
9 Reviews
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Big Top Scooby-Doo! (2012 Video)
Scooby and the gang in a circus what more could you want ?
28 March 2024
Scooby and the gang are at it again trying to solve another mystery, but this time it's in a circus.

Watching the gang meet and interact with these literal characters from a circus was fun to watch.

The visuals and opening song were very enjoyable it definitely gave out a cool circus vibe. This movie had a good mix of horror, action, suspense, and comedy.

The story pacing was great, the movie rarely got to a slow point. It stayed fun and interesting throughout the whole running time.

If you're a fan of Scooby-Doo I recommend you watch this movie. It definitely made my top 10 Scooby-Doo movies list.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Surprisingly good !
26 November 2023
Live action super hero movies aren't usually my thing. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this one.

The film is about a young man named Jaime Reyes who ends up with an ancient alien artifact that looks like a beetle. The artifact is called the Scarab. The Scarab gives Jaime super powers.

I really enjoyed the characters in this movie. They were somewhat unbelievable at times, but I found they were still likeable. I especially think George Lopez did an awesome job.

The story had great pacing I never felt it drag on. They made great use of their time. The music soundtrack was also enjoyable as well as the audio soundtrack. There was lots of great sounding explosions and sound effects.

I think this film really suffered from poor marketing and promotion due to the writers strike. If you're a fan of DC I would highly recommend this movie. Blue Beetle was definitely a fun watch.
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Good Burger 2 (2023)
A hot mess
23 November 2023
I'm a 90's kid I grew up loving "All That", "Kenan & Kel", and the first "Good Burger" movie. This movie started off good and strong, but then it quickly went south.

The film focuses too much on Ed. The pacing gets slowed down and caught up on Ed's over the top jokes for too long. I understand Ed is a bit of a dumb goofy character, but they REALLY upped the "dumb" on this movie.

Although I loved seeing Kenan and Kel back together again as well as some old familiar faces, I will never understand how the writers in this movie thought they created a good final product.

Sequels are usually never as good as the original, but the writers in this movie made SURE this sequel wouldn't be as good.

I really wanted this movie to succeed, but I can't lie to myself. I was really disappointed.
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House on the Boring Hill
12 October 2023
I can always appreciate older horror films believe me. I came into this film with a positive attitude, but was ultimately let down. The writing and pacing of this film was just boring.

There really wasn't enough interesting dialog and not enough character build up. They just throw you in there and expect you to find these characters interesting.

The film is about a millionaire who invites 5 guests to his haunted house and promises $10,000 to who ever can stay until the next morning. There were some scenes that were a bit creepy, but not enough to impress me.

I am aware of Vicent Price's reputation in horror, but in the end I was glad this film was over.
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The Funhouse (1981)
A night out turned to terror
10 October 2023
Every time I'd see this film pop up on a streaming service I'd skip it because it has a low rating. I've seen some reviews say the first half is boring and has no direction, but I think that's what makes this movie great.

The first half of the film does a great job at making you feel the atmosphere of the carnival. You get to see how a night out with these characters is like, it felt very natural almost as if you're there hanging out with them. As the night goes on things begin to take a sinister turn and things just keep escalating from there on.

If you appreciate 80s horror I would highly recommend you watch this film and be your own judge. Sometimes the directors want to put you in the front seat with the characters and I think they did an awesome job. Just sit back and enjoy the night out at The Funhouse.
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One of the better ones
23 September 2023
Another Godzilla movie. I was expecting your usual humans talking about stopping Godzilla with some okay characters and an okay story, but this one managed to actually impress me.

The story line is actually good and entertaining and the characters are well written. The monster designs are also great. I really enjoyed the pacing of this movie it flowed a lot better than some of the other Godzilla movies I've seen before.

I got a little bit of an Evangelion vibe in some scenes which I love. If you're looking for a fun Kaiju movie that is a bit different from the rest of the Godzilla movies I'd highly recommend "Godzilla Against MachaGodzilla"
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Re-Animator (1985)
Better than I expected
22 September 2023
I had been putting this one off for a while now. I knew I could expect some gore and this movie definitely delivered. Re-Animator has an interesting story that keeps you watching and guessing , it's also very well paced.

I'm a huge horror fan and this movie managed to make me feel uneasy and a bit stressed during a lot of scenes. When a film manages to bring out certain feelings and emotions in me that's when I know it's good.

The special effects in Re-Animator are great, lots of real make up and props. I enjoy these type of special effects over CGI computer animated effects they're much more creative and real looking. The lighting was also great, not too bright and they made good use of light bulbs.

If you're looking for a classic 80s horror film to watch this spooky season or just a good horror film in general I recommend "Re-Animator".
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Had potential
16 September 2023
Watched this movie because the story sounded fun and the cover looked cool. The movie lacks good acting from it's 2 main characters, although they still did a decent job. Scenes went on longer than they should have at times.

It also suffered from some pacing issues. They tried to add more depth to characters when they really didn't need to.

I would recommend this movie to someone who is trying to ease their child or friend into the horror genre.

Props to actor Halem Medina who played Steve and Monica Moore Smith who played Stephanie. They were the best 2 actors in the movie in my opinion.

"Curse Of Crom" had a lot of potential I just think it wasn't executed as well as it could have been.
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Ran (1985)
Had higher hopes for this one
20 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished watching this film. Honestly felt like for the time and budget they had it could have been way better. I would have liked to see more detailed battle scenes maybe some quick 1 on 1 sword fights.

The best character in my opinion was Lady Kaede she was fierce. The character of Kyoami I felt was annoying he honestly made the movie weird. I'll be honest I'm not trying to see a trans crying and moping around the whole movie. I think it took away from the seriousness of the film. The music/soundtrack also felt a little weak nothing really stood out to me.

There are some amazing scenes, I just thought it would have been better overall. It dragged on longer than it should have. I'm aware that Akira Kurosawa is brilliant but I didn't enjoy this film as much. I guess it's not for everyone.
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