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My favorite TV show
18 November 2009
I don't usually like TV shows, but I do like this one. The reason I don't like TV shows that are fiction (ex. Fringe, V) is because since their presented through the medium of commercial television; they basically have to have some sort of mass appeal (or it at least should seem to). And regretfully television producers think that the world is made up of not so smart people; and since there are people who are blissfully unaware of what's out there they actually play this part. But this TV show is just one of the programs on the History Channel that actually tries to inform you, while at the same time tries to entertain with surreal background imagery. Some of my favorite episodes show Nostradamus so seemingly drugged, that he looks like he's gonna vomit in that bowl that he's trying to see visions in. And that's how innovative it is; you wouldn't dare see something as surreal as that on Fringe, or V. Those shows make you think you're getting something different, but it's truly all the same. And I realize that there are some people who get turned off by this, but I appreciate being taught a few things by scholars who know what they're talking about (most of the time). And as a side note: if you think you're getting something different on Fringe or V, watch the movies Twelve Monkeys, or L.A. Confidential, and then you'll really see something different (film, much more than television, doesn't hinge on mass appeal). And if you know its different, but still watch shows like that because that's all there is; at some point we have to get mad and refuse to watch it. And that's as simple as that. I realize that I might get blacklisted for going off topic, but at least I took a chance.
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12 Monkeys (1995)
Bizarre and yet interesting
18 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This was a bizarre and yet very interesting film. It has a very dark and grimy feel to it. Bruce Willis' acting is very bizarre, not to mention Brad Pitt who plays a mental patient. This is perhaps Terry Gilliams' masterpiece (although I haven't seen Brazil). There is a very surreal quality to all the scenes, it sort of just takes you away. It has a very subtle plot, and you have to make sure you're following the movie very carefully and at a rapid pace or else you'd have to watch a major chunk of the movie again (this is especially true of someone who's never seen the movie before). It's a very lush and haunting movie, sometimes jarring even. There's a part in the movie that implies that the present is to some extent seeded with people from the future (or the past, I can't remember which (or even perhaps both, I'm sorry for the confusion, see, that's how the movie is!)). The comical parts would be exactly just that, comical; if they weren't so disturbing. This is the kind of movie that you definitely want to buy (and not just rent), to add to your collection. Serious movie buffs will be impressed.
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Amazing movie.
18 November 2009
I notice that this movie doesn't always get a good rating in various places, but I for one liked it, enormously. I thought that it was enormously creative. It's a very avant-garde movie, but I don't think that it would be fair to categorize as just artsy or arty. That said, it is an amazingly contemporary study of drugs in general. It basically shoots you in the gut with that message. But I just have to say that hand's down Ellen Burstyn is the greatest thing about this movie. There's an extremely hallucinatory scene that just blows your mind away. Not to say that the special effects came into play because of her performance, but sometimes I just think that the magical effect of the actors artistry somehow has something to do with whether a scene is good or not. This movie is definitely not for the squeamish, and Jennifer Connelly is also superb.
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Milk (I) (2008)
Does the body good.
18 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The best thing about this movie, by far, is Sean Penn. His acting in this movie is just otherworldly. Diego Luna is sort of annoying in the scenes that he's in. His is a very sensationalistic performance. And James Franco as in most (if not all) of his films is great. Josh Brolin also turns an interesting role. Whether you believe in gay marriage or not, this film is set at a time when marriage was not the issue, gays were just blacklisted from jobs and for example, renting apartments. That I think is something that nobody should advocate. And that is a message that is very effective in this movie. But I think that it's good that Sean Penn is the lead actor because he just steals the show. I seriously recommend this movie, for anybody.
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Unusually appealing film.
18 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely fell in love with every aspect of this movie. This is a great commercial for Paris! The whole movie is basically a handful of short films about Paris, made by various famous directors; who, incidentally, are not all French. The short about the parents who are mimes is excellent. I also definitely liked the one with Elijah Wood (he's one of my favorite actors). This film is just a wonderfully offbeat one, that you'd have to be deranged to not like it for the most part. Like I just hinted at, there are definitely standout shorts within the film, but even the other ones have something of inherent value about them. All in all, just a beautiful film. There are also funny shorts, which make the whole movie worthwhile.
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18 November 2009
This film is great from start to absolute finish. The interesting thing is that it is obviously set in Los Angeles; and I personally hate Los Angeles (I live here), but this is Los Angeles in a supernatural reality. There's nothing overtly fantastical about this movie, but its almost as if you imagine every villain in this movie to be a demon (and the villains aren't always cut and dried, even the "heroes" are suffering from some type of pathos). In terms of my favorite Russell Crowe movie, this is it. I can't remember if they actually describe him in the movie as being all brawn and no brain; but that exactly describes his character. This is the first movie that I ever saw Guy Pearce in, and I fell in love with his acting ability. Kim Basinger is great too, and her acting is ironically understated. I've lived in L.A. all my life, but this is an L.A. that I'm not really used to; but definitely like. There is a really strong visual component to the movie. Very vivid.
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Match Point (2005)
Great, and yet hard to watch
18 November 2009
This is not your typical Woody Allen movie. This movie tears up your insides and spits them out. There is a certain ambivalence felt towards the characters, you don't know if to hate them, or feel for them. This is a very intense movie, I don't recommend it to the sensitive viewer. I myself am not easily stirred emotionally, but yet found this movie hard to watch. If you thought that Woody Allen was a comedy master and that's it; think again. This movie at the same time that it reaches a peak of intensity, also hits a fair degree of symbolism; especially towards the end. It's kind of hard to talk about this movie without revealing the end, but I definitely recommend this movie; for the emotionally stable. Ha,ha. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is one of the best things about this movie as well.
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Her Alibi (1989)
"Liked it."
18 November 2009
I actually look forward to watching this movie when it comes on cable. It's basically a cute little movie. I mainly like it for the cinematography, the set design, and the overall artistic direction. Tom Selleck is likable and very funny. He does a sort of charming goofiness in this film. There is an exact chemistry between Selleck and Porizkova (I personally got it). The cinematography is amazing in that the charm of the eighties is wonderfully captured in the display of the movie. The set design seems extravagant, but that's part of the pleasure of the movie. And the artistic direction is interesting because the lyricism expressed doesn't take itself too seriously. This film is a guilty pleasure.
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Black humor
15 November 2009
This movie definitely falls under the genres of black and offbeat humor. While I don't know how much truth went into this movie (it's based on a true story), it still remains an entertaining movie of what not to do when murdering someone; to say the least. The absolute scene stealer is River Phoenix. If you are of the younger generation of movie goer's and found out that Joaquin Phoenix had an Oscar nominated brother, and went...who? Then you definitely have to brush up by watching this movie, just to see the dexterity of one of Hollywood's most tragic acting story. Drama or comedy, it didn't matter; River Phoenix did it, and easily (if you find out you like Phoenix, and you like weird movies; I recommend Silent Tongue, it's also his last performance). Kevin Kline as one of the lead roles is also fascinating; his rendering of a macho, adulterous, ethnic Italian is up to par. If you like weird, somewhat dark movies; this movie is for you. Keanu Reeves, and William Hurt are also stellar in this movie.
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15 November 2009
This is probably the most underrated movie of 2002. I have to admit that certain details of the movie are cheesy, but I still think that it's a good movie. The best thing of course, by far, is Daniel Day Lewis. The interesting thing is that the grittiness makes you speculate about the foundations of the gangs that exist today. Even the recreation of some aspects of the gang wear makes you think about this. The sort of flair, in other words, utilized by some gang members today. That said, there is something definitely eerie about Daniel Day Lewis' performance. I guess you could call it a caricature, but a definitely fascinating one. We can only speculate at the amount of melodramatic style gang members of that day would behave as, but Day Lewis' helps in bringing you into the cartoonish world that must have been. I sort of don't know if DiCaprio resigned himself to be worked around by Day Lewis, or what; but his acting and character still remain at least vaguely interesting (and yet completely eclipsed by Daniel Day Lewis' performance). This movie is good historical fare, and one of Day Lewis' best performances. While it isn't Martin Scorsese's best movie, (I think that Goodfellas takes care of that..) it is definitely a step up above most movies. Completely evocative.
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This has style
15 November 2009
Let's just put it this way. If an alien crash landed on my front lawn, and if he wanted to know about the 80's perchance; I'd recommend it watch this movie. This movie has style! It's a primer for 80's music, 80's fashion, and 80's education. I could never get enough of this movie as a kid. It is absolutely hilarious. This is definitely one of John Hughes' more perfect and offbeat comedies. Not only was Ferris Bueller cool in his own high school, but if he were real he'd have a statue made out of him in Chicago. One of the funniest things about this movie is how much of a mythological status Bueller has in his own high school. People talk about how uncool the 80's were. That's not true, and this movie proves it.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Still works
15 November 2009
I think that I might have ruined this movie for myself. I watched this movie over and over, ad nauseum in my 20's. I think that parts of it are dated and should remain in the 90's vault, but I think that for the most part this movie is transcendent. For anyone who's ever read my other comments you'll know that my idea of a masterpiece is a movie that pulsates with a mystical otherworldly vibe, and I'd have to say that most of this movie is like that. This movie has been parodied by the likes of The Simpsons, and been referenced by serious critics, and for good reason. This movie definitely resonates with the archetypal sophomore vibe; while it doesn't have the innocence of Reservoir Dogs, or the maneuverability of the Kill Bill series, it definitely stands on its own. It is also one of the more charming, and highly appealing of the Generation X stoner flicks. Let me just say that if I could give this movie beyonder points, I'd give it a 16 for eerily supernatural. Great, great work.
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Samurai masterpiece
15 November 2009
I think that this film is a clever masterpiece. If I could say that there's anything wrong with it; it's that its almost too clever (if that can even be something wrong). From the beginning Tarantino absolutely just bombards you with various amounts of imagery. What I find absolutely interesting about it was the combination of colors used from the set design to costume. From start to finish this film is just completely psychedelic. This film is also stunning when it comes to the sound effects used. You get this real sense of a subliminal mythology; and there's even an arc between films when you see the product of cigarettes advertised in this film that's mentioned in Pulp Fiction. But the thing is just when you think Quentin's run out of ammo...wait...there's more...
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Even more detail
15 November 2009
This film definitely adds a lot of detail for a hungry palate left over from the first one. If you have any questions unanswered from the first one, this film definitely answers them. The lush scenery is absolutely amazing. And you also get a real mystical sense that anything is possible (taking into account the kung fu aspect of it, which is learned and practiced by the Bride). There's a real spooky element to various aspects of the film, and the film really succeeds in drawing the viewer into its story. There is also a vague feeling that this movie is about a decade ahead of its time in terms of artistry in general, and especially of independent films. To put it simply, not even one tenth of the stuff shown on IFC or Sundance even holds a candle to this film and the previous. Well done!
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Doubt (I) (2008)
Societal commentary
15 November 2009
I thought that this film was an exceptional one. While I thought that Hoffman was great; I found Streep to be absolutely masterful. Meryl Streep elevates this movie to a super realm of societal commentary. This movie is interesting because it takes more or less ordinary situations and makes them so abstract that, while I say that it's commentary, it makes no judgments and hopes that the viewer doesn't either and hopes that the viewer simply appreciates it for what it is. This movie is a diamond in the rough of tedious movies. While this movie might make you think that it is tedious, watch the whole movie and just absorb because I guarantee that you will like it. I personally am not one for (seemingly) morose movies, but this movie comes from somewhere else. Great movie.
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Death Proof (2007)
Proof of Genius
15 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie shows that Tarantino can make a "normal" situation into a completely surreal artistic commentary. The part that reminded me that Tarantino was a genius was when Kurt Russell is taking a picture of some of the women, and even though you never see Russell in that scene, his exuberance is so palpable as to be inspiring. While I found 'Planet Terror' (the second part of this double feature) to be interesting, I found this part to be a standout; if not for the fact that it did not need special effects or "science fiction" to lend it its charm. And even still, I think that this movie stands as one of the best cinematic examples in film history. This movie should be studied by any serious student of contemporary (and every other category of..) film history. Completely memorable. A masterpiece.
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Brüno (2009)
Eccentrically funny
15 November 2009
As a child of the age of Aquarius, I found myself liking this movie. I thought it was completely hilarious in an unusual way. When Brüno puts himself in various situations (and some dangerous situations), and finds himself speechless; it almost makes you think that Sascha Baron Cohen couldn't possibly come up with any semblance of a clever retort. But exactly at those times is when he wows you with his virtuoso-like skill of improvisation. If I wasn't when I saw Borat, I am now completely convinced that Cohen is a genius. I highly recommend watching the DVD for its alternate, deleted, and extended scenes; and a highly pertinent interview with Brüno's unknowing agent after the fact. I highly recommend this movie, if for his skill at making a story into the various peoples he meets.
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Fringe (2008–2013)
This is "Fringe"
14 November 2009
Fringe is one of the many TV shows drooled on and on about by fans. To say it's a cult hit is a misnomer, it's more like a mainstream hit. If I could sum it up in one word, I would call it awkward. What's awkward is basically the acting. The story element is basically sub par. I didn't find it to be very creative. I started watching it because I wanted to know what all the buzz was about, and now that I've seen it, I realize that all the buzz is fluff. It's not as morose as the X-Files, but considering that the whole realm of the paranormal today is so much richer than it was in the '90's, this show could seriously benefit. The actors have little appeal to me as a viewer (Joshua Jackson is perhaps the most talented thing about it), but the writing is also as awkward as the actors. "Hated it!"
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