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17 April 2014
You can never be sure what to expect in a sequel. Well this movie is surprisingly funnier than the first. I am very hard to please when it comes to comedies, maybe laughing a handful of times if I'm lucky. Well, I have seen this three times now and maintain a steady laugh all throughout the movie. Mind you, this is filled with stupid humor but that should be expected. I don't agree with a lot of the negative reviews. The only cons I can think of: there are some parts that fall short comedy wise, Brick's character is not very funny in this one, the last 20 minutes could have been done away with. If you like stupid humor and aren't expecting a movie called Anchorman 2 to be something brilliant, you will like it. This movie is meant to be ridiculous, take it for what it is.
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The Conjuring (2013)
Is this a joke??
7 September 2013
I was almost afraid to watch this movie based off of the reviews. Thought I would be scared for days. I read several comments stating that this movie was horrifying and the best scary movie people had seen in years. I kept waiting...and waiting...and waiting for this to get better, or scary even. Nothing. I literally thought to myself that maybe I was watching the wrong version or something and wasn't seeing what everyone else saw. Far fetched I know, but that's how unbelievably disappointing this was. I was not scared at all and I would not typically consider myself someone that is hard to scare. Granted there are a few moments in this movie where you tense up just a bit, thinking something is going to pop out but that's about it!! This simply did not hold my interest. I just don't get it.
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The terror doesn't stop once you're out of the woods..
22 April 2012
As many others have stated, it is hard to fully review this movie without giving too much away. I actually had been waiting for this to come to theaters for a while. I kept reading updates on it saying the release date had been pushed back. Ironically, when I finally saw an actual preview for it, I thought it looked disappointing and dumb. However after reading several good reviews, I thought i'd give it a go.

This movie SEEMS to be a predictable, uh oh somebody's going to torture us while we're staying at the "Cabin in the Woods" and while that somewhat holds true, the story line is so much deeper than you would think.

I wouldn't go so far to say that I was scared by this movie. It certainly has its creepy moments, but it's more entertaining than anything. Quite entertaining.

The last 25 minutes or so are really freaking cool. If you are into the horror genre, I think you will appreciate this movie and it's unexpected originality.
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It works
30 July 2011
You know usually I'm not into romantic comedies, as I find that most of them fall short & are extremely cheesy. I really liked this movie though. One of the great things about it, is the acting is great. Everyone plays their part perfectly and you actually kind of feel for them in their individual situations. Usually when I think of Steve Carell, I think of a jokester. He was great in his serious scenes though, very believable. And Ryan Gosling, Oh my goodness, Ryan Gosling. He has always been one of my favorite actors. He plays a ladies man in this movie, trying to get Carell back on his feet after splitting with his wife. The two of them have great chemistry together and provide plenty of laughs, along with touching moments. I just saw this movie yesterday and I already want to see it again. That almost never happens that I want to see a movie again right away. Very cute. This movie has a little bit of everything and I think that most people would enjoy it. 9/10!
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Bridesmaids (I) (2011)
Laugh out loud comedy
4 June 2011
OK, I gotta admit that when I saw a preview for this movie I thought it looked lame. However after hearing many good reviews about it, I decided to give it a go. Hooray - this movie is actually funny! Matter of fact, I look forward to seeing it again and might even buy it when it comes out on DVD. Kristen Wiig is hilarious. This was the first time that I've actually watched her act, never really saw any of her stuff before this movie.

Also, I consider myself pretty picky when it comes to movies. It takes a lot to make me actually laugh out loud and I was doing a lot of that in this movie. I think that any female could relate to Kristen's character and some of her experiences. She doesn't quite feel up to par with where she's at in her life but fortunately there is a lot of humor that comes from this. I'm sure even some guys would enjoy this movie.

Overall - Enjoyable, cute and hilarious!
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Source Code (2011)
A 4 is being generous....
29 May 2011
OK yet again...rave reviews have mislead me. And yes, the only reason that I saw this movie was because everyone said how good it was. I don't get it people? This movie is out there. It makes no sense and if there is one thing I hate, it is trying to make sense of a movie. I want to be entertained when I go to a movie, not trying to piece all the puzzles together.

This movie is very repetitive, keeps showing the same scene over and over. Yes, it has to do with the premise of the movie but goodness gracious, I couldn't stand it after about 20 minutes. You know what I mean if you have seen it.

Overall, I don't know. I don't get it. I am surprised that this had the success that it did. I've never been a fan of Gyllenhaal either.

The one positive thing is that I saw this at the cheap theater. =)
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Scream 4 (2011)
Blast from the past...
17 April 2011
Let me start off by saying that I'm a big fan of the Scream movies. The original Scream was the first scary movie that I ever saw. Last fall when I first heard talks of a Scream 4, I was pretty into it. I saw this movie last night and it took me back to my teenage days. It was kind of exciting to see Ghost Face back on the big screen.

The thing about the Scream movies, is they are all about what you make them. You can't really take them too seriously. I never really go into them expecting to be scared. There more of a guilty pleasure really. The first was the best...nothing too ridiculous about it. Scream 2 & 3 were not as good but are still a couple of my favorite movies. I enjoyed Scream 4 up until the ending. Was not real pleased with who the killer/killers were. (won't tell you how many there were) The good thing about this movie is that it's entertaining and isn't afraid to make fun of itself and the horror genre. It also keeps you wondering who can be trusted and who can't. I think that all of the Scream fans will enjoy it. It does reference the other Scream movies quite a bit so I'm not sure how much you would get into it if you weren't already a fan of Scream. Will be looking forward to a Scream 5 & 6....
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Insidious (I) (2010)
So scary....
2 April 2011
When I first saw a preview for this movie, I knew it looked like it had potential. It had been a while since I saw a decent scary movie so I was looking forward to it. I went into it expecting some scares but nothing too bad. Wrong. This movie scared me out of my wits. I don't think I have ever jumped more during any other scary movie. The audience was spooked too. I saw many other people jumping out of their seats and even heard a few actual screams.

What I loved about this movie was that it actually tries to scare you, not gross you out. The images are frightening for sure. Insidious doesn't waste any time trying to creep you out. The scares already start with the opening credits. I sure was not expecting this to be one of the scariest movies i've seen but it lives up to that. That being said, I don't think I'd have the guts to see it again!
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Limitless (I) (2011)
Surprisingly awesome
20 March 2011
I went into this movie not expecting much. I'm a fan of Bradley Cooper and paired with being bored on a Saturday night, this movie seemed like a good option. Wow. I was pleasantly surprised with how good this movie was. It really grabs your attention and holds it the entire time. This movie has a little bit of everything...action, romance, suspense, humor. Cooper did a great job in his role.

The main idea of the movie shows how people who don't usually experience much success in life, react once things start changing for them. Achieving more and more success becomes an endless cycle. You start to get bored with all that you have and you crave more, until soon enough you crash. I won't say too much more about the movie, other than it's definitely a must see. Best one I've seen this year.
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Surprisingly cute...
26 December 2010
I've seen a lot of romantic comedies and a lot of them have been a complete miss. I decided to rent this movie out of boredom one day and thought it was actually kind of cute. Not one of the best I've seen, but still cute. Drew and Justin have GREAT chemistry together. I've been a fan of both of them for a while.

This movie is kind of a mix of everything. I wouldn't necessarily consider it a chick flick.

What I didn't like about it was there is a little too much raunchiness at times, almost like a forced attempt to win laughs. Produced the opposite result for me.

Overall, it's sweet in it's own little way. Worth renting.
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Devil (2010)
A tad boring....
18 September 2010
I was kind of excited to see this movie. It's been a while since there has been a scary movie in the theaters that I've wanted to see. This movie wasn't horrible, but it was just kind of blah. Boring and predictable. I thought this movie would seem really short since it's only 1 hour and 20 minutes, but it feels longer than that. I usually hate when people try to pick apart movies and have to make everything in them realistic, but this movie is hard to not do that to. There are a moments in this movie where the characters do something that people would never actually do. It's hard to really care what happens to any of them after that. I give this movie some originality points and it was hard to figure out who the 'devil' was so there was a level of suspense. Overall, just average.
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Inception (2010)
I wish I was sleeping during it.....
18 July 2010
Alright. I know that this movie is getting rave reviews, but after seeing it last night I am wondering why!? I saw a preview for this about 2 months ago and had been wanting to see it ever since. Geez, what a letdown once I finally saw it. Unfortunately, I can not think of one good thing to say about this movie. I was lost as to what was going on only after 5 minutes into this and it kept getting more complicated. I was expecting this movie to be on the weird side, but it made no sense to me whatsoever. I don't think I have ever wanted to walk out of a movie so much in my life. The only thing that kept me staying was the hope that this movie would pick up. It's 2 1/2 hours long and trust me, it feels like that and more! It's just rather dull. Nothing really going on, the effects are just OK...nothing to really save the movie. It didn't hold my interest, didn't keep me on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next, there was no wow factor, nothing. Huge disappointment.
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Kick-Ass (2010)
What the heck??
14 June 2010
What in the world???? HOW does this movie have so many good reviews? It was awful! I had no intention of ever seeing this movie. I only caved because of it's ongoing good rating. I had a feeling about 10 minutes into it, that it was not going to get any better and unfortunately I was right.

First of all, I thought that this was supposed to be a comedy? It is in no way a comedy. It is extremely violent and full of blood (who would have thought?!) I do not know the last time that I saw a movie this bad. Definitely one of the worst movies I have ever seen! There are just so many things wrong with it. I also have a huge problem with an 11 year old girl being a killer. That really disturbed me. This movie had no idea what it wanted to be. There are so many different genres wrapped into it. It had absolutely no flow to it whatsoever. I love a good movie, regardless of its genre but this movie flat out sucked! It was completely inappropriate. I honestly felt like one of those people on the show Punkd while I was watching this. I felt like this movie had to be a joke.

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6 June 2010
This movie is so funny! I had no idea. I saw it out of boredom...not really expecting a whole lot from it. It is one of the funniest movies I have seen in a while. I was shocked. There is a lot of vulgarity in it which gets kind of annoying at times but the movie itself is so funny that you can't help but like it.

I have been a fan of Jonah Hill for a while but didn't really like Russell Brand too much before this. They actually have great chemistry together. The laughs keep coming throughout the entire movie. I would recommend it! As long as you're not easily offended and can appreciate some pretty ridiculous humor, then I think you'll like it too.
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Dear John (I) (2010)
Not bad
29 May 2010
Wow...I was expecting this movie to be awful after all of the bad reviews I've read. Nothing is wrong with this movie! Nothing is wrong with the acting. It's actually a pretty good movie. I am not usually one for romantic movies...usually because I find them to be lame. There are definitely moments in this one that tug at your heart and get you teary eyed.

I really felt for John in this movie. His character had a tough life... and the relationship between him and his father...It made me really sad! That Nicholas Sparks! He knows how to stir up emotions...

I have not read the book, so I can't compare the two but I say the movie is worth watching.
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The Notebook (2004)
I. love. it.
8 May 2010
Oh my gosh, this is one of the best movies ever! The chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Rachel Mcadams is outstanding. This movie pulls you in and keeps you rooting for a happy ending all the way through! I have watched this a million times, and it still stirs up emotion. I don't usually like sappy love movies, but there is something different about this one. It feels real.

This movie shows how true love doesn't let obstacles get in the way. It becomes an unstoppable force. Ugh, I can't say enough good things about this movie! Almost anytime I see it on, I stop what I'm doing and watch it! Definitely a must see!
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8 March 2010
I liked this movie a lot. I was a little skeptical about seeing it because I hate sitting through 2 1/2 hour long movies, but really didn't notice it when I was in the theater. It holds your attention throughout the entire film, constantly adding suspense and moments that make you wonder what the truth is and which characters are untrustworthy.

The one gripe I do have about the movie is the ending. The film up until the ending was so good that I think the ending should have brought a lot more to the table. I was definitely expecting a twist, but not a let down. Still, this movie is worth seeing.
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3 January 2010
I remember first seeing a preview for this movie several months ago and thinking "I won't be seeing that". Really the only reason that I did decide to rent it was because it had a descent rating.

Ugh, I knew what the ending and so called "twist" of this movie was within probably the first five minutes and let me tell you, I am usually oblivious to the big plot twists in movies. I didn't think there was anything special about this movie at all. Nothing scary, nothing great, nothing.

The movie forces you so hard to believe that the bad guys are one set of people, that for me, it had the opposite effect of giving away who the true bad guys were. I think that if you're even half paying attention to this movie, you will be able to figure it out too.
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Love Happens (2009)
Not so bad....
19 September 2009
Let me start by saying that I did not think I would like this movie, but it exceeded my expectations. I think what I liked the most about it, was it was not your typical romance movie. I had heard before seeing it that it was predictable and just like every other "chick flick" but the truth is... it's really not. This movie had a lot of depth, a lot of touching moments and yes, obviously romance. That being said, this movie was more about finding the good in life and forgetting all of the hurt and heart aches then it was about romance, although that aspect of it is in there too. Aaron Eckhart is impossible not to like and quite the eye candy. This movie also had some great songs in it! Overall, definitely not too bad!
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Just Friends (I) (2005)
Cute and funny.
29 August 2009
First off, I love Ryan Reynolds. I think he is adorable. This movie was cute....kind of has a Christmas setting to it. It's about a guy who was pretty much a loser in high school and was best friends with a girl that he always secretly had a crush on.

Well, several years pass, and this guy has gone through many changes. His appearance has changed and he turns into a stud, he has a great paying job, and he's somewhat famous. He decides he wants to pursue his high school crush, and it doesn't go so smoothly. He faces some obstacles along the way which are pretty funny to watch. Overall, it's a fun movie.
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Um, horrible
22 August 2009
What is with all the rave reviews for this movie??? This movie was horrible!!!! I have not read the book so I can't compare it to that, but what a weird, weird movie. In all fairness, I knew before I saw it that it would be kind of strange, but it ended up being ridiculously bad. I usually like Rachel McAdams and think she is a great actress but even she couldn't save this movie. A big reason that I saw this movie was because it had a 7.4 rating on this website, so now I am going to possibly save anyone else that might have to sit through this movie. It is not worth seeing. I found myself wishing that I was a time traveler during this movie so that I could have been anywhere else but sitting in that theater. I almost got up and left but I figured it had to get better as it went. Wrong. I didn't care what happened to any of the characters in this movie and was very glad when it was over.
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Mean Girls (2004)
So funny.
20 August 2009
I have seen this movie so many times and every time I see it, it gets better. Mean Girls is a movie about a group of high school girls who basically run their school. They are full of themselves, gossip constantly, do whatever they want and continuously stab each other in the back... but there is so much humor in all of these things throughout the movie. My friends and I still quote lines from this movie on a regular basis. I remember seeing this in the theater a few years ago and I couldn't believe how good it was. I am not sure how much you would like this movie if you were a guy, but it's pretty hilarious and I am sure that most people have known girls like this in their lifetime.
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The Strangers (2008)
Way underrated....
20 August 2009
I can't believe how many bad reviews this movie has. I guess if you are a fan of movies that primarily rely on blood and gore and are too worried about how well they can gross you out, then this movie probably isn't for you. This movie has all of the things that a good scary movie should. It's suspenseful, creepy, thoughtful and entertaining. I also couldn't help but think of myself in the main characters shoes... and how frightening their situation was. I am not sure if this movie was actually inspired by true events. It claims to be. Frankly, it doesn't matter either way. It's a good watch. This is one of the best scary movies I've seen in a while.
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Love it
20 August 2009
I don't usually write reviews for movies on here but I just wrote one for a movie I recently saw so now I am going to comment on all my favorites. This movie is so stinkin cute! I have lost count of how many times I have seen The Wedding Singer but it never gets old! It's a somewhat romantic/comedy... I say somewhat because the movie is cheesy yet adorable. I even bought the soundtrack for this movie a couple of years ago because the music in it is great.. (If you like 80's music.) Adam Sandler nails his role and is quite likable. As is Drew. If you have not seen this movie, I suggest you go rent it. Or just wait for it to come on television.. because it usually airs a lot. 10 out of 10!
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District 9 (2009)
Pretty good...!
20 August 2009
One of my favorite things about this movie was how incredibly entertaining it was. A little ridiculous at times...sure.. but worth seeing. It kept my attention pretty much the whole time. (Ok.. it took about 10 minutes for me to get into this movie and the last 10 min or so dragged a bit but other than that, a good movie.) District 9 was very different than anything I have seen before. Usually I am not into alien movies. Saw the previews for this movie months ago and probably would have never thought to have seen it if I hadn't read all of the great reviews about it before hand. I am not surprised at how many people have liked this movie because it was well done.
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