
45 Reviews
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Frozen II (2019)
Gorgeously animated, but...
2 March 2020
Yes, every frame of this is a work of art. I havent seen this level of natural detail since MOANA, and it is stunning from beginning to end.

The storyline? A little convoluted, but eventually it shakes down and you know what's going on. Some things seem to just get lost in the rush because they're trying to do way too much for a film of this length, but they do their best.

But what's truly sad here are the songs, all of which sound like rejects from the first film... including two variants on "Let It Go". Everything comes to a dead half too many times because, hey, here's yet another song on the way that really doesnt do much to advance anything. It killed what could have been a worthy successor to the first film.
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Krypton (2018–2019)
Someone needs to pick this up for a new season
18 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished binge-watching both seasons, and I must say, for a SyFy series, this aint half-bad. The writing is engaging, the acting better than passable, the production qualities pretty solid. I read critique that everyone was speaking in some variant of a British accent... which of course raises the question: What did you expect? A bunch of American ones?

Yes, there are places where it felt like Krypton 90210: everyone is so young and edgy. To its credit, the casting is pretty nicely diverse (although the lesbian scene, which came straight out of nowhere, in S2 felt pretty well tacked on to increase viewer numbers). Nevertheless, explanations of things like the Phantom Zone were logical and well-handled, and the re-interpretation of Brainiac and his collection was surprisingly fresh. The blending of the CG environments with the real world sets was a touch disappointing, but understandable. Still, they made Kryptopolis look like a fun vacation destination.

So we have three great cliffhangers at the end of S2... and no resolution for them. C'mon, someone's gotta pick this thing up!
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Cats (2019)
Yes, it's bad, but...
17 January 2020
Smoke a little weed, put the mind in neutral, and forget that the collars around the kitties' necks have a tendency to move just slightly slower than the necks themselves. Dont ask why one cat is stripping off her skin to show more fur underneath - and certainly dont ask what her outer garment would be made of. Really, just dont do it.

It never ceases to amaze me when a director takes essentially bulletproof material like this and says, "Hey, let's see what I can do to really screw it up." Still, it had some nice moments (that lasted maybe a few seconds apiece) and some intriguing ideas (that lasted even shorter time). The background were, in the main, charming, but clearly meant for another movie altogether. Maybe a French musical with Gene Kelly. But not this one.
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La La Land (2016)
CANT STOP THE MUSIC for Millennials
28 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I find it difficult to believe this thing has an 8.0 rating. I kept watching it, hoping it would show some kind of reason for a number that high, and it failed miserably. The songs, such as they are, are repetitively wretched - especially the one that gets repeated ad nauseum as some kind of leitmotif for the main character's "relationship". The choreography veers heavily to the bland, and the acting - dear god, the acting... pieces of 3/4" plywood could do better.

I can see what they were trying to do, but from the opening number it's a big time fail, sorry. While I applaud Gosling for learning to play the piano as well as he did (and I'm presuming that a good chink of this is him actually doing the deed), we see next to nothing of Stone's abilities as an "actress" - in particular the play she spends so much time writing and producing. Was she that terrible? Maybe so. But as with all Cinderella stories, she gets The Big Moment that turns her into a Major Star just in the Nick of Time.

I really do not understand the love for this film. It's shoddily written, formulaic to the extreme - even the "American in Paris" scene at the end in which Stone imagines what might have been is clunky as all heck - in a desperate attempt to be something it simply isnt.

Nancy Walker did far better with CANT STOP THE MUSIC.
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The 5th Wave (2016)
Two stars only for the lake scene
30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's difficult to imagine what was through the minds of the cast and directing crew when they were making this sad little bombette. The big "twist" of the actual fifth wave was pretty well telegraphed twenty minutes before we saw it and just left me wondering why aliens would go to so much trouble to eradicate a species so stupid as to make this movie in the first place. Kudos to the lead: she apparently did all her own stunts and carried them off nicely, even as she demonstrated an acting range that ran the gamut from A to E, perhaps F. But what was the point of giving the hero this apparently stunning fight sequence if it's shot in almost complete darkness?

But so much of the film is WTH? The invaders recruit kids to shoot each other after their parents have been gunned down? They spend weeks turning them into little mini-Rambos for this? Cool uniforms? Special helmets? Was any of that supposed to make sense when all they really needed to do was park the school buses in an aircraft hanger and then blast it to bits? None of it made sense, and I cant believe they actually thought they'd get a marketable franchise out of it.

Its sole redeeming feature? The brief scene where the hero is taking a bath in a lake. That was some stunning footage. Pity his acting chops didnt also rise to the occasion.
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Stunning and heartfelt
25 May 2019
It's difficult to put into words how I feel about this film. It's gorgeously animated, exquisitely written - there are so many wonderful things about it that it's difficult to know where to start. I'm just hoping that Dreamworks doesnt screw it up with a fourth film. This thing ended just as it should have, with everything beautifully in place. There are at least four moments in the film where you feel your heart leap out of your chest, and I may have missed one other. Stunning, stunning work. Kudos to everyone who worked on it.
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Da Vinci's Demons (2013–2015)
Wonderful series, but...
19 April 2019
OK, let's get the positives out of the way. Incredible production design (especially the use of computer graphics to suggest DaVinci's POV), great storytelling, a wonderfully wicked villain, plenty of hot eye candy of both genders (which at the time was pretty rare!), and a great arc of a storyline about DaVinci's mother. All in all, well worth watching.


(You knew it was coming, right?)

What is it with the Las Vegas showgirls in South America? Who thought those outfits were even remotely in line with the rest of the production work? Honestly, I found them so bizarre that it wrenched me right out of the show. Yes, there are other things that truly stretched credibility, like the giant plasterboard cannon they whipped up overnight. But those ladies.... gads...
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Pet Owners will definitely relate
18 December 2017
Not a Great Classic by any stretch, but SECRET LIFE OF PETS is still a pretty awesome achievement, both from a story, design, and animation point of view. There are moments in the film when you wonder how the animators pulled off scenes of such dazzling complexity, such as the one on the Brooklyn Bridge towards the end - and speaking as a 3D artist, watching the hair dynamics pf the various characters was. at times, truly jaw dropping.

But the most fascinating aspect of this was how the film moves from how we see our pets to hoe they see the world. The writing is especially clever during these moments.

All in all, a film I will probably watch again, simply because so much happens that you cant take it all in in one viewing. And if you're a pet owner, the final montage (no spoilers) will grab you by the heart.
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It's big, it's messy, it's.... not that bad
22 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Pluses: great production design, as one should expect from a Luc Besson film. Great CG work: beautifully integrated and almost sprawlingly wonderful. Some interesting nods to Fifth Element. A decent enough story, even if not very well told. Some nice eye candy in the opening school bus foray.


Negatives: the two leads were... well, not dreadful, just... meh. He didn't come anywhere near to being the supposed hot stud, and she certainly had her Valley Girls moments. They both got seriously annoying after a while. Couple that with a script that felt like a first draft, with one enormous plot hole... I mean, we're talking massive here (see below), and you get something that's, while great style, has little substance to back it up. It's mindless fun, but you'll probably get everything you want in one sitting.

SPOILER: Okay, that plot hole... Where did the last remaining Converter come from? Everyone who survived was trapped inside the capsule. This little guy was outside and no doubt was wiped out along with everything else... so where did he come from? We know the bad guy somehow got one, but given that this species never even developed space travel, did someone drop by and take one home as a souvenir? That right there dropped a rating point for me.
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Delivers exactly what you would expect
4 November 2017
Production design? Check.

CG work? Check.

Good 3D? Check.

Chris as Thor? OMG check. (loved the fan service scene)

Some mindless humour along the way? Check.

Stan Lee cameo? Check.

It's a comic book, folks. A great big, dressed up, very glossy comic book — and if you get that wrong, then there's something terribly wrong with you.

Now, a couple of minor cavils: the appearance of Doctor Strange at the beginning and Thor not recognizing him? Sorry, had trouble believing that — and the whole scene, while fun, seems more than a bit gratuitous. ("Hey, we can put in another Marvel character here!"). The Hulk's appearance seemed likewise contrived, with no real reason save to move the plot along a bit. Yes, he plays a big part later, but how we got him there in the first place wasn't really explained any more than "Hulk crash here!" Equally WTF was how a certain other Asgaardian shows up. It was like this planet was Grand Central Station for the universe.

That aside, it's a fun, mindless movie with a lot of great eye candy. Cant go wrong with that.
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The Guardians (2017)
It's so wonderfully Russian
28 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm being generous with the rating, I know, because in its bones this thing is terrible... but in a dementedly fun kind of way.

I wont rehash the plot — it's all there. Instead, let's focus on the thing that provides the most laughs: the Chris Hemsworth lookalike who transforms into a bear. IN a film that has a much CG work as this, his human/bear appearances are about as lame as the first CG crack at the Hulk. But when (1) he gets KOs with a single punch from the Bad Guy and (2) finds himself on a wire that's taking him on a ride above Moscow, the expressions are pricelessly hysterical.

Of course the villain probably lives at the end. And the final line, suggesting there will be more to this franchise, is delivered with the excitement of a Sears catalogue.

But thing is, it's genuinely funny, perhaps for all the right reasons — an over the top Bad Guy, a bear with identity problems, a TV commentator who assures us that everyone who lost their home during the big dust up will be provided housing while their homes are rebuilt by the government... I mean, what's not to love in a film that cares so much about millions of people we never get to see?

Put the popcorn in the microwave and the brain in neutral and watch it. Grand idiotic fun.
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Here's what you learn from DRESSED TO KILL
7 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
— Sexual pickups always end badly

— Transsexuals are mentally disturbed people

— Black men on subway platforms are dangerous

— Nerdy guys can build anything

— If you really put your mind to it, you can wear anything and it will fit just fine, even a nurse's uniform clearly four or five sizes too small.

This really has to be one of the worst films I've ever seen, with the one star given it for the cinematography. Everything else — acting, writing, direction, even the freaking music — is so bad that it becomes almost unwatchable halfway through. Never mind that the film starts and ends with naked women taking showers (and no, author of synopsis, Angie isn't taking a shower while her husband is shaving: that entire sequence is a fantasy she needs to get off while her husband is screwing her in the next sequence) with plenty of way over the top shots of naked breasts and vaginae. Never mind that the film's twist that the doctor is actually the killer is glaringly apparent looooong before anyone in the movie figures it out. Never mind tat the music score makes it sound like something from the Hallmark Channel. This thing is just a sad, sad, sad piece of work: misogynist, transphobic, far too sadistic in its use of close-up violence to inform the audience that sex is bad, no matter how it's being carried out.

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Fabulous visuals, but...
6 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, let's start with the obvious one for some viewers: Chris Pratt has put serious time in at the gym. Wow. That man can guard my galaxy any day of the week.

The visuals are extraordinary in design and execution, but Ego's planet looked a bit fussy and overdone for someone who's supposed to be a lower-case-g god. I'm not sure what style the designers were going for, but it felt messy.

The writing... okay, here's where things start to fall apart — especially in the second half where it's One Major Reconciliation Scene After Another. Sisters are united, sorta. Boy gets a dad, kinda. Bad guys find solace in each other, more or less. It all felt like Hallmark did a fast rewrite of the script before production started.

I dunno, folks. I really wanted to like this (especially after seeing Chris and... well, never mind). Maybe since this is a trilogy, this is just a bridge setting up things for the Big Conclusion (before, of course, they see the profit margin and change their minds and this becomes a monster franchise with pointless sequels, like STAR WARS). But it just felt sloppy and awkward and forced — and damn but there was a lot of questionable language for something that's supposed to be family-friendly. I'm no prude, but this doesn't come across as a PG film, not with some of the things our friends have to say,

Meanwhile, back to Chris's abs.........
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Nicely done
27 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I picked it up from the DVD section on a whim, and I have to admit, I wasn't all that disappointed. Yes, it's cute and obvious and at certain points utterly illogical (He hires the evil villain and the evil villain's girlfriend? Seriously?)... but if you just ride with it and see how they pull off some of the plot points, it's rather goofy fun.

The only place I wish they'd spend more than half an hour writing the script was during the school scene, where what was supposed to be reality seriously turned into fantasy, all the way up to the concluding knock out. There was no tension with the kids inside: that might as well not even happened. But aside from that, it's a lovely little charmer when you want a feels-good kind of flick.
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Worth the two year wait
6 May 2017
Just to get the big complaint from everyone out of the way... yes, the CG work has a cartoonish edge to it. Know what? Don't care. It's a big ol' fantasy film with flying swan ships and elephants running amok and soldiers being slung like cannonballs.

I loved every second of it.

It's big and loud and full of eye candy — both in the production design and the obvious hard work put in by the two male leads. The cinematography is gorgeous: every frame, bar none, is a painting. Even the musical numbers feel almost organic to the plot. It's a stunning achievement, and I'm sure someone in Hollywood is thinking about an American remake.

Go see it. You will not be disappointed. But see the first one before you do. The only thing that prevents a full ten star on this was I got a little confused by the timeline. But once you figure that out, you see it as even more of an achievement because of the artful way the director ties them back and forth.
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Moonlight (I) (2016)
I was hesitant to see it...
7 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
... just because of the hype. Too many times, I've been fooled by movies hyped out of all possible limit — and this felt like yet another.

Don't misunderstand: it's beautifully filmed. Every member of the cast is spot on in capturing their various characters. The production design walks a great line between gritty reality and just barely there haze of memory.

The problem is the writing. I was with the film until the very end. I wanted to see a conclusion to Chiron's character arc. Had he learned anything along the way? Would he find any kind of resolution?... Well, we just don't know. Everything seems to be headed for that, then it just... stops. Incredible build up of all kinds of sexual tension between him and Kevin... and it just... stops. Tearful cuddling scene and go to credits.

I like films that leave themselves open to interpretation. But there has to be something to interpret, and this seemed to lack that. Maybe I missed a few things along the way, but it was just empty. Chiron doesn't really learn anything. Kevin's turned his life around, as far as we can tell, but it's difficult, if not impossible, to know for sure because when everything is left vague, then nothing is really resolved.

Best Picture? Sorry, no. I don't see many movies these days, but when I finished watching this, my first reaction was, Oh? Are we getting a Moonlight 2?
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Disappointing would be an understatement
7 March 2017
Three stars only for the sequences that actually came from the book, as the stop motion work is quite beautiful and well executed.

But the framing story, which seems to think we need the message pounded on us with a twenty- pound sledge hammer, was totally unnecessary and — as I"m afraid it might be — put in a sop as part of the "empower little girls!" campaign currently running through almost all media. (Let me add, I have no problem with empowerment, but it doesn't need to be slathered over *everything*.)

The Little Prince isn't about empowerment. It really isn't about the power of imagination, although the marketing might like you to believe that. Rather, it's a meditation on life and death, on love and loss — and the filmmakers here completely missed the point in their rush to create this mangled view of a book whose message comes from a more delicate and thoughtful place. I applaud the art, to be sure — the CG work is nice... just not for this particular story. It needs its own story to tell, not tailgating on the back of something else.
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A Missed Opportunity
6 January 2017
Anyone who knows much about anime knows about Hetalia, this insanely charming series in which countries are person-fied and portrayed with as much stereotype as possible. It's garnered a huge online presence, woth other folks providing Hetalia versions of their own country... or province... or state.

As such, the idea of a Hetalia movie just seems ideal, but this one was essentially just a mash-up of a rather weak storyline involving aliens, coupled with pieces of animation from the old anime series. The latter gave everything a strange, disjointed feel because the extracts really didt go anywhere with the plot of the film (such as that was). And while it was fun seeing countries outside the core group — like Cuba — they were just walk-ons put in, I gather, for fanboy service.

It's a pity because the original series if so wonderfully whack. Instead it got appended to this rather lame storyline.
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Burnt (I) (2015)
A wonderfully quiet little film...
24 December 2016
I"m sure some people will scream and yell that "this isn't how it is in a real kitchen!" — to which I say, go work in one and see how well you fare. This is one of those films where it's not the destination (We know where it's going soon enough), but the journey... which is handled quietly and with understatement. I've never thought of Cooper a dramatic actor, but he handles himself well in this. It's not an Oscar performance, but the material doesn't demand one — rather, it asks for everyone to underplay to the point of appearing bland... and yet none of them are. The handling of the maitre d' subplot was quite lovely, by the way. Like so much in this movie, you didn't need everything plastered onto the screen in 10-foot-high letters. You just had to sit back, think a bit, and appreciate.

Kudos to all involved.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Let's see who we can kill off this week...
17 November 2016
Lots of points for production design: the costumes are uniformly magnificent, from the lowest peasant to the highest king. The sets get a tad monotonous after a while: big, colonnaded halls of dark beige and grey and lots of oversized statuary, but even those can be breathtaking in their own way. The CG work just gets better and better with each season: tighter, cleaner, more layered and intricate. Many of the performances are quite good, even after six years, and the photography is outstanding.

That's the good stuff.

The bad? OK, I"m halfway through season 6, binge-watching the DVDs, and the sins of the series are becoming so obvious that the writers are in real need of a walk of atonement. Having not read the books, I don't know how closely they're adhering to them at this point — or if indeed they even are anymore, since I understand much of this season was planned in expectation of the next book which Martin has yet to finish. But increasingly, each episode is a combination of (1) some characters wandering around the countryside in the snow, (2) some characters getting killed off for no particular reason, and (3) one really big CG-laden scene somewhere towards the end to keep you coming back to see what happens next.

My biggest complaint with GOT S1 was that it felt like the old TV show "Dynasty" with a lot of fur costumes: lots of rich, powerful people going after each other in a somewhat pointless way. S2-4 gave it a bit of a rise above that, but S5 and (thus far) S6 have almost completely reverted to type: Fantasy Soap Opera with Furs. At this point, I'm not sure why the show has lasted this long: the story lines seem to be running on auto-pilot. There hasn't been much with the same visceral impact as the Red Wedding. By now I would have hoped to see at least something of where the series hopes to wind up, but instead it's just wandering in the snow.

I understand that it's been contracted for two more seasons. I'm starting to wonder if any of the major characters will even be left by then, that perhaps they're bringing it to a close because no one will be left alive to sit on the stupid Iron Throne. That would be almost as disappointing as the ending of LOST, but at this point, certainly not outside the realm of possibility.
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Black Sails (2014–2017)
Shockingly, a series genuinely for adults...
14 November 2016
I'm hedging on the 10 only because of very minor things that other commentators have noted, like everyone's perfect teeth... but even that is forgivable in this utterly amazing piece of work. I can understand why there's so few episodes in each season and why the seasons are so far apart: these things took work, and every effort shows — from the sets to the costumes to the photography to the writing to the acting to the direction, every episode is a movie unto itself, done with nearly impeccable style.

To that end, it's almost laughable — in a sad sort of way — to read some of the negative reviews for this. "Not enough sword fights!" "Too much gay sex!" (I'm trying to remember just one, but then perhaps that reviewer was watching SPARTACUS?) "Too much talking!" — as though simple communication is a bad thing. Get over it, folks. This is a show with action, adventure, *and* a whole bunch of moral ambiguity about things. Almost every character, from Captain Flint to Eleanor to John Silver to the lowest crew member has some kind of wonderful personality flaw, which is one of the things that makes this show so *genuine*. The writers have taken characters from literature and made them fully developed people: not an easy task when you consider how much baggage people would bring to a series that's a prequel to Treasure Island... and they do it with amazing skill Just watch how things shift in the final episode of Season 3: a conversation at night in the jungle that, at first, we cant quite put into the chronology, until it starts wending its way through the climactic battle to follow. Brilliant writing and extraordinary performances all around. I cannot recommend this thing too highly/
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Creepy (2016)
One of those "Huh?" movies
12 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason for the 3 is that the photography was well done. Everything else? Hmm... not much...

Lots of spoilers ahead.

The film becomes pretty predictable about halfway through, from the point where Mio tells the ex-detective "He's not my father", but there are some holes large enough to drive a semi through with room for a few compact cars besides. Like...

-- if Mio was so concerned about the fate of her mother, why didn't she go to the police?

-- if we assume the junior detective was killed by the deranged psycho, how did the body wind up in the torched house next door?

-- why was the ex-detective's wife unwilling to tell her husband about the psycho getting her hooked on drugs?

-- when she had the opportunity, why didn't Mio kill the psycho?

It's almost like the film just went nowhere and stayed for a brief visit because it had nothing else to say. When killing a dog provides the moment when everyone pivots back on the psycho — a moment, by the way, that was far too long in coming — you have to wonder what film all these critics went to see instead of this one? It's long, repetitive, leaves itself wide open, and has characters whose motives are just as muddled and confused as the greenlight given this thing in the first place.
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Not aging well
10 September 2016
The "silver screen" edition, which takes the film back to its pre-CG roots (and was indeed the first version I'd seen), is currently available (for the moment anyway) on YouTube. Wanting to see if it was as good as I remembered, I sat down one night and watched it.

OK, yes, most successful franchise in movie history. Got it. Great soundtrack. No doubt about it. But strip away the layers upon layers of CG work, and what do you have left? Not a whole lot.

The acting is almost as cardboard as the sets. The screenplay is a mash-up of things that even in their day were sci-fi-movie clichés. The models are clearly that: plastic and styro models. The puppetry and stop-action work is almost unbearably bad. The pre-CG post work looks almost laughably lame. Perhaps Lucas is right: this is not the version we want to remember, because it's just a cheezy 1980s movie. STAR WARS' advantage, at the time, was that it was so different from what else was being produced at the time. But now, with the perspective of all these decades? It ain't holding up well.

It's still a great series of space operas, no discussion needed on the point. And God knows it's made a kazillion bucks.

But is it *good*? Well, sorry, no.
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Why did they bother?
6 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Oh. Right. Because of the money.

If you've read the other reviews, you know the plot, so I"m not gonna rehash that. Space Cowboy tries to save the world, fails, manages to save the girl instead, and in the process saves the universe...

... to which I say, "Huh?"

OK, let's start with the animation: it's cheap and cheezy, even by Funimation standards. I've only seen a few of their films, but the others had at least some pretension of knowing what a human body looks like. The character designers here seem to have gotten their inspirations from fun-house mirrors, with impossible elongated torsos and teeny little heads.The mix of CG and cel didn't work for even a second. As for the backgrounds... well, the less said about those, perhaps the better.

The story? Well, in the extras, one of the producers points out that he and someone else kept a file of scenes from films they both enjoyed, and after watching this... well, pastiche... I can see why they followed the dictum of only stealing from the best. A little Star Wars here, a little Blade Runner there, some Alien over there, a whole whack of Starship Troopers over there... you get the idea. There's not a single original concept to be found anywhere, just a hopeless mishmash of other people's films.

The direction? Similarly dreadful. The voicing seems to come straight out of Acting 102, while the visual style relies way too much on full profile shots of clenched jaws and sad, somber eyes. Some of the action scenes are little more than a series of explosions, followed by a couple of the main characters congratulating themselves on surviving.

Cut through it all, I probably should have stopped a half hour in, as I was tempted to. But I stuck it out just to see where it was going. As it turned out, nowhere all that important.
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Are You Being Served? (2016 TV Movie)
No no no
30 August 2016
I could only bear to watch the opening few minutes before it was painfully obvious this was less a reboot so much as a sad parody.

Mr Humphries? Please. Yes, he was gay in the original, but he certainly did not go around lifting men's jackets to look at their ass. From what I've read, this "reboot" is just a far cruder version, which completely trainwrecks the intent of the original.

I"m sorry, but no. This is just sadly pathetic. If it gets made into a series, then God help us all because the writers will not have anywhere near the wit of the original staff. This thing will go down in flames (real ones, not those acted by the Imam-wannabee) — and deservedly.
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