3 Reviews
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Rest in Peace Michael Clarke Duncan
5 September 2012
There's a reason why this Oscar winning tour de force is #67 ranked of all films on IMDb, despite the fact that it's 3 hours long and has some truly grisly scenes (not for the squeamish, children, or a first date.)

It's chock full of outstanding performances, not only from Hanks, but also from the many supporting characters, all who are rich and full. It will seem slow to the impatient, but will be richly rewarding for those with the stamina to make it to the end.

It will certainly get you thinking about capital punishment and perhaps different shades/degrees of evil. It is either a deeply moving spiritual tale or a wonderfully creepy journey down the rabbit hole of Stephen King's mind; take your pick. Either way, I put it right up there on my desert island list with the likes of Shawshank Redemption. It is definitely required watching.
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The Avengers (2012)
The hype was understatement.
5 May 2012
This one goes way beyond simply being the final? chapter in a themed series.The individual Marvel movies have been OK (Hulk) to good (Iron Man 1) but The Avengers is an order of magnitude better than the best of them.

This film is good enough to appeal to the general public, but for comic / action fans, its is a an exquisite symphony; much more than the sum of its parts. You will find sublime pathos mixed with humor, and it works.

I believe it will become a genre defining work, as Star Wars and Lord of the Rings are. It will simultaneously make you want to fight evil, serve your country and believe that redemption is still possible for those ready to lay it on the line, and become heroes.
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300 (2006)
Freedom is not free.
4 April 2011
Short: This is opera. If you couldn't sit through an actual opera, you probably won't make it through this film. If you can accept the highly stylized and exaggerated aspects of that form, then you might. It is violent. It is simplistic. It is visually gorgeous. It is emotionally riveting. It is not for children. It will offend many and inspire many. It is opera.

Not so short: There are myriad specific reasons to take offense from this film, but most can fit into three categories.

{Political} If you tend to project your personal, contemporary politics into works of art and fiction, then you may be offended. The heroes are Anglo and the villains are Persian, and less explicitly, non-heterosexual. More specifically, since this came from Hollywood, many will characterize this as allegory for and propaganda in support of the US involvement in the middle east and Persia. If you're a serious pacifist, don't bother.

{Artistic / Esthetic} Though highly stylized, it is graphically violent, and it glorifies that violence. The plot is simple to non-existent. The dialog too is simple and predictable. The characters have zero guile, zero subtlety, 100% melodrama, bordering on the trite. Again, expect opera, for that's what it is. It does not have the typical happy Hollywood ending. If you're not inspired, you will be left depressed.

{Historical} While loosely based on historical events, the emphasis must be firmly placed on the word 'loosely.' If you are bothered by the taking of artistic license with historical facts, you will be disappointed.

On the other hand, there are a few reasons to like this film.

{Artistic / Esthetic} If your primary interest is beautiful cinematography, then you need to see it. The visuals are stunning and the entire package constitutes a new, unique aesthetic; unique as, say, The Matrix was. If you are just a fan of action / war / battle cinema, the combat is intense and riveting, and there's ton's of it.

{Philosophical / Moral} No matter your nationality or background, if you like the idea of any of these, you may like it. Free / independent men fighting against tyranny. A just and civil society. Individual moral duty/obligation takes precedence over politics of the state. Self sacrifice for a greater good. Respect among fellows. Protecting your family and community. Self discipline in the face of fear and adversity. The nobility of military service. Tradition. Honor. Glory.
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