
5 Reviews
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Solid but unspectacular
21 June 2020
This was a bold choice by Sandler and he should be commended for the risk. He also should be given kudos because he pulled off a very admirable performance given his history and circumstances. However, I feel as if when an actor makes a jump or tries something different we feel the need to praise the production as "earth shattering" and "groundbreaking". This was a good movie not a great movie. The pace pulls you in but the movie lacks considerable depth and complexity that should keep up with the pace, but it doesn't. I understand the idea of the "rush" is also to put you in the shoes of character development but at no point did I feel vested in the outcome, I was just purely watching and wasn't consumed or affected by the outcome. The movie also lacked substance and support from the secondary cast. Many of the characters on a supporting role did not give a decent performance. Kevin Garnett was ok but my goodness, Julia Fox was fairly unimpressive in this. All in all, it's a good movie but was way overhyped because of the front man leading an Oscar crusade. Good movie not worthy of hardware but worthy of the 2 hours to consume it.
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Kid Colter (1985)
Bad Beyond Belief
10 December 2009
Let me preface my statement, by saying, that the only reason I didn't give this film a 1 out of 10 was the cinematography was decent. Other than that, this film is despicable. The dialogue, acting, music and general feel of the movie angers me. It angers me that people with obviously no talent for expressing valid feelings and dialogue get to make movies. Who actually read this script and thought this sounded like a winner! This is the kind of movie that makes any person think they can be in movies. Absolutely terrible, I only watched because I was violently ill and couldn't get out of bed. Unless you feel like making your brain melt, for two hours, I would stay away from this garbage.
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Stiller Proves "Meet the Parents" to be a fluke
19 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since the release of "Meet the Parents" Ben Stiller has proved to be one of the most overrated comedic actors of our time, right up there with Will Ferrell. Note, I did not say they are awful, they are just purely overrated. Stiller cannot carry a comedic film, by himself, which inevitably denotes a great comedic actor. Rober Downing Jr. is the only reason I give this movie a 4. His ridiculous portrayal of a black soldier had me smiling every time he uttered a line. Jack Black is average as always unless you give him a comedic gold script. The only thing he can do is yell and seizure his body, in this movie.

It does not surprise me that this movie got a solid rating on IMDb. The leading demographic of positive voting is, of course, the lobotomized teeny bopper age group. It caters directly to there thoughtless and mindless humor. For example, you don't have to think about the jokes, the humor is crude and sexual, and violence is overacted to a ridiculously satirical level. I understand this is supposed to be a satire on American viewpoints of violence/action. However, the sheer magnitude of stupidity, this film encompasses is ridiculous. The movie treats the audience like its mentally retarded.

Once again, the only reason I give this movie a 4 is because of Robert Downing Jr. In addition, the surprising entertaining cameo, by Tom Cruise, also entertained me to a certain degree.

I would never buy this film. However, if you find yourself with nothing to do for roughly two hours, this would be a decent way to kill some time. Warning: Remember to turn off your brain before watching.
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A Solid Sequel
17 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Let me get this out in the open right now. This is the kind of thing that makes me weep for the current status, and maybe the future of mankind. Honestly, some of the reviews on here must have been conducted by mentally incompetent individuals.

Is this one of the best Bond films made, NO! However, in no way, is it deserving of the cynicism and skepticism it has received. First of all, it is a sequel, and following what may have been one of the best Bond films in the series' existence. This, naturally, makes it hard for the film to live up to expectations once the audience enters the theatre.

I heard and read numerous complaints about the "reprehensible" action sequences supposedly "inserted", into the film. These people did not consider the sequences are provided for entertainment, and to set up Bonds character, for the film. The scenes where not merely inserted for grandeur affect, but placed strategically to show the maddening disregard, of Bond, for safety and order, in his pursuits. It was symbolic of his bloodthirsty quench for revenge. Apparently any action sequence is frowned upon now. We have reached a crossroads, where we have degraded action sequences, to a nauseating degree, that we forget action can tell stories. We only remember that we are immersed, in an era, of bad story telling due to a "technology crutch", but sometimes storytelling and action can co-exist in an acceptable realm.

Furthermore, to the dimwitted masses, who think this is an altered Jason Bourne, I suggest you do some research. The late Robert Ludlum was my favorite writer, by far, so I am well inclined, and versed, in Bourne lore to argue this point. However, that argument would last and infinite number of pages. I do want to say that the film does a tremendous job setting up the next film.

Quantum of Solace is the sorbet, if you will, of a steak dinner. Although plain and "supposedly" predictable at times, it soothes my movie pallet with new character and plot developments. The very fact we see Bond in an internal struggle over a previous woman is a leap forward, in the series. They are creating a Bond with emotional layers, and painting him as a human being, and not the unbreakable machine he was in past performances. In addition, the intricacy to weave through the movie stating an end with his emotional battle, and coupled with the beginning pursuit of an elusive organization was gratifying. I think people need to do a better job thinking and analyzing this movie, than just seeing what is provided on the surface.
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Decently Entertaining
16 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am in the majority, with the masses on this one. Many reviews for this movie where truly awful, but I had heard decent reviews from "normal" people. Once again, critics have proved the sheer cynicism of their professional title.

This movie was very enjoyable on many levels, and I caught myself smiling at numerous scenes. Now that being said, this is in no way a classic romantic comedy. The pros of this movie had to have been the SURPRISINGLY good acting and chemistry displayed by Kutcher and Diaz. However, the bland and generic storyline prevents any special movie blossoming.

I use one rule when trying to gauge a particular "middle of the road" film like this one. Would I buy it? The acting and humor are good enough for me to watch repeatedly, but the plot is more predictable than a win for the opponent playing against the Detroit Lions. For me, this would not be a buy, but if you have a significant other this would be a thoughtful gift that wouldn't make you suffer at all.
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