
12 Reviews
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
not my usual type of show..... now I'm addicted
2 February 2023
I am a girly girl, and usually like rom coms, or biopics. So the fact I love this show shows how good it is, I usually get bored with things like this and have to turn them off.

Growing up I did love the karate kid movies, and I rewatched them before watching cobra Kai. The story carries on well, the way each they continued it on and brought back the original characters was great.

Johnnys character is great, he makes me laugh, but also tugs at the heartstrings too. Such a great actor.

I do think sometimes it can be like watching an episode of power rangers... the kids fighting can be a bit OTT. But overall it's amazing. You get to see character development, and we finally see why sensei kreese is the way he is.

Deffo worth a watch, even if it's not your usual genre. And great for any karate kid fans out there.
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Pamela is beautiful inside and out.
1 February 2023
I grew up in the 90s and every guy I knew had a crush on Pamela. So as a young girl I always wanted to look like her, fast forward to when I was older and saw an interview with her and saw what a beautiful soul she was too.

This documentary doesn't disappoint, we get to see her laid bare, she lets us in to see that deep down she just longs to be loved and love back.

She is so relatable, anyone who was abused in childhood will relate to a lot of what's she says, those insecurities, longing to be loved. She is just like the rest of us really.

I love the fact she sits there fresh faced, something we should admire, especially in the day and age of filters.

I truly believe her and Tommy could've made it if the help was out there, and they had gotten better support when the tape leaked. Her sons are a credit to her.

To see her at the end doing an amazing job gave me goosebumps, she draws you in and makes you route for her.

Well done Pamela, you are amazing.
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Grease 2 (1982)
Give it chance, it's so much better than the original.
28 January 2023
I loved the original grease, but I think this sequel is slightly superior. The songs to me are catchier and funnier. Also the choreography is very good,

I don't understand how it has such a low rating, why do people hate it so much? If you actually just separate it from the original and take it for what it is, a musical set in a high school you'll see how great it is, and deserves a much better rating.

I think too many people expect the original and don't even want to give it a chance. Grease 2 should be given the credit it deserves, it's definitely better than a lot of more popular musicals out there.

The cast are talented, and some of their comic timing is great. Johnny steals the show for me, he's such a great character.

Give it a go, let's get it the rating it deserves.
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
I liked it so much.
4 October 2022
People might say it's not as good as the original, but what sequel ever is?

It's not the original, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It's a good follow up, and I actually enjoyed it a lot. Some parts were very funny, Winifreds mannerisms are still as funny as in the original.

Go view it with an open mind and you might just enjoy it.

I will watch it again next Halloween. Maybe one day there'll be a third 🤞 who knows?

Well done to Disney for this fantastic edition. It was great to see Bette, Kathy and Sarah back together again. I didn't want it to end. The actresses who played the young girls were also great.
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Jack (1996)
How can this only have a 5.8 rating? It's a great movie
17 July 2022
The rating for this movie is unfair, it's such a good little movie.

Robin Williams plays his character perfectly. Not only does he have you laughing out loud, he also manages to tug at your heartstrings and make you emotional as well. He was truly a fantastic actor. I always feel a sense of sadness when I see him in movies since his passing.

The kids in this movie are phenomenal, all of jacks friends, Louis, George and John John. But in particular the girls phoebe and Jane. They will make you laugh.

Jennifer Lopez is great too. She really is a great actress.

Just watch it, you won't be disappointed.
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What a whale, went through all that and still beat the odds.
16 July 2022
When I was a teenager my parents took me California, and whilst there we went to sea world. Being young and naive I was fascinated.

However, as I began to grow up I realised how cruel these places are, and think no whale should ever be taken from the wild.

Seeing how these poachers take whales away from their families is heartbreaking. The mother circling the boats for her young is such a distressing thing to watch.

The videos of him in the little pool In Mexico are upsetting. He just looks so unhappy.

Thank goodness for Free Willy, because it was what saved him from that awful places.

Showing the lengths people went to them try to rehabilitate keiko to get him back to the wild is heartwarming.

And to know he was never just abandoned at sea really shows how much they cared for him.

Keiko is a hero, he got through so much and his legacy has went on to protect other whales.
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Educational and superb acting
4 June 2022
This movie is so gripping, the lead actresses play their parts brilliantly.

I'm white and I'm from Ireland... sure I know about Rosa parks, but I didn't know about the bus boycott and carpooling. This movie has educated me.

I found some of the movie uncomfortable viewing, even the sound of the n word makes my skin crawl, so I can only imagine what it must be like for black people having to not only live through such inhumane disgusting treatment, but to still have some people who are still racist exist today, and use that word. It makes me sick.

I hope one day we can live in a world where racism is a thing of the past, and people accept others for who they are.

Well down to everyone who fought for their rights back then, and the people who continue to do so now. You should be so proud.
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Why the ratings are so low is beyond me
19 May 2022
This movie is great, the characters are believable and the storyline is good

I really enjoyed it and would recommend it. All the women are beautiful and are also talented actresses. Deffo worth a watch.
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18 Again! (1988)
Great few good movie
9 May 2022
There's nothing to dislike about this movie, it's fun, easy to watch with great actors who give great comedic performances.

It's not a serious movie, so don't go expecting gone with the wind lol. It's just a feel good 80s movie.

I'd never heard of George burns before, having watched this I'm going to look him up and see what else I can watch him in.

If you want a movie that's fun, and makes you laugh then this is for you.
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My Boyfriend's Back (1989 TV Movie)
Perfect feel good movie
14 April 2022
I have just finished watching this movie on amazon prime.

It was great, the characters are all likeable and the music is great. It's not going to win any best movie awards, but that doesn't take away from the fact it's a very enjoyable watch.
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Joe Bell (2020)
Amazing and heartfelt
3 April 2022
I don't want to give too much away about this movie, but for anyone wanting to watch a true movie about a fantastic father and son love then this is for you.

Both leading actors are amazing, and it really tugs at your heart strings.

Joe and jadin I hope your message lives on. And I hope i get to see in my lifetime a world full of acceptance for everyone from the lgbt+ Community. You are all very brave, and I have so much admiration for you all.
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Belfast (2021)
I found it quite boring
1 February 2022
I grew up in Belfast during the troubles, in fact my family were catholic who were put out of rathcoole In the 70s.

So I was really looking forward to this movie. However, this film missed an opportunity to really delve into the history. It lacks a real story, In fact there's no plot to the movie at all. What is missing from this movie is the heart of Belfast humour, Belfast is full of characters and unfortunately this movie doesn't show much of that.

Ciaran hinds plays his part well, and has a few funny lines, but nothing that would crack you up.

The acting is quite poor by some of the cast, I've seen better actors at the local youth plays in the lyric.

I wanted to love this movie, but didn't sadly. I still think it's worth a watch if you're from Belfast. But there is much better movies out the based around the troubles.
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