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Look how she moves. That's like Jell-o on springs.
30 May 2024
Jerry and Joe (Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis) are not so bright womanizing musicians. They are always in the wrong place at the right time. They observe Spats Colombo (George Raft) on Valentine's Day dispatching Toothpick Charlie (George E. Stone) and must leave Chicago for their health.

They disguise themselves in drag and the fun begins. I hope you like black and white movies. This one must have been remastered.

Even in black and white, Sugar Kane (Marilyn Monroe) can sing Runnin' Wild" while on the train. (1922) Music by A. H. Gibbs Lyrics by Joe Grey and Leo Wood.

So, the one-legged jockey said "don't worry about me baby, I ride sidesaddle."

As with many movies if you listen you will hear the title as part of a conversation. "Some like it hot"

O. K. The plot thickens as Daphne (Jack Lemon) is pursued by Osgood Fielding III. Osgood (Joe E. Brown) likes girls with good ankles. Joe disguise as an oil millionaire (with an accent like Carry Grant) to woo Sugar (Marilyn Monroe).

On top of that just when you thing they pulled it off, Spats Colombo shows up in Miami for the "Friends of Italian Opera." Looks like the jig is up.

Interestingly enough the whole movie was filmed in California.

Of course, this is not of those movies that you have to watch again for what you may have missed in the fray.
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Werewolf. There wolf.
29 May 2024
OK, Ted, this is one movie you'll never get your color on.

This is proof that some life-changing movies need to be in Black and white. Color can sometimes distract from the message.

This film went out of its way to highlight the important parts of the original message and the acting is impeccable.

Young Frankenstein is a tightly written spoof on the series of Hollywood Frankenstein movie sequels. The son of a famous dabbler in the mysteries of life gets intrigued in the craft himself finding it necessary to exchange attributes with his creation.

One of the people in this film that I am keeping a collection of is Teri Garr, "Star Trek" (1966) playing "Roberta Lincoln"(as Terry Garr) in episode: "Assignment: Earth" (episode # 2.26) 3/29/1968. And there is so much of her in this film as Inga. I like the part where the doctor comments on the castle doorknockers and Inga thanks him for the compliment. I was relieved to find the DVD did not say that they were special effects.

And true to the originals, after throwing everything insight into the water, the little girl asks what is left to throw in? The monster (Peter Boyle) just looks out at you knowing the answer.
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In many ways this sequel is better than the original.
29 May 2024
Thirty years after the first "Top Gun" (1986) took place Maverick has to do his thing with a new generation of Top Guns. He is tasked with training the new toppers to think out of the box on a mission where they encounter superior forces.

Is he up to the task? Or will he be himself again? How will he handle the memory of his old team and still he be effective with the new team (if they are a team)?

Every movie has a love interest. So, who will it be?

Even though you know most of the actors by name it is still good that in the ending credits they place the face with the name.

Be sure to watch the extras. They are trying to explain what they are trying to portray. If it is streaming without the extras, then it is time to buy the DVD.
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Makes you want to sing
29 May 2024
It is 1927 and Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) and Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen) a recognized Hollywood duo are making another movie everything is going along swimmingly when the movie The Jazz Singer (1927), comes out. Turns out that it is the biggening of the talkie era. This means plans must change.

Now quit getting ahead of me. You guessed it Lina Lamont has a horrible accent and no umph behind her voice. Turns out that the ideal answer is to replace Linda with a much better voice of unknown Kathy Selden (Debbie Reynolds.) Linda is going to make sure this does not happen.

See the solution and if it may accidentally (ya sure) get revealed.

Mean time this is a musical so the whole story is peppered with song. They make each song fit this situation and we have plenty of songs for the shower. Everyone will have a favorite song.

For people that do not think it is natural to break out in song it is not true in 1967 Vietnam walking in the mud on the way to an observation tower; we were swinging an ammunition crate and singing "Singing' in the Rain." On a dry day we sang "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah."
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Look up Hanna
28 May 2024
"The soul of man has been given wings"

This movie is hyped up causing some sort of frenzy; someone calls it a classic or likes the thought that someone is mocked, and the next person repeats it until everyone gives this less than mediocre film a positive spin when reviewing it.

This is Chaplin way past his prime still trying to be a Keystone Cop and using mundane slapstick humor years after the film industry became more sophisticated. From the first scene you ask, "This is a top-star movie?" and it goes downhill from there. The sets are cardboard, and the camera is pretty much still.

If you like films that mock the era a much better production was rendered by Jack Benny and Carole Lombard in To Be or Not to Be (1942).

The basic story is of a dictator and a barber "that is not all there" getting their Identities crossed. Chaplin gets to play both parts. The only redeeming value of the movie is the acting of Henry Daniell who played Garbitsch. Then again, he is a veteran actor and can be seen in over 60 films including The Woman in Green (1945) as Prof. Moriarty.

All the people are exaggerated stereotypes (maybe on purpose) and this distracts from the story like having a musical with songs not related to the movie.

If you can make it to the end of the film, you get a long tedious speech in the style of Ayn Rand however not quite as good. "The sun shines and the wind blows."
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Zardoz (1974)
Satisfying on many dimensions
28 May 2024
This movie is satisfying on many dimensions from social commentary to sci-fi to visual impact to mystery and so forth.

It is impossible to extract much logic from it when watched on commercial TV as every word and gesture has a meaning and an answer as to what will come next.

Being permeated with flashbacks and revelations that come later in the movie it is not practical to tell the story as it needs to be revealed in the proper order for the cohesion to take place.

The story takes place in the future sometime after the un-named calamity has divided humans into those in enclaves, called vortexes and others that live outside.

Arthur Frayne (Niall Buggy) a resident of Vortex Four has reason to travel outside to the brutels. There he poses as a god (Zardoz). The meaning of Zardoz may be revealed in time.

On one of the trips Arthur does not return; instead, Zed (Sean Connery) a genetically designed assassin returns in his place. This leads to many questions as where is Arthur and is there a purpose or just coincidence that Zed is here?

How did he get here?

More important is he what he appears to be?

An added plus is the appropriate background soundtrack: Symphony No. 7 Op. 92 II. Allegretto Written by Ludwig van Beethoven Played by the Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest (as Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra) Conducted by Eugen Jochum.
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Zapped! (1982)
You Can telekinesis, but will he listen?
28 May 2024
They say power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I wonder?

A laboratory explosion (caused by some very common substances in uncommon combinations) resulting in telekinesis. It could not happen to a better kid, Barney Springboro (Scott Baio) High school senior.

What would you do to flex your newfound powers? His best buddy Peyton Nichols (Willie Aames) has plans, Las Vegas plans. Bernadette (Felice Schachter) has reservations. Oops, it is prom time, can he resist the Carrie treatment? And what of his future?

We know that in real life Felice Schachter goes on to become the "1990 St. Pauli Girl"
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The dog ate mama
28 May 2024
Gordon Hocheiser (George Segal) lives with his aged, really age, mother (Ruth Gordon). Her senile antics are threatening to ruin his love life; so, she must go, really go. His brother Sidney (Ron Leibman) thinks not. But what does his girl Louise (Trish Van Devere) think? And how will they resolve this situation?

This film is sort of a dark Walter Mitty. Only it is not executed quite as well. This is definitely not Carl Reiner, the writer for The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961).

The skit is not well thought out. The dialog, if you can call it dialog, is stilted and disjointed. The film is not a dark comedy in the fact that it cannot think long enough to be dark. It relies solely upon potty-words and potty-humor. Not the British irreverently funny potty-humor, but gross and snide.

I am not sure how they bribed George Segal and Ruth Gordon into this film. You can see they gave it their all. It could have been a good vehicle but it was too retarded.
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Great transition from stage play to film
28 May 2024
Leslie Howard and Humphrey Bogart were in the original Broadway play. Similar to this was made into a film called Escape in the Desert (1945).

The actual shooting, (oops) I mean filming location is Red Rock Canyon, California, USA.

Because I knew this movie, "The Petrified Forest," was supposed to have Humphrey Bogart in it, it was like watching two movies, the one before Humphrey Bogart appeared, and the one with Humphrey Bogart. With one this is a story about a lot of people coming from different directions in their life. Together they evaluate and solve their problems the best they can in a short given time. The beauty in this movie is the action and reaction of the characters.

A similar action and reaction movie that comes to mind isKey Largo (1948). However, in this movie, Humphrey Bogart gets to be a good guy.

After these two movies, one that you need to look for is Outward Bound (1930) with Leslie Howard.
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Better than it looks at first.
28 May 2024
A pilot Peter Roma (Edward Woods) is carrying a valuable amulet and in the process is shot down in a dog fight over China, by a ruthless ex-Russian agent, Igor Sargoza (Robert Barrat with a beard), who also wants the amulet for his own nefarious purpose.

Peter Roma is out of action, so he hands the baton... oops, amulet to his sister Irene Roma (Lynda Grey), to completer the mission. The balance of the movie is the trials and tribulations she must go through along with her uninvited friend Johnny McGinty (James Dunn.) At one point during a marriage ceremony, they leave out "obey" and make a point of it being a modern marriage. I had to put my hands over my wife's ears and point in another direction.

In the process we get some stock ware footage. And a few miniatures tossed in. How will this all end or will it?
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Stalag 17 (1953)
It passes time.
28 May 2024
The writers are Billy Wilder, Edwin Blum, and Donald Bevan. You can really see Wilder's hand in this movie.

William Holden does a pretty good job of portraying Sgt. J. J. Sefton, a prisoner in a stalag number 17 during World War II.

Unlike the TV program Hogan's Heroes (1965), this movie is more serious yet it has its amusing moments. There is nothing to make this movie stand out past any other stalag escape films. Of course, it has the standard spy that informs on the escape attempts. It is more of a time passer.

Maybe the play that this film was based on executed better?

If you really want to see a good William holden war movie then do not miss The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) ~ William Holden.
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D.O.A. (1949)
As Socrates once said, "I drank what?"
28 May 2024
Frank Bigelow (Edmond O'Brien, you may remember him as Winston Smith in '1984' 1956) realizes after he had a one-night fling that he does not feel so good. He feels bad enough to see a doctor. Yep, he is D. O. A. (Dead on Arrival) as he has been poisoned, and only has a little time left to live.

Obsessed with finding out who did it and why, Frank has to reconstruct his wild night. Will he find out in time? If so, what then?

We recognize many filming locations around California.

Westin St. Francis Hotel - 335 Powell Street, San Francisco, California, USA Is where Bigelow is staying while in San Francisco.

Powell & California Streets, San Francisco, California, USA Is where Bigelow gets off the cable car at this intersection.
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Counterpart (2017–2019)
A run-of-the-mill detective with a tad of sci-fi.
28 May 2024
Two different parallel worlds are suspicious of each other. Passing people back and forth being sneaky and indiscriminately dispatching characters. Because there are two of each, one can be dispatched and the other keeps going; it saves you from having to bring back from the dead.

At this point, the series has two solid sessions and a third on the way J. K. Simmons plays the main character(s), Howard Silk, 19 episodes, 2017-2019.

If you like good old espionage who done it, you will like this series. Do not let the sci-fi part get in your way as it is only a gimmick and in the background.

Eventually the series has a wrap-up instead of just quitting. However, there are enough lose ends that they could have kept going (2017-2019.)
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Your Food's Roots (2017– )
Foodie snobs
28 May 2024
O. K. I watched this because of Zooey. People can be actors and have a second love. Her second love in this case is growing organic vegetables. She even became a vegetarian herself.

However, the program reminded me of those infomercials where everything goes wrong if you do not use their product. It was probably meant to be that way. She talks with farmers, nutritionists, and even food historians.

It is a tad hard to be objective when I too have a propensity to eat organic and local. But this series is mostly Zooey saying "yum, yum."

Too bad it ended with just 5 episodes.

S1 E1 - Zooey Deschanel Addresses Overfishing November 6, 2017 "Your favorite fish is literally about to go extinct if we don't change our fishing practices." -- Zooey Deschanel

S1 E2 - Zooey Deschanel on What's in Your Bread November 14, 2017 "The bread you're buying isn't actually real bread." - Zooey Deschanel

S1 E3 - Zooey Deschanel Tackles Organic Vs Non-Organic Foods November 20, 2017 Zooey Deschanel sets the record straight about organic vs non-organic foods.

S1 E4 - Zooey Deschanel Looks for Alternatives to Meat November 27, 2017 "These meatless burgers taste, feel, and even bleed exactly like beef." - Zooey Deschanel

S1 E5 - Zooey Deschanel on How Far Your Food Travels to Get to You December 4, 2017 Our food travels an absurd amount of mileage to get to our plate. - Zooey Deschanel

By the way do not tell them but I still eat organic blackberries from Mexico. Oh, I am just over the border so does that count?
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28 May 2024
Anthony P. Kirby (Edward Arnold) is closing the real estate deal of the century. All he needs to complete this is a small plot of land. Unfortunately, the eccentric Martin Vanderhof (Lionel Barrymore) that lives there won't sell. This is back in the days when there was no right of the domain for private construction.

Anthony's son Tony (James Stewart) the vice president falls in love with his cutie stenographer Alice Sycamore (Jean Arthur.) Sort of a "Dharma and Greg" thing. And just like in "Dharma and Greg" all the members of her family seem a tad touched and preoccupied with doing their own thing.

By now you have guessed it the stenographer is the granddaughter of the eccentric hold-out. The fun begins when the two families meet and exchange different philosophies. There are lots of fireworks. Then a trap is sprung, netting the lot of them. During the sorting out process, we get many long speeches.

How will it all end?

Do we learn anything in the process?

So, we may conclude that "You Can't Take It with You" then again?

Based on plays by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart you can see an overwhelming override by Director Frank Capra.

Some of the same actors turn up in another Capra film "It's a Wonderful Life" (1946).
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Romper Room
28 May 2024
All in all the story and plotline is very formula; there are good guys that are misunderstood and bad guys that are silly and scared. The good guys chase and chase and chase the bad guys. Will they catch the bad guys? Will the bad guys confess to unbelievable crimes? Or will just once the bad guys getaway. Don't hold your breath.

There is an added wrinkle as both Detective Joe Gavilan (Harrison Ford) and his rookie partner Kasey Calden (Josh Hartnett) take care of outside interests while in pursuit.

Meantime it is fun watching this almost cartoon-like execution, as they run past all the familiar landmarks that you may recognize out and about Los Angeles, California, USA:

Beverly Hills, Hollywood & Highland, Hollywood, Los Angeles Subway System, Mt. Olympus in Hollywood Hills, Pacific Palisades, Parker Center Police Headquarters -at 150 N. Los Angeles St., Parking Lot, L. A. P. D. Hollywood Station at 1358 Wilcox Ave., Santa Monica, Venice Canals, and Venice.
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You Again (2010)
The story is standard formula and passes time well
28 May 2024
Marni (Kristen Bell), whose initials are MOO, has finally made it to the big time in advertising. Who would suspect that in just a short period of time Marni will meet her high school nemesis and find out that their soon-to-be sisters-in-law?

I'm sure you recognize the formula however they added a new twist which is three generations of the same problem in the same family. Naturally it is well played out yet the story drags a bit in the middle.

No one actor pulls the story out of the fire yet you will really appreciate Betty White at her best as Grandma Bunny.

I did not recognize some of the actors at first such as Odette Annable. But I did recognize Victor Garber as the actor that well played John Dickinson in "Liberty! The American Revolution" (TV mini-series).
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Yellowbeard (1983)
"Learning things never taught me nothing, and books is the worst" - Betty
28 May 2024
A most excellent adaptation of Treasure Island.

This is a top rate movie with all your favorite "A" rated actors that are too numerous to name here, but I will take a "stab" at it:

Graham Chapman as Captain Yellowbeard / de: Dotterbart Peter Boyle as Boson Moon -- (works single-handed) Cheech Marin as El Segundo Tommy Chong as El Nebuloso Peter Cook as Lord Percy Lambourn Marty Feldman as Gilbert Martin Hewitt as Dan Michael Hordern as Dr. Gilpin Eric Idle as Commander Clement Madeline Kahn as Betty James Mason as Captain Hughes John Cleese as Harvey 'Blind' Pew Kenneth Mars as Mr. Crisp and Verdugo Spike Milligan as Flunkie Stacey Nelkin as Triola Nigel Planer as Mansell Susannah York as Lady Churchill Beryl Reil as Lady Lambourn Ferdy Mayne as Mr. Beamish John Francis as Chaplain Peter Bull as Queen Anne Bernard Fox as Tarbuck Ronald Lacey Man with Parrot Greta Blackburn as Mister Prostitute Nigel Stock as The Admiral Kenneth Danziger as Mr. Martin Monte Landis as Prison Guard Richard Wren as Pirate Gillian Eaton as Rosie Bernard McKenna as Askey John Dair as Big John Carlos Romano as Priest Álvaro Carcaño as Beggar Leopoldo Francés as Helmsman Ava Harela as Flower Girl Garry O'Neill as Sergeant of the Marines George Lane as Cooper David Bowie as The Shark Carlos East as Swashbuckler Michael Mileham as The Coxan

I usually do not go in for lists as you can look them up. However, in this case the list is the bulk of the attraction.

Then we mix a lot of risqué one-liners, Mister Prostitute, and a headstrong lad.

Who gets the treasure?

Looks like us with this well-thought-out movie.
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The last Blue Meanie (Paul Angelis)
28 May 2024
In my case that was 1969. That's when I saw this in a double billing with Barbarella (1968) at West Point, NY.

The theater was just outside the post and had a popcorn dispensing machine with moths on the top layer of popcorn. This was also the year that Woodstock was actually spitting distance to the north.

I went to see Barbarella. However, The Yellow Submarine was the must see at the time.

The music is great and it brings back a part of history. Can the Beatles save Pepperland? Remember we all live in a Yellow Submarine. Instead of just buying the soundtrack, buy the movie and you have them both. I guess I will have to buy it also to hear "Hey, Bulldog!" Of course, as with most movies there will always be someone one that prefers the original and knows that it was cut that way on purpose.

The Blue Meanies are a fictional army of rude beings that hate all music

And now it is time for a whole new generation to enjoy.
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Tales of Tomorrow: The Dune Roller (1952)
Season 1, Episode 15
From the "Tales of Tomorrow" TV Series (1951-1953)
28 May 2024
The Dune Roller

Season 1 Episode 15 Episode aired Jan 04, 1952 Director Don Medford

Story by Julian C. May (1931-2017) The first story sold by Julian C. May was called "Dune Roller," in 1950 to John W. Campbell's Astounding Science Fiction along with her own illustrations. "Dune Roller" was made into a movie that was called The Cremators (1972) and was released in 1972. She was credited as Judy Ditky.

Adapted by Charles O'Neil (1909-1997)

Starring: Bruce Cabot, Nancy Coleman, Nelson Olmsted

It is a copy of an old recording so do not expect remastered clarity.

This does have that twilight zone feel with a strange twist.

"Is there life in the universe? Nobody really knows. But it is possible that in the space beyond us, there is life, that there are other suns giving warmth and life to worlds like ours. In the years, in the ages, in the eons ahead, we may find the answer to our questions. We may find that in the space beyond us, the stars, there are world with life far richer than our own. 'Tales of Tomorrow' speculates about such a future."

On an isolated Lake Michigan Island an old recluse, Cap Zanser (Truman Smith) tells a little girl Sally (Lee Graham) many tales including one of a fiery Dune Roller.

Mean while on the other end of the cabin two scientists are fiddling around with an unknow element. Looks like it is part of a meteorite that is trying to Come together. In the process it may give credence to the stories of the Dune Roller.

As we watch the story unfold Jennie gets the part of super dumb and not afraid of anything as she is too dense to be afraid. Occasionally she screams like she is supposed to; however, when everyone else runs she look and says, "What is that over there?"

Do you feel like burning Jennie yourself?

Will the solution work?

What is that light outside your house?
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Sapphire & Steel (1979–1982)
An elementary program
27 May 2024
34 episodes in six assignments.

This program stars David McCallum as Stee and Joanna Lumley as Sapphire. They are Extra-dimensional Time beings (who just happen to look like people) who are assigned to Earth to 'Fix' obscure problems or violations of Time.

They are a little bit out of there element. There are other elements but you can only trust the first 115. The others elements are not stable. Transuranic elements are with a greater atomic number than Uranium. It literally means beyond Uranium. All 26 known elements are produced by bombardment in a nuclear reactor and all are respectively unstable. Although short lived, they are all harmful to life and clutter the periodic table.

This program is a tad dated and British hokey. Not being a child, I cannot say if it has a better experience on them. However, the target audience may have changed from kiddies to teenyboppers.
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So that's how it is done!
27 May 2024
I purchase this based on previous reviews and listing to this on the local radio station. I was surprised how well it plays (both sound and visual) on the big screen TV. Even though I recognized the pieces and the titles, I had not really put them together until this film. The best thing about this is you can play it repeatedly. I wonder how they made such a great selection.

The main presentation is the Violin Con Concerto in E Minor by Mendelssohn. Of course, Yehudi Menuhin (Violinist) performing and conducted by Antal Doati.

Hungarian Dances No. 5 in G minor by Johannes Brahms (makes you see gypsies and pentagrams on your palm).

In addition, Hungarian Dance No. 4 in F sharp minor.

Malaguena (Spanish Dances Op.21, No.1 by Pablo Sarastate. And No. 2, Habanera

Calabrese, Waltz in E minor, Op. 34. By Antonio Bazzini

In addition, a couple of bonus features.

Monochrome, Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1, 1947 recording from Charlie Chaplin studio in Hollywood, in the Fall of 1947.

Other sections include "A Violinist in Hollywood," and "On the Encores."

Subtitles are in English, German, and French

The Bonus Burton feature is 1997.
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Bottled during an earlier appearance of The Great Comet of 1811.
27 May 2024
Sir Mason Harwood (Ian Richardson) runs an auction. He sends his daughter Margaret Harwood (Penelope Ann Miller) to a Scottish estate to take inventory for a potential auction. There she discovers an extremely large and rare bottle of wine that was bottled during the year in which Halley's Comet was discovered (1811.) She informs her father of the find.

Not entirely trusting his daughter with the retrieval Sir Mason sends help, Oliver Plexico (Timothy Daly) that also has a different interest in the bottle. Friendly rivalry on this retrieval mission leads to romance.

But wait another pursuer of the bottle, Philippe (Louis Jourdan) appears on the scene. He wants the bottle for nefarious purposes and Margaret is in the way.

Will she come to harm?

Will Oliver rescue her from certain peril, or grab the bottle?

Watching this can be lots of fun for the whole family as you find yourself saying "don't do that"
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xXx (2002)
All the fun and action no mush
27 May 2024
This movie is like a study of Bond and Bourn "The Bourne Identity (TV Miniseries) (1988)", action movies. Toss in the innocent enthusiasm as in "If Looks Could Kill (1991)", There are gadgets women plots and subplots. But this movie is mostly about action. This is not one of those thinking movies or really a talkie. It does hold your attention.

Xander Cage is an innocent dissident minding his own business. The business being stealing the governor's car and displaying reckless abandonment all in the cause of freedom. He is pressed into serves ala "Remo Williams - The Adventure Begins (1985)" in lieu of a prison sentence. It seems that the NSA needs someone of his reputation and abilities for a short time. Will he comply and if so how short of a time? Will, he quit when he is told to do so? And is there a love interest or just one of those "spy vs. Spy" things?
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Delete (2013)
"You and I travel to the beat of a different drum" Writer: Michael Nesmith
27 May 2024
An interesting more where the up-to-date version of the evil mega electronic entity threatening the world. Can a team of outsiders go out whit the monolith government and the entity to save mankind or should they just give up now?

This happened a few times before as in Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970) and we know who won that one.

And it looks like the entity has this thing about for a young male programmer - either loves him or kills him. Shades of Demon Seed (1977).

Remember this is a series, so do not be surprised if they may throw in the kitchen sink. Still, all in all, it is fun.

Let us not forget that this was made before IBM's Watson.
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