
4 Reviews
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Mediocrity killed the wolf...
16 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There may be some minor unintentional spoilers in here, so, avoid this review if you plan on seeing the movie...

Blood And Chocolate is not a terrible movie. It is not memorable enough to enjoy that dubious distinction. This film just ambles along until you get to the completely obvious conclusion. I'll try to give a breakdown on different aspects. Bear with me, because as time goes on (I saw it yesterday), I find it more difficult to remember anything about it.

Story: About a group beings that can transform between their human and wolf forms at will. Not werewolves, in the sense that you usually see on film, but a very intriguing concept on the surface. Of course, the "evil" humans have been hunting down this species for ages, because we are afraid of them...blah blah blah we've heard it all before. As we delve deeper into the history of the Loups-Garoux, we realize that they are not that powerful. Just a bunch of bullies that attack in groups, with all of the advantages against their lone, wounded, human prey.

Acting: Agnes Bruckner (Vivian)- While certainly attractive, she wades through her dialogue like a sloth in a quagmire. The script itself didn't help, but her wooden portrayal of Vivian was hard to watch at times.

Hugh Dancy (Aiden)- Just couldn't come up with any sympathy or empathy for his character. His ridiculous back-story and "dark family secret" didn't help matters any.

Oliver Martinez (Gabriel)- I enjoyed his turns in S.W.A.T. and Taking Lives (both horrible movies, IMO) better than I did this. His a a cowardly leader of the pack who is just looking to bed a new beauty every 7 years. You don't fear the character of Gabriel as much as you just dread his return to the screen.

Brian Dick (Rafe)- Plays a whiny little spoiled brat that happens to be the son of the leader (Gabriel). Very uninspired performance all around. There is also the disturbing little incestuous attraction to his cousin (Vivian).

Katja Riemann (Astrid)- She plays the only semi-sympathy inducing character of the bunch. As the washed up ex-concubine of Gabriel, mother of the extremely annoying Rafe, and Vivian's aunt, she invokes pity, if nothing else. She longs for her youth and Gabriel, who is, of course after the much younger Vivian.

SFX/Stunts/Choreagraphy: The human form-wolf form transformation becomes tiresome after the second or third occurrence.

Another tiresome aspect was the constant jumping up to step off of walls and stair railings like a group of despondent x-gamers who had to pawn their roller blades.

There were a couple of decent fight scenes, but nothing that really stands out.

Final Take:

As a whole, this was a convoluted chick-flick/action flick with some quasi-horror elements thrown in. Think Underworld, only much worse. There were times that I thought the story was going to get interesting, then those hopes were dashed. A different take on the werewolf mythos, and not as bad as some werewolf films I've seen. (Cursed, anyone?)

I won't say avoid at all costs, but, don't get your hopes up for anything great.


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Let's set the record straight
6 July 2004
Was this a great film? No. Will it scare you? See previous answer. Is it fun? Well, of course it is. The filmmakers did not take themselves too seriously here, and neither should you. If anyone saw this flick with expectations of a Vertigo or the original Psycho, they must have been delusional.

Let's set the stage. We have two slasher icons from the 80's. One is a horribly disfigured, ominous, mask-wearing maniac with a talent for swinging a machete and an extreme Oedipus complex. The other is also horribly disfigured (see a trend here?) child-killing maniac that attacks people through their dreams armed with a glove equipped with razor-sharp blades, a sardonic sense of humor, and a certain panache for intricate, original methods of slaying his hapless victims. Sound's like a great time, right? It is.

If you are a fan of either or both of these series, you should find something to like here. It's really nothing new, but, it is far better than the most of the later installments in either of the franchises. (Barring New Nightmare, of course.) The final battle alone is worth the price of a rental.

Final verdict: Predictable, cheesy slasher flick, replete with loads of gore, special effects, and completely devoid of any real character development. Just take the movie for what it was meant to be. Then just sit back and enjoy the fun.

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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
A great summer movie
6 July 2004
After Spider-Man's box office success, the incredible media hype, and the rumors about Tobey Maguire opting out, I honestly didn't have much faith in this film. I was worried that it would be a sub-par affair designed solely to reap profits from the cash cow that was the original. (Think, Matrix: Revolutions)

I couldn't have been more wrong. This film actually exceeded the first in almost every aspect. The writing was smarter than can usually be expected from a summer blockbuster. It was true to the spirit of Stan Lee's comic book work, without being too clichéd or campy. Now, before die-hard fans of the comic books jump all over me, I am aware that the storyline has been changed dramatically from the graphic novels, but, it seems that Sam Raimi, Alvin Sargent, and crew did their best to be respectful to Mr. Lee's work.

J.K. Simmons' portrayal of J. Jonah Jameson was boisterous and funny without being too over the top. Maguire's performance seemed to add more depth to the characters of Parker/Spidey than in the original. Horrible films such as Bring It On and The Crow: Salvation (sacrilege!) notwithstanding, Kirsten Dunst is actually a very talented actress. This is not a role that will garner her an Oscar, but, she did a very passable job as Mary Jane. Alfred Molina's depiction of Dr. Octavius/Doc Ock stole the show here. A bit more explanation of the AI of his tentacles, and the motivation behind them would have been welcome, but Molina did an outstanding job with this character. Add to this a quite proficient supporting cast, and you have the makings of a quite enjoyable film. Some of the flashbacks with Uncle Ben were pretty contrived, but, not so much as to take you out of the moment.

CGI Spidey was well-done, without being overdone, as were the rest of the effects. Great eye-candy, without detracting from the film itself. With technology today, it would be easy to let computer effects take over the movie (remember The Hulk?), but, luckily, some restraint was shown here.

Final Verdict: A great escapist, action flick with a little bit of substance thrown in for good measure. You get superb effects, a love triangle, a vulnerable super-hero, great story, above par acting (for a summer blockbuster), and enough teasers to make you eagerly await the third installment. What else do you need? 7/10

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Caddyshack (1980)
A classic in the genre.
8 February 2003
Caddyshack has some uniquely funny moments. Carl's (Bill Murray) war with the gopher is hilarious. The gopher is cheaply made, not even close to taking advantage of the special effects available at the time, but, even that seems to add to his charm.

Rodney Dangerfield has one of his best performances in this film. I don't particularly enjoy his brand of humor, but, he fit in perfectly with the rest of the cast.

It is a campy, goofy, sometimes vulgar movie, but that is what was intended. I have fond memories of this movie from when I was younger, and it seems to get better with each viewing.

The sequel was made 8 years later. Unfortunately, it didn't even begin to live up to the standards of the first. Here are my suggestions for other films you may enjoy from this genre and time frame: Stripes, One Crazy Summer, and Animal House.

I highly recommend this movie, as well as the others listed.

Parental caution: Nudity, vulgar humor, and sexual references.
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