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Awesome Lead Performance That'll Make You Wanting More
10 May 2023
Every time I begin a new film I have one underlying wish: please be something that sticks with me and makes me want to watch it again the following day. Unfortunately, the vast majority of movies - even the good ones - don't fulfill this wish for me. The Witch: The Subversion did.

While the movie isn't particularly original, it still managed to feel fresh.

Some have and will complain that it takes too long to get going, but I was never not engaged and furthermore, the slow build up really allows the 2nd half of the film to be more rewarding. I was more invested in the protagonist as a result.

Which brings me to the final and main reason that I love this film: the lead performance. Phenomenal. It's amazing how quickly things can change with an expression and/or a smile.

I'd recommend anyone who's going to watch this to go in completely fresh without watching any of the trailers or clips.
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Couldn't Make It Through It
1 February 2023
With a strong cast and strong reviews I went into this film feeling optimistic, but the hope slowly started to fade and somewhere around the hour point (could have even been less) I gave up as I was struggling to keep my eyes open despite getting a good nights sleep the prior evening.

I think this is another classic example of how some people appreciate what the movie is saying vs whether or not it's actually a good watch. And I'm not suggesting that those people are watching movies the wrong way. Not at all. To each their own. It's just not how - or why - I watch movies. I want to be entertained or engaged or feeling something. This film left me feeling tired and bored and wondering what I was going to switch to next. Satires can be executed well. This wasn't one of them unfortunately.
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Suffering From Its Script In A Twist of Irony
7 January 2023
Despite being a fan of both leads, this movie was just missing something. It's not necessarily a bad film, but I also don't think you're missing anything memorable in the event that you miss it.

It's not especially funny, it's not especially suspenseful, and maybe its biggest crime - I wasn't left wondering "whodunnit?" as much as you'd hope throughout a whodunnit movie.

It also probably doesn't help that this film comes out a couple of years after Knives Out, a far superior murder mystery in almost every way.

On a positive note, I am a fan of the short run time, coming in at just over an hour and a half.
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Fun For What It Is
17 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished the 2nd season. The show is far from perfect, but given its short run time and expected subject matter, it's entertaining enough to keep you watching.

As far as issues... For starters, the show isn't all that funny. I noticed that I might let out a genuine laugh once an episode. Some of the attempted comedy seems too forced. Another thing that seems forced is attempting to include every possible cultural issue. The world should progress forward and I myself am a proud Democrat, so I applaud including marginalized groups and issues, but that doesn't mean that we have to forcefully insert every individual issue into a season. Just adding a subject to say you did it without barely touching it makes it feel unauthentic. It should be morally okay if you don't touch every single issue. That doesn't make you a "bad" or "insensitive" show. It makes you real.

As far as positives, Leighton's character arc has been very rewarding. She started as the rich, snobby girl and while she still carries those traits to some comedic fashion, she has now ended S2 as one of my favorite characters - finding herself and standing up for what she feels is right while also being a caring, suppressive friend. Her father's "Proud Gay Dad" shirt was one of those moments that did make me laugh btw.

Bella, on the other hand... She sucks. Hopefully she finds herself next season.
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Tokyo Vice (2022– )
Season 1 Hooks You In, But The Samantha Actor/Character Weakens The Show
7 December 2022
Season 1 has been well worth the watch. There are a lot of subtitles and some of them will require a rewind due to their speed, but it doesn't take away from the experience one bit. The Tokyo culture displayed is very intriguing - the journalism, the law enforcement, the view of Americans, and especially the organized crime.

The acting overall is strong, but there's one actor in particular who brings the show down a notch or two for me - and unfortunately she's one of the main characters so there's no avoiding her. I find the actor who plays the character Samantha to be distracting. Granted part of it is the writing of her character - who's written to be annoying - but a large part of it for me is the actor herself. I feel like there's a million different other actors they could have used that would have worked out better. Something about her just annoys me and it was immediate, long before her character was developed into a selfish one.

I would love it if she quickly disappeared or her role was significantly reduced for Season 2.
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Training Day (2001)
Denzel, Denzel, Denzel.
11 August 2022
One of those movies that I've seen more times than I can remember and it constantly keeps you on the edge of your seat. Ethan Hawke was very good as the, fresh faced trainee, but Denzel delivers one of the all time great performances - rightfully earning his Best Actor Oscar for the role.
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The Big Sick (2017)
A Nice, Fresh Addition to the Romcom Genre
11 August 2022
A very likable film with good character development, relationships, and tackling the all too often silly social/religious norms. A couple of the awkward jokes really hit it out of the park as well.

Watching the main character's relationship grow with both his own parents and his romantic interest's parents was especially rewarding.
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11 August 2022
I feel like if this film was written and/or made by someone other than Paul Thomas Anderson that the critics would rate it lower.

It's in many ways a "hang out" movie, which I typically love, but instead with characters I'm not really interested in hanging out much with.
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Our Friend (2019)
Sure to Bring Some Pressure to Your Eyes
11 August 2022
If you're looking for a genuine film that'll tug at your emotions, this one will certainly do. Well made all around and never a dull moment in the 2+ hours.
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Wind River (2017)
Good, but not great.
11 August 2022
It's by no means bad and does enough to make the watch worthwhile, but it never threatens to be anything more than just "solid."

Some of the scenes created to add conflict don't feel authentic and some of the dialogue also feels very unnatural, which is surprising considering the writer.
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I Hated It.
25 July 2022
Genuinely. Some art lovers will and obviously have drooled over it, but I found it to be one of if not the worst movie watching experience of my life. Just awful, which is shame given the talented cast.
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True Detective (2014– )
Season 1 = Masterpiece
20 July 2022
Season 1 still remains the greatest television I've ever seen. McConaughey's best performance to date and Harrelson goes toe-to-toe with him. Everything from the acting (including every minor character) to the writing to the cinematography to the score is phenomenal.
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Arguably Tarantino's Best
20 July 2022
It has everything you would expect in a Tarantino movie: unique dialogue, graphic violence, dark humor, tension. And out of all of his many great films, this one probably has the best combination of those things. Brad Pitt is hilarious and Christoph Waltz gives one of the all time great villain performances.
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With One Episode Remaining...
19 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this docu-series with no prior knowledge of the case, so with one episode remaining I'm not sure if there'll be any more twists or turns or how it's going to play out, but a few observations so far:

  • it's difficult to watch from a subject matter. It's crystal clear within seconds of hearing many of the "6" talk that we're dealing with people who suffer from mental illness and/or handicap. To watch them be taken advantage just feels dirty.

  • I'm going to assume that there was no true accountability for those who did this to them: the DA, the "hero" cop, or the psychologist. Just another in a long line of examples of corruption and misdoing in institutions that we're supposed to trust. I don't know whether it's more depressing or infuriating.

  • the community play aspect of the series does nothing for me. Essentially feels like filler. Filler that is annoying and drops this series down a notch or two.

I think this series does a really good job of giving us a microcosm of American right now though. Corruption at the top, ego and lack of empathy, no accountability, mental illness, etc...

Additionally, some of the "6" being led to believe a lie and the community members and family members of Helen Wilson still believing that lie despite all of the evidence proving otherwise is so eerily similar to Trump supporters believing in his big lie and not being able to snap out of it. It just goes to show how stupid so many normal Americans are. The inability to use critical thinking over magical thinking is a terrifying thing that shows that common sense is not really all that common. It's depressing.
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Filmmaking at its Best
14 July 2022
The first thing that typically comes to mind when you think about a great movie is a great performance of a great character. With The Social Network, that's not the case. And that's by no means to suggest that the acting and/or characters are not great, they are. It's just that the screenplay, the directing, the cinematography, and the score are so good that you can't help but immediately think of them.

The Social Network was a unique collaboration of one of the great working screenwriters, one of the great working directors, and great musicians to score the film. And it all came together so seamlessly and perfectly to produce one of the best films of the century.
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
Wasted Potential
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I understand this was adapted from a novel, but I feel like this series had so much more potential if they simply would have wrote it based on characters from the novel...

The story was engaging when it follows Jeevan and young Kirsten and Frank as the pandemic hits and in the first years following. For example, episode 1 was more than enough to hook you in and episode 9 following their separation was fantastic.

But the side stories that followed other characters and timelines including and especially adult Kirsten and the annoying "traveling symphony" fell completely flat. I couldn't have cared any less about any of them. In fact, watching them was a turnoff. It was borderline clown work.

They could and should have created a linear structure that spent only one or two late episodes on adult Kirsten and Jeevan only to have them meet again at the end. An 8 episode series would have made for less wasted space and a story that was compelling and engaging throughout where we spent more time with characters and a timeframe we care about. Instead we were stuck with way too much wasted time on characters that we not only didn't care about it, but we hated.
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