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Wow. Such a wonderful film
13 December 2022
I really loved this film, the acting, cinematography and direction are just so enjoyable. The bring me back to a time where beautiful film art didn't necessarily involve punching someone in the face.

The trailer for this film is great, it gives you a great sense of what kind of emotional treat the film would give, and I was not disappointed. At first I was expecting Colm's motivations to be silly, but his motivations were entirely believable and in fact ever character was so believable, and reminded me of my time as a child growing up in a small town.

If you want a film that can evoke a response and stay with you after the credits roll and make you reflect on life and your relationships, then this film is a must watch.
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Prey (I) (2022)
The best Predator movie since the original
9 August 2022
After all the bad Predator movies, it's hardly praise to say that this is the best Predator movie since Predator, but the reason this is a good Predator movie is because it captures all the elements of a great "hunter vs prey" action movie.

Number one it establishes great side characters that you empathize with, and given that the side characters were Comanche that is not familiar to most people, it goes to show that great care went into showing us the beauty of their lifestyle and values.

Number two it establishes the requisite amount of terror and tension. This is so important to any movie of this kind, but is often done poorly, that is to establish a threat so seemingly invincible that you are left wondering how the protagonist will win.

Number three, the action is believable. It is often not believable when we see a petite female in an action role, but Amber was fantastic in all her action scenes and all the action scenes were well thought-out and executed.

Number four, the actors are terrific and you are really entertained merely seeing them act. No movie is perfect, and neither is this one, but it is well done enough for me to rate it a must-see, especially for Predator fans. It is a neat concept to marry sci-fi with a culture from the past, much like "Outlander", and it is thoroughly satisfying when the director and cast can pull it off by showing something that despite the fantastic elements, is believable and exciting.
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Arcane (2021– )
Stunning visuals and perfect realization of a fantasy epic
9 November 2021
This show is for fans of Alita or Mad Max: Fury Road, fans of beautifully choreographed action scenes against stunning backdrops.

I just finished watching episode 1, and it felt as good as a Disney feature movie in terms of quality; many animation movies or series have visual faults that look like financial or technology short-cuts; but to my eye, Arcane's quality is 10/10 - meaning there is nothing that I would reasonably say that could be improved.

The story is also engagingly realized. It's rare that good writing is perfectly integrated with good direction, good acting, good pacing and good effects. When all these elements are combined you end up with Arcane or Mad Max: Fury Road. I would go so far as to say that Arcane is superior to "Dune (2021)" and "Bladerunner 2049" (sorry Denis), as much as I loved these films also.

I also ought to mention the soundtrack, which haunts you in their integration with the scenes that accentuates the mood and emotional connection. Previous to this series, I had never heard of League of Legends, and I am quite impressed that such a quality series and soundtrack can be associated to a game.

After seeing so many failed game adaptions or poor action/fantasy/sci-fi movies, it is just kind of amazing when a show like this comes out that is so high quality. It forces you to go to imdb to write about it.
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Better than Avengers, and an interesting study in how to make a film
19 March 2021
Many have said it before already, but it is nevertheless fascinating how 2 directors can direct and edit the same scene completely differently. I showed someone the Gotham sewer fight scene differences between Whedon and Snyder, and the difference was stark. Whedon jumped between different scenes, making the action incoherent and unexciting, and his choice of music made the scenes silly; finally Whedon capped it off with cheesy villain dialogue from Steppenwolf. Snyder on the other hand set the mood with excitement building music, and took time to show what each character was thinking and feeling in each action sequence, allowing the audience to savor each sequence and allowing time for the excitement to set in; and by allowing Steppenwolf to shut up, he was a far more effective villain.

The last action sequence was thoroughly butchered by Whedon. It was dumb, pointless, silly and forgettable. Snyder's on the other hand had a gameplan, with the team working together to accomplish a goal and bringing the audience along; and like all good action endings, the plan doesn't go to plan which allows the audience to feel the essential emotions required for action movies: tension and fear.

Wonderful Snyder!! Wondeful! You made me believe again!
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Every so often there comes a show that can actually change your perspective on things..
9 March 2021
There are dumb shows which you forget soon afterward, and then there are shows like Ted Lasso which have a lasting impact and change how you see things. Ted Lasso is one of those shows that you are thankful that someone took the time to create, because it is not only tremendously entertaining, well acted and emotionally impactful, but will actually help you become a better person. I couldn't say that about classics like "Seinfeld" (probably the opposite actually) or "Friends".

Ted Lasso will become one of those beloved comedy/drama classics. Well done.
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Mulan (2020)
Okay, let me tell you what's wrong with this movie...
8 September 2020
The original Disney Mulan movie was about a young inexperienced girl, and by sheer will, grit and courage, she learned how to be an exceptional soldier and leader to defeat a formidable enemy, along with the other soldiers she inspired.

This new Mulan movie is none of that. It is about a girl with superpowers who beat up an inferior enemy because she had superpowers. Therefore this movie is a failure, because it fails to teach its most important lesson: any person, male or female, can succeed against all odds through team-work, bravery, good training and a will to succeed.

I did find this movie entertaining, but felt sad that the writers and director just didn't get what Mulan was about.
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Dark Matter (2015–2017)
What a really enjoyable Sci Fi Series!!!
9 March 2018
If you love Firefly, you will love this. Although Firefly's characters are more lovable, Dark Matter's characters are more interesting. Dark Matter has better effects, production value and plots but you will grow to love the characters as much as Firefly's characters.

I didn't get into this show when it first came out in 2015, because the first episode implied a dour, serious and depressing sci fi show. Thankfully this time around I believed the IMDB ratings and sat through the first few episodes. After establishing the back stories and the world, Dark Matter starts to shine with gripping twists and plots that make you come back for more.

Much of the time watching it, I think to myself how thankful there are 3 seasons because the episodes are so great. It's the Firefly we could have had, the Firefly we deserve.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
I love this show - it's gritty and different! Why be the same?
20 November 2017
I look forward every week to this show. It's so exciting, gritty and rough. You read all these whiney reviews from legacy Trek fans complaining how it's not the same as previous Trek series - so what? Why does it have to be? At some point in the timeline, surely times were gritty, times were tough. This is this timeline and this is this story. I find that this series takes from the tone of the first 2 reboot movies, which I also loved.

What if Star Wars and Star Trek were combined? I'd like to see that show - and that's what Star Trek Discovery is. Bravo.
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Life (I) (2017)
People didn't like it because the creature didn't seem realistic
14 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've been reading reviews of this movie and it seemed many people didn't like it because they thought this carbon/water based creature was unrealistic. Nothing can survive the vacuum of space, extreme cold and extreme heat, no water and food for years, etc... but there IS an organism that can do that. It's called a "tardigrade" - this little creature can survive lethal amounts of radiation, 1 degree above absolute zero temperature, it can turn its body into glass to survive extreme dehydration, it can survive the vacuum of space and the pressure of many hundreds of meters underwater and survive above boiling temperature.

Coincidentally, shortly after learning about this fascinating creature I came across the movie "Life", and that's probably why I love it so much. What would happen if a hostile alien with the durability of a tardigrade and a lethality of a xenomorph decided to hunt us down? I was thrilled at the prospect! Although some will fault some of the poor choices of the characters, I found them on par with the choices of "Alien:Covenant" characters, but I wasn't going to fault the movie because the premise intrigued me so much. I for one, found it an exciting and thrilling movie!!
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One of the best fantasy films!
1 August 2017
The problem with King Arthur is that it's about King Arthur. I think people just don't care. What Ritchie should have done is made a movie that was about someone else but inspired by the story of King Arthur, kind of like how Game of Thrones was inspired by the War of the Roses.

If we forget about the fact the main character is King Arthur, then this movie is just fantastic. Guy Ritchie did an outstanding job with pacing, story and editing, and all the cast members were magnetic in their performances. There was no character that I felt was miscast, as Hunnam and Law were fabulous as protagonist and antagonist respectively.

The music was just perfectly synchronized with the scenes and increased the drama and emotion of the movie, and the special effects also greatly enhanced the movie without distracting in any way.

The end battle was superb and very enjoyable - I've been waiting for long time for a fantasy battle to be choreographed in a similar fantastical fashion, so I'm grateful that Ritchie has given us that.

The only thing about this movie that I didn't like, was that nobody went to see it and therefore Ritchie won't be making any more King Arthur movies. This movie is outstanding and deserves to be a trilogy. It is the fantasy version of a super-hero movie in all the best ways. I certainly will be buying the blu-ray when it comes out.
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Here is why this movie fails - director, please read!
21 July 2017
I subscribe to the notion that all movies should evoke emotion. Action should thrill and excite, horror should frighten, drama should make you both weep and laugh, etc.

For an action movie to excite, you need tension. Who cares to watch an NBA team play some primary school kids? No-one. No tension. And that's the problem with this movie. At no point in this movie did you feel that Scarlett's character was in danger. All I was watching was an NBA player doing slam dunks over some school kids. Sure the slam dunk looked cool, but it wasn't a "match" it was a demonstration.

I would highly recommend people go watch the Appleseed movie series. It is EXACTLY what GITS should have looked like: hyperkinetic action with some overwhelming odds for good measure. We have to feel that Scarlett is up against such competition that we are on the edge of our seats.

And the comparison between Appleseed and GITS is apt, because the opening scene of the first Appleseed movie is what the ending scene of GITS should have looked like. Both involved tanks, but in Appleseed it was thrilling and tense, and in GITS it was YAWN.
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Hugely Enjoyable!
21 July 2017
Although I too enjoy super hero movies, action movies blah blah - they are getting tired. Good directors can get the pacing, directing and acting so right that the same-ol story can be told while still be entertaining. Especially in science fiction, it seems there are no original ideas any more.

Then comes along Valerian - WOW! What a refreshing and imaginative world they've developed and an exciting movie they've created! The trailers truly do not do this movie justice. I watched this movie just for Luc Besson, because the trailer made the movie look like the usual Hollywood drivel. What I got instead was an extremely pleasing and original story that was superbly executed.

What I love about the movie is that the plot isn't your typical sci-fi plot. It plays like a detective story intermingled with action and amazing visuals, culminating in a very satisfying ending that made me yearn for sequels to learn more about the universe Besson has created.

Well done! This movie deserves to live on! Watch it in the theaters and be thrilled!
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Enjoyable movie!
19 July 2017
This movie is exactly what it needs to be: what you expect from watching the trailer, but much more than the trailer. I think the low score is unfair. Although the film isn't perfect, no-one who sees the trailer and who watches movies should expect it to be - and if you have reasonable expectations then this movie is actually a cut above the rest.

I would compare this movie favorably with classics such as A Weekend at Bernies and The Hangover, but it doesn't stoop to over-acting like The Hangover does. Instead the movie is filled with well-acted and funny conversations between the two main actors. The laughs weren't out lout for me, but they were very consistently amusing and entertaining.

Brooks Wheelan's performance is outstanding in this movie, so much so that I would put him in the top 5 "lovable goofball friend" characters that I can remember. His portrayal is genuinely likable without being over-the-top or mean like recent "lovable goofball friend" characters we've seen lately (eg. Deadpool's buddy).

Bryan Greenberg's portrayal is adequate. He plays the sympathetic everyman, and thus isn't supposed to be the wise-cracking party animal. The more important thing is that he has good chemistry with Wheelan and the conversations between the two are pleasing.

I liked this movie and would recommend it!
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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015–2019)
This show makes me happy!
27 April 2016
I watch many shows. In fact I've tried all the top shows recommended. Crazy Ex Girlfriend stands on top for the comedy, acting and fantastic songs. It is the only comedy where I literally laugh out loud constantly. All the actors are lovable and perfect in their roles.

The subject matter is difficult, difficult because I've seen many shows try to get away with wacky ideas before and they fall flat. CEG tries a lot of bold ideas and pulls them off without making you grimace and that is a rare thing. It is rare to have a team that feels so comfortable with each other that they can pull of amazing feats of bold entertainment and get away with it. Few shows have managed to do it, and CEG is one of them. Most important of all, I feel so happy watching CEG. Thank-you for this show!!!
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The best man vs animal horror film!
17 February 2015
This film is by no means Shakespeare, but as far as man vs animal films this is the best, and by best I mean they don't cheat you on the animal interactions. When it comes to films like "Razorback" or "Orca" or "The Edge" or "The Brotherhood of the Wolf" or "The Ghost and the Darkness" or even "Jaws" - the animal effects are minimal. What you see are glimpses and teases of the animal. What you came to see is the beast in all its glory, and that's exactly what you get in this film.

Although the dialog isn't fantastic, it is adequate, and everyone does their part with the acting. But you didn't watch this show for the dialog, you came to see the bear, and that's precisely what you get in "Grizzly". I was astonished at the close-up fights the bear has with numerous characters, they looked extremely real and I didn't know how they pulled it off. Which is why I have to recommend this movie.
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Born to Race (2011 Video)
A movie for car geeks
14 September 2012
.. and that's not a bad thing. Most car movies out there are entertainment-only movies for the general audience, so they are full of hammy dialog, hammy acting, hammy directing and inaccuracies about cars.

This is fairly accurate about cars (not perfect, but not outrageous either), has some hammy dialog but the acting and directing are quite competent compared with the Fast and the Furious.

I highly recommend this film for lovers of cars and drag racing in particular. It's also good to see street racers take it to the track like they should; although there are scenes of irresponsible driving, those scenes don't go well for the main character and the movie leads the audience morally in the right direction: to the track.
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Rome (2005–2007)
The Best Series ever Made!
10 October 2007
Among my 3 most favourite TV series: Firefly, Band of Brothers and Rome, Rome stands alone as the perfect TV series and the only series my Wife and I have had marathon viewing sessions until 5am in the morning (an amazing feat for my Wife who gets bored easily and is a morning person!).

Although it is a sexually and violently explicit show, far more than my usual taste, it is strangely appropriate and doesn't seem gratuitous - much like the violence in Saving Private Ryan. In fact it was a fascinating look into Roman life, so accurate in feel that I felt that I was living in Rome. I especially liked that the drama cut across all levels of society so one felt that they were gifted with a time machine to see for the first time what ancient Rome was like. For that experience I am grateful!
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8 August 2006
There were some good moments to this movie, such as the scenery and the acting between the actors. In that sense this movie is excellent. However, the last scene with the father and son is contrived - the typical ending to this kind of movie where one cannot think of a better ending! I guess my problem with it, is because writers feel a movie has to end that way just to make you "think about it" - a sort of induced trauma. Furthermore it doesn't make any sense why the authorities would have thought to bring the son to the father in the first place.

In short, although I liked the movie I felt the ending was forced and I don't think a contrived ending with induced sentimentality deserves the high recognition it's received thus far. 5/10
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Classic cult hit
28 June 2006
This movie is a classic, right up there with Office Space, Dumb and Dumber and Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Wonderful movie that everyone with a healthy sense of humour should see!

What is refreshing to see is people being people. I know people exactly like Harold and Kumar - they are very real people, and it's sad that this movie is a "satire" when it's really the norm. America should learn that race doesn't matter - it's a person's culture that matters. A person's culture determine's his behaviour. All I see are some American stoners. I do not see a "Korean" and an "Indian".

I think one of the reasons why people find this movie so entertaining is precisely because these racial stereotypes are broken, and people are surprised that a movie that doesn't have anglo-saxon-centric actors can in fact be hugely entertaining.
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Saw II (2005)
See Saw 2 (but see Saw too before you see Saw 2)
3 November 2005
This Halloween see Saw 2 but see Saw before you see Saw 2 to understand what you saw. Not see-saw, but see Saw before you see Saw 2. If you saw Saw too, you must see Saw 2 to see the conclusion of what you saw. If you already saw Saw 2, then go see Saw too to make sense of Saw 2. So when you're out next to see a movie, see Saw 2 – not see-saw 2 but see Saw 2, but not before you see Saw.

What I saw in Saw 2 was different to when I saw Saw. Although we see Jigsaw who we see in Saw too return to Saw 2, what we see is a psychotic sequel superior to Saw and scarier too. If you loved seeing Saw, you would love to see the Saw sequel: Saw 2
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The funniest movie ever made!!!
16 January 2005
Absolutely hilarious. You must see this movie. The lines are great, the situations are funny. Totally enjoyable. Nothing more to say!! 10/10.

There were so many great scenes, it's hard to mention a top one, but some of my favourites include the Stonehenge concert, and the concert where one of them gets stuck in the capsule. Everything was done so realistically it's like War of the Worlds with a rock band. Rob Reiner and the Cast are geniuses. It wouldn't have worked without perfect acting, and thankfully everyone's acting was spot on and utterly believable.

I love this movie!
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Superb! But what's with all the "1" ratings?
19 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
After I voted, I saw with amazement a number of people who voted "1". What's up with that? I reserve "1" for a really bad movie like "Hard Target" - acclaimed movies with tremendous epic value like any of the Lord of the Rings movies do not deserve a "1". If you don't like the genre - then that's not the fault of the film. Neither is it the fault of the film if you don't like the battles. Movies should be judged based on what the director was trying to achieve, and in that respect - how does Return of the King deserve a "1"??

The only reason I can think of, is some people are losers who have nothing better to do, or can't stand Return of the King out-ranking "The Godfather" or some other corny reason. Grow up kiddies!

Anyway - back to the movie. I thought the movie was breathtaking! It certainly is an apt finale to a wonderful trilogy. Unlike others - I didn't find the film dragged on too long, and the length was respectful to the essence of Tolkien's story.

*minor spoiler*

The only thing I was wondering is: why didn't Frodo just ride on one of those Eagles straight into Mordor from the beginning in the first place? Then it occurred to me: the Eagle would stand out flying into Mordor, and would have set off too many alarms. Also, it appeared when the eye looks at you, you become paralyzed - so I guess the Eagles would have been affected by that.

*end spoiler*

Anyway - the wait has not ended for me. The "real" trilogy is the extended DVD set and until the extended Return of the King comes out, the journey has not really ended yet for me. Boo hoo.

(man did I wait 2 whole years before I saw the end?? I bet none of you thought you could have waited that long!!)
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Stop comparing the trilogy to Star Wars - the idea is LUDICROUS!
19 December 2003
1) the Lord of the Rings was written in the 1950s 2) George Lucas is a huge fan of Tolkien 3) George Lucas likes the Lord of the Rings so much, he made a clone movie (good pun right?) called "Willow" - remember? 4) a lot of the themes and plot elements of the Star Wars trilogy are in fact BASED on the the Lord of the Rings: a) old teacher "dies" in first movie but doesn't really b) second installment ends in a cliff-hanger (the original "Two Towers" novel ends in a big cliff-hanger") c) last installment surrounds the "Return" of something - I mean COME ON - Return of the Jedi:Return of the King!!!

So to compare the two series is ridiculous, especially by some who think Star Wars is actually better! To think that is to insult Tolkien and his influence he had over George Lucas.

By the way The Return of the King rocks! I will give a more detailed review later.
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Deus Ex Macchina
28 November 2003
Deus Ex Macchina - or "God in the machine", a term used by the Greeks to describe an overly contrived script.

This movie, along with its pathetic first movie is a great big joke. The fact that so many people cannot see how bad the story line is, is testament to how low standards of story-telling have fallen.

How pathetic it was for HP to suddenly and conveniently win the battle at the end of the first movie by touching someone's face - and the lame-o explanation given is "it was a mother's love" - WHAT?

As if the weak "Independence Day" type ending of the first movie was not bad enough, the second one ends even worse - a stupid bird flies in at the last minute to destroy the big bad snake! WHAT? Independence Day - "Secret Weapon" all over again!

Also - what a total ripoff Dobby was to Gollum. For crying out loud, I think it was too much of a coincidence that a giant spider is in the second book of The Lord of the Rings - and surprise surprise, a giant spider in the second book of HP. Gollum betrays his master, Dobby betrays his. Both are similar looking, wearing tattered clothing - or for pete's sake.

Oh how the standards have fallen.

1/10 - and the 1 is for the special effects.
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An amazing collection of LIES
31 October 2003
BFC is quite simply the greatest collection of lies ever to be put together by a so-called "journalist". Whilst I initially enjoyed and even believed the propaganda spouted by Moore, I came to do more research into his claims and found almost all of them to be distortions of the truth.

Some examples: 1) Charlton Heston did not go conduct a pro-gun rally in Flint - it was a political rally, and it was held 8 months after the killing - not 48 hours later as the movie portrays.

2) Moore claims the Lockheed-Martin plant in Columbine makes bombs, when all it does is make weather satellite rockets. They are transported at night-time because the convoy is so long it would disrupt traffic.

3) when Moore presents the photograph of the killed girl to Heston, it's clear that the scene was staged, since the camera was showing Moore's back - and then showing his face - and from the scene it is obvious that there was no second camera. Moore later says in an interview on TV that there were two cameras which is clearly a lie, judging by the footage on the film.

4) the plaque at the bottom of the B-52 does not applaud the bombing of innocent civilians as the BFC proclaims. It is proclaiming the downing of a MiG fighter plane, which was considered VERY difficult to do for the cumbersome B-52.

5) Moore portrays Marilyn Manson, named after a serial killer Charles Manson as a "good guy", with almost "intelligent" ideas. But in actuality Manson's ideas are equally as simplistic. To think that children are more influenced by geopolitics that they know nothing about, than by a pop icon is delusional. Clinton was fighting to prevent genocide in Kosovo, and Moore mentions that more bombs were dropped on that day than any other day of the war - as if the children somehow knew that at the time and were subconsciously motivated to kill children as a result! Records of the Columbine killer's diaries on the other hand show them admiring Hitler and Darwinism and that they formed their killer instincts from their belief in Evolution and Natural Selection - beliefs which the USA fought against in Kosovo.

-- I could go on, but by now it should be clear just how much of a liar and a distorter of truth Moore is. For more information you can go to bowlingfortruth dot com, as I have found that site to be the most factual in debunking Moore's outrageous claims.
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