'd invite to formal social occasions. One of the things I love about this show is Onslow's car, which almost always backfires every time it starts and stops. Every time Hyacinth visits Daisy's, which isn't often, their dog that lives in a broken-down car barks at her as she approaches their door. This show is a true delight and highly recommended for anyone who enjoys a good laugh.
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Awesome group!
18 February 2009
I'm really surprised this doesn't have a better rating. How could anyone really give this group anything less than 8 stars? Anyone that wants to look for an excuse to play Christmas music year-round can look no further than the amazing Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Of course, this video doesn't do them justice when performing on stage because their live shows are 1,000,000 times better than what's shown in this video. Despite being a very successful live group, TSO is still very underrated. Heck, it took a guy in Ohio rigging his Christmas lights to flash to the tune of "Wizards In Winter" for TSO to really get recognized. With the collective efforts of Paul O'Neill, Jon Oliva, and Bob Kinkel, TSO has blossomed into a group that is in such high demand that they need 2 separate tour groups to cover the entire country in a matter of a little over 2 months. If you've never seen TSO live before, I strongly recommend that you do. You get more than your money's worth.
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