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Moon Knight: The Friendly Type (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Tinged with sadness.
15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know if I would stick with after the first episode, but, I'm glad I have. Less Steven and more Marc makes it so much more enjoyable.

However, I found it so sad when Anton came I to it as it was a difficult to watch Gaspar Ulliel and knowing he didn't live to see this and a career cut short far too soon. RIP Gaspar.
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Moon Knight: Summon the Suit (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Better than the opener.
6 April 2022
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I'm getting used to Oscar Isaac's appalling London accent and that he has no comic skills whatsoever. I enjoyed both episodes, but, it's definitely improved from the first. I'm looking forward to the next one.

Tip. Scan the Q code on the storage locker.
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Moon Knight (2022)
30 March 2022
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Another reviewer said that Oscar Isaac is like Ricky Gervais, which is exactly how I felt. One day an American actor will manage a British accent other than a bad cockney or a toff, but, not this time.

That, and the dreadful acting from the actress who plays Donna, aside, I really enjoyed this and am looking forward to following episodes.

Anyone who lives in the UK, especially anyone who lives or lived in London will be laughing at the spacious loft flat Steven Grant can afford on his wages.

I also found it annoying that he was supposed to know about ancient Egypt, but, called a Scarab a 'beetle'. Really?
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Loki (2021–2023)
Clever and different
9 June 2021
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I loved WandaVision for it's originality, but, was disappointed by The Falcon and The Winter Soldier for it's overtly woke agenda and the actress miscast as the villian. So, its a pleasure to see the latest offering from Marvel looks like it's back on track with Loki, yes, its only the first episode, but, it bodes well with it's casting, humour and inventiveness. I applaud whoever spotted Tom Hiddleston's resemblance to the wanted poster of DB Cooper and had it be Loki, genius!

I hope those giving it a low rating and negative review go and find something else to watch if it offends them so much. As for the rest of us, I hope after the final episode we are still rating as highly as the excellent first episode. After all, we rated Falcon and Winter Soldier's firdt episode highly too.
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Mum (2016–2019)
A bloody gem
22 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I had previously tried to watch the highly rated 'Fleabag' but gave up after two episodes because of the horribly obnoxious lead character rendered it unwatchable, why was it praised so much. So this week I started a free trial of Britbox and this is what I chose to watch and I'm glad I did. It was broadcast at around the same time as 'Fleabag', but, so much better despite being overshadowed by 'Fleabag'

Being a widow myself I usually find how the early days of widowhood are portrayed is sickly and unrealistic. However, I completely identified with Cathy, I felt I was watching how I was in the early days. So well written and observed

And there is a nice mix of characters, Mike is like the friend you need, but, clearly has always held a torch for Cathy, the son is a sweetheart and although Kelly is annoying as a person there is sad undertones and you feel sorry for her. Cathy's brother is a pathetic doormat, but Pauline, while believing she is God's gift to the world is also pathetic and putting Derek down makes her feel superior when she is probably the biggest loser of all. She actually reminds me of a close family member of mine.

A beautifully observed comedy in the mould of Gavin and Stacey, character driven and completely bingeable. Highly recommended.
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Murderous History: London Blitz Killer (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
clearly needed to do more research when making this.
2 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love these true crime shows. Sadly this one was poorly researched as they had an actor touching 70 years old portraying Professor Keith Simpson when the actual man was a mere 35 years old at the time of the murder he was the pathologist on.

Don't waste your time watching this, go find Professor Simpson's autobiography 'Forty Years of Murder' and read that instead, one of the best books I have ever read, I first read it 30 years ago and it's still brilliant.
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Don't blame Disney
26 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of the reviewers are blaming Disney for this woke driven mess of a superhero show.

The real guilty parties are those who demand 'diversity' and political correctness and want to erase movies and TV shows from history because they don't fit the current surge of 'cancel culture'.

Production companies live in fear of small minorities, the religious groups who want to sanitise the world and now we have those who want to bring diversity and their political messages to the world by demanding film makers and script writers bring up the issue of color.

This show is a classic example of pandering to woke and cancel culture. Such a shame after WandaVision had characters of all colors and ethnicities and it wasn't made an issue of. We enjoyed their character because of who they were not because of the color of their skin.

It's a shame that a lot of people are left unhappy because Marvel Studios took this line.

Disney only removed The Song Of The South because of the outcry from people who have probably never seen the movie, but, believe it's about slavery (it isn't) The wrong people have too much power in what the rest of us see and it isn't Disney, it isn't Marvel, it's the younger generation who demand all roles go to females or black people even if the role was written as a white male, especially if the role is about a white male.
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The Letters (II) (2014)
Fictionalised version of a terrible person
5 November 2020
If this was a drama, a work about fictional characters, then it would be a pretty good movie, a wonderful cast and a nicely done movie. However, the real Mother Theresa was a truly vile person, her hospitals gave terrible care and there are questions as to what happened to the money donated to fund the hospitals. The attitude to the relief of suffering was poor at best. Still, a movie with two such excellent leads is worth watching, but, like the Bible, it is nothing more than a fictionalised characterisation of a woman who was a fraud.
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Renegade (II) (2019)
Nothing more than a commercial for a cult.
10 October 2020
Be aware that this is nothing more than propaganda for the ridiculous David Icke, one time soccer goalkeeper, one time soccer TV pundit and now leader of a cult with views so ridiculous that he makes Donald Trump look like the voice of reason. I watched out of curiosity as I remember him from being one day a soccer pundit to turning up on TV in his shell suit almost claiming to be the second coming. Time has not changed him and he is still an extremely sad and pathetic man with sad and pathetic views and this movie is just aimed at the already converted. Avoid and spend your time more productively.
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Counterfeit Cat (2016–2017)
Wasted on kids
24 September 2020
Occasionally a cartoon series comes along that is absolutely wasted on kids and really is best appreciated by adults with in jokes and characters with personality traits children are too young to understand and Counterfeit Cat is one of those. I flicked onto this cartoon late one night on Disney Life and at first I thought it was another run of the mill kids cartoon, but, I soon realised it was hardly that. It can be very dark humour at times and there are references that will go over all children's heads and many adults too. I absolutely love it, Max is so flawed and, yet, so adorable as he is like so many real cats. Gark, the little alien disguised as a cat who lives with Max and his pet parent, Betty, is complex despite appearing cute. The voice actors are all excellent, especially Marc Wootton who voices Max. What more can I say except if you come across it on TV or YouTube give it a chance. And Disney XD, who had a hand in production, please put it on Disney Life.
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I really want to like it, but...
8 September 2020
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I read the 'Vet' books even before the original movie with Simon Ward as James and Anthony Hopkins as Seigfried, so I was looking forward to this version that actually portrays James Herriot as the author was, a Scotsman. I thought 'Aha! They'll be closer to the original books!' However, after a promising, though probably fictional beginning set in the Glasgow tenements I was disappointed to find formulaic plotting that was completely unnecessary. A contrived fleeting meeting of Helen on the bus as James mistakenly gets off the bus in the middle of nowhere, completely silly and of course, it starts to rain even though the skies are blue when he gets off the bus, neery a cloud in the sky and he's running along with his coat wide open, something a person in the 1930s would never have done. Silly dramatic effect. Then he gets to Darrowby and Mrs Hall is 20 years younger than in the book and when Seigfried (the only good thing so far) says he won't see any others of course it's Mrs Hall who persuades Seigfried to give James a chance. By the way, Mrs Hall is minor character in the books, but, clearly not in the series. We have to big up female characters in modern adaptations of classic books. I just hope to god she doesn't undo her bun to let her hair flow down and end on the operating table going at it like bunnies with Seigfried.

Why can't they just adapt the books as they were written, especially autobiographies, as these books were. The 5 stars is for Samuel West, but, he still won;t surpass Anthony Hopkins' Seigfried who got the essence of the person in the books spot on.
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I'm done
27 August 2020
I am a huge fan of Jordan Peele and the fact he was involved in this made me want to watch it, but, after two episodes I'm done. It's just the portrayal of almost every white character as an evil racist is just too much. All black people are good and all white people are bad and it's clumsy. Racism is abhorrent and there were people like those portrayed, but, not every white person was like that. Such a shame really as the acting is really good, especially from the lead actors, but, it falls into the same trap as Marvel's Black Panther, thinking that making a show or movie about black people should be enough, but, it's not.
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Terrific fun, but....
25 August 2020
I saw this when it originally came out and loved it, and 45 years on I still love it. But, they missed an opportunity to make it an excellent movie, but, instead chose to go down the not so serious route. Such a shame. Ron Ely is great as Doc Savage and, most of his team are well portrayed too, but, where they went wrong was with the 'bad guys' making them comic characters. So while it is a fun movie it is dated in that sense. Maybe time for an update, but, please don't cast Dwayne Johnson as Doc, he seems to be appearing in all the current remakes.
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A seriously underrated movie
25 August 2020
What can I say? An average 6.0 rating is undeserved. This is a great movie, imaginative, exciting, fun and not filled with the usual cliches. The acting is marvellous from the entire cast, the effects are pretty good. It's well thought out and believable, I end up watching it every time it turns up on TV now. There is the right amount of bloodshed and violence, not over the top and no silly side love story to slow the pace down. I would recommend this movie.
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A movie of two halves and only one half is any good.
16 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A movie that Christian Gay conversion therapy fans everywhere will approve of.

It sounded a good premise, gay illegal immigrant is left high, dry and homeless by his famous lover, meets lesbian slobby career woman who lets him stay over for a night that runs into him becoming her room mate. Feds turn up and you begin to think that Albert and Stella have become great friends and agree to a marriage of convenience for him to stay in the US, but, the Feds come snooping wanting proof...or at least that was what you thought was going to happen. Sadly it just turned into a soapy run of the mill drama, the fact that he is an illegal alien who marries a woman he barely knows does't mean that we see any mention of the authorities ever again, everything is just hunky dory. However, the worst part of this is that after a night of sex they are both suddenly straight and madly in love and we just have a hum drum domestic drama of hubby with a job taking up all his time and a dissatisfied housewife at home taking care of the baby. Then we have the wife discovering hubby having shower sex with another woman! Yep, he's definitely bating for the opposite team now.Then there is the happy ending, a predictable happy ending, yawn.

It could have been so much better, the lead actors were the only thing that kept me watching this second half drivel. Sorry, but, it took the soap opera easy way out and was extremely disappointing after a great first half which is why I only gave it five stars.

Only recommended for those who think being homosexual is a disease that can be cured, otherwise don't bother.
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Black Is King (2020)
Disney own goal.
7 August 2020
After giving us Hamilton on Disney+ they go and spoil it by showing this pile of narcissism in the form of an overblown music video. They manage to go one step further from their terrible real life adaptations of classic animation with this. I fully support the Black Lives Matter movement, but, I thought it was about equality and no promoting the idea that black people are better than white people. Perhaps Beyonce and Disney would like to put more effort in helping the poor and suffering in Africa by spending the money they wasted on this on providing clean water, proper education for the children and medicines to combat the terrible diseases afflicting many Africans who live in countries where their politicians live in splendour and the children die because of a lack of clean water. I'm so disappointed in Disney for doing something that benefits one incredibly rich black woman instead of helping BAME people both in America and the rest of the world.
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Great acting....
22 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Like most modern dramas, especially those based on classic novels, this is filled with an abundance of unnecessary graphic sex scenes which are so plentiful as to be boring after a while despite being close to soft porn at times, so boring to the point of me fast forwarding through them to get to the actual plot. If it's not in the book then why do modern film makers feel the need to add it in? Do they think viewers need that kind of titillation?

Apart from that I really enjoyed this series, the acting from the leading actors, particularly the three main leads was excellent. It kept me hooked the entire time and the visual aspect of New London was well done. I gave it 8/10 for the actual story and acting. Harry Lloyd, in particular was marvellous, but, so were Alden Ehrenreich and Jessica Brown Findlay. And it was nice to see Demi Moore given a decent role too.

I would recommend this, although it should be credited as 'Inspired by 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley and Penthouse by Bob Guccione.

And before you think I'm a prude I'd like to point out I watched Game of Thrones from it's premiere to the duff last season, The GoT novels had the graphic depiction of sex in those books while Brave New World didn't and therein lies my point. It would seem youngsters today expect sex and bad language in everything they watch. Being nearer to 60 I suppose I can still use my imagination when necessary.
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A One-Time Special (2020 TV Special)
Don't waste your time
21 July 2020
I was really looking forward to this after seeing the rather good Parks and Recreation episode, but, all this is is a infomercial for Peacock. Fey, Baldwin and company must really need the money to have agreed to this. The only funny part is Viveca, apart from her this is an embarrassment and not a good way to end a really superb show.
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Variety (1925)
Beware of what release you watch
7 July 2020
I settled down to watch this only to be met with the most godawful soundtrack I've ever heard accompanying a silent movie, some idiot thought that putting modern singers caterwauling along a 95 year old movie would be a good idea - it isn't as it makes it near unwatchable, turning the sound off may have helped, but, watching a movie with absolutely no sound isn't the way to do it. This makes the dreadful accompanying soundtrack to Sherlock Jr seem like perfection (although real perfection is getting hold of Sherlock jr scored by the divine Sir Carl Davis)

Horrible, horrible, horrible.
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Friday Night Dinner (2011–2020)
Hit and miss
21 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've been watching this a couple of episodes at a time because it is a hit and miss comedy, some episodes are excellent and some are tired farce. After watching of one the latter I swear I'll never watch another episode again, but, the only reason I do is because Tamsin Greig and Paul Ritter are excellent even in the worst episodes. It sounds like a great idea for a comedy series, two sons come home every Friday night for dinner with their parents. They are a Jewish family, but, don't follow their religion strictly and Friday night dinner is almost a shabbat ritual, but not quite. Martin is my favourite character, quirky and annoying, but, not in a negative way, instead a bit like lots of husbands can be, while Jackie is loving and her family are important to her, together she and Martin are the best thing in this show. As for the sons, who the hell would allow their adult sons to behave so atrociously, spiteful, nasty vindictive to each other and to others. Horrible and unfunny characters, but, still not as dreadful as Jim. Seriously what is Jim meant to be, is he supposed to have learning difficulties or is he just plain self centrered? Why doesn't the family tell him to bugger off when he knocks on their door during every Friday Night Dinner? And the running joke of him and his dog ran out of steam by episode three of series one. The writer appears to want to produce memorable secondary characters that people remember, such as the Soup Nazi in Seinfeld or the hard of hearing lady in Fawlty Towers, that is the only reason I can think of such ridiculous characters as the little girl in the girlfriend episode or the blind piano tuner. But, they were so stupid and poorly written it was embarrassing. Sadly I stuck with it because it had great episodes but, as time went on they became fewer and far between. It's a show that should have been one or two series at the most. There's only so much you can do with two self centered immature ill disciplined sons and the annoying neighbour from hell and two series more than covered that.
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Tommy (1975)
Utterly bonkers, but, utterly entertaining.
25 May 2020
I first saw this on it's original release in 1975 aged barely 12. My music tastes were always precocious and I loved rock music. I absolutely loved this movie and, of course, the music, but, there were some parts of it that went completely over my head, The Acid Queen is a prime example. However, over the years I have seen it again and again and I still love it, it's not perfect, it's mad as a hatter at times, but, it is what it is and interpretation of a Rock Opera, a distinctly 60s/70s thing. It also has a bit of a go at organised religion and how easily people can be fooled and made to part with their money. The cast is generally pretty good. Ann Margret is a standout, but, Roger Daltrey is charismatic as Tommy after he is released from his psychological prison and Oliver Reed hams it up beautifully as only Ollie could.Basically this is a movie length music video, but, such fun. And the finale of the movie I could watch over and over again all on it's own.
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Black Panther (2018)
Very weak
18 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love the MCU, but, there have been one or two movies that are much weaker than the rest; the first Captain America movie and The Incredible Hulk weren't that great and now add Black Panther. It could have been so great, but, it lost me when we're told that it was hidden from the rest of the world. Pre spy satellite days you could have got away with that premise, but, not today. I was expecting them to explain how they have a shield over the main city to hide it from satellites, but, the writers clearly expected us to swallow the idea that it was not visible, for goodness sake, they can spot Kim Jong Un's train sitting on a siding in satellite photos. There was a total lack of logic regarding the premise of Wakanda being hidden from the rest of the world. By the way, Erik flew a plane into Wakanda without any problem, but, no else had done it before? Come on. That aside, Chadwick Boseman is just so bland. I didn't warm to him in Civil War and I thought they could round out the character better in his own movie, I was wrong. The female characters were strong, which was one of the few pluses. The costume design was outstanding. At the end of the day, it is entertaining, but, a best film Oscar nomination? No, especially considering movies like Thor:Ragnarok and Captain Marvel are many times better and not even got a hint of an Oscar nomination. I'm not telling anyone not to watch it, but, don't listen to the professional critics as this time their praise for this movie was undeserved.
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The Favourite (2018)
Was expecting a much better movie
26 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Three superb female leads and an intriguing idea for a movie, but, all we got was a clever dick movie filled with crude language and imagery only saved by superb performance. This was movie that was filled with so many errors, particularly the use of the language, but, also historical. Copious amounts of vomit and unnecessary sex and an ending that made no sense. I was so looking forward to seeing this movie and nearly gave up on it several times and I wish I had as it was unsatisfying, disappointing and was directed by an 'auteur' in other words, a director who isn't that good, but, he makes arty, farty pretentious movies that the 'intellectual' movie goer feels they have to praise. Incredibly disappointing as it could have been a much better and equally intriguing movie had it not tried to be a Peter Greenaway film.The sort of movie you see once and that's enough.
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What a shambles.
11 January 2020
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For some inexplicable reason I stuck with it right to its dumbass end. That's what you do when you love Paul Rudd so much and think that Aisling Bea is one of the funniest women going. The three stars are for them, I took seven off for the script. However, this was a shambolic mess with so many plot holes and indefensible goofs in it. The back and forward timeline, regurgitating the same scenes again and pointlessly again was annoying and it felt like padding it out because the writer had been told he had to produce four hours of material when he lad less than three written. Some quick plot holes or goofs, not all of then though,depending on how you look at it: How did they not know original Miles was not dead when they buried him? And why are all the graves in an area that is so easily accessible and they are obviously graves, no attempt to hide original Tom Brady's body? And how did new Miles know about the graves? This would have been after the cloning and new Miles would not have known about the location as after the cloning they would have separate memories.. What about the guy who owns the telecom company, he is Jewish, so why is he breeding pigs and producing pork? Not to mention, why would be send half a dead pig to Miles when he could have sent pork products. Nit picking? Or maybe I'm just too logical for this kind of show. And the last episode. Dragged out much? Really ran out of decent material, well, they never really had any in the first place, the dance scene, why? And Kate announcing she's pregnant and doesn't know which Miles is the father. She had sex with new Miles a day or two earlier, it would be impossible for her to be pregnant with new Miles' baby at that point, let alone know it. Besides, didn't she have a period just a few days earlier? And don't get me about that ridiculous FDA agents. It was a good idea, nicked from the movie 'Multiplicity' very badly written and a waste of two terrific lead actors. So, if you want to watch a decent clone movie go watch the divine Michael Keaton in Multiplicity instead. I must really love Paul Rudd (and I have since Clueless came out) because I doubt if I'd have made it past episode three otherwise.
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Interesting Wartime Information Film for American soldiers
14 December 2019
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Clearly made to be shown to American troops either before they embarked to travel to the UK or when they arrived. This is an interesting piece of military and social history. Of course it is old fashioned, as other reviewers have said, that is because it is over 75 years old and it has to be remembered that the majority of the cast were real people, not actors, especially the kids. One part that was shocking was the piece regarding African American soldiers, referred to as 'coloured'. It was the way the general referred to them and quite frankly, the way African Americans are referred to throughout that segment is shocking as it gives a real insight into racism in America, so much so that white soldiers have to be told that they cannot behave in that manner in Britain. Anyway, it is interesting especially seeing Bob Hope fleece Burgess Meredith out of a lot of money, but, it is a curio and would be of interest to anyone studying the Second World War. It is also a reminder that we should stick together against common enemies, which is relevant even today. Burgess Meredith is very engaging as the guide and there is a nice cameo from Felix Aylmer doing his best Mr Chips impression.
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