
7 Reviews
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Aladdin (2019)
So many moments hit, so many missed
31 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I enjoyed this film. It's 100% worth it for anyone who loves the original and kids will be entertained. BUT, the gimmicks are hit or miss. Some of the callbacks to the original are perfection, some just fall flat, and some are unnatural to this movie. For example, Raja roaring at the Prince is perfect, most of Friend Like Me fell flat, and Iago being pulled into the lamp felt unnatural. I would have honesty preferred a non-musical simply because the original is so iconic, and the Genie so much Robin Williams, the songs mostly don't feel right. Don't get me wrong, Will Smith is wonderful! I deeply enjoyed the parts that he made his own and the parts that were written for him. But most of what was called back to Robin just don't work for this Genie. The characterization they gave Genie is wonderful as well! I like that he has a story all his own now. Carpet is still a mcguffin, but with less personality. Raja and Iago too, Raja being more realistic and Iago being Jafar's trained pet as opposed to a sentient being. The final battle could have been so much better. We know the outcome, you have to wow us with the path. The studio didn't do that. It's watchable, it's sentimental, it's enjoyable. I had hoped it was spectacular...
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Power boots-on-ground filmmaking
30 March 2018
This film entirely changed the way I saw Ferguson and how the death of Mike Brown impacted the local community. Please watch this film.
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Come on... it's M. Night Shyamalan
11 July 2010
People are being very hard on this movie. We all knew going into it that M. Night Shyamalan directed it. We knew that there would be no back-story. We knew that the characters wouldn't get all the development they needed. So, set that aside. I didn't see the 3D (mainly because I hate 3D), so I can't comment on how horrible that was. Also, I have never the series, so I cannot comment on how good the adaptation was.

What I can say is this: I enjoyed myself. I wasn't blown away, but I didn't sit there trying to rip out my corneas, as several reviewers are all but claiming. The action as good. The CG was good. The story was OK. The acting wasn't horrible. Certainly not a blockbuster, but not crap either.
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Worth Seeing in the Theater
3 October 2009
I'm not sure whats up with people's comments on this movie. I honestly enjoyed myself. This is a very British style humor, wonderfully executed by Gervais. The concept had a different potential then people are expecting. This is not Carry/Liar, Liar humor. You have to be a bit more witty and insightful then that to enjoy this movie. The casting was great on this film. I'm glad Hill took on a serious role and did it well. I really liked Garner in this film. She was fantastic and played off of Gervais very well. I also liked the way they portrayed a world without lie; very well thought out. Overall, good concept put on screen and wonderfully played. Great job.
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I just didn't get it
29 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
On a detour from my normal way of starting, I like a lot of things. I like ice cream. I like plot. I like good acting. This movie had none of the above.

No Country for Old Men, at least for me, was a bad use of two hours. The only point in the movie seemed to be that Tommy Lee Jones didn't like the direction the country was going. The action, the money, the chasing just didn't fit.

This may be an excellent book, but I didn't go to the theatre to read a book; I go to see movies. I shouldn't have to read the book to understand the plot of a movie.

There has been a lot of tout around Javier Bardem; I simply don't see it. He did a good job, but not Oscar worthy. Jones made me happy with his presence, but it seemed like he was there for his face, not what he added to the screen. Woody and Root - why were they there? They had no place. The guy that "Sugar" made choose in the coin toss - he wasn't needed. The chase in the beginning, the dog, the air gun. It's like they took the most random things they could find and threw them into a script.

Overall, this may be the best adaptation of a book ever to grace the silver screen, but if an educated member of your audience is left going "Huh?" then you have failed as a movie. Props to Roger Deakins - great shots, but even the cinematography can't pull No Country for Old Men out of the toilet for me. 1 out of 10.
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I Am Legend (2007)
An acting buffet of Will Smith
14 December 2007
If I could sum this movie up in one sentence, it would be this: Go Will. Will Smith is the driving force of I Am Legend. His performance as Dr. Robert Neville is impeccable. Living in a deserted NY city, his acting is reminiscent of Tom Hanks in Cast Away, but instead of a volleyball, he has mannequins and a faithful German Shepard named Sam. His basement, a retro-fitted, high-tech lab to find a cure for the disease that has turned the population of the entire planet into mutant, zombie-like, hive mind, blood-thirsty monsters, and, for some reason, Robert is immune. His days, spent hunting. His nights, sleeping with a high-powered rifle and hoping that the mutants don't find him. Keeping the movie flowing are well placed flashbacks that show what happened to Robert's family and why he is there. The movie falters a bit at the end, maybe at the last 5 minutes, but it doesn't ruin the plot or acting put forth. Containing wonderful cinematography and CG, I Am Legend is a spectacular film that I will be seeing again! PS - Shout out to my NY National Guardsmen in this film! Great job!
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TMNT (2007)
A Meal at Mom's House
26 March 2007
TMNT is a home run. They waste no time getting into the story, the develop it very well, and the conclusion is great, and they set up for another movie. This movie is always what I wanted the cartoon to be. The way I described it to my wife was, "it's like a good meal; you could eat some more, but you are content with what you just had." I left the theatre satisfied, but wanting a little more, which is just what I want from almost all movies. If it gives too much, you don't want to eat there that often (A Few Good Men = Vinny T's). If it doesn't give you enough (or taste's bad), you don't want to eat there (Dude, Where's My Car? = McDonald's). TMNT was like eating at mom's house; you never get tired of her cooking. I would be excited to see a whole series (4-10 even) of these movies come out. Go see TMNT! Added: I just went and saw TMNT a second time, and I love it all the more.
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