
2 Reviews
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Alien 3 (1992)
Severely underrated and a slap in the face to Fincher
2 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the theatrical version was not the version Fincher intended to make in the first place. The studio basically kicked him in the head and told him he had A: killed off the strong characters the story needed and B: Didn't do what they told him to do. In my opinion this is the best film in the "Alien" franchise. Imagine for a second the balls it took to look at the success of "Aliens" and say, "Ok.. in the first 5 minutes we're going to kill everything the audience was expecting to see the next couple hours." Every thing in this film- from the script, the dark style, the prolonged losing battle, and the direction was FAR ahead of it's time. If the studio hadn't raped this film and violated Fincher as badly as it did, he would be a god-send to bring this franchise back to respectability. Take a look at what he's done... "Seven", "Fight Club", "The Game", "Panic Room" (another underrated film), "Benjamin Button"... He's golden. The studio tried to ruin "Alien 3" and despite their best efforts- I still loved it.
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Panic Room (2002)
Severely underrated
2 February 2009
Way ahead of it's time. If you can come up with a story based in a single room and make it as engaging and exciting as this one... you deserve to be frozen and preserved for future teaching of inspiring film makers. This is a fantastic film and I'm glad Jodie Foster was available for the lead when Nicole Kidman got knocked up and bailed. I loved the off-character casting of Jared Leto and the unbelievable casting of Dwight Yoakam... DWIGHT YOAKAM. Everything worked. Another great, and yet again... underrated film by David Fincher. How long is it going to take for an established directed like Fincher to take a chance and roll the dice on trying to make a script like this work again? ...No one has the guts.
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