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Ruth McCabe deserves better than this sh it
16 January 2019
This isnt a film. Its a films length worth of content . It has the shape of a film but its not one. This was what the son of the owner of Dr Quirkys was given filmboard money to make. Its an absolute disaster with stereotypes of travellers that are tantamount to hate crimes. People will say it stereotypes all kinds of class and ethnic groups including the writers own upper class background. The worst it says about the middle class of Ireland is that they use tanning beds and make vegan meals for their kids. Ouch like.

Watch it so you can say how bad it is
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The Cured (2017)
A decent soberly done fresh take on the zombie film
26 February 2018
Saw this at ADIFF last night. First off as a Dub I feel in love with a film that shows a post apocalyptic Ireland and doesnt take the Michael. We are led to believe that the Maze virus went across the world but devastated Ireland particularly. Thanks HSE!

With a small budget they achieve world building really well. Every shot even when its tight is full of missing posters, signs etc. I really liked the actors. Paige isnt exactly being stretched to the best of her abilities but she is cool and its great to see King Nidge Vaughan-Lawlor himself playing a snivelling posh boy villain.

I once thought I had seen every zombie film ever but this achieves something new, with a vibe similar to "The Girl with all the gifts".
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A beautiful piece of metaphysical nihilism
16 September 2017
Don't mind those complaining about Manson's lack of screen time. The fact is his performance is terrifying and his characters mostly silent nature and fleeting appearance makes it. What's more they are overlooking a beautiful piece of Cajun Noir that is also a puzzling work that will stick in your head and force you to rewatch it. Beautifully shot it also contains brilliant performances. Think through it and this is a rewarding movie.
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Lift (I) (2016)
A very promising debut feature
22 June 2017
Performances are brilliant all around in this debut film. With a short enough running time it never outstays its welcome and this is an overlooked essential in an indie film like. Kealan Ryan who both wrote and stars in the film gives a fantastic and very funny performance and there's like-able chemistry between him and his friend Mick essayed by Stephen Gorman. The film also boasts some hilarious dialog and nice supporting performances.
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Duplass meets Saban finally
8 April 2017
The Middle Finger is a unique mumble-core superhero movie finally the fusion of the Duplass Brothers and Saban we were waiting for! The film is very funny and very professionally made with a unique off beam tone to the performances reminiscent of movies like Eagle Vs Shark. The tone bounces around, in a way that's not jarring but instead refreshing. There is also a cool soundtrack of punky Irish indie rock. The movie is currently available to watch on Troma now so its worth singing up for a free trial!
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31 (2016)
Just for the fans- but that may not be a bad thing
14 December 2016
So Rob Zombie took fans money in a crowd funding scheme. And he used it to make a money for fans. How does The Running Man with killer clowns made by Rob Zombie sound to you? Well if it sounds good get on board because you may have fun. Its nowhere near as good as Devils Rejects, Rob Zombies white trash dialog may have lost its freshness and the action is so poorly filmed its hard to follow. But there is a lot to enjoy for fans, from the crazy characters to gorgeous almost "Hobo With A Shotgun" style colors. Also there is Richard Brake as Doomhead. Demonstrating Zombies skill at casting diamonds in the rough Brake is a break out and a joy to watch every time he appears on screen. So yeah I dug it. I've even watched it multiple times
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For fans this will be a journey worth taking- progressive lefitst propaganda?! F**k yeah I'm down!
12 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Say what you want about Uwe Boll. We have all heard it- oh worst director ever. Oh I like video games and he makes bad movies of them. Whatever.

The Rampage movies may include edge lord political statements and one could say they are teenage but damn if it isn't vitalizing to hear the things Bill Williamson says. Now I watch the latest movie in post Trump election America and to hear the president has been shot and there is an uprising...its a tonic.

There is some dodgy acting, the depiction of the FBI and their surveillance techniques seems like Uwe did no research. And the lack of budget is showing in the fact we do not see the killing of the president.

But its vitalizing and surprisingly emotional. And damn what a perfect ending for Bill! As a big leftie who isn't opposed to violent action against fascism this is in my wheelhouse.
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The troubled Kelly meets Victor in a Liverpool nightclub and they become embroiled in a passionate but destructive relationship
24 February 2013
I saw this at the Dublin Film Festival just because it was on before another film I wanted to see. The film blew me away and was my favorite of the festival. The film follows the troubled Kelly and Victor as they become deeper and deeper involved in an affair which was passionate but destructive. Throughout the film its never made clear whether this is love or lust and this is one of the films strengths.

The film is challenging and at times shocking but also has moments of haunting beauty. Stylistically the film is definitely a mix between a grimy realism and a more lyrical poetical style plus the sex scenes which are quite intense. Plus a note about the acting. Don't look what the two leads have done before, their performances are totally stunning and brilliant.Also the film never feels the need to make anything explicit. There are hints about the characters past but much like in Shame, these are implicit hints which trust the audience to be smart enough to piece together. This is a film which will stay with you long after the credits roll
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Hellraiser (1987)
A horror masterpiece
25 April 2007
When i was 14 i saw the Evil Dead and it made me the horror fan i am now. I love the films savagery and gore. When i was 16 i saw Hellraiser. And i didn't know what to think of evil dead anymore..... Evil Dead will always have a place in my heart because its my first but h Hellraiser is something else. Like the Wickerman it showed you could bring a level of artistry to a horror film. The film has moment that are both beautiful and terifying. It has a brilliant oft- ripped off score by Christopher Young that showed horror scores could be more than just synthesizers. It showed me that a film could have an original plot, dark themes And Gore! What more could you want? And every time i watch it i fall in love again, with the genre and with this film. Clive Barker.. thank you.
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Once (I) (2007)
The best Irish film ever
11 April 2007
Don't listen to the comments left on this page by idiots who don't get the film Once is a beautiful film, in my opinion the best Irish film ever but a great film overall. Made with an almost documentary realism on the streets of Dublin (this film shows how DV is not just a fad) this film is a modern day musical but the kind of musical where scangers eye up the camera, where musical numbers take place in dirty old music shops and flats. To me this film says something about Dublin , about immigration, about music but not in a worthy annoying "a Tigers tale" way. A masterpiece with great central performances and amazing music.
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The Business (2005)
An excellent gangster flick from Nick Love
23 March 2007
Nick Love created one of the most controversial films of recent years with the football factory, shoestring and sketchy it may have been but it made an impact. The business however is a vast improvement on that film, a horribly underrated film that while unlikely to be lauded by Mark Kermode is an entertaining and enjoyable film that nails the essence of 80s cool. Nick Love directs the films as a hyper-kinetic cine dream, engulfing you in the sights , sounds and overall spirit off the 80s an era where everything drugs, fashion, music was excess. The excellent soundtrack is the type Guy Ritchie would kill for mixing nostalgia classics like Frankie goes to Hollywood with lesser known tracks and an atmospheric score. The film totally glamourizes crime , but the point its a hyper real cartoon world , a reverse cops and robbers where we root for the bad guy. And what a bad guy... Dannie Dyer creates a lovable rogue giving an amazing performance. This actor is destined to do great things. Overall a hilarious, enjoyable flick that doesn't take itself too seriously
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Questionable message aside an enjoyable film
21 March 2007
The football factory is not a great film. It is however like most of Nick Loves films really enjoyable in a guilty pleasure kind of way. In its themes off male enjoyment of violence it recalls fight club and the fight sequences carry the same punch in the same impact as the infamous "angel-face" sequence in fight club. The film making style owes more to Guy Ritchie however. The films message is questionable , though it makes some points against holiganism it comes to no conclusion. Some may argue it glorifies its characters actions , however none could argue it doesn't glorify its characters. This leaves a bitter taste in the viewers mouth. However aside from that it is great . It features a typically great performance from Dannie "the next Ray Winstone" Dyer, an excellent soundtrack (a Nick Love trademark) with great use of yob anthem "going underground" as well as more contemporary tracks and surprises like Mogwais atmospheric "hunted by a freak". Its funny, violent and undeniably entertaining.
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Cradle of Fear (2001 Video)
An over rated but enjoyable horror
20 March 2007
Empire called it "the best British gore film since Hellraiser". Allan Bryce said "i have seen the future of horror and his name is Alex Chandon". With praise like that it was bound to disappoint some. Cradle of fear is a low-budget horror anthology. Whether you will enjoy the film will depend on whether you can get past the low-budget video look, several bad performances and the at times laughable effects. However overall the most surprising thing about this film is how good it is. Alex Chgandon brings a level of directing style not usually associated with this budget, in particular in the excellent opening sequence. The gore is excellent and some off the effects are very good though at times the over the top nature off the violence is at odds with the tone off the film. In general the acting is good with Stuart Laing in the films high point the sick room segment being of special mention. Dani Filth is alright in a role that requires him to do little but kill and act cool. The actor who played Kemper was suitably deranged. Though the high point is the sick room segment , there are great moments throughout in particular the finale. Is it good as Hellraiser? No, but then not a lot of horror films are. It does however show that with a bigger budget and more time Alex Chandon could make one off THE horror films off the decade, and therefore really does introduce a new voice previously known only in underground circles. This however is not his masterpiece.
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Pet Sematary (1989)
an underrated horror- if not a classic
20 March 2007
Sometimes its good to watch things with low expectations. I saw Pet Semetary back in October, at a retrospective in a horror festival. I had just laughed my way through the hilarious Friday the 13th part two and expected this to be the same kind off "excellent crap". While it has some hilarious moments ( the old man, try not doing impressions of him when your watching the film)I was taken back by how well...good it was. Its undeniably dated but then so have most horrors from the period , even greats like hellraiser and some off the acting isn't the best but its a decent well made horror film. What i loved about it was how it builds up the tension as a supernatural film before exploding in to violence at the end. Also some off the moments surrounding the child's death are surprisingly poignant. Overall an underrated horror film that while no classic perhaps deserves to be reconsidered. Oh and finally the Ramones theme song is kick-ass
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