
26 Reviews
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Best of the trilogy
12 May 2024
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Just watched this with the family and it's definitely the best of the trilogy. As a grown man I can't give this more than a 6 lmao but it's still a very solid and sweet kids movie. The animation is really nice and fluid so it can be pretty mesmerizing at times. I also didn't cringe when they used modern vocabulary like they put it in naturally also minimal James Corden Major W. The villains are actually a joy to watch. Not only is their animation really good they can actually be really funny. Also I hate that paper crumpled character she thinks she's above the villains but she help make the thing almost got the one guy killed. Hate her she's sucks. The music was good too solid all around for the.
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Madagascar (2005)
Sweeter than I remember
12 May 2024
I watched this a LOT as a kid apparently and I loved it and then when I started growing up I started liking it less and now after years I watched it again with my family and I mean it's a cute kids movie yeah know it's a-lot sweeter of a movie than i remember it's nice ya know. There's not a whole lot to talk about ya know like almost everyone knows Madagascar by this point with all the sequels and tv shows and there's a reason for all that so yeah it's a nice movie to watch with family check it out I loved it as a kid so maybe your kids or nephews or nieces or whoever in your family will like it too.
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American Pie (1999)
Some Good Story Lines & Some Bad same with the joke
24 March 2024
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There are some good jokes some bad some good story lines some bad like the guy and his girl friend she made him say I love you to then immediately break up with him. Like the break up cause of college is realistic and reasonable but the fact that she made him say it and then broke up idk that just pisses me off but the story line with oz and Madison was really sweet and really nice. The other two we're basically all played for jokes some jokes were really funny but there def were a lot that made me cringe and wanna curl in a ball and die and not in a god way it just felt like shock factor for the fact of shock factor other wise it's funny.
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They don't make movies like this anymore
21 March 2024
Alright listen I'm not some old guy making this. This movies older than me. I'm 18 at the time of writing this in 2024. But I still have the mentality that they don't make movies like this anymore. I really like this movie. A lot of movies now are action and just a lot. Like I can't think of any just like simple comedy movies from recently. This movies is just oozing with personality and every character is just very fun to see interact the jokes land its great and I definitely recommend this to everyone looking for a family comedy to watch even just a comedy in general. I can't think of anything like it. Also Marisa Tomei in this movie is *COUGH* mm yeah.
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Rocky III (1982)
Long beginning, picks up at the end
17 March 2024
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So I've become a fan of the Rocky movies recent I love one and two this ones pretty good too but there's definitely some faults to it. The beginning definitely drags. And doesn't really pick up till an hour in when mick dies. Once apollo enters the picture the movie really stars going but they wasted so much time for that beginning portion that this part felt shorter than I would have wanted it. Maybe it's cause I knew Rocky lost the first fight before the movie started and it would have been more of a shock at beginning but idk Rocky felt really out of character at the beginning which was kinda the point but idk def not a bad movie but still not as good as the other two.
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Top Teir Family Comedy
5 March 2024
This was coming off of Netflix and I love jimmy Carrey so I had to give it a watch before it left so during my workout on the treadmill I decided to watch it and it's pretty funny it's got some really cool concepts and a lot of really good actors it's not peak comedy or anything but it's an easy thing to sit down and watch with the family and honestly that's all you really need you have some valorous actors on there too like the previously stated Jim Carrey, Steve Carrel it's solid. I hear the sequal sucks but eh whatever shouldn't affect the first one so as perviously said really good family sit down movie.
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Rocky II (1979)
A great continuation
3 March 2024
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It seems people like this less then the original but honestly I feel like I like it more but that's also very tough to decided cause it's basically a direct continuation of the first so it's only just barely above I may rank this higher after watching the rest of the movies but this movie was just great we got some fun time with rocky at the beginning but it didn't need any build up cause now we know the character and we just had plain fun with him and it was awesome seeing how the first fight affected rocky and Apollo and how Apollo became like a legit villain I feel like coma was kind of forced even though it did make sense maybe it's just cause it came out of left field. The end result was worth it though. I love this character and this movie was great if you combined the first one and this one into one big movie it'd be peak fiction.
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Rocky (1976)
Awesome movie
3 March 2024
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I've been on a boxing kick recently so I really enjoyed this I think ya know a lot of classic movies are typically basic because they are what made the base line for a bunch of future movies which makes me typically think they are only alright but I don't know something about this one I really enjoyed it was that basic baseline for sure but I'm a sucker for never give up stories and I think it was cool that Apollo actually won that fight cause it really doesn't feel like it but it does seem more realistic and it has me craving more so I'm currently watching the beginning recap of rocky II as I'm writing this which I think says a lot.
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Relatable for me probably not for everyone
2 March 2024
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I come from a very Italian family so I've already found Sebastian hilarious so I was laughing a good amount through the movie but ya know it was cliche and some moments were weird cause he tried to awkwardly shove his comedian personality moments in moments that don't really feel like they needed them but I think it's alright could be worse. I did like a bunch of the little hidden jokes like with the bread basket and him immediately reaching for it and then when it gets taken away he like eh what the hell i don't that moment just like I can see my very Italian grandfather being the exact same.
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This Is 40 (2012)
19 January 2024
Just like omg this movie drove me so unbelievably insane. Like I'm 18 so maybe I don't understand it as much rn and I'll appreciate it when I'm older but this movie drove me so much to madness I had to watch it in two different sittings weeks apart cause it just drags on so much. I'll give it the fact that it has some good jokes but that's it the occasional funny and those are rare. Other than that the characters are just all horrible people it's not fun to watch it's like Scott pilgrim but everyone's older and whiner and it just ahhhh i can't I wanna talk about this movie as little as possible and just get this review done so I never have to think about this again so here I'm done I met the character limit.
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A fun spy movie that keeps you engaged through out
3 January 2024
This movie was my first mission impossible movie it was really good and a lot of fun. It had genuine twist that caught me off guard through out. And it had a couple funny jokes here and there nothing amazing but yeah know still funny. Something I said to my friend while watching this was "he says I'll figure it out a lot" and this was his response which I think sums it up perfectly "YEAH cause everything seems like it's impossible like he can't do it like how could he possibly do it that's why it's called mission impossible cause it's Impossible cause if that were me I'd think it's impossible cause it's so impossible but he finds a way cause that's the whole point of the movie it's an impossible mission cause it's mission impossible" now thats paraphrased but he definitely said impossible that many times

Also new celebrity crush unlocked 🔓 Vanessa Kirby the goat 🐐
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Cool idea unexpected but nothing special
31 December 2023
So this was cool and even funny in some parts but this is a movie you sit down and make fun of and just watch as random stuff insues it's kinda like an actual Yule log you don't really sit and watch it's oddly confusing but you could get pretty invested my friend put this on at his Christmas party thinking it was an actual Yule log but it was this and boy was it crazy so for that I think it's cool idea and unexpected but there's just so much lore and it's not worth it for such a crazy movie but the other thing is I think that, thats the point it's not meant to be a good movie so yeah whatever it was funny i don't think I'd watch it again.
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A nice classic comedy
28 December 2023
So I just watched this for the first time. It was very funny. And it had a crazy amount of big names in it and I wasn't expecting it. And all of them do what they are for really well cause sure I kept noticing all these actors but right after they came on I started seeing them as there character. Now it's hard to write some big review on this cause it's just a simple fun comedy and I'd def recommend it. And i do not really know what to say from here other then just check it out for yourself it's a classic and I can see why but ya know it's just a classic comedy nothing crazy ya know so do it check it out.
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My Suicide (2009)
I liked this more then I ever expected
16 December 2023
I really liked this movie. It's kinda hard to put into words though. I'll start with the basics. I think the actors did a phenomenal job it was almost like I was watching real found footage. I love the way it was just generally edited and put together. And I think it did the one thing all great movies should do make me feel all different emotions throughout I laughed I got worried sad like that's what a movie should do. And it just went places other movies refuse to touch which I really liked. And the length was perfect every time I check to see how much was left I was like sweet there's so much more. Before even finishing the movie I felt like I wanted to rewatch it. It was just an all around great movie and I really enjoyed it. Maybe when I watch it again one day I'll have more today but without spoiling anything I just have to say just generally such a great movie.
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Lady Bird (2017)
Nothing special
16 December 2023
So idk honestly I don't have a lot to say about this film after talking with a friend I realize I guess I'm not the target audience being a guy. But idk it seemed very nothing to me like it's just an average coming of age story. The direction is nice I'll give it that like how just it shift from thing to thing that's cool but idk other then that it just seemed run of the mill to me nothing makin me feel much but idk. What word do I have to say in this cause Ig it's movie about mother daughter and I can't really relate to that and understand. Something I will walk away saying though is that it is a good movie like it's not bad by any means just idk kinda eh to me.
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La La Land (2016)
It was alright but then it hit me HARD
15 December 2023
This movie just uhh why. I just finished watching this and going into Im a sucker for musicals and a sucker for love stories so this story was written for me to love off the bat thats what I thought. The music is good and the actors are great. The fact they can reuse that one song so many times and everytime it get me like uhhh means something bruh. The whole time Im thinking wow this story is great its so happy but huh where the conflict. I shouldnt be wishing for conflict but like this story kinda needs it. And then wham you know what hits the fan and its really sad. You just think man what happened and then things seem to get better and then they get so much worse and the ending. The ending explains the title and the title is something that resinates with me. As someone who his a dreamer who wants to do something in the world Ive always been told I live in la la land constantly out of focus in my own head. Then this movie used thay fact against me. And that ending man if I was someone who cried at movies itd be over for me. Just thats a very rare movie thing for me. And this movie got close.
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Surprisingly good animation
9 December 2023
I like Adam Sandler movies so if you like em you'll like this movie. And the animation is actually really good like way more than it should be. It's a basic holiday story the only things that drive me insane are how much Adam Sandler there is like he's 3 main characters and like every other background character it's insane. Whitey is also really annoying like omg istg. When he suffers it's actually really funny and there more jokes then you'd expect that actually hit in this movie. But there's also just a lot of product placement. Though my friend made a good point they have all that because they need it to afford the animation which is a worthy trade in my book cause I can't stress enough how much I like the animation in this movie. The songs are a little cringe but I partly think that's on purpose cause ya know it's an Adam Sandler movie. So in conclusion if you like Adam Sandler you'll like this move but even if you don't still check it out for the animation alone.
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Circle (II) (2015)
Cool premise but eh
6 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So the movie itself isn't horrible but it's not good either there's definitely some eh actors at beginning. But then obviously people start getting killed so we start losing those actors. The premise is cool the twist is cool but it's just kinda all eh in the end this is more a movie you put on with friends to just sit and watch with your brain turned off. It has a neat message that we all have prejudice to matter what and we should work to fix that or we're like the characters we didn't like ig. Maybe that's not the message but it's what I took away. I like locked room movies and such like bullet train is my favorite movie but idk you gotta do it right and idk if this was it.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
It's good I just don't get it
4 December 2023
Maybe I'm just stupid, maybe I just have bad taste but this movie didn't fully click with me. And I don't think it's the masterpiece that a lot people make it out to be. I definitely don't think it's bad maybe it's just not my cup of tea. I walked away and took away a whole lot of nothing I'm sitting here trying to think of maybe what was the big thing that I'm supposed to leave the movie with like the message or even just what it wanted to say and to be honest idk it was just a lot of stuff. A lot cool stuff and stuff I enjoyed watching. I just don't get it. Maybe I'm supposed to rewatch it and I'll get it then but that in it of it self takes away some points for me cause I should at least have something the first time around something more to motivate me to watch it again then just confusion cause tbh as I said I just don't get it.

Now I just read some stuff explaining what the movie was trying to do more. Tbh I think it's cool and all what it's trying to do sure but it's just so confusing and sure movies that make you think are cool but at least for me it's trying to make you think too much. Like I think it's cool and all but when I'm going to watch a movie I don't wanna have to leave needing to read some explainer articles like i don't wanna have to be a massive film buff to enjoy a movie I should be able to enjoy it whether I know a lot about movies or not.
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Bullet Train (2022)
My only true 10/10
3 December 2023
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You can disagree with me but in my opinion this movie has everything. When I went to watch it for a second time I was worried that I wasn't gonna like it as much or maybe I thought it was better than it actually was. But no. I still love this movie. It has action, comedy, tragedy, satisfying, great effects, just enough gore where it's fun to watch and cool to see but not overbearing, conclusions for every character, some amazing actors. And they can do all this with in one setting the whole time and that's just amazing to me and I find it super cool. This may sound crazy but I'd recommend this movie to you if you're a one piece fan like me. Now that may sound insane BUT here's why. This movie has so many little things and it all separate and things click here and there but by the end it all comes together it's like putting together a puzzle no piece is unimportant and I love this movie so much for that fact. Plus this movie has a good message that I often believe in and it's the fact that everything happens for a reason if you're going through bad times if you just keep pushing through and stay true to yourself you'll find that the grass is greener on the other side sometimes it takes time or just a positive mindset and I think that's a great thing for everyone to have.
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The Title says it all
3 December 2023
Now I'm a big fan of South Park and this is basically just a longer episode of South Park with a bigger budget and that's not a bad thing at all it's really good in fact and combine that with the fact that I'm a sucker for musicals ah it's great but lookin at it as a stand alone movie it's nothing spectacular. I think the show works way better as show once again not trying to dis the movie the movies great but your not really watching this for it to be a stand alone movie your watching it to be a longer South Park episode so opinions on this movie a rely on that how much do you like south park.
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I can see why it's a classic
3 December 2023
I can definitely understand why this is such a popular movie and it was AMAZING for its time. I do think it's a little basic and predictable HOWEVER that's not entirely the movies own fault because this movie is what made the basics. It is what inspired great things in the future. And I definitely appreciate it for what it did but stand alone I can't give it all that much credit it's a great movie yeah but there's nothing that really stood out to me. Maybe I'm hard to please but I'm gonna stick to my guns here and say although it was great I can't really give it any rating above a 7 personally.
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Coco (I) (2017)
The only movie that can make me cry
3 December 2023
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This is a phenomenal movie one of my favorites and honestly top 10. Now why is it so good so many reasons maybe it's my emotional connection to it being Hispanic or being a dreamer like hector. Maybe it's how pretty the movie is. Maybe it's the funny jokes or the fun plot to follow along. Or maybe even the bonkers twist that actually caught me off guard the first time around. But I think the most important this is it can actually make me cry. More than once even. I rarely get upset at any media and rarely in public but this movie maybe me tear up in front of my whole Spanish class when we watched it. It's just such an emotional piece and something that doesn't deserve to be called just a child's film. Maybe i'm just biased but this is a great movie all together.
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Maybe not a "Masterpiece of Cinema" but it's still good
3 December 2023
This movie is really good. I went into it being told it's a masterpiece and there's nothing like it. While sure there's nothing like it but i don't think it's this crazy master piece. When in other reviews I've made when I've said something doesn't have substance this has the opposite this has all substance and it's great the only thing is it just loses that enjoyability something else I might really like would have. Thats doesn't take away from that fact that it's really good no not at all just nothing spectacular not best of all time ya know. Some of that missing joy is made up from Jim Carrey being the lead who doesn't love a good Jim Carrey movie. Oh but the cinematography is amazing it might sound a little pretentious but I can't stress that enough the whole feel of the movie is AMAZING!!! As long as you don't go into this movie over hyped it'll be a great watch for everyone to enjoy.
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In one ear out the other
3 December 2023
This movie isn't horrible like I can't sit here and say that it was bad but it was Mid what can I say. The beginning is a whole lot of nothing and the ladder half is fine it's a lot of gore and that's fun to watch if you like that type of stuff but it's just that gore for gore sake there's not any like substance to it like characters come and go and you don't really care all that much. The ending was neat but like again like the rest of the movie it was neat there's nothing I can sit down and really say I took away from this movie ya know. This is the type of movie you put on to watch with friends or just have on in the background.
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