
10 Reviews
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Junk ... actually recommended to me.
19 March 2010
I could have made this film. It consists of blurry images and every time something supposedly "happens" the picture just turns to static so you can't even see what's happening. What's really odd to me is, during one or more hypnotisms, the person begins to float off the bed or couch, yet the other people involved make no mention of that later on in the film. They say to believe what you want to believe. Well, somehow this lady conjured up all these lies and probably abducted her own daughter and possibly even killed her husband (he supposedly committed suicide). This lady appears to be quite psychotic. This film has nothing what-so-ever to do with aliens. View the film from that angle and it really is somewhat interesting. It raises numerous questions. How did she fool everyone? What about the white owl? What did the sheriff outside the house see? How did the woman dispose of her daughter? That angle and only that angle gives the film some credibility. Perhaps there are or were aliens abducting people in Nome, Alaska. This film does a horrible job of presenting it's case however. I give it a one. "One" of the worst films I have wasted my time on. The actress speaking in the beginning would do much better by letting the psychotic woman play her own role. Terrible flick.
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Hardwired (2009)
Great concept ....
7 February 2010
I enjoyed the storyline from the beginning. Cuba Gooding Jr. did an excellent job of acting. I was riveted from start to finish. I enjoy a film that pulls you in and keeps you there. This film did just that. The story flowed quite well and was easy to follow and understand. I rented this one based on previews I saw, and thought it might be good. It was. Parts of the film are like viewing a video game from the inside out. The idea was wild and I think anyone who enjoys a good sci-fi will enjoy this film. Like any sci-fi, you need some imagination. The acting made the film believable, especially Cuba Gooding Jr.. No actors/actresses stood out as doing a poor job. To those who gave this film a low rating; I'm not sure what you were expecting. Enter the film, kick back and enjoy!
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16 Blocks (2006)
Bruce Willis fan? Add this to your list ...
21 August 2008
OK, so it comes straight from the movie, The Gauntlet. No matter ... different characters, new action, slightly different situation and even a slightly different plot (did I give anything away?). Hey, Bruce Willis is the broken down worthless cop, not Clint. This movie rocks. Great action flick. The actors exhibit real feelings (brought a tear to my eye). Not just your phony shoot em' up flick. Doesn't quite carry the action and drama of Bruce's Die Hard flicks, but this film does a better job of grabbing the heart. It has a great storyline. There were no empty time periods where I drifted away from the film. It pulled me in and held me there, right from the start. The intensity builds gradually and no, you won't predict all the twists even if you try. I was impressed. Bruce did a great job. Mos Def was superb. The relationship that develops between Bruce and Mos Def drives the film. Definitely no waste of time here. Thank you IMDb for helping me find it on TOP RENTALS!
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Apocalypto (2006)
I don't hand out 10's, but I am rating this based on the type of film it is ...
14 August 2008
This film is not for everyone ... this film is not for most people. I watch films for feelings, images, sensation, sometimes knowledge ... This film instilled a feeling in me I will never forget. A Mel Gibson film, very well done. We need to come together. We need to work together. We need to help each other. Do you take life for granted? Are you filled with hate or love? These are the things that will run through your mind as you become engulfed by this film. You will be there. The ugly will make you sick, ready to vomit, (for me, to the point I had to turn away). I wished it to stop, and I have a strong stomach for films. The evil will make you hate the ones causing it, or perhaps you yourself are evil ... then you will take their side and enjoy. The good will make you breathe harder, it will make you stronger. You will cringe as they cringe. You will run as they run. You will become this movie and it will not leave you so easily. This movie makes me think about the end. It makes me realize how good we have it here in this nation. It reinforces how people are so arrogant ... they have no idea how bad it can get. It can happen again. I believe that. The next time you see someone in need of a hand, hold yours out to help. We will all die one day. Maybe all that matters is what you do while your here. Any film is what you make of it. I promise you this: watch this film ... really watch it ... and you will make something of it ... you will say "holy @#$%" on more than one occasion ... Take care.
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The Condemned (2007)
Found this on IMDb searching TOP MOVIES ...
6 August 2008
... and you know what, it is one. I am old school; I've been watching movies a long time. I'm 50 myself and am often reluctant to dig into a newer flick due to the extreme (female) chauvinism and the poor acting (by both males and females). I am a Clint fan, Stallone, even Cagney. Enough of that. Without giving anything away, and without being specific, what made this film stand up to the films of old? Steve Austin did a great job as Conrad, Vinnie Jones played a great part. I enjoyed the psychological side of this guy and of Robert Mammone. When more than one actor does a great job, we have ourselves a film. I give credit to the roles played by Tory Musset, Madeleine West, and Emelia Burns as well. I can't remember the last time I found myself naming 6 actors/actresses, some of which I hardly knew of before this film. Mentally, each of these characters had a unique role to play and they all did it well. Unrealistic? Sure, at times, but not "in a stupid way". Enough realism here to get your adrenaline going and keep you on the edge of your seat. Some interesting twists to the plot to keep the movie junkie from knowing what's going to happen every step of the way. There are three basic sides here, the prisoners, the show producers (internet), and the law. We get to see through the eyes of all three and more. The suspense builds as the film goes on. You may find yourself rooting for more than one side. I enjoyed it and I don't like crappy action films. This film kicked some butt! Thx.
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No extravagant special effects, no action, just a great story ...
25 July 2008
I think how good a movie is often depends on the person. Who are you? What do you like? What do you hate? Do you have an imagination? Do you love a great love story? If you answer yes to the last two questions, then sit back and relax, and enter this film. No no, don't just watch it ... enter it ... become the movie. Every time I watch I become absorbed by Christopher Reeve and his emotions. Every step of the way, I am captivated. When someone asks me, what is my favorite film of all time, this is it. Very rarely do I give a film a 10, but this is it. I visited the island on a vacation (for real). I feel like I am standing beside Christopher Reeve as he moves through this film. There is nothing special about this film. It is very cheaply made ... nothing spectacular, so don't expect much. It's just an awesome story, simple as that. I love it. I won't say anything to spoil it, just watch it, absorb it, believe it. Thank you for a great memory.
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An unbiased (?) critique of the latest Batman flick ...
24 July 2008
We are all biased in one way or another, but I still cannot understand why people go around giving everything a 10. That leaves no room for a truly great movie (which this was not). There are movies that bring tears to your eyes (this was not that type of movie or failed to reach deep enough into the viewers hearts). There are movies that leave you feeling energized and/or motivated ... (nope). Let's examine what makes this a good movie ... astounding special effects. Yes, it is worth viewing based on that alone. Today's cinema has taken special effects to heights (pun intended) never before imagined. Study the mannerisms, actions, and words of the Joker. He is by far the best actor in this film. The joker makes this film. Remember the 'old' joker decades ago in the TV series? Well, this Joker is a real human being with mannerisms of a demented criminal (great job). The storyline overall was nothing new, though it did carry some surprises (enjoyable to me, perhaps disgruntling to some viewers, but surprises nonetheless). A bit confusing for the younger audience or those not paying attention closely. Learn the characters quickly. There are several that play a big role and you will find yourself thinking back to remember. This is just a comment, not good or bad. It would make me want to go back and see the film a second time, only it wasn't interesting enough for me to want to do so. Once is enough. A Batman fanatic may feel differently. At the same time, a Batman fanatic would fail to give this flick an unbiased rating. Let me compare the recent Spiderman with Batman. I am a die-hard fan of neither. Spiderman touched my heart. The girl touched my heart. Even certain scenes of the movie touched my heart. Batman failed to do that. I know this is science fiction, and I do have a great imagination, but I found this film just too far fetched to grasp. The film never really pulled me inside. Spiderman did. The 'old' (old? not so old!) Superman with Marlon Brando pulled me in big time. Understand the difference? Superman had a way of making you believe the movie is real, even if only until the credits roll and the film ends. I give this film a very high rating of 8 because of superb special effects, great acting by the Joker, and a good storyline with some surprises.
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WALL·E (2008)
What are you getting paid ... a 9.2 average???
2 July 2008
Let's get real here, and critique the film. I read many of these reviews before seeing it, so I had every intention of seeing a terrible film and ultimately tearing it to shreds in my review. Are you one of those people that go to the movies with bad reviews because those are usually the "good" ones? Well, that's me, but I cannot rip this film. Is it the next Casablanca? Of course not, unless your critique is based solely upon visual effects. This is no cartoon and I'm not sure a child will even retain interest throughout the film. Giving this film a ten leaves no room for a better film ... so you people are saying this is among the best films you have ever witnessed in your life? We might as well get rid of actors and actresses ... who needs them? Sorry, but please get realistic. I am being extremely generous with a 7. OK, that behind me, here goes ...

The characters are inanimate objects. The humans don't play much of a role, though they are pertinent to the film. This is not a spoiler, but watch carefully early on, to see what WALL-E stands for (I already forgot, and makes for good trivia - same goes for EVE). The plot has been around the block a few times, to say the least, nothing new there. The film does have a way of drawing you in and making the characters alive and believable. The high tech visual effects of today's day and age are partly responsible for that, but it's more. An excellent job is done through sound and vision to display feelings in these objects, at the right moment and with just the right touch. Yeah, that's right. A rusty old trash compactor does almost as good a job as Richard Gere in a love scene ... Don't worry Mom and Dad, there's no nudity or explicit sex scene. Use your own imagination.

A great film will pull you in and hold you on the edge of your seat right through to the end. You won't allow yourself to miss a single word spoken. You won't allow yourself to miss a single scene. You can watch a great film over and over and once again find yourself on the edge of your seat, as if it is the first time. How many films do that for you? I am 50 years old and have viewed many films, yet I can count the qualifying 10's on my fingers. This film has a way of pulling you in and then dropping you repeatedly. You will see what I mean. It's a very good film and I enjoyed it very much, but a classic of all time? A 10? Hardly.

For a fun time, for great visual effects, for a good all around film, it is a must see. I did walk out of the theater feeling good about the film, and that to me, is what movie viewing is all about.
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Wow ...
1 July 2008
OK, I'll try to have no spoilers, yet explain thoroughly. First off, be prepared for a ridiculous movie here. My intention for the night was to go see one of the box office hits. My kid wanted to see this flick, so there I was. I am not a "Naked Gun" type of fan. Ten minutes into the flick I was ready to walk out and see if I could sneak into one of the 'better' films ... then something happened. Adam Sandler is what happened. I found myself pulled into the film. There is a key turning point early on where the film changes (trust me, you'll know what I mean, but it's still a ridiculous film all the way through). The first 10 - 15 minutes I was simply watching a dumb movie ... a waste of money, yet it was the beginning that helped pull me in ... don't miss the beginning. If you want realism then you don't want this film. If you want Adam Sandler, you don't want to miss it, but give him a chance! OK, after becoming absorbed, first into his character, then into the overall plot of the film, I began to step back and realize what they are doing here. This is about immigration, this is about racism, this is about people from many cultures together in one country trying to live and make a living together. Underneath all the silliness, the film has plenty of real meaning. I will re-iterate here, the film is stupid ... so stupid you break out laughing. The film is quite dirty for a PG-13. Is that really what it was? I loved the dirty jokes. I loved Adam Sandler. When the movie was ending I was wishing it was longer. I found myself wanting more. I was not sorry one bit I chose Adam Sandler over a trash collector. I give it a 7.
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The Invisible (2007)
An exceptional story, great acting ... read on:
23 January 2008
When a person watches a film, who you are will dictate your reaction. I will tell you something of myself: I'm 49 years old and have seen plenty of films. I do not analyze a film when I watch. If I find myself analyzing, then the film is junk. I will cease to watch. A good film pulls you inside. You become the film. I was watching in our living room and a person called my name. I became totally startled and was brought 'back to earth'. As soon as the distraction was resolved I was able to re-enter the film from where it left off. I read some of the other reviews ... some people just don't get it. "Same old music, same old bratty girl, typical bright eyed student ... blah, blah, blah." I can watch a good film ten times (yes, you read correct) and still become the film. The same old film with the same old story, but it still pulls me out of this world and into the film. A bad film never pulls you in ... you sit there and analyze ... junk. Even many good films have moments where the viewer drifts in and out ... this film had none. The story flowed ... it pulls you in and keeps you there. The actors and actresses are all believable, yes they are. Typical characters? Maybe, but that doesn't matter much, does it? I was there. I know the kids at this school. I could feel their existence. I am just one person and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Not too many films have done this for me. Male or female, young or old, if you think you may enjoy this type of movie then disregard those who lack an understanding of film making. Enter this movie and see if it does for you what it did for me. Thanks...
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