
30 Reviews
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Ahsoka (2023– )
This is Whar Star Wars Was Meant to Be
23 August 2023
Finally, Disney gets something right. I think I heard that Kathleen Kennedy wasn't involved in this project. Maybe that's true. Because this has a very different feel to some other recent Star Wars, a better feel.

First let me say that, I haven't seen any of the movies since the original trilogy (Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi). I've seen pretty much all the shows though, including Rebels. Rebels was my favorite show, story wise. And this is basically a continuation of Rebels.

It's truly amazing seeing the old Rebels characters. So far (2nd ep) we have seen Hera, Sabine Wren, Ahsoka, Chopper (I have always loved Chopper). The actors all do a good job as their characters.

The action is really good. The fights happen in good lighting, and are very clear (unlike Obi Wan Kinobi). There are space battles, speed racers, light saber battles, fighting, shooting). The action is high so far, in this show, and what we have always wanted from Star Wars.

The show really shines in the visuals. All of the environments are so Star Wars. The scenery especially has a Rebels quality. There are ship hangers, space warehouses, Sabine's house, space battles, battles with ships taking off, Hera's fancy flying, etc.. Everything you'd expect from Rebels.

The villains are cool too, especially Shin Hati (the girl Jedi). She looks so similar to Jennifer Sky (Cleopatra 2025), or even Milla Johovich, in The Fifth Element. She has that sort of waif like appearance with big eyes. The male Jedi also seems very tough and good for his role. It is good to see a witch again. The last I saw of them was when Ezra, Darth Maul, and Sabine discovered the dark saber.

Anyways, just a couple episodes have been released so far. From what I have seen I am very happy. Rebels had the best story of all of Star Wars, and some of the best characters too. This truly feels like a continuation or spin-off of Rebels.
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Silo (2023– )
One of the Best Shows of the Year
22 August 2023
Apple+ Finally has a hit sci-fi show. This show definitely deserves the praise. I wasn't really expecting to enjoy an Apple+ show. I suppose The Morning Show was pretty good, and Fraggle Rock was okay. But, in general, I don't have alot of faith in this streaming service.

This show is about an underground vault, that people live in, inorder to avoid a poisounous outside environment. It's very similar to a Fallout Vault.

It also has simiilarities to the anime, Gurren Lagann. In that show, they weren't allowed to try to leave too. That's the main thing with this show, people questioning whether they can safely leave.

The show is very atmospheric, with beautiful underground scenery.

The plot is a slow burn mystery, with important characters dropping like flies. Some of these characters are big name actors and actresses too.

There isn't really alot of action. It isn't really that type of show, more mystery and intrigue.

I really like the main actress. I think she is the best part of this series. She has a brooding personality, and a good look for it.

All in all, the mystery and sci-fi angle should appeal to alot of people. I personally love sci-fi and mysteries. I strongly reccomend this show.
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Better Than I Expected
22 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off, let me say, I generally don't really like Superman shows, or movies. I feel like he is the original Mary Sue, OP character. To get around that, they have to think of creative ways to weaken him, which is lame.


Well, this show does that exactly, weakening Superman. So, that is one down side, along with making near invincible antagonists.

There are a few other downsides too. One is that Superman doesn't actually have anything to do with the defeat of any of the bad guys. The monster defeats himself, and the others end up teaming up with Superman.

Anyways, the show has alot of good points too.

It looks really good. The art is amazing.

The story is actually good. For someone who typically doesn't even like Superman, it was a pleasant surprise that I liked it.

The guest stars are great. I never expected to see Lobo. He has always been one of my favorites. I had the original Lobo Simon Beasley comics. Not only was the art style revolutionary, but the character has always been an irreverent anti-hero favorite. The Martian Manhunter was another nice addition. Though, I do feel they under utilized his powers. He should have been able to get into the monster's mind, and completely solved the entire show.

The Lois and Clark chemistry was good, and the banter was good.

All-in-all, I found the show to be entertaining and refreshing. I think it should have a higher rating than it does. I rated it at 8. Which to me means, slightly above average.
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I Thought It was Good
5 August 2023
First off, it looks amazing. The CGI is top notch. Alot of people weren't around when CGI was just beginning to be used. I've seen alot of bad CGI. This isn't though. It's pretty amazing actually.

There are some unique monsters too. That is a big change. I don't know if any of these are from the games or what. I haven't played many, and it was long ago. Never expected to see a zombie megaladon.

I haven't seen any Resident Evil live action, and just a couple of the CG. I feel like the story is a bit better than usual. A little less political intrigue, and more of an emotional story, with a unique and cool setting.

There were a couple of slightly annoying plot holes though.

  • They said these zombies change incredibly fast. So, why did the heroes sit around forever after being infected, without changing? Anyone else that was bitten, changed immediately.

  • A vaccine is not the same thing as a cure. You can't give someone a vaccine, after they have already been infected, even if they didn't die yet.

  • Why is the bad chick helping the main bad guy? If he succeeded, she also would die.

But, the show is good, way better than previous Resident Evil CGIs. Check it out. I don't even get why people are complaining, and rating it low. I've pretty much lost all confidence on the reviews here.
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Skull Island (2023– )
Very Very Good
1 August 2023
When I read all the reviews trashing this, I believed them. I almost didn't even get it. But then I thought: "How bad can it really be?" Turns out, it's not bad. The reviewers are just very wrong.

This site is just really beginning to be useless. They don't even allow most of my reviews. Then the reviews they allow, are largely wrong. Don't get me wrong, may are good. But, it's getting hard to know which reviews to believe.

Anyways, the show is about a group of people, who end up stranded on Skull Island. There are some crypto-zoologists, their family, a strange girl, and another group, of mercenaries. They must deal with the monstrous inhabitants, while seeking an escape from the island.

Story wise, I'd definitely rank this among the best King Kong stories I've ever seen. It does a good job of showing a bit about Kong's history. And the new characters, their story is good, with converging story lines.

I'm on episode 8 right now. So, not quite finished. It's been really nothing but great so far. So, it would take a really bad ending, to drop my rating from a 10. The action is great. The story is great. The monsters are great. I recommend it for anyone.

There's nothing offensive to children, or adults. I don't get the low ratings, at all. Give it a shot. The longer you watch it the better it gets.
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Unfairly Hated. Fairly Pretty Good
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Okay. I get it. Everyone is mad at Disney. So, they want to slam everything they do. I get it. I also have issues with Disney. In fact, normally I wouldn't have even watched a show with a race-swapped character like this. (However, since Samuel L. Jackson has a history now, of playing this character, I have accepted it.) Anyways, I think the criticism is unfair. I have enjoyed every episode so far, and I'm easily offended and picky.

This is basically a slow burn, spy drama. I believe it is a 6 episode mini-series (I do wish it was a full length show, with a possible second season). It's very atmospheric, with alot of the action taking place in somewhat dreary looking Eastern European countries. That's not a criticism. It suits the story.

The actors are all good. I particularly like Olivia Coleman. I had enjoyed her since the old UK show Peep Show. She is great in this show, as a no-nonsense British operative. You don't want to challenge this character. Samuel L. Jackson is good too, about what you would expect. I was unfamiliar with Emilia Clark. But she is good. She has presence. She is one of the main characters, practically the show runner. The other different characters are all good, as well.

The whole point of the show is that a shape-shifting alien race, Skrulls, have infiltrated society, and are attempting to cause a war between Russia and the US. I think that's a good story (Js?). Seems fitting in today's world, so it is surprising that Disney would put it out. Anyways, Fury tries to stop them.

There are a few plotholes, as is to be expected from a shape-shifting story. Often times, creative shape shiftig, might have solved problems. Also, many times, a bad guy could have been killed, but was allowed to leave, then cause problems.

Anyways, recommend it, for fans of Marvel especially. It has entertained me so far, with nothing that has offended me. It isn't great or anything. But it is better than it has been rated. It is entertaining, in a slow-burn atmospheric kind of way.
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First Seson a 10, Second Season Less
9 June 2023
The first season of this was amazing. It was easily a ten star show. It had everything a person could want from Beavis and Butthead. Combine their usual antics with social media videos. It is a good combination. I have nothing but praises for the first season.

That brings us to the second season. Right from the start something seemed off. The jokes were just weird. It's like it has different writers or something. The jokes often don;t land.

There are much more episodes than usual. I think the episode count, for this season, is in the teens. We never see that anymore.

The biggest problem I have is the music videos. Some of them are very questionable. I mean, VERY questionable. To make matters worse, Beavis and Butthead don't comment on it. That's their whole thing, is pointing out the absurdities in the videos. There are undressed guys in prison shaking their butts on each other, wearing pink prison outfits. No comment from our show runners. It's absurd. There are a few videos like this, throughout the econd season.

Anyways, I can no longer even recommend this show. It still has its moments. But it is ruined by wokeness.
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Best Beavis and Butthead Ever
1 June 2023
For Beavis and Butthead fans, this movie will not disappoint. It is everything you love about the two characters, but with a nice adventure aspect thrown in.

The film has Beavis and Butthead going into space. An accident happens, involving the ISS and the teens are returned to Earth. From there we get alot of intrigue, as Beavis and Butthead are hunted down by politicians and secret intelligence, hoping to kill them. Meanwhile, Beavis and Butthead are on a quest to score.

The comedy is nonstop in this film. It is of the typical Beavis and Butthead variety. It's very funny and even rewatchable. I've watched this film like 50 times, watching it again now.

The adventure and intrigue is actually really good too. It has many locations, not just their house or town, as it usually does.

If you've seen the new cartoon, you will recognize the alternate dimension Beavis and Buttheads, who are first introduced here.

Anyways, watch this film. It is definitely 10 stars. It's excellent.
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I Thought It Was Really Good
30 May 2023
Yeah, this is somewhat kids oriented. It's computer animated, and I usually skip these, unless I'm with a kid. I don't why, but I just gave this a go.

I was very pleasantly surprised. It was really good. It particularly had alot for fans of the games, which I was. I've played Mario since the first one came out, at arcades, before it even had a system yet.

Then, Super Mario Brothers came out, and it was a classic, for all time. Anyways, the movie has so many nods to the games. It even incorporates elements from Donkey Kong and Mario Carts. It does all of this in a really creative way. Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong, are particularly cool.

The story is fairly true to the games, and good. I would say it's typical Mario fare. However, incorporating Donkey Kong into the story, makes it far more interesting.

The scenery and visuals are very good. Even the sound effects are reminiscent of the games.

All in all, it's really good. I strongly recommend it, especially for families. For once there is nothing to offend families. Check it out. You wont be disappointed.
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Far Better Than Expected
29 May 2023
I was very disappointed in the first Suicide Squad film. I had basically wrote off any further films, and never planned to watch a sequel. However, after seeing the high rating, and reading some reviews, I decided to give this a chance. It's actually really entertaining.

There is alot of humor in this film. That is one of the highpoints. It's actually funny, and most jokes land. The shark character is one of the funniest. Harlyquin is also funny, as well as Peacemaker. The rat girl is funny too.

The action is off the charts. There is great action sequences in this, and great CGI. Along with the action is the gore. It is surprisingly gory.

I strongly recommend this, and that is coming from someone who hated the first film.

Anyways, this is my 300th attempt to review this. They keep getting rejected. Let's hop this one makes it through, as I have about 20 other rejected reviews to also attempt to upload. My original reviews were more detailed. But, I don't want to waste alot of time on redos.
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Picks Up Steam as It Goes
28 May 2023
At first I wasn't really liking this. It seemed to have a cliche plot, and action, and the jokes weren't really landing. I thought it was way too focused on diversity. I had rated it at 5, at that point.

However, the longer it went on, the better it got. The action sequences were really good, and the effects and CGI were really good. Eventually even the comedy started landing, and I was really enjoying it by the end.

The characters are okay. At first I hated all of them. But they did grow on me, particularly the main good guy. I always liked the bad guy. He was just likeable.

There were some plot holes, that annoyed me alot at the beginning. Like why did the bad guy want the good guy's daughter? That made no sense, and there really wouldn't have been a movie at all, if it wasn't written like that. The good guy would have had no reason to even interact with the bad guy.

There was certainly plenty of diversity too. It was so bad actually, that almost every character had a backstory of prejudice of some kind. Fortunately, these were just brief mentions. Otherwise, there's no way I would have given any sort of good rating.

All in all, I'd say this is very watchable. It captures that 80s cinema feeling. It is very fun and adventure oriented. There is big action, and a light hearted tone. The longer I watched it, I kept coming back here and raising my rating. I'll leave it at 8 for now. And, I look forward to a sequel, if they ever make one. This could be a good franchise.
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Freaking Awesome Matchup
27 May 2023
I watched Ruby when it first came out. I thought it was mind blowing, at the time. I actually didn't realize it was still going. I think, the second season was a s far as I got. That was all that was out at the time.

Anyways, it was really excellent seeing all the characters again. Now I see that there are like 10 seasons, I'll definitely be checking those out too.

As for this show, it was really good. I really can't even believe that the reviews aren't much higher for this. It was everything expected for this teamup.

The Justice League characters are pretty cool as teenagers, which they are in this. All of their powers were translated well to this environment. Batman had cool powers too, which he usually doesn't have.

The RWBY characters have their usual powers, and humor. They were actually the highpoint of this.

Going along with the RWBY theme, the environment was also the RWBY environment. The animation style as well.

The story was a lesser point, I guess. I would have preferred a more authentic story, rather than a hologram type story. I suppose it was difficult to create a situation where these two worlds interacted. Still, it was good regardless.

I'd love to see a future teamup between with these groups. Check it out. If you were a fan of RWBY, you wont be disappointed. Are there fans of The Justice League? Well, I don't know how you might feel. There's no reason for those fans to be disappointed though. The characters were cool.

Watch it. You should be pleased. If not, well you don't matter anyways. Only an imbecile would have a problem with it.
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Hawkeye (2021)
Entertaining. Does require a Little Suspesion of Disbelief
26 May 2023
This show is just entertainment. It doesn't have any deep emotional lessons like Wandavision, or deep philisophical lessons like Loki. This is just pure entertainment. It actually is better if you just shut your brain off. But it's still enjoyable.

The characters are fairly likeable. Hawkeye is troubled and brooding. The chick is entitled, troublemaking, and irresponsible. It's a typical Hollywood type superhero story. But the entertainment level is high.

There are a few logic flaws. Like why is the chick so superpowered when she actually has no powers? She even takes out Kingpin.

Or, one chick falls off the top of a skyscraper and just lands on the ground, no problem. I was like WTF?!?

Or, the main girl and Hawkeye take out 100s of guys in the middle of the city, no problem, and no police. Where were the police when all of this was going on. Actually, that happens all through this movie. Giant fights, shooting, exploding etc.. and no police ever show up, till afterwards.

Also, the chick is rich, entitles, and stupid. I do tend to dislike the stupid character who just keeps making things worse, and this chick is like that. However, the actress herself is likeable, so at least you don't hate her, like I usually hate these types of characters.

It is these issues that kept my review at a 7. Otherwise it probably would have been a 9 or even a 10.

Still it is entertaining, and better than alot of lesser superhero shows. The cinematography is good, and visual effects, action, comedy, actors, chemistry. It is definitely one to watch for Marvel lovers.
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Digman! (2023– )
It Grows on You
26 May 2023
The first episode, it didn't really appeal to me. I thought it was going to have cruel or stupid humor, and be offensive, as so many cartoons now days are. And don't get me wrong, it kind of does have cruel and slightly offensive humor.

It isn't stupid though, which is a good thing. There is character motives and development. It's good to see a show with this quality. The characters actually have a reason to do the things they do, rather than just forced for the plot.

The show is about an archeologist and his assistant. In this world the archs are like celebrities. There is a subplot where the main guy is responsible for his girlfriend's death, while being betrayed by his previous assistant. Anyways, it's a comical version of Indiana Jones or Romancing the Stone, treasure hunt type adventures.

The comedy is pretty good. It can be hit-or-miss. But there are so many jokes, some of them can't help but land. The talkinng is very fast, with like 10 jokes per second. Lol

I really like the female assistant. Her voice really has a Melissa Galsky (Home Movies) quality. I thought it was her, and had to look her up, to realize it wasn't. Anyways, I loved her in Home Movies, and this girl acts and sounds like her.

All in all, I recommend this show. It isn't super good or even really memorable. It is entertaining though, and even rewatchable. I've rewatched most of the episodes, multiple times. Though the episodes are self contained, there's also an overarching story. I am excited to see where it goes. I think this show has a future. Give it a chance. Though, I do recommend watching at least a couple episodes before writing it off. It took a couple, for me to get int it.
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The Best Guardians of the Galaxy Film of All
26 May 2023
I guess I have to write this review again, as even my good reviews get deleted here. I can't imagine why this one did, since I said only good things about the film.

Anyways, in my opinion, this is the Best Guardians of the Galaxy so far. One was super good. Two was kind of a let down. But this one rocked. I'd say surpassing even 1 in entertainment.

The humor was there, for 1 thing. Mainly it was the girl with antennas. Lol She was hilarious.

The enemies were bigger, way bigger. Even though they fought a God in part 2, these enemies were even more powerful than that. Actually, it's hard to imagine that the Guardians would have any chance of prevailing in that type of situation, yet they did.

There was nonstop action, and space, as one might hope.

The story was good too. I was sort of worried it might be cringe, with the whole animal abuse story line. However, it addressed this well. The cringe was kept to a minimum. It was good to see them rescue all the animals. Brought a tear to my eye.

So, check it out. You wont be dissapointed.
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Comical Murder She Wrote
23 May 2023
This show surprised me. It is pretty funny and I have rewatched all the episodes numerous times. I wish they would make more episodes.

It is a spoof of the Murder She Wrote type of series. An older woman author, who solves murders, is the lead. With her she has her Australian millennial niece.

The humor is over the top though. Pretty sexual humor. Not for kids. The jokes are way too raunchy. There's even brief old lady nudity.

It is very light hearted, somewhat like Murder on the Blackpool Express. Though, that series is actually more serious, and better. This series could learn from that. It is a bit too silly. If they kept the silliness, but had more believable plots, it would be better.

Still it's very enjoyable, and packed with famous comedians. The 2 main actresses, and the two cops are hilarious. That's pretty much the regular cast, except her agent, who is also funny.

So, I recommend this series. It's fairly short, as the episodes were originally on Quibi. Now it has moved to Roku, I think. Check it out for a quick, light hearted comedy spoof.
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Mrs. Davis (2023)
Profoundest Show to Ever Exist, God vs AI
23 May 2023
I don't know if it is jut me, but this show seems so packed with meaning, it's amazing. Every character and every plot, seems to have a deeper meaning. I could try to analyze those meanings all day long, and I have.

I can't even try to describe the plot here, except that in general it is God vs AI. To even say that though, is an over simplification. Perhaps it is about fantasy vs reality.

Anyways, the main character is a nun. The actress is really captivating, and it is her presence that makes the show. All the other actresses and actors are also very good though too. Even minor characters are almost all perfect.

The show does keep a light comical tone. So, it isn't like it's pretentious at all. It is adventurous, light, and funny, with a ton of mystical ideas in every episode. (nuns, Templars, Holy Grail, Schrodinger and his cat, AI, God, Jesus, Excalibur, the Lady of the Lake, Jonah's Whale, resurrection rituals, etc..)

Also, after a couple of episodes, I was worried that it was going to become sacrilegious or religion bashing. Don't worry. It doesn't. The chick doesn't have sex with J, which is what I was worried about. Their relationship is purely symbolic.

I don't think anyone can view this show without having some philosophical revelation though. I think it is possibly one of the most important shows ever created, for this type of reflection. I strongly recommend it.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
Season 1 Was Good. Season 2 is Like a Different Show.
23 May 2023
I really liked season 1 of this show. It wasn't perfect. But, it was good enough to keep me watching. It was somewhat unique.

I season 1, this is like a sci-fi neo-noir mystery. I don't know what it is that gives it that feeling. Perhaps the main actor. He just has that vibe. I could imagine him on some latenight late 90's Cinemax film. He doesn't really say alot, and when he does, the acting is questionable. Which is exactly how those neo-noirs were.

The color pallet, and cityscapes in season 1 were amazing. It reminds me of Blade Runner. There's tons of people all crammed together in narrow streets, with futuristic scenery all around. It's usually night, with colorful scenery, and tall buildings. Somewhat like a neo-Hong Kong.

In season 1 the main guy stays at a virtual hotel, run by a cool AI. The inside of the hotel is reminiscent of Elizabethen England, and so is the AI hotel manager. He is still present in season 2. However, the hotel seems to be gone.

Season 2 is just like a different show altogether. There isn't even the same actor. The new race-swapped actor could be forgiven though. People in this show can change bodies. It isn't like the new actor is bad. But what happened to the original actor? So far, alot of changes have not been adequately explained.

The entire noir feel is completely gone. Also gone are the Blade Runneresque backdrops. The whole thing just feels cheap now. Also, it now feels like any other typical sci-fi action show, with much more emphasis on over-the-top Hollywood action. There is no longer the trademark AI hotel, which takes away alot from the AI character's relevance.

The story in season 2 is almost impossible to follow, so far, about 3 episodes into season 2. Nothing makes sense anymore, and I am noticing plot holes developing. Gone completely is the brooding noir mystery of season 1.

I've pretty much lost my desire to even continue watching. I looked at reviews here, and I see the same complaints about season 2. So, I'd recommend season 1 strongly. It does wrap up, with no real cliffhanger. But maybe skip season 2. I kind of doubt I will finish it.

9 stars for season 1.

Season 2? Idk.
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Now They Have to Turn Even Witchers Into Victims?
23 May 2023
I really wanted to like this. I liked the Witcher show during the first season. Then I did feel it became rubbish in the 2nd season. That's the Netflix curse. With this movie though, it was rubbish from the get-go.

Why am I getting a strong feeling of the Castlevania series? Perhaps because both shows have the main characters uncharacteristically become the victims of prejudice. In Castlevania it was religious persecution. In this film it is fear and superstition. In both it is intolerable. It's sad because both were legendary games, with no relationship at all, to this type of victimization fetish.

Add to that already woeful main plot, and they throw in plenty of diversity. Some of it is tolerable. Some of it is not. Unless you are okay with your kids watching that.

There are two ways to look at this. One is that these companies accidentally do this. They make bad decisions, and are unaware of what people want to see. Perhaps the creators feel victimized themselves (Js?)

The other is that, it's b-r-a-i-n-w-a-s-h-i-n-g/ p-r-o-p-a-g-a-n-d-a. I tend to think that is what this show is. The show itself is only a vehicle.

They don't care at all about entertainment. And it isn't that entertaining, not when you have this overwhelming feeling of cringe. Even when nothing annoying is happening, your just waiting for it. Castlevania was exactly the same way.

The art is good. The show had alot of potential. But I just can't take it. It has a few monster battles. But the main plot is victimization of the witchers by a fearful populace.

Anyways, I got about halfway, and had to come here and see what people were saying. I don't think I'm going to watch the rest. I made it to the end of the first season of Castlevania, when I gave up on it too. Screw The Witcher. It's done. Another great property ruined by the a-g-e-n-d-a.
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Renfield (2023)
Intelligence Insulting Plot Holes
22 May 2023
I wasn't really expecting that much, which is saying something, because I love vampire films. I just know how Hollywood is now days. And I got exactly what I was expecting.

The visuals were good. The cinematography was clean and soulless. I don't have any problems with it. But it was nothing to remember either. Actually, it was probably a little better than I would have expected, in this regards.

The gore was really good though. I have to give it credit here. It was way over the top. People were getting ripped apart left and right. There were literal piles of dead bodies. This part was way better than I ever would have expected.

The light hearted tone of the film was good. And the characters were likeable too, including the chemistry between all the different characters. I liked all of the actors too, and the acting in general was good.

The main problem is the ridiculous plotholes. For example:


Renfield and the cop lady were wanted by the police. Then they had a battle where they killed like 300 police officers, ripping their bodies apart into a giant pile, that they had to climb down. Then later they killed like 50 bad guys. Then with no explanation, it was okay for them to call HQ to have them come pick up the remaining bad girl, and have her escorted away by the cops? Suddenly no one remembered these were public enemy number one, who had just wiped out half the police force, not even an hour before, including the chief? Suddenly no one cared that they destroyed large areas of the city?

Another plothole is that many people were healed by drinking Dracula's blood. There are a few things wrong with this. Firstly, everyone knows that if you drink a vampire's blood, you turn into a vampire. No one did here though.

It gets worse though. Now apparently, you can also bring people back from the dead, by them somehow drinking Dracula's blood. Even if they have been ripped apart, or had their heads completely ripped off. Like the entire support group, that Dracula had ripped to shreds.

Still related, and it may be nitpicking, but usually when Dracula is killed, anyone who is a vampire under him dies. Well these people who were brought back weren't vampires, but shouldn't they still die? (There is a chance he didn't die though, which might make this complaint null and void.) Also, how did they even get Dracula's blood to bring them back? Dracula was buried.

Basically, when all was said and done, there were no stakes at all. Even the people who died, the innocent people, were brought back to life. Whereas, 100s of bad guys, even bad guys who Dracula had turned into an army of familiars with super powers, were easily dispatched/ killed by Renfield and the girl cop. Even though they had the same exact powers as Renfield, it was easy fro him to kill 100s of them at a time, in a fist fight. Just as easy as it was for the cop lady, with no powers at all, to survive it, while doing her fair share of killing.

So all in all, the movie id somewhat enjoyable before they just decide to toss all logic out the window. Actually it didn't really take them that long to start tossing logic out the window, like when the bad guy got caught with 100s of kilos of cocaine, and the cops still let him go, on a technicality. If you are exceedingly stupid though, you can enjoy it. Or, if you are willing to just shut your brain off. There are alot of good aspects to the film. It's just the lack of anything resembling logic that is the problem. Every other aspect is good. In other words, typical Hollywood film.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
First Season Was Good, Then Nosedived Big Time
22 May 2023
I would normally not like this type of show, a dramedy. I normally avoid these with a passion. Somehow though, I decided to give this a chance. I was pleasantly surprised, during the first season. It just kept me coming back.

The show is about a stupid American football coach, who is hired by an English soccer team. The boss actually want to sabotage the team. But they start doing well. That,s the basic premise. It does well, with the whole fish-out-of-water scenario. At least during the first season. Then it changes focus big time.

That is the problem with the 2nd season. It instead goes political, with this big story about the team boycotting their big oil sponsor, and wearing black squares on their jerseys. What does that remind you of? Anyways, I quit watching as soon as that plotline developed in the 2nd season.

Before that point though, I did notice a loss of focus on the game itself. That almost stopped being a part of the plot at all. I was waiting for the team to start winning, and doing well because of the coaches influence. That is how it was going in the first season. But instead, they wanted politics and drama, rather than comedy and sports.

So, if you want entertainment, check out the first season. But don't bother with the 2nd. BTW.. I heard the 3rd is even worse. So, there you go.
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Farzar (2022)
Offensive in Every Way, Yet Still Funny
22 May 2023
Normally I would hate a show like this. I hate the good guys, who are actually more evil than the bad guys. Every episode I hope that they die. The humor is over the top gross and wrong. However, it is still entertaining as hell, and very funny. The jokes almost always work.

I particularly like the bad guys, especially. Bazarack. Dana Snyder (Aquateen Hunger Force, Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell, etc...) who voices him, makes the show. I like him in every thing he does. And he is particularly on here.

There are a few of the good guys I like. I do like the main kid. At least he has a good heart. I like the chaos demon. I like the robot. I sort of like the mad scientist. I like his strange monster. I suppose I like all the characters who aren't evil seeming. But many of them are, like the leader.

It is annoying though that any of the characters put up with and support the leader of the good guys. I have this same problem with Crossing Swords, and Disenchanted. Why should we care about characters who support elitist evil scum. I want them to lose. This does have that quality. It's like brainwashing, by the establishment. I want the elite to die, and I do want that here too.

The humor is over the top gross out. Tons of extremely vulgar sexual humor. I like a little risque, but this is way past that.

Sounds bad right. Almost everything about this show, I dislike, in general. But, it's still good. I don't know why. I just continue to enjoy watching it. Maybe because there's so many jokes, some of them can't help but landing. I am continuously laughing and entertained.

Also, it is a good blend of fantasy, sci-fi, sword and sorcery, space opera, etc.. I do like all these themes.

Unlike Disenchanted and Crossing Swords, which have some of these similar qualities, but I quit watching altogether, this one I will continue to watch. They both have that evil elitist thing. Yet Disenchanted just is not funny. While Crossing Swords is funny, but with ghey characters. This one also has crazy sexual stuff, but not really ghey characters, which is good. Still it is has so many jokes and entertaining stories. So, I can overlook alot of it's almost continuous annoyances.

There were a few other moments of brainwashing though, that almost made me quit watching. They had a plot about immigration. They had a plot about abortion. They had a joke where the leader says "Damn, my desire to control women", after he had outlawed abortion, but then wanted one himself. That would have made me quit. But all of that was in only one episode. Perhaps they had a bad writer for that one. Luckily that was all that I noticed. Because that would have been a deal breaker.

All in all, if you like funny, and you like aliens, sci-fi, space, sword and sorcery, fantasy. But can tolerate gross out humor, gore, and over-the-top sexual humor, give this a shot. Definitely not for the easily offended. Kids probably would like it, but not with their parents around. Lol.
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Mulligan (2023– )
They Think in a World of 1000 People, We are Going to Recreat The US Government?
18 May 2023
I tried to take this show lightly. I mean, it is a cartoon comedy. However, the main premise is so stupid and unreal, that it's actually offensive to humanity.

The main premise, from the episodes I have seen, is that that humanity has been wiped out by an alien invasion. I'm not sure, but I think there are only about 1000 humans left on the planet. So what do our main characters do first thing? Seek to reestablish the United State's government.

They immediately elect a complete moron as president. Of course there is a smart woman scientist there to complain about it, while balancing her scientific genius with the horrendous hardships of being a single mom, who's nanny died in the invasion. There's alot of woke type humor like this in the episodes I saw.

To me it comes off as elitist. For one thing, if the world's governments collapse, there's no way the US government is making a comeback. American exceptionalism much? The survivors would kill anyone who even tried to take control, right off the bat. I would. No way would I let some group of strangers take power. Anyways, it just stinks of elitism. Like the creators of the show truly believe that the first thing to do in a post apocalypse is recreate the US government as quickly as possible. It seems like they think that the people nee the elites, rather than the other way around.

In a world with only 1000 people, we are talking tribal. That's the system type that would eventually develop. That means that over time, trust and awareness would develop among people, as family groups grew and expanded. Eventually, a council of trusted, wise, smart, and strong individuals would come to represent the tribes. Those would be the first type of leaders, and they wouldn't emerge for a long time. No one would start taking orders on day 1, from some strangers. Especially considering these people offer nothing. They have no skills, and they're ridiculously stupid.

Actually in a world like this, people would survive really well, with no leadership at all. Resources are scattered around everywhere. I would have liked to see the show go in that direction. They could have kept the humor, but with a more realistic plot line, about people learning to survive, as they might actually do.

Anyways, so far I've only seen a few episodes, so I might be wrong. I'll try to watch the rest, and I'll change my rating, if I change my opinion. For now I'm giving it a 4. Because it is still a comedy cartoon. Otherwise I'd give it no stars. Though I love post-apocalyptic, I can't give it stars for that, because that is what this show actually makes cringey.
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Really Good. The Demons Were Truly Evil
17 May 2023
I was not that familiar with Constantine, before this. I do slightly remember a somewhat boring movie with Keanu Reeves. I was pleasantly surprised by this though.

The film follows a magic user, John Constantine. He has to rescue the soul of his friend's daughter, who is in a coma, with her soul captured by demons. That's the basic plot. There are a few subplots too, that he has to do, in order to accomplish the basic plot.

The film is very adult. There is sex, nudity, tons of horrific murder and gore. The demons in this are the stand out part. Their world and parties, are insane. The one demon has a swimming pool full of dead bodies, that he swims in. In some ways it's reminiscent of Clive Barker's depictions of demons.

Anyways, a bunch of stuff happens. There are alot of cool secondary characters, particularly the females.

I strongly recommend it for anyone who hasn't seen it. It isn't super hero, at all. It's basically an animated horror series. I wish there were more Constantine animated films. There are a couple of Justice League films with Constantine in them. I've seen Justice League Dark, which has a heavy focus on Constantine, and is decent. It isn't the same level as this one though.
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Poor Story and Completely Unrealistic Plot Points
17 May 2023
So what, now Superman is a lapdog for the US government, blowing up a ton of Russian ships? Now Superman can be almost killed by a single nuclear bomb? Now Batman can be made a villain, after rescuing the world from the Joker, after he just killed 100s of people? And of course, now Russia is the bad guy.

Let's start with Superman. If he was going to work for the US government in military conflicts, wouldn't he have quickly ended WWII, and every proceeding conflict, instantly? But now, with no explanation and no resistance, he just does whatever the president tells him.

Also the part about the nuke almost killing him is nonsense. Superman flies through the atmosphere. That's alot more powerful than 1000 nukes.

Next Batman: It is completely unrealistic that the entire world suddenly would turn against him, especially after the events of Part 1. Also, especially after he stopped the Joker, in mid murdering spree in this one. I kept waiting for them to show that the authorities were infiltrated. That is the only thing that would have made any sense at all.

Also, when Batman was in the robot suit, his helmet was knocked off, ad Superman punched him in the face. Yet he survived that?

I did like the Robin girl. And it was somewhat suggestive, when she fell and had to straddle Batman. I know the world isn't ready for it, but I think it's a cool storyline. Much better than the Batman/ Boy Wonder scenario.

I did like how the Joker was more brutal here. It was stupid though, that Batman still wouldn't kill him, even after saying how many lives he's responsible for, by letting the Joker live.

Anyways, I might recommend this for Batman completionists. But, in general, I would not recommend this. Part 1 was good. Part 2 completely flipped all the political ideology of Part 1, which made this one crap.
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