
3 Reviews
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Glee (2009–2015)
Music lovers rejoice!
24 October 2009 the plot line of the new Fox TV series "Glee" leaves a lot to be desired. In many instances, plot points from earlier episodes are ignored entirely in later episodes (like the mandate that all songs be about God or balloons after the club put on a sexed-up routine to "Push It" at a pep rally) and the story seems to be based more on recurring themes than a cohesive plot line. But who cares?! The real magic of the show lies in its two strong points: the characters and the music.

The characters are hilarious, and obviously a masterful fusion of great acting and clever writing. They are over the top, extreme, and purposefully cliché. Whenever any of the characters gets a section of internal dialogue in the show, it usually leaves me breathless with laughter.

The music is brilliant. Kudos to Fox for their continued clever use of iTunes that they started with American Idol. The cast covers songs from all genres and are unerringly original and 100% fun. I'm seriously impressed with all members of the cast. (Especially as it becomes apparent that ALL of the cast can sing, as Emma revealed in last week's episode). It makes me wish fervently that there had been a glee club in my high school.

So the plot is lacking...I really can't bring myself to care.
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Candle On the Water
6 January 2009
OK, I love this show soooo much. Does anyone know if the cancellation rumors are true? If so then I'm going to be inconsolable. This show is whimsical and clever and currently my favorite. This episode is my particular favorite, mostly because of the adorable Pete's Dragon references and the sensationally chipper rendition of Candle on the Water. I really hope they put out a second season soundtrack with that on it because I loved it. I watched the episode about twenty times in a row I was so tickled. Kristen Chenoweth especially shines as Olive Snook and the musical references throughout (Grease, Sound of Music and a few others have cropped up as well as Pete's Dragon) leave me grinning every time. Here's hoping the show will rise from the dead...maybe Ned can spare a little of his magic touch.
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Hilarious and Irreverent
13 September 2008
I just saw this film last night, and I have to say that I loved every minute. If taken in the spirit of a parody of Bond-esquire films, it's truly superior. The true comedy of the film is in its blatant disregard for political correctness. The misogyny, cultural insensitivity, and almost laughable macho-ism of the films of this genre are used for major comic effect. It also calls the illogic and formulaic elements to task, with Agent OSS 117 constantly learning difficult things insanely quick (such as Arabic and how to play a traditional instrument) while missing some pathetically obvious clues. Some of the lines from the film left me laughing for hours after the movie was finished...and I have to say I have learned some...interesting...French vocabulary that would probably have my Professors quite exasperated with me were I to use. All in all, I thought this film excellent. Intensely funny and the first film I've ever seen that truly parodies all aspects of the spy film.
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