
4 Reviews
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Really awful! but Hugh Jackman makes it a must-see
10 December 2003
Do not miss this film, because Hugh Jackman if wonderful

Overall this is a very bad film. The plot is full of holes and Meg Ryan is extremely irritating. None of it matters when Jackman is on screen - he looks splendid and acts superbly.
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Compelling, moving and practically flawless
12 September 2003
I can only repeat what most previous commentators have said. This is a beautiful film in every way.

Anthony Hopkins performance is awe-inspiring and difficult to describe. Stevens the butler never shows any emotion so his face is always suitably deadpan. The dialogue is spare. Then just how is it that we are able to follow the emotional undercurrents? Emma Thompson is also brilliant as the energetic housekeeper who does display and express her feelings without ever stating them directly. But all the actors are excellent, even in the most minor parts. Hugh Grant has a small part and plays it perfectly. Sadly his talent is too often misused and misapplied. James Fox was a revelation as prior to this I had only seen him in very light roles. Here he played an essentially decent man who is not too bright but has been born into wealth and influence. His sentiments and suggestibility lead him to misguided positions and tragedy.

Among the many great scenes there is a hilarious laugh-out-loud sequence with Hopkins and Grant.

I have seen "A Room With a View", another effort from the Merchant-Ivory-Jhabwala team. It is adapted from a lovely book but I disliked the film. I thought it failed to set the mood and put across the emotions. But in "The Remains of the Day" everything works. It is sad, actually heart-rending, but not gloomy. The period details are wonderfully executed and you are impressed by the order and efficiency in the running of the stately home. Everything in the film looks good- clean, bright and sharp. You are swept in at the beginning and stay rapt till the end. And the magic does not decrease with repeated viewing. I have seen it a number of times, it remains absorbing and fresh.
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Great acting by Al Pacino
29 October 2002
A homosexual man wants money for his lover to have a sex change operation - the film shows his attempt to rob a bank and the hostage situation that follows.

If I had known in advance what the film is about I would certainly never have watched it, which would have been a great pity. It is a most engrossing film with an absolutely great, very high-energy performance from Al Pacino.

It's been a long time since I saw the film but I cant imagine it getting dated. The power of the acting would keep it fresh.
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Very poor adaptation
23 July 2002
Dont waste your time on the film if you like the book. Thomas Hardy creates wonderful characters but the actors in this film were just not able to bring them to life. Bathsheba (Julie Christie) looks like a 60s hippy. She is supposed to be a capable, intelligent and independent girl but the actress is out of her depth. Gabriel Oak and Farmer Boldwood are played like stereotypes. Gabriel in the film is boringly stolid and earnest, whereas in the book he is normally cheerful and always likeable. Only Terence Stamp animates the character of Sgt Troy into something believable and real.

Also, the film has none of the humour and warmth from the book.

I have recently seen other literary adaptations with some stupendous acting (eg. Sense & Sensibility, Remains of the Day). Makes you realise how badly this film was acted.
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