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Yes it is a 'time loop' movie, no it is not a remake of Groundhog-day.
23 May 2023
A lot of the middle rated reviews pin their opinion on the fact that the "core" of the story is taken from Groundhogs-day. While this is true, the more accurate statement is that both movies explore the idea of learning/realizing what's moments are important in life.

If you accept this, then you can appreciate each movie completely differently, much like a musician or artist can interpret and present their "take" on a song or art.

This movie, in my opinion, explores both the naivety of Youth and the complexity of Fear.

The actors, for being young (and unknown to us) really do an excellent job. It was shot really well, continuity was well maintained and the story itself progressed at a very comfortable pace, just when it might have felt like an arc was running long, the movie evolved past it.

The Writer/Producer(s) were able to elicit some laughs, a few moments of introspection and a sense of satisfaction with the conclusion.

Groundhogs-Day is classic, as is Bill Murray, but as I said above, this isn't a remake; and as such, it's definitely a movie that deserves (and earns) your 2hrs.
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Champions (2023)
A true TEN, for many reasons.
13 May 2023
This movie succeeded in all aspects.

It was well produced, shot and scripted.

And it was very well 'acted'. The ENTIRE cast really gave their all, with powerful and believable performances.

I genuinely enjoyed Woody Harrelson, like no other movie I've seen him in. I would hope, that he understands what an inspiring movie he has been a part of here.

There is obviously going to be some "predictability" when the story line becomes clear so quickly in the movie. But with that, I still would need 2-hands to count the 'goosebump' moments, even though you could see them coming.

This innocent movie articulates, then demonstrates and finally PROVES that winning in Life, rarely requires a trophy.

I watched this randomly one Saturday afternoon, and now feel guilty that I didn't watch it with my Wife and Kids, it's just that GOOD!

Highly recommend. Will watch again.

PS. Watch 'til after the credits for one final scene.
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65 (2023)
It really is...just 'ok'.
17 April 2023
I made a point of watching this film, as the trailer and description made it seem like something I should enjoy. Time-travel = Good, Dinosaurs = Good, Shooting/Explosions = Good. It ticked all the boxes. So I checked out IMDB reviews and was annoyed at the blatantly negative reviews, that have become all too frequent. Everything "has been done before" or "insert-movie-name did it better". Everyone judges movies based on their likelihood to win the "changed the world award".

I am from a generation where movies were made, mostly, to simply entertain.

Unfortunately, in this case, that didn't happen. There "IS" something wrong, I just can't layout a case for what "it IS". I can tell you that I wouldn't watch it again, I won't be encouraging friends to check-it-out and I was loathed to write this review, other than to validate the many-others that basically said the same.

It was WELL made, story was coherent, timeline was linear, special effects looked better than some of the recent Marvel movies, the actors did a good job... There just wasn't any oomph or energy or mojo. I can easily list 20 other unremarkable movies I would happily re-watch, but for some reason, this is NOT one of them.

Buyer(aka watcher)-beware.

I wasn't angry that I watched it, I was just indifferent about having done so.
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Jury Duty (2023– )
It's simply good, providing you aren't in the wrong mood.
14 April 2023
This show, assuming the setup is true, can only ever be a 1-season show; as no-one would ever fall for a future season setup.

With that, it is "make you gasp" funny at spots while wanting to hide-your-face at others. (very Office-estque)

James Marsden plays his role very well and serves as the anchor-to-reality that, I think, allows Ronald to believe what is going on is real. In fact each 'character' represents a 'stereotype' that feeds into the awkwardness of the 'innocent juror'.

So far, the most gasp-inspiring is the Defense Attorney, hopefully they don't over use him.

Having watched all available episodes, and knowing there are only 8 total, it should be easy for you to commit the 4-hrs needed, after you watch the first, and the previews of what's to come.
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M3GAN (2022)
Original? Maybe a little.
11 March 2023
If you have seen a trailer or ad for this movie you know the premise and roughly where it goes.

As a movie goes, this performs as you would hope. The pacing is good, in that we never really became bored with the progress of the movie nor did it feel overly or unnecessarily bloated/long. There is obviously some predictability, as one would expect, but it is never so obvious as to be annoying (at least not to us).

The film/set/camera quality, special effects and acting we all more than acceptable.

There really isn't anything overly wrong with the movie, but it also isn't genre shattering, award earning or life-lesson altering.

Perfectly acceptable Film submission, that would be worthy of a Thursday night movie night.

Going into the movie with the right expectations is all that is needed to enjoy this film and not feel like you just wasted a couple hours of life.
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An easy Friday night watch with friends or family.
11 March 2023
At it's core this movie looks to reenforce some very common axioms; life is short, stop and smell the roses, keep your family close.

Jim Carrey as a work-focused individual is at risk of losing his Family and Children. He has unresolved 'anger' issues that have clouded his decision making.

Through a gesture from his father he is presented with a chance to grow and maybe change his ways.

There are lots of good laughs, humour that works for everyone and CGI that doesn't come across cheesy and should be something the whole family can be entertained by, even in 2023.

Other reviewers clearly came into this movie looking for Award-worthy content or revolutionary story-arcs.

If you have enjoyed Jim Carrey in Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty or any number of other titles, you will enjoy this entry.

Happy watching.
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Moonfall (2022)
Ignore the bad reviews (aka. negativity porn)
4 April 2022
A rip-roaring, fast paced, good-old action movie. This tale of Earthly danger, hoo-rah adventure and a mix of Space-hutzpah will entertain for 2hrs.

Does it borrow from the past? Yes (but everything does these days)

For every crazy Die Hard, Harry Potter, Wizard of Oz, Walking Dead stretch-of-believability (for the sake of enjoyment) that we have enjoyed in the past, this movie is in the same vein.

This movie, to anyone not too bitter, should easily be able to entertain.

Does it strain the limits of physics, and basic math? Sure! But no more than Witches, Wizards or Zombies.

This movie is about "Trust" that things will work out and "belief" that if you try, and are willing to sacrifice, that in the end; we all get to hug-cheer-and-win.

It has a wonderful blend of heroes; no overt political statements, no global-warming plotlines and no shaming of one group over another. This movie doesn't have a SINGLE THING in it that makes most TV and Movies (today), unwatchable. Well, other than the lack of actual scientifically possible stuff. :)

Sit back, enjoy this "Earth is going to end" rollercoaster and at the end ask yourself, was it really that bad?

If you aren't too cynical, angry or seeking your "two minutes" of crude-review-writing, then you just might enjoy it.
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Red Notice (2021)
Red Notice struggles to be NOTICED...
8 December 2021
As the title implies, this movie truly is unremarkable in any of the typically categories for rating-movies.

While sounding negative, there is actually nothing overtly negative about this movie.

It is safe to watch with all family members, together, or separately.

We all accurately predicted most of this movie within a few minutes, but all were surprised with some of the twists.

The Acting (+8), Script (+7) and Production Quality (+9) were all spot-on given the caliber of the Cast.

This isn't a Sequel or Remake of other films, though you may find the movie feeling "familiar"; they have borrowed-heavily from other major successful movies. (as mentioned by others).

Would definitely recommend for a Family Movie night, or if you haven't got much else going on.

Don't miss it.

But don't rush out to see it.
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Love Hard (2021)
A modern take on "love at first sight"
13 November 2021
This movie follows a VERY predictable path, most will figure it out 20min in, but that doesn't make it a bad movie.

Most critics are saying "No Chemistry" but that is based on the much-more overused trope that there must be "Love at first sight", which actually happens rarely in life.

The acting, we thought, was very well done. The one "over the top" character was written to BE over-the-top.

The script, humor and references were all "current", and they did a great job of having an 'ah-ha revelation' moment that was the REAL meaning of the movie.

For being a Netflix Christmas Rom-Com it is PERFECT.

Could there be offense to the Pacific-Asian community, maybe, I'm not in the group, but I would hope not, because we thought it was a lovely, cute & funny-feel-good comedy.

We all just watched it for what is was: A non-complicated, non-aggressive, warm Saturday afternoon watch.

Definitely recommend for those wanting the same.
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Free Guy (2021)
A fun and funny movie.
24 September 2021
Watched this tonight with Wife, our 12yr old & 10yr old. A couple of swear words here-or-there, sadly no worse then they hear in the school yard.

As Parents we are generally tuned-into Social/Political commentary in most modern Hollywood productions, but even with a keen-eye, there were only 1 or 2 instances (i.e. Gun violence); though it was handled with humor.

On to the movie... Being parents under 50, with two kids 12 (and under) it was a GREAT watch together.

As others mentioned they Cast "Real" Video game streamers who were immediately recognized by the 12/10 yr olds, this enhanced their ability to connect with the movie, and even though we didn't recognize them, we did understand the point of the character.

The "Easter Egg" points were relevant, made ALL of us laugh and helped to Unite us in our enjoyment.

The somewhat 'schmultzy' ending finished off the experience PERFECTLY. They wrapped up all the major plot lines, made us all feel happy, smiling and fulfilled. It ended the way your Heart wants it to.

The critiques, we feel, we actual strengths. The similarity to the Truman show allowed Mom and I to relate, the 'life lessons' were obvious and picked-up by all of us, the humor was both young-enough (at times) and adult-enough throughout that none of us felt bored.

For our Family, we laughed together, we clapped together and in the end, we all ahh'ed together.

Give it a shot, hopefully it strikes the same chords as it did for us.
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Dr. Death (2021–2023)
An excellent mini-series with very minor flaws...
18 July 2021
This show tells the Story of Dr. Christopher Duntsch.

Others have argued it could have been completed in a 2 episode run, which is accurate, but the depravity of this "Doctor" and systematic-failures would have been lost (imho).

The complaints of the sequencing (time line jumping) are valid; there were many times my Wife and I looked to each other and say "is this current time?" After acknowledging those two issues, this series is a definite EIGHT-out-of-TEN.

The acting by Alec Baldwin (don't care for his politics) was excellent, as was that of Christian Slater and Joshua Jackson. In fact, the entire cast really told the story with the Passion, Honesty and Emotion I believe would have existed in the very REAL People that stayed the course in their hope of holding Dr. Duntsch accountable for the nightmare-scenarios he inflicted on 30+ victims.

We binged all eight episode over 2 nights and were happy we did, but were also glad it was over.

Definitely emotional, and possibly "triggering" for anyone who has felt "victimized" by the Medical System.
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Ratched (2020)
An intense and soul-altering depiction of 1950's Mental Care.
2 July 2021
If you watch this series, ignoring the Origin-Character of Nurse Ratched, you will find yourself fully-immersed and possibly hiding behind a pillow as you watch.

What we see, highlighted, is the scary power we allocate to those we deem as being "Scientists" or "Doctors". We knew soooo little (and still) about the Human Brain and the real cause(s) of Mental-illness.

From Lobotomies to Electroshock and LSD, the field of Mental Therapy is as much junk-science as it is an angel-of-mercy.

With that, enjoy this series, not through a "Current Social Lens" but through a lens-of-exaggeration that most Hollywood production require.

I wouldn't condemn California or the 50's or the Mental Healthcare system because of this show.

It is, however, a great Production, well acted and cinematic, all-while being Period specific in dress, wares and vehicles; wrapped up in the costal beauty of the coast.
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Man on Fire (2004)
A Roller-Coaster filled with intense-action-packed scenes.
2 July 2021
I think this movie will continue to stand the Test-of-Time; due to the underlying "never give up" mindset. That, plus the quality of the Acting, Special Effects and subplots.

Without 'spoiling' anything, the intensity of inner-city Mexico, and the power of those greedy/powerful well-connected few, helps to make this movie an edge-of-your-seat 2+hrs.

Again, an EASY watch to any Denzel fan, or any other reliable action-actor (i.e. John Wick, Die Hard, Taken, etc.)

Turn-up the subWoofer and get-on this crazy ride.
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Greenland (2020)
Really fun to watch.
26 April 2021
Full disclosure: I like almost all of Gerald Butler's movies.

As has been stated in other reviews (and in retrospect) the Main Characters aren't particularly "likeable". Not that they are bad, they're just "Ok". And maybe that was the point.

This movie is about the complete-lack of "Honesty" we would likely hear from Gov't should a major space-based object be on a collision-course with Earth.

There is pandemonium, and the "selected few" didn't know they were even on the "list"; which is the basis for the madness that ensues.

It was also nice to see a non-pandemic and non-ClimateChange related disaster movie.

Sure there are decisions that seem odd, in the moment, but in their "reality" I suspect EVERYTHING would move quickly, quirky and unexpectedly.
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Chaos Walking (2021)
A Movie that could have been better.
26 April 2021
The 1st half plods along, not edge-of-your-seat by any means, but enough that when you look at your watch you stick around b/c you're curious how it ends.

As others have stated there are MANY unanswered questions, honestly quite frustrating, though I get the sense the "books" and possible sequels will answer more.

As someone who doesn't know the book-series, it wasn't a well told story, they didn't do much (at all) to answer the big questions: What happened, Why did they leave, What was the 1st wave like? Someone suggested it would make a better TV-Series, I agree...

Either way, the Actors did fine jobs, the last 1/3 of the movie was a much easier watch then the first 2/3. (don't focus on plot holes or unanswered questions) Its a good Mon-Thurs evening watch, save your weekends for something more rewarding/complete.
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Radium Girls (2018)
The subject-matter deserves consideration in the review.
23 April 2021
Just finished watching this with my Wife and 9-yr old daughter. And though at the 1hr mark the 9yr old was looking forward to the ending, I think she enjoyed it.

I will say that the filming style, which is inter-mixed with video clips of the American 20's, was a little more "cable special" then is a typical Hollywood movie, There are critiques for-sure, but again the impact of the message, and the impact on my 9-yr old should be enough for you to watch.

I will leave by saying the last 20min of the movie make it ALL WORTH WHILE; even though the horrible story and suffering is hard to imagine.

PS. Was a little annoyed at the "rosy" representation of the Communist party in the '20's.
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An in-depth retelling of a horrible time for every Parent.
28 March 2021
While there were NO NEW bombshells revealed in this docu-series it definitely held our interest for the entire 6 episodes, so much so we binge watched over two nights.

As I was a young kid when these events occurred, I had only passing knowledge of the details of the 10yrs that Gacy was terrorizing Chicago.

Even if you think you know everything about John Wayne Gacy, I predict this series will introduce facts, questions and then out-right-confusion regarding the lack of follow-up by then agents of the Police and even CURRENT Police/DA's. There definitely seems to be a general LACK of will to answer, explore or investigate fact, details or questions regard the still UNKNOWN victims of this monster. Sadly, this series reenforces the often-held negative view of the Chicago Police Dept (Suffolk County to be precise).

The Love of a Mom is on full display as are the still-fresh wounds the Family members continue to suffer from.

I would definitely recommend this for any history buffs or those enamored by the realities of the 70's & 80's, specifically the innocence and naivety of that generation; as well as anyone interested in a case-study of how the "forgettable" can become UN-forgettable.
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The Crew (II) (2021)
Reliable 1/2hr Comedy.
12 March 2021
It seems that many of the Reviewer are University training Entertainment Critics. This show wasn't created to win the Emmy for Best New Drama.

Yes there is a "laugh" track, and yes it is constantly going off. There were a couple of "typical" Kevin James jokes but to us, it was exactly what I was hoping for.

This IS a classic 30min comedy with typical Cast makeup, common jokes, puns and awkward moments to generate "laughs". Worth a watch, and hopefully we will see multiple seasons from "The Crew".
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Crisis (I) (2021)
Relatable Subject Matter - TV Movie quality
12 March 2021
It was a "fine" movie that follows the journey of 3 different individuals, as they're involved in Opioid world. (Similar in pace to Darkwater w/ Mark Ruffalo)

Scenes/Sequences were fine, cinematography, script and acting were all just "fine". A Mother/Son, University Professor and DEA Agent all have very different perspectives on Opioids and interactions. It was interesting to see the various angles you can approach Opioids with. The way they framed the Bad-Guys felt very forced and a bit of a cop-out, but again, a perfectly fine movie for Midweek Movie-Night.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
Not bad - maybe a little forgettable...
23 February 2021
It's definitely an ok Mon-Tues-Wed night movie. As long as you come into it with this knowledge you shouldn't go away angry.

Ms. Chastain and Mr. Malkovich do a fine job, their names got me to watching and their names kept me to the end.

Fairly generic Spy/Assassin type movie, good action scenes, fast paced (mostly) and worthy of a weekday evening. Definitely predictable with an obvious ending, but "Not bad" as far as current Hollywood productions go.
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Parallel (II) (2018)
Worth more than 6/10.
22 February 2021
On the "Was I upset I spent 2hrs watching" scale this is a 7/10. On a scale that includes StarWars, Wizard of OZ, Departed, etc. it wouldn't be that high.

I've seen BAD acting, special FX, etc., this movie could use some refinement here or there but I wouldn't use BAD to describe any aspect of it. I'm not a Genre (multi-verse) expert, don't think I've watched Twilight Zone, but I did enjoy Leo DiCaprio in Inception. This isn't Inception; and there are some areas where the "jumping" can be hard to track. But my Wife and I both agreed: "Not Bad" and a solid 6/10.
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Klaus (2019)
A new addition to our Must-See-Christmas-Movies
30 December 2020
I've been described as "rigid" when it comes to adding "New Movies" to my must-see list, or adding Movies to the seasonal-rotation of Christmas Movies. Much like others, I wasn't "grabbed" by the first minutes of the Movie but by the end; I (and we, Wife & Kids) really enjoyed it. Definitely recommend for those looking to expand their Christmas-Movie-List. Great Story, Comedy and Introspection Evolution and Redemption. All the makings of a really-good Movie.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
If you're looking for something to watch; check it out...
28 November 2020
After watching you realize that Kaley-is-Kaley and Penny was Kaley. Even 3 episodes in I still "see" Penny (10yrs on BBT, duh). That said, this Character is troubled (to say the least), there are things the character does, that in retrospect, are a little eyeroll-worthy, but if you let yourself just watch the show; these moments fit-in with the extremes we see in the caricature of a troubled-broken-lonely-human.

Wife and I (40-50yrs) binged the first 3eps and would have watched 6 more if they were available. Sadly, the IMDB reviews pointed out flaws/faults that we didn't see originally, because we were simply in-the-mood for a decent show to watch. FYI - Not sure how this turns into a multi-season show... It's HBO, so def a 14+ rating for language, violence/gore, adult situations. (nothing that bothered either of us) She's a Sex-In-The-City fan, I'm a Office/Seinfeld fan yet we both enjoyed this for a bunch of reasons. NO COVID hysteria so that is a PLUS; out of the gate. NO forced-Social-commentary (at least not yet); another PLUS. And NO reasonable Flight-attendant would be offended by the portrayal. :)
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9-1-1: Lone Star (2020– )
3 February 2020
As a fun game, click on every profile that rated this show better than 5, you will find 2 of them have more than one previous review of something else, EVER. (at least in the first 100 reviews I checked).

I can't recall a Major Network series that has been this badly written, consulted or cast. I am talking ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox. I believe that anyone who has more than 1 month of EMS experience would have "severe eye strain" from the constant eye-rolling this show causes. And for everyone else, the eye-rolling would come from the fact that the characters are almost "exaggerating" human behavior.

As for the PC agenda, I really don't care what "segment" of humanity is cast in a show, especially when it comes to their Gender, Sexuality or Religion. As long as they would have passed the qualifying/skills tests to join the Department, I would welcome them to the Team. Unfortunately, this show is NOT about the Team, it seems to be a competition to see which segment of society has been more abused by evil white ppl. Further, they passively justify the Evil white ppl by the fact that the show is based in Texas. I love Hollywood hypocrisy, assign a stereotype to anyone other than a white person and you are the worst human every, but every stereotype assigned to Caucasians is true, fair game and applies to all in that category.

Oh well, it will probably be renewed and run for 10yrs.
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Glass (2019)
A good movie, that I do NOT regret watching...
1 February 2020
I read through around 100 reviews and there are, clearly, two definite camps of individuals. Those who judged this movie on how it ended, and those who judged it on the content of the film. It's odd to me why ppl generally go to a 0-2 or a 9-10 rating. I guess, as in politics, it's a love-vs-hate world. I thought the movie was enjoyable, I didn't find it overly long or unnecessarily drawn out. The Actors did VERY WELL, included Dr. Staple. The end really did catch me off guard, like completely. How it ends may be unsatisfying to those wishing the Trilogy to be an Octology. :) I would easily recommend this film. Go into for Bruce, Samual, James and M.Knight, and not all-judgey and picky.
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