
42 Reviews
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Love Streams (1984)
One of my absolutely favorite films
16 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In the early days of movies on cable, they used to air the same movie repeatedly over the course of a month, as if it was a film with daily showings at a movie house.

Although LOVE STREAMS barely scratched at a theatrical release, it did find its way onto cable, and I came upon it by sheer serendipity. And I was captivated, going on to watch it 10 or 12 times before its run was up. I have not seen this film since (I saw it on cable in 1984) but I remember it vividly.

I generally don't write 'spoiler' IMDb comments, but this film is destination cinema, you will watch this film because you elect to do so, and as such (and likely as a serious film buff or student of cinema) you will not mind hearing comments in advance to point out devices or moments of note.

My favorite scene is the one where Gena Rowland's character announces that she's going to Europe - on her own. That's significant because she's so utterly out of control, you fear for her.

There is a scene at the airport. It is easy to envision how this looked in the script...

/cut to THE AIRPORT. The filmmakers have no budget. There is an absolutely blank interior stage. To indicate that we're at the airport, there is a simple length of tall chain link fencing. Standing near the fence, GENA ROWLANDS is poised expectantly, waiting alone - nearly dwarfed by a comically huge and chaotic pile of luggage. She is attempting to hire a porter, but the porter does not speak any English.

PORTER Sorry Madame, I do not speak English.

GENA Just listen to the sound of my voice. You *will* understand me.

* * *

That's it. What I love about this film is that the airport scene is played exactly as it might have been played on the stage, and in context of the film, it works. There's no airport. But as you watch the scene, you are there. Stage to screen and yet again stage... and it works.

* * *

This film is about relationship, and relationships. It is stunning work and deserves to be seen.
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Madagascar 2: Return of the Penguins
30 October 2008
As with the comment ahead of mine: it's all about the penguins. They should have their own movie.

We were chanting: more penguins, more penguins. At the screening we just saw, people who loved the first Madagascar movie waited excitedly for the magic to begin... I LOVED the first one. Interesting note: I liked the first one better, but my BF thinks this one has a better and deeper plot and pointed out in particular that while in the first one Gloria (the hippo) was the butt of many fat jokes, in this one she is celebrated just for being beautiful.

The whole movie is breathtakingly beautiful. We didn't see this on IMAX but I bet the IMAX version will be a treat.

Sascha Baron Cohen's King is again the hands-down favorite, I heard a ripple of joy murmur through the theater at everything he said and did, although my personal favorites (after the Penguins) are Maurice and Mort, the King's cohorts.

BF was also teasing me mercilessly because (and I'm nearly ashamed to admit it) there's one scene that had me totally teared up! Yes, I cried. Can't spoil it - go see the movie and tell me after if you know what choked me up! The film did not hold the attention of some of the very small children at the screening we saw, because some portions of the film only involve adult storyline concerning the adult star characters (Alec Baldwin, Jada Pinkett Smith, Chris Rock, and so forth) but when the little characters are on screen (the baby lion in particular is DARLING) the children present were absolutely captivated.

It's fun. It's not the greatest movie of all time, but it's very fun and children will want to watch it again and again.
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Religulous (2008)
Rated 9 out of 10 just based on how hard we laughed...
27 October 2008
Although as a documentary there were moments the timing was off, or I found myself wondering where they were going with this or that bit, over all I have to say we laughed throughout. Don't get me wrong, it was VERY funny. Everyone in the audience was laughing, it was funny like a night of stand-up, and rare for a documentary to be that funny.

However, I have to say it was a little uneven. I get the feeling that the longer they were at it, the less patience Bill Maher had with people... and I also got the feeling that often, they were a) just making it up as they went along and b) didn't really resolve things well. Some parts of the film were carried off much better than others, and there wasn't a sense that the filmmakers were always in control of their subjects.

On an 'it is what it is' basis, it was the funniest film of the year. It was great to laugh that hard. But, because it did present it as a documentary, documentaries have a point or tell a story, and with Bill Maher stating right at the outset that his point of view is "I don't know... " well, that's where it fell flat as a documentary... because the documentary style alludes to some sort of conclusion.

And maybe if the summation was more lofty and philosophical I would not have felt lost, but I got this sense that Bill was over it, ready for the end of the show, ready to get on to something else, and perhaps even sorry he'd opened the can of worms.

Part of what is funny is what real people said and did and were captured as being. Since I've grown up on the coasts, in the blue states, I was a little astounded to see some of the 'red state' lifestyle revealed as it was in this film.. but we've seen stuff like this before.

I was reminded of some Daily Show segments, for instance. I was also reminded of cable network programs like "The Naked Archaeologist" and "Taboo". OK.. that's it.. it was more like a TV program than a feature film. I was happy to pay for it and everyone there had a great time, but it didn't feel like a feature documentary... didn't answer a lot of questions.

I know this all sounds like I'm being terribly critical, but I'm THINKING about it. I need to stress and stress again: it was a blast, it was hilarious, and it did raise questions.. it did show aspects of religious behavior here and in other countries in a revealing light... but it was not as fully reconciled as I would have preferred. At the end of the day I felt like OK we're done now, Goodbye.

There's a lot more I would have recommended doing with the subject matter, and I do believe things could have been presented in less of an aimless style...

But despite all this criticism, OMG it was sooooo funny. The entire audience I saw with film with were totally side-splittingly cracked up. So I do recommend it, just remember: this was Bill Maher and Larry Charles, not National Geographic or 60 Minutes.
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Max Payne (2008)
Law & Order: Special Video Games Unit.
19 October 2008
Game origin or not, this film stands on its own, and it's beautiful effort. The art direction is stunning. It is very noir and full of symbolism... and some complex and intense film making technique too.

Imagine a TV crime show, The Crow, and Sin City all rolled into one. As a video game movie, it's unparalleled. BF advises they've taken some liberties with the game's version of events, but it works.

It ran a little long and there were some red herrings along the way, but the overall ride is a good one.

Notes on the actors: Wahlberg may be typecast as the tortured cop, but he brings it. Mila Kunis proves she has range (Compared with her portrayal of the obnoxiously perky desk clerk in Forgetting Sarah Marshall!) and Beau Bridges was perfect. People sitting near us in the theater snorted when Ludicrous (credited as Chris 'Ludacris' Bridges) appeared. Not sure if that's a good thing. As a filmmaker, I don't think I want audience snorting when an actor appears based on just who he is... just sayin' ...

He was OK though, and his performance was highlighted in my favorite scene which involved office mayhem (that is not a spoiler but it would be if I said more...)

Go see - even if you're not into the game.
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Nobel Son (2007)
Funniest Film of the Year!
26 September 2008
It's edgy, fast-paced, super hip, has a "bangin" electronica soundtrack (Oakenfold/Crystal Method etc) all the while amazingly witty and funny.

It's a great combination, being one part psychological thriller, one part comedy. Combining lighthearted romp with details of chemistry and forensics, cannibalism,and kidnapping.... plus such a great cast – great to see actress Mary Steenburgen with such a pivotal role, and Danny Devito is great as the special neighbor. Great cast. Everyone working together so swimmingly, too.

A list cast, college kids… will appeal to younger AND older viewers. Not a frat house romp. There is a tendency to assume that a combination of college and comedy means necessarily puerile, but there is nothing low-brow going on in this film. Saw a trailer first that didn't come anywhere near telling the story – that trailer made it all about sex… and the film is not about sex. It's good, that's all I can say. We laughed ourselves sick! This film is dope.

Rickman's character is deliciously flawed and OMG I've had profs like him! His family are altogether typical intelligentsia, and his son... well... you've known a guy like him too.. there's always someone like him in school.

What's great is how all the ends tie up neatly, without a cliché' reveal. And did I mention the killer soundtrack? Nothing like a perfect soundtrack to carry one through all the action.

DO NOT miss this film. It was SO good.
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Bottle Shock (2008)
Bottle THIS!
12 July 2008
Bottle it and take it home with you.

Savor it again and again. This is a stunningly beautiful film. It's just about perfect. My BF didn't think he'd be interested and found himself riveted.

Besides being a great script and incredible story, it's the total package, I loved the soundtrack, the cinematography was amazing, the edit, the timing, the cast, the scenery, the vistas, and OMG some of the most wonderful romantic and captivating locations.

I don't want to spoil it, but it'd be a mistake to compare this gentle masterpiece to Sideways. Nothing at all similar. We were captivated from the first minute. It is an incredibly inspiring, uplifting tale of human achievement - overcoming great odds... and manages to make some strong statements about us, and about our culture... without becoming syrupy or pedantic.

When you get the chance, don't turn away. Enjoy.
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The future is NOW.
16 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I can't remember who recommended this film to me but they promised me it was astounding. I am going to mention two scenes here, and neither one is of any import toward spoilerism... so I am checking off that spoiler box but feel free to read, no real spoiler ahead.

I can easily see where it's waaay over the heads of some viewers, but I didn't find it murky, disjointed or incoherent. Instead, I found it vivid, intense, powerful, art film to the max.

I agree with the other comments praise of the breathtaking soundtrack, it's sheer genius... and I commend the film for being entirely unique and yet reminding me of some other films:

Blade Runner

Strange Days

Children of Men

Apocalypse Now

The Fifth Element

-- and here I slightly disagree with other comments, it's not the same film again as Donnie Darko - but it carries on D Darko's theme of time and fatalism. And I totally loved Donnie Darko. In fact, maybe I'm weird, maybe my taste for some reason connects with under 18 year old boys (even though I am waaay out of that demographic) but those are all top ten favorites of mine.

Southland Tales is a standout because I'm being forgiving, I'm giving it a ten even though there was a scene I would have cut - the Patriotic Singer on the airship during the climax. Too reminiscent of the DIVA in The Fifth Element -- and that awful, super-hifalutin experimental quartet sound behind her was just unbearable.

I'd love to see the original 160 minute cut, but I'd be happy to see a tighter edit too, and that singer can go. At a similar point, there was also an oddly stilted moment during the dance sequence when Mandy Moore and Sarah Michelle Gellar tangoed... which was wholly unnecessary - would be so easy to cut these sequences out and sharpen the climax. They looked unrehearsed and uncomfortable, or possibly it was ad-libbed.

Still this is a mind-blowingly good film and encouraged some amazing acting out of its astonishingly diverse cast. Brilliant screenplay - actually reminded me of the writing in the Crying Game, and amazing camera work. So well done, so unexpected. So sorry this was released at the wrong time of year and was panned by some of those classic big gun critics. Sorry they didn't get it. The future is NOW.
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Cinema Non Pareil
16 December 2006
OMG This is an amazing film, an absolute masterpiece. I am absolutely mind-blown. I really like intellectual science fiction and nihilistic visions of the future collapse of western society, and this one is so plausible and palpable.

Intelligent, funny, powerful, political, and quite a logical warning and rational progression from where we are today. This could happen. I don't know about the major plot point - that humans stopped reproducing, but the rest... it could happen.

The cinematography is blindingly excellent. I lost all sense of sitting in a theatre watching a movie and found myself feeling thoroughly captivated - which meant that my heart was racing and I felt like I, also, was in harm's way. It is violent, but not the usual garden variety of "There are men with guns on the screen, they are fighting." No, this is Technicolor 3-D "cinerama really makes it real" violence that is presented with such clarity that you will walk away and feel a sense of relief that the street scene you will encounter as you walk outside the theatre is once again comfortably normal.

The sound editing is also brilliant, I really like the way they would take a sound and transform it as the scenes changed. I can't be more specific without writing spoilers, but please trust me, this is a film to see in the best theatre you can afford because the sound design is a critical component to the experience of being in this story.

Excellent soundtrack too. I want it, gotta have it. Amazing gems, from King Crimson to Radiohead and all over the world and back - with an extra cool cover of the Stones' Ruby Tuesday used to great satisfaction.

Rated 10 out of 10 on the super cool movie experience scale.
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Casino Royale (2006)
Bod, James Bod
16 November 2006
I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about Daniel Craig taking over the role (what was wrong with the last guy - wasshisname again? I forgot already) but after seeing the film at Sony tonight I have to say he's OK. He's certainly ripped... and he looks pretty fly in black tie.

He's a more physical and agile Bond than some of the other guys, and the script went a few steps closer to humanizing him too. There's a couple of tender scenes between Bond and Vesper Lynd where this Bond reveals a sensitive side... and I can say without qualm that this is the first time I've ever ended up feeling sorry for James. He's more impish, more sneaky, more vulnerable, and more impervious.. the guy's made of teflon and he's practically a superhero.

All that said, the film captures the exotic and glamorous nature inherent in the franchise, there's some boffo violence and superb chase scenes, and they even squeezed in a 1964 Aston Martin because at the end of the day, they know its the TRUE BondMobile (accept no substitutes!) I found the beginning and ending rough, the boyfriend thought there was about 18 minutes too much on screen. We don't want the time back, you definitely want to see this on the big screen (action movies need big screen impact) and I loved the locations - Madagascar, Venice, and Eastern Europe.

There's alcohol, gambling, fast cars, grandiose shootemup action, great Bond music, super hot women, yes it's got all the elements. It's also super trendy, I have no doubt other than that this one's gonna seem as much "of its time" 25 years from now as the original Casino Royale seems today.

We just caught the original last Sunday on cable (as "research" in preparation for this night) and while he same basic story's in play, it's not what you'd call 'a remake'. The story's there, but a lot of the time I was either cringing from the ultra-violence or thinking "whaaa?" whenever the action went over the top (there's some 'Fear Factor'-worthy stunt work in this picture!) I did find myself MST3K-ing a bit... (watch for the 'Enzyte Man') and I've been careful not to post any spoilers... but it's FUN... Way Fun.
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Blah Dah La La La
15 September 2006
Synapses didn't quite connect. Lovely and stylish looks. Something missing. Left me hungry.

Pretty film. Gorgeous styling, not just evoking, but recreating a noir genre and capturing an honest, studied essence of the Los Angeles of yore. Interesting, but the film captures Los Angeles more than 'Hollywood'; but at its core, we found that there was something essentially lacking in the composition of characters we are introduced to in this flick.

After much consideration, we've determined that while de Palma fans will love this picture, we found that in the end there was no redemption. All the loose threads tie up, but there is no sympathetic character, we don't care about anyone, and there is no overwhelming humanity we were able to relate to in any single character's story.

So we left the screening thinking yeah? Right? That was it? Since we didn't read the novel, we're not sure whether the film was true to it or not, but while the iconic Black Dahlia story is an enduring Hollywood mystery, it's somewhat secondary, symbolic and iconic in terms of its position in this film's story.

One great performance: Fiona Shaw as the rich man's wife. Genius. And Hillary Swank ain't half-bad as the femme fatale. But at the end of the day we found Josh Hartnett about 5 years too young for us to completely buy his story. We felt that he just didn't bring enough maturity to the table. Scarlett J. provides her standard issue intelligent-but-somehow- flatlining-blonde aesthetic, she's stunning as usual.

The art direction and color tones of this film were the stars as far as we were concerned. This film is totally artful, but still left us hungry. Not bad, but gosh darn, coulda been better. Ya know?
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The Break-Up (2006)
Rated "M" for Misogyny.
1 June 2006
We caught a screening of 'The Breakup'.

I don't like romantic comedy/chick flicks. That said, the first part of the film's non-relationship-ish parts were funny. And to be fair this one isn't really a chick flick. The truly comedic parts are all early on, while the later scenes rocked back and forth between TMI and schmaltz city.

There's some great shots of Chicago -- but OMG SO embarrassingly white. I think I counted no more than two African-American extras anywhere at anytime in the film.. oh - and the BUS DRIVER was African-American. Chicago is a vibrant multicultural city, this was way too Beaver Cleaver white! Jennifer Aniston plays quite the flawed character as Brooke Meyers. There's a fine line between funny and just basically unpleasant when you're dealing with a flawed character. She's a controlling, histrionic martyr, driven to the point of OCD. The story exploits these shallow neurotic shortcomings to the point where all I could do was feel sorry for Vince Vaughn. Oh Vince baby, you couldn't have seen that coming! Vince Vaughn's Gary is no prize, but there isn't a mean bone in his body. I liked the ease with which he captures the tacit, feckless, and unintentionally self-centered oblivion of so many American men. Theirs is a mild-mannered selfishness. And I'm bothered by the disparity between how accurate and hard-hitting his portrayal is, while hers is painted with such broad, cruel strokes. Imagine a bunch of guys sat around and concocted a story: "So like, this smokingly hot chick comes into your life and everything is going' great until everything flips upside down when she goes psycho on your ass..." I strongly suspect that any likable facets of the Brooke Meyers character are probably just Jennifer Aniston's real self shining through to override the stilted facade her character represents. Poor Jen, she did the best she could with what she got, but it's SUCH a misogynistic script.

Brooke Meyers is a caricature... I hear a growly announcer voice whisper "... When Girlfriends Go Nuts..." Brooke's friend Maddie's role is paper thin, and Ann-Margret? She flashes by on screen with an over-botoxed sneer -- OMG what a tease! She's got over the line billing but ends up as little more than a background player! There are other women in the cast. Our struggling couple hold a game night, and there's a girl in the kitchen who is addressed with the line "Hey what did you say your name was?" There's a couple of girls who get insulted in a bar, and some skanky dancer girls who strip and shimmy, but the majority of on screen women in this film have little or nothing to say.

The one commanding female role in this picture is that of Marilyn Dean. Judy Davis gives all as "M. Dean", the glowering gallery owner Brooke works for. Imagine a storybook, mythic fairy godmother dressed in urbane chic. Hers is an intriguing character study; but while compelling, this woman is ultimately disparaged: her big heart overwhelmed by a distasteful measure of eccentricity. She's a little scary, in that aggressive taut and overbearing manner some "women of a certain age" attain. Sadly, her loyalty is the only clue of any redeeming value within Brooke -- the Marilyn Deans of our planet don't waste time otherwise.

The broad stroke message is that women are either insipid or scary, no middle ground.

I read that Vince Vaughn wrote this story with Jennifer Aniston in mind before they'd ever met. I'm thinking the writers did their best to present an honest case, and their misogyny is as unintentional as is the character Gary's inertia and self-involvement. I'm also thinking that post Pitt, she was probably in the same kind of headspace I was in after breaking up with the love of MY LIFE. I didn't sign up for a misogynistic movie (I'm not an actress) no no... all I did was get myself involved with a gender-dysphoric alcoholic bank robber who was on the lam.

I'm sure Jennifer Aniston believed she was portraying a cute, funny, and well-intented woman. I think she did her best to humanize Brooke Myers, and overall, the picture works even if I didn't like it. However, if I was Jennifer Aniston, I think I'd be feeling a little used, a little cheap and dirty. Kind of like a bad taste in one's mouth. Poor Jen. Maybe this picture is like, the cinematic rebound.
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See No Evil (2006)
Saw No Reason...
20 May 2006
I'm not rating this totally awful, because it was "Ok" -- IF you want to see a lot of typical slasher gore while spending a little over an hour wandering around a creepy abandoned hotel, this isn't the worst night out you'll ever spend.

But, the dialog is lame, there's little useful character exposition, and plot points go nowhere (considering how few plot points are explored, it's frustrating that any of it goes nowhere!) What they've basically done is build a movie plot around the character of KANE the wrestler -- who appears as perhaps nothing more than a stilted version of his WWE character persona.

In the story, a group of young delinquent kids are bused from their detention center to this abandoned hotel for a labor project. They've got incredible wardrobes considering they're incarcerated, but maybe the production thought they'd be more tangible if they were all dressed up.

The hotel provides an interesting set. There's blood, gore, guns, and a few moments of decent dramatic tension where you want to yell out cautionary warnings to the characters on screen.

It's not the worst movie I've ever seen, but I think in the long run, if you aren't a fan of KANE-the-wrestler you won't be missing much.
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Slither (2006)
This film should have been a PG-13! Did NOT deserve and 'r'!
31 March 2006
About what we expected, but a pleasant surprise as the dialog and acting aren't over the top, it's a solid cast that took the project seriously, and the effects weren't over the top and were sometimes quite believable and harrowing.

We actually jumped a few times, and a couple of moments made the most peculiar noises both screaming and laughing at the same time. Not 'screaming with laughter' but screaming AND laughing, simultaneously. That's pretty good, I can't say I've ever done that before.

The script is pretty good, no loose ends. Clichés about, but it's all in good fun. This is a great date movie.. a classic grab-your-partner-for- protection during the tense parts kind of date movie.

The plot is linear and clear and simple, so there's not much one could say without spoilers... but this I will say: it's a good trailer. I got a sense of the humour and scariness of the film from the trailer, and the film did not disappoint.

Up against some stiff competition opening weekend, this one will grow legs on DVD. 6 out of 10.
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Inside Man (2006)
High time the academy gives Spike Lee some respect!
24 March 2006
Whether I was into the subject or not, there's always a filmmaker at work in a Spike Lee film... he's one moviemaker who never loses sight of being a filmmaker first and foremost, and he's absolutely outdone himself with INSIDE MAN, a taut thriller which avoids the colloquialism that alienated mainstream audiences from some of his earlier work.

If you've seen the trailer or heard anything about this pic, you have been misled. Everything I heard left me feeling like yeah, OK, I'm going for Denzel. Denzel vs. Clive Owen will be interesting.

From the first shots and opening credits, you are submerged in artistic vision, and a finely honed piece of work the likes of which I haven't seen in years. I'd almost give this one a ten.. and I don't hand out tens freely. I do not want to spoil this. You have to walk in cold, and let this film grab you by the short and curlies.

This is one film where there isn't a spare frame or wasted cheap shot. Every zinger zings, and there are laughs too, laughs at merciful intervals to break the tension and remind an audience on the edges of its seats that movie-going's supposed to be entertaining, dammit. The cinematography is brilliant, and the music is fantastic - true cinematic score, true genius. I can't praise this one enough.

Christopher Plummer is superb, in what is (perhaps coincidentally) an ironic bit of casting. Jodie Foster rises to a challenging persona with aplomb and ease, and my only complaint of the entire exercise is that her character's name 'Madeline White' is perhaps a little cliché. Beyond that, there isn't a filmmaker alive who brings New York to the screen with anything approximating Spike Lee's vision.

It seems there hasn't been a lot of junket for this one, and that Spike Lee's presence has been downplayed... as if the studio downplayed the fact that this is a Spike Lee film slightly, until the word was out that this film is over and beyond what an audience might already expect from one of his films.

So... let me just say.. man o man this is a cinematic mind-blowing amazing one and a half hours... it's brilliant, tight, funny, articulate, intense, and high time the academy gives Spike Lee some respect.
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Dirty Love (2005)
So Sad... but not really BAD... (but it could have been so much BETTER!) SPOILERS HERE.
15 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What's it all about, Jenny? Usually I write my comments about a film right after viewing it, but this time, I've taken some time to think it over. Also, I generally take pains not to offer spoilers. After due consideration, since the film is no longer in theatrical release and already heading to PPV, there's no harm. If anything, my comments should hopefully help. It's not too late. See this.

Let me start by saying there are VERY funny moments. According to IMDb the film got limited release in two theaters, and various sources including IMDb disagree on whether this release date was Sept 23 or Oct 2. So something is awry.

My boyfriend and I remember seeing bus ads, seems like LOTS of them. And we caught Jenny doing talk shows to promote the pic - I even remember the clip they chose (of her overall excellent physical comedy throughout the film) trying to jump into skintight jeans so it seemed like the film was a regular theatrical release. I mean, do you normally put bus ads all over LA for a film that only releases in two theaters?

Generally, if a film's successful, everyone applauds the director. If the film flops, people blame the script. But sometimes direction, casting, and/or bad acting can sometimes undermine an otherwise worthy screenplay. And IMHO this happened with Dirty Love. With different direction, this property could have been developed into the distaff version of Alfie.

Jenny's lead character struggles to find truth, and a higher form of love, than what she's found on the Sunset Strip. The bad dates she ends up on are insightful and comedic. Reading the other comments, there is disagreement on the drug scene, I think this is subjective, I found it on-the-floor hilarious. And accurate. I felt like 'been there, done that' and the ingenious sexual quirk of the pervy date (I won't spoil this) was hysterical.

There's also a scene of Jenny's Aunt Flo showing up, and she has to run to a supermarket for 'supplies'. Once again I had a strong deja vu "been there/done that" sense, and I was laughing hysterically when she ran into her gorgeous ex boyfriend while carrying a giant box of sanitary pads. The blood gag was run way over the top, but still hilarious. One thing: grown men who love gory slasher pix are grossed out to the point of squeamishness by the sight of menstrual blood, so that may have been the deal-breaker (if a deal got broken)...

Early in any film we unconsciously decide whether we're gonna like, or not like a picture. That fleeting window of opportunity for the filmmakers to catch our fancy? For me, seeing both male leads from the syndicated TV series Mutant X got my interest and sort of blew it for me at the same time.

We see Victor Webster (Richard) first. My mind didn't immediately shout "Brennan!" (his character on Mutant X) but then Forbes March is on screen, and now I'm seeing double... Jessie? (Forbes' character on Mutant X) -- hey, wasn't that Brennan? Then Victor Webster is back on screen and now I'm sure, omigod, it's BOTH of them. I spent the next 15 minutes waiting for Vicky Pratt (Shalimar from Mutant X) and then started to think about the casting decision...

Were they sitting around one Saturday morning when Mutant X cam on and before you knew it, everyone was thinking "Hey, what about these guys?" It was weird and disruptive that they were both in the cast, Victor Webster in the more plum role... and Forbes March is just dropped flat.

This is an example of where the film bottoms out, the whole setup of Jennie and her friend out shopping leads up to their seeing Forbes March in the shoe store. Big buildup, it should have been more than a throwaway 'point'... he's too strong a leading man personality to toss over so heartlessly.

Then there's the matter of Carmen Electra. One of the other comments sums her up, I also did not even recognize her! OMG, she acts? Really? She was mind-alteringly different and unbelievably consistent. She stayed in character, so unlike anything I've ever seen of her.

Lochlyn Munro was also sadly under-utilized. I would have had him switch roles with Eddie Kay Thomas (simply too young to be believable as Jenny's savior and buddy) Lochlyn could have struck gold in this.

And poor Kathy Griffin seemed rushed, and her makeup was bad, or the lighting was bad, or something was weak in that scene... again, it could have been so much better. Maybe she just phoned it in, I dunno, in my heart I know that also could have been better. There were many uneven moments like this.

Yes, I would have done so many things differently. But all these great people are in the film, and the film does take an insightful looks at all the pitfalls a girl can get into as an every-day Barbie (they use that term themselves in the context of the film) trying to work in the fashion and entertainment worlds in the wilds of Los Angeles. You really don't know what weird drugs people might slip you, you might run into your vindictive ex EVERYWHERE, his new girl *will* be the bitch from hell, you will get set up on weird and awful blind dates (VERY FUNNY loser magician is my favorite) and your friends, while imperfect, will look out for you.
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A Zorro-ful Tale
23 October 2005
Caught Zorro at a screening last week. It was too loud, and other people thought so too. But ah... screenings, pristine print, it's all good. And, I was surprised. Zorro's had a makeover! They've reinvented him as the Mexican Batman.

I'm dead serious. I got the feeling they sat down with a checklist of things they've liked from other franchises to weave into the story. The brought in elements of Batman, Van Helsing, Indiana Jones, and James Bond. There's also a nod to favorite Bond Bad Guys OddJob and Jaws. There's a line in the film where someone says Zorro is out of date, his time has passed. Perhaps this echoes the premise from which the writers were commissioned to work. We had the sense of someone saying "Bring in elements from these other hot properties..."

This is not to say it isn't fun. It's fun in the 'this is a romp, leave your sense of reason at the door...' because there's a lot of stuff that we're asked to believe even though it's ridiculous -- how could the kid be unable to recognize his father, when the only disguise is a Zorro mask? Sorry, I think any kid could recognize his Dad even in a full-on rubber mask. Kids know their parents.

But you know what? Every kid wants his parents to be Batman, or Zorro, or God. So the film does kind of touch a universal sentiment. And the two guys playing Pinkerton Guards are fabulous - my favorite characters in this film. But the story of Zorro was never a steam punk thriller, it's always been more of a Robin Hood myth, and this film presents a complex inner plot. And, the thriller at the heart of this Zorro-ful tale story unfolds with the structure of a modern science fiction fantasy -- OK then.

There's some great pyrotechnics and imaginative gadgetry (oh ya... and if Zorro is the Mexican Batman, Catherine Zeta-Jones steps forward with her own measure of MacGuyver thrown in, not to mention the ability to sword fight while dressed in full-on Maja grandeur) and I think I liked that she's resourceful and absolutely in control... she manages to be a powerful woman and never break a sweat. No mean feat.

There's a great explosion toward the end of the film (there just had to be) and I cheered. It's all very predictable, but I didn't have a bad time. Cinematically it's vivid and beautiful (they staged a lot of shots to look like 1940's wild west romance book covers come to life) and silly (like the guy who gets a face full of cactus spines) and oh ya... the horse could have been named Senor Eduardo. He doesn't actually *talk* but OH COME ON. (You'll see what I mean - trust me)

My only complaint was that the village felt a little like being at a theme park rather than in an actual period village.

But kudos to the kid they cast! He has one of the toughest roles in the film, and he's not insipid! Nothing is worse than child actors who simper and suck. Yeah this new Zorro was OK... a good family matinée experience for the whole family. The audience will be happy -- unless they're the cynical type or prefer zombie movies.
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Doom (2005)
21 October 2005
Doom was great. Although movies based on video games usually suck, Doom's suckage factor was actually negligible.

Let's be clear: this is a film is all about a lot of FX and things that go BOOOOM; it's not an Oscar contender (except maybe for production design and FX) so let's not rip a new on on the Rock for depth of character.

I have to confess that I was tempted to holler "Can you SMEEEELLLL what the ROCK is cooking?" -- this role gave him a chance to be fierce the way he was in the ring for sure... but we were at a screening at Universal and I'd really hate to be uninvited to future screenings there... so I behaved. It will be really fun to see this in company of a theater full of aficionados.

The film is actually LESS violent than the game (but not by much) and there are more zombies (sorta) and there is no evil guy who throws skulls at you... but the sense of moving through portals, and navigating through the maze of tunnels and various rooms is flawless... dead on, and at every moment I was surrounded by the team, felt like I was in the middle of the action, the crescendo of which is when you assume the first person shooter view which was fantastic - I was THERE, it's so well done, you are inside the game - I mean MOVIE - like I've never experienced with any other film. The effect is brilliant and renders one into a state of complete immersion in the moment.

I had my nails dug into my boyfriend's arm for a lot of the action, it's very gory and graphic, and the evil tongue is ultra icky. When you see this you'll know what I mean. The imp. The baron. The evil gnashing teeth (as seen in the trailer)... it's all convincing, there script is good, there's no cheese factor, I was so absolutely there.

You will be too. And they left the ending open for sequels... DOOM 2... wooo... (I can't wait!)
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7 October 2005
How it works is my boyfriend gets invites to screenings, and if he doesn't know about the film he asks me, and we decide if we are free, interested or not, depending on buzz or our availability, all the same reasons anyone chooses to see a film or not. We usually get the invite weeks ahead of time, and have to RSVP. If I don't know anything about the film, I check IMDb of course.. and this time I did so. I hadn't heard about this gem, but the moment I saw the cast, I was sold.

For starters Al Pacino and Rene Russo - these actors don't bother with bad films, can't go wrong, I'm thinking... and the script was written by Dan Gilroy who has not been prolific (yet) but wrote one of my favorite-ever future romps = 1992's Freejack.

YES! RSVP, definitely, I am so there. Tonight was our screening, and I'm here to say it was SO worth it. Excellent story, excellent script (I could see this one getting an Oscar nomination for best screenplay), tight performance from Matthew McConaughey who is truly at his peak.

When Brandon Lang (McConaughey) is swept into the top tier of the sports betting industry, his life accelerates from 0-60 so fast your head spins. Walter Abrams (Pacino) and his wife Toni (Russo) have a masterfully complex relationship, and Brandon sweeps into a thoroughly complex (and amazingly believable) association with them.

The film propels forward with unbelievable tensions, a script in which nothing was stereotypical predictable, or absurd. I bought every moment -- each executed with razor sharp dialog. I don't believe it's a spoiler just to say (in and of itself) that there is an elephant, and one line regarding the elephant jumps out as the best line in any movie since "Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn". I think the film is *that* good. This is a classic, a new classic, a powerful film that hits all the right notes. The right blend of humor, pathos, tension, drama, exposure, morality, and fairytale. The whole magilla.

I have to tell you, I've never been a sports person, and don't like sports movies. I had a "little" trepidation going into this, thinking that I don't really care for sports or sports movies. I grew up in a house where my brother was completely into sports, and I remember my Dad and brother and others gathered around watching "The Game", I've seen people in bars hanging on the edge of the TV screen, I've watched grown men jump and yell "SCORE" during hockey games, about to blow a gasket... and sorry, I never really got it. Until now.

Tonight, watching Two For The Money - I had an epiphany. I was so drawn into these characters and their fate, that when everyone was watching a big game, suddenly I was on the edge of my seat in anticipation of the score, I was so drawn in to this world, through the power with which the portrayals and story carry, that I GOT it, I was right there. Everything these people were feeling, I was right there.

I'll be honest, I *thought* I knew how this one was gonna end, and if it had ended that way, it would have been a cheesy way out, I was SO wrong. Thinking about the film all night after, I conclude the writer was dead right, the ending is the only logical conclusion.

This is a great powerful story about great powerful characters portrayed by a trio of great powerful actors - and indeed a brilliant supporting cast - no disrespect to Jeremy Piven - in fact I apologize for not talking about him more - but Pacino, McConaughey, and Rene Russo (never more sure-footed) kind of eclipse his supporting role - which (sorry to say) he plays like a slightly watered down Ari (Entourage) I did not vote this a ten, because of a single weak location choice. It was so unmistakably 'where it really was' rather than 'where they were saying it was'. And you may not even notice, although it was glaring to me, so you go see this and then come back here and vote 10. You will!
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But Would it Play In Peoria? (Spoilers)
5 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
That's the whole point. This movie could (and probably did) play in Peoria.

They don't make 'em like this any more. Hollywood at its cheesiest. Inside jokes a la vaudeville and a talking horse, maybe a year before Mister Ed --> could this have been the idea for Mister Ed? The world was a simpler place then. The middle east was the land of Ali Baba and his 40 thieves. Flying carpets, genies, wild curved swords and glamorous babes.

Nothing was politically correct or historically accurate. Everyone is in silly costumes that they either take seriously or appear to be having a great time with. It's all very silly really, but that's all good, this was a feel-good Saturday Matinée classic. This is the last period of studio pictures, and this film has the feel of a lot of films from earlier times, but the consciousness of the hip early sixties as well, and the sets are imaginative - evocative of the middle east and maybe India, just authentic enough that you buy it, but the whole thing is a romp - you can't take it seriously, but watch this film and realize that after watching a film like this, viewers had more of an idea of what the middle east was all about than they probably had before.

I'm not familiar with either of the lead lovers, but am familiar with Dick Shawn, and I have to say, this is a great silly piece of old Hollywood, I watched it on FMC and really got into it, if you like campy comedies, you'll love it, I sure did.
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24 March 2005
This is a comedy, but it's deep. If you have no idea at all about Kung Fu, or if you understand everything about Kung Fu... this movie will change your life.

I have never laughed so hard, yet come away feeling as if I had been uplifted and now understand more about the meaning of life.

The effects are fierce, and yet organic. The characters are strong, vivid and effective. The imagery and magic of the story and scenery and amazing overwhelmingly inspired soundtrack blend. It's like this film picks you up and never puts you down, doesn't miss a beat, and never spends a fraction of a second too long in any one spot.

I was absolutely captivated and immediately at home in this very foreign place. So strangely retro and yet tangible. It's gorgeous and hilarious.

The film has a release in the U.S. (limited) next week. Beg, borrow, steal, get to a theater - this is *not* for the small screen. You MUST see this in a good theater house.

11 out of 10.
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EuroTrip (2004)
15 March 2005
One of the 10 funniest movies of all time. We netflixxed it first, and laughed so hard we had to stop the film and run it back 2 or 3 times. Tonight on a whim, we watched it on HBO, and once again laughed so hard, we were amazed at just how much for a second viewing. It totally stands up to a second glance.

Since we're not in the film's target demographic group, that's amazing.

They manage to transcend stereotype even while taking aim at them, it's just funny, I don't want to spoil it for you. The opening animation is so funny, it set the stage for how hard I was going to laugh for the rest of the film, the Hooligans are brilliant, this is a wonderful fable and it is bizarre, unexpected, imaginative and yet credible.

I agree with others who comment, I thought it was going to be dreadful until I realized it was the road trip gang. Fred Armistan is hysterical. SEE THIS - if you missed it somehow, see this somehow. Of course you have to be amused by scatological humor, if you hate it, this is not for you. But like, I was weeping and almost passing out from laughing so hard.
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Bourne Again, 23 July 2004
19 February 2005
accidentally deleted - restoring now....

IMDb user comments for The Bourne Supremacy (2004)

Bourne Again, 23 July 2004

Author: shadowycat from los angeles

After seeing Bourne Supremacy last night, I was thinking man, I really liked this, I should read the book.

Then I heard a radio review pointing out that the film takes little from the book, so if you read the books first, you might have a completely different take.

Joan Allen is fantastic as always. Julia Stiles is the only young actress today with the right degree of vulnerability and sophistication for her role. Matt Damon is Matt Damon.

This is a fast-paced ride around the world. I particularly enjoyed visiting the state of Goa in India, and the chase scenes around Berlin and Moscow have left me with more of an intimate knowledge of these cities than I could ever have imagined.

The film is an artful mixture of intellectual dialogue and gut-wrenching suspense. The only drawback was an excessive use of hand-held camera, I felt a little queasy and sometimes the camera is so shaky it left me unable to follow the action.

Bourne Supremacy should blow Catwoman out of the water (sorry Catwoman!)

This is #2 of a trilogy, isn't it? I'll be there with bells on for Bourne #3.
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Vulgar (2000)
"ok then"
26 January 2005
We rented Vulgar after seeing the trailer. The trailer promised a sardonic View Askew property. It looked like it was going to be tragicomic, but fun. Lighthearted. Maybe a little like DEATH TO SMOOCHY meets Jay and Silent Bob... Jason Mewes was in the trailer, we thought he was gonna have a significant role. But - Jason Mewes is basically a speaking extra... its just a little cameo for him... and oh what a shock, this film is brutal, gritty, intense...

Even the many reviews here liken the film more to the temperament of Tarantino rather than Kevin Smith - who has a gentle edge at the end of the day.

We sat through it, feeling utterly unclean. I had to fast forward through the really violent parts, I could only really watch a little of them, they were really harrowing. Not my cuppa joe.

It was intense, but the redemption was dishonest and spotty, and I am not sure what the final message is meant to convey. We feel a little ripped off because the trailer really set us up to expect something else.

Bryan Johnson and Brian O'Halloran are better together than any of these other reviews give them credit of. They have good chemistry and I'd like to see them buddy up again in a more mainstream storyline.

I don't feel like our watching this film was a complete waste of time, but I'm really wondering how we managed not to turn it off before the bitter end, especially since the ending was not exactly satisfying.

One last comment, the film really stirs people up. Scroll through these comments, I've never seen such a load of really verbose comments. Ever.
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A Wicked Sendup
17 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
We ran to the theater for opening night of Team America: World Police tonight.

Last night we stayed home with Eurotrip from Netflix. I have to admit that although the two funniest parts of Eurotrip had me laughing much, much harder than any single moment of Team America, hands down I'm glad we caught Team America at the theater and netflixxed the other. This is a film that needs the big screen. At least for a first view.

This is not a spoiler, everyone knows there's a puppet sex scene in Team America, and it was the funniest scene. There is also an advanced degree of southparkian (or is that really Trey Parkerian?) scatological humour, foul language, and dead fowl. Most of the charm of this film is its visual humour.

The fun is in the lush interpretation of real-life imagery through the lens of single- frame animation. The more clever and low-tech the animators' solutions, the more fun the film became. And overall, this is a wicked sendup of action movies - genre afficienados will not be disappointed.

The film tells the story of how mild mannered Broadway actor Gary Johnston is recruited into Team America in order to save the world. I can't get over how much he began to look like George Michael, and then morphed into some sort of buff Kurt Russell type. He goes through a lot of changes. The range of emotion the puppets evoke is genius.

The marionettes are great, the sets are fantastic, and although many things are going to offend many people, it's a fun film, the theater was packed - it was a raucous opening night crowd - and fun was had by all.

But, the animated opening sequence of Eurotrip set my brain on edge to expect ha- has, while the opening of this film was ultimately the opening of an action pic, so I'm wondering if I would have laughed harder at the funny bits if my brain had been prompted to expect comedy in that critical first minute where the subconscious decides whether a film is going to suck or not. Film students and big producers reading this: take note and beware.
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Thunderbirds (2004)
Thunderbirds are - Whoa!
30 July 2004
Nothing was more weird than the Thunderbirds - growing up my brother and I watched them. Then, a couple of years ago my boyfriend and I started to watch annotated Thunderbirds episodes on Tech TV. So now there is a movie.

It's very definitely a kids' movie, unless you care about the franchise. What is interesting was the amount of Star Trek influence. The film was directed by Jonathan Frakes (number 1 from Next Gen) and his years with STNG clearly affected this picture.

They got the vehicles exactly perfectly and replicated them in a brilliant way, and there are a load of new vehicles that are all hella cool. The graphics (screen displays and other CG) are colorful and vivid, and the live actor cast are cleverly matched to the original puppets --- ESPECIALLY Lady Penelope. Her hot pink spy car that turns into a private jet rocks. I want it!

I guess it's year's Spy Kids. It's really cute and I had a good time. It's an action movie that'll get the good housekeeping seal of approval. If you don't care about

Thunderbirds you might not get much out of it, but if you do, it is not a waste of time. Beware that it's a little sucky and they just had to wreck it at the end, but it's very cute if you can get past the fact that all the good people are lily white, all the servants are ethnic, and then all the bad people are either ugly, misshapen, non-symmetrical, swarthy or otherwise dark.

I think its a great movie for kids on the action side, but the subtext of the stereotypes is something that I worry will reinforce racist/sexist thinking in our next gen and for that reason it gets a lower vote.
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