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The ending of a Saga
16 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Harry Potter has been a tremendous film series spanning a decade, and it seems like we have grown up along with the characters in these films. They all do a fantastic job, especially the big three who have learned so much over time. But how could they not sharing the screen with the likes of Richard Harris, Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, Emma Thompson, Gary Oldman etc.

The series, for the most part, has stayed true to the books. Obviously things had to be cut out because there was no way possible they can fit every little detail of the books into the movie. However, in part 1 I was upset with leaving out Kreacher's Tale, and now in the 2nd movie the whole ending sequence left me baffled, as to why they changed it. In the book we had Grawp and house elves attacking, but there was really none of that, and Neville kills the snake right away, not when it's about to kill Ron and Hermione. But my favorite part of that last battle was Molly's duel with Bellatrix, but that scene left a lot to be desired, as there was really no build up, but at least Molly got to say her line. Ugh. All in all, it was still a very good movie, but in the end this battle sequence left a lot to be desired.

The Prince's Tale though was about as great as I was hoping for along with the Resurrection Stone scene, as both of those parts were full of emotion, mostly due to Alan Rickman's acting. He has always done the best in these movies.

The books were better of course, but the movies were entertaining to watch, and I guess I probably couldn't imagine a much better series, but I would have liked to see them a little closer to the books.
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I Feel Cheated
9 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a cheat and a lie. I admit that I was skeptical going into this one, but that scene where that guy kills his family was all wrong and so obviously fake. If this was real, there would have been a ton of snipers on him, and the second he pulled the gun up to his wife's head, he would have been shot and killed, and his kids would have stayed alive. Plus mixing the so called archive footage with the actual footage just made the movie even more unbelievable than it already was, along with the introduction from Milla Jovovich. Even the film's score took away from the movie's already ridiculous claims.

The acting and directing were awful considering that this was supposedly real, especially in the "archive footage." Even Will Patton's performance was lacking as he was way over the top, same with Milla Jovovich when she was crying and clutching the little teddy bear. This movie would have been so much better off if it just chose one of the two directions instead of trying to do both archived footage and dramatization. Overall, this was an extremely disappointing experience.
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Gamer (2009)
21st century version of The Running Man
7 September 2009
The Running Man is my favorite bad movie. It starred Arnold Schwartzenegger as a wrongly convicted murderer who plays on a twisted game show where the losers die. Sounds a lot like Gamer to me. Yet Gamer has updated this with more action, yet less blood, and some pretty awesome computer technology. Yet this movie went wrong in so many ways. Butler is an action star, and he can act, although it doesn't happen here, but I don't think that was Butler's fault. The movie just didn't call for it. But for some reason it did call for 3 very drawn out and badly executed music videos. Didn't the directors learn from Oliver Stone (Any Given Sunday) that music videos within a film is a bad idea? Obviously not; there's even an awful musical number complete with terrible choreography and "singing" by Dexter's Michael C. Hall, who I normally like. Some of the plot twists are ridiculous also. This was a bit disappointing because the action was well done and it was a passable storyline, but the lack of a good screenplay, and some misguided musical cues make this movie not worth watching.
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Gladiator (2000)
overrated Hollywood tripe
13 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
How did this movie ever win best picture, and why do people like it so much? It has some of the worst dialog in the movie I have ever heard, and Connie Nielsen's "acting" just made me want to throw up. Not to mention the abysmal plot where there are several problems: 1) We're made to think that Commodus is a bad emperor mainly because he killed his dad and wanted to sleep with his sister. 1st thing wrong about this is that wanting to get laid with his sister doesn't have anything to do with being a bad emperor. 2nd thing is if I was in Commodus's situation, I would have killed him too for not letting me be emperor for some stupid general played by Russell Crowe.

2) The general won a couple fights and suddenly he's everyone's favorite action hero.

3) It's the same tired old revenge plot we've been seeing in movies for years with nothing added to make it interesting (see Kill Bill for that). Also so what that he killed his wife and son too; it's better to get them out of the way then to have them coming for revenge after killing dear old dad (although they probably wouldn't have done much), and they were not even in the movie, so I really didn't care (see Star Wars for caring that family members die).

4) Problem 3 led me here about how in movies they always leave the main character alone in an easy situation he can get out of instead of just killing the loser while he's being held. (see Austin Powers for making fun of this Hollywood trend)

5) The emperor would never get in a ring to fight a slave, especially when he knows he's gonna lose. How stupid! (see Spartacus for gladiator fights with purpose) Well I'm sure there's more, but these are the ones that anger me the most.

Anyway there were some things I did like about the movie which are some of the action scenes were intense and exciting, and the music by James Horner was pretty darned good and enjoyable to listen to. Too bad that it wasn't part of a better movie.

If the Academy wanted to pick an action movie as best picture, they should have went to the far superior Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
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Rambo (2008)
Very good action movie
19 April 2008
Sylvester Stallone is back as John Rambo in this bloody action-packed extravaganza. As an action movie it holds its own as the action is unrelentless and entertaining.

The movie opens with some disturbing images of a genocide-torn Burma during news coverage, and those disturbing images don't stop there whatsoever. This movie almost got the dreaded NC-17 rating, but the appeals process to the MPAA gave it an R instead. It shows a more realistic war violence.

The plot is almost nonexistent, but who really cares, it's an ACTION movie! All anybody should expect going into this is to see Sylvester Stallone kick some butt, and that he does. Anyway, a relief group gets captured by the evil Burmese army, and Rambo sets out to free them with a bunch of mercenaries -- a good enough excuse for the mindless, bloody action as any.

Actually in all reality, I like how this movie just stuck with action instead of trying to make some point or fit the director's political agenda. If it had any message at all, I guess it would be that genocide is bad, well duh. Also, it doesn't try to be funny and fail like "Armageddon." So if you're looking for a good action flick, why not give this one a shot; you could do much, much worse.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
why i hated Forrest Gump
19 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I know I'm not the only one who hated this movie. In fact I'm not even the only person in my family that hated this movie, my mom and sister did too, and I have met other people who hated this movie throughout the years since it came out. Unfortunately, it hasn't been too many people at all.

Enough of that, I of course looked and heard why people seem to like this movie so much. But I couldn't disagree more. The whole plot of the movie is ridiculous -- how a mentally challenged person could go through or cause all these historical events and fads. For example, creating the smiley face, the s*** happens bumper sticker, catching the people in the Watergate scandal, winning a medal of honor, becoming a ping-pong champion (like an American can ever win that!), becoming an all-American athlete for football, running across the country, falling in love with a drug-addicted stripper (well i guess this one's believable as he is mentally challenged), speaking out against the Vietnam war after he won the medal of honor for it, etc. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID. Running some more, STUPID, STUPID, STUPID. Then just quitting for no apparent reason, STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!!

OK, now the good parts of it. Yes there are some things I liked about the movie. The cinematography was beautiful (and I'm a big fan of this as I believe it helps set the tone of a movie), but it's useless because there is nothing for it to enhance. I also liked Gary Sinise in this; Lt. Dan is actually a cool character. And of course, the soundtrack is awesome...Now only if we can mute everyone but Gary Sinise and the music, I might be able to sit through this movie again. One can only hope...

Now back to the not so good to outright horrible. I never read the book by Winston Groom so I can't say if they did the book justice or not, and I really don't care. I mentioned how much I hated the basic premise for this movie, but the dialog doesn't help either, with it's cheesy axioms and pathetic southern accents (I used to live in TN, and I don't remember the accents being that bad). Whatever, I can live with the accents, but I prefer the exaggerated ones in "Fargo" (I thought they sounded cool). Anyway, now onto the acting: Tom Hanks wasn't great in this movie at all. How hard is it to play somebody that doesn't change from one scene to the next. He walks, talks, and acts the same in every scene of the movie. This had to have been Hanks' easiest performance to play...and it won him his second Oscar. But of course this isn't the first time that's happened. See Dustin Hoffman in "Rain Man," but at least that was a good movie.

I like a lot of Robert Zemeckis's films by the way to include "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" "Contact" and even "Beowulf," but this one, he asked way too much for me to believe. I actually think the events of "Star Wars 1-6" were more likely to have occurred than the events in this movie. A lot has been said about his right wing political agenda; I don't care; it's his movie, he can do what he wants with, but I don't have to agree. Also that this movie is stereotypical to blacks. I always wondered what African Americans thought about some of the stuff in it as I don't think it was meant to be racist, but some of it kind of came off like it. I guess it's up to them to decide.

Now onto the last part of my comment which doesn't have anything to do with why I like/dislike any part of the movie. I've been called a Communist, un-American, and other worse things for hating this movie. Really what is the point. I don't put other people down for not liking movies I like. Everybody's is entitled to their own opinion. Furthermore, I thought I lived in (and fought for) a country where I can like or dislike whatever movie I want. I don't like movies because everyone else does, and just because Hollywood or the media says that a movie is good, doesn't mean that it is. In fact I tend to disagree with Hollywood a lot. Anyway, isn't having to like something that's jammed down my throat communist in itself? Anyway, if I had to choose between becoming a communist and liking this movie, I would choose communism without a second thought or regret.

If I was rating this movie on how much I actually liked it, I would give it a -infiniti just on the stupid screenplay alone. Too bad, it took awhile for "The Shawshank Redemption" to get popular, or that would have swept the Oscars that year.
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Pinocchio (1940)
Disney's Dark Masterpiece
3 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is the best animated Disney movie I have eve seen, and I have seen most of them. It's so different from all the other ones, as the bad guy not only lives, he also wins. The Coachman is probably one of the most evil villains Disney has ever produced; he turns kids into asses and makes them do hard labor for the rest of their lives...and he gets away with it. Although the ending is happy, there's still bitterness to it because every bad guy gets away, including Stromboli who is evil because of his greed, as with the two foxes who "befriend" Pinocchio. Supposedly the book is darker than the movie, but this movie is as dark as it needs to be.

The music is memorable, featuring the classic "When You Wish Upon a Star," which is the only song that seems to be normal for a Disney movie. It does have other musical numbers, but they all seem to have a dark undertone to them. The animation itself is brilliant, especially for 1941; I've always loved the clock sequence. I only wish that animated movies would get back to drawing animation instead of the new cgi crap; it may take longer, but it looks so much better. It's pretty sad when a movie from 1941 looks better than current ones.

This is the only Disney movie I gave a 10/10.
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The most beautiful movie I have ever seen
2 March 2008
I haven't seen this movie in a long time, but I still stand by my choice as this being the best film of the 1990s (that I saw anyway). This was simply the most stunning and beautiful animation I have ever seen. Disney wishes they can make a movie that looks this good. From the opening scene in Ashitaka's village to the forest of the gods, and even the factories of Iron Town, Miyazaki never lets up on creating a wonderful piece of cinematic beauty (He drew over half the frames himself). Also his attention to detail with how the rain falls and hits the ground, how characters move and talk, and flies buzzing in the background. Hell, live action movies wish they could do something this good.

All that is worth two hours of your time, but now we add a complex story where there are no good guys and bad guys just people. There is a lot of action in this film which is unusual for a Miyazaki film, but the plot calls for it, and it doesn't detract from the character development. Each character is well defined and has real depth. The screenplay is powerful and emotional. Most live action films can't achieve the complexity of Princess Mononoke, and it would have to be even harder for animation to convey real life feelings, but as I watched it, the script and beauty kept drawing me in further and further.

The voice acting was OK for the US version, and outstanding for the Japanese version. Billy Bob Thorton was completely wrong for any part of this movie (a southern accent in Japan?). The other American voices were all adequate. Interesting note, the voice for the wolf god that Gillian Anderson does was done by a male for the Japanese version. The music was as breathtaking as the animation, and was a perfect match, especially at the end during the restoration scene. This is one of the best musical scores I ever heard, and I'm surprised it didn't get the recognition it deserved. Anyways, the song (Japanese, not American) was also beautiful. 10/10 for both US and Japanese versions, but watch the Japanese version if you can.
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Atonement (2007)
Pretty good movie
23 February 2008
First off let me say that this is an extremely well done movie, and I won't be surprised if it does indeed take the Best Picture honors tomorrow. The acting and directing are outstanding. I saw a lot of reviews that said Keira Knightley didn't do as good as job as others, but I thought she did a passable job. The cinematography was amazing, as well as the music.

Now on to why I only gave it a 7. I just didn't care; it took 45 minutes for it to start getting at least somewhat interesting, but I'm not really much of a romance fan either. Also i thought the character of Briony to be a nosy little brat, and I couldn't stand her at all, not even at the end.

If you generally like romances, it will be tough to find one done better than this, but if you don't (like me, you can at least appreciate this movie for artistic reasons.
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Just plain stupid
15 February 2008
My friend and I decided to watch some funny movies before going out to the bar one night, and we preceded to watch "Borat," and I was laughing hysterically (this was the 2nd time I watched it too). When we were done with that, he decided to put on Jackass 2, and I hated the first movie and the show, so I challenged him to show me the funniest scene and to see if it will get me to laugh. If I laughed once, than I would have had to declare it a good movie. Needless to say, I didn't laugh. Then I said try another scene; I still didn't laugh; then another and another; no laughing twice more...and I was f***ed up at the time where I would laugh at anything remotely funny. But this movie isn't even remotely funny; it's just plain stupid!
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Great Movie
9 February 2008
I was surprised when I saw this movie. I just thought it was going to be OK, but I was pleasantly surprised. Cronenberg exceeded the tension he created in "A History of Violence" with this gripping motion picture. The story seems simple enough as a midwife gets thrown into a situation involving the Russian mob in London. Viggo Mortensen is excellent as the boss's driver, and he is my pick to win best actor, but will probably lose to Daniel Day Lewis. But it isn't just him, all of the acting is outstanding, as they give a sense of realism to the story, which make you think this could have been based on a true story. The writing is also excellent; the dialog flows really well. Besides all of that, I have to give the bulk of the credit to Cronenberg who set the mood with his use of lighting and sets amazingly well; it's such a beautiful movie to watch. Even though he focuses mostly on the acting and good story, when it's time for some violence, he goes balls out to give a powerfully shocking scene! I am now looking forward to his next film, and hopefully Viggo Mortensen will be in that one too; they seem to team up really well.
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King Kong (2005)
looks good, but still suffers from bad acting and directing
7 February 2008
I'll start off with the good. The visual and sound effects were absolutely amazing; unfortunately it took a long time to get there, and even as these were amazing some of them were pointless, like the sucking creatures that swallow someone's head and those giant insects. I remember that the original King Kong was only about 90 minutes, and for the remake, Peter Jackson decided to change it into LOTR 4. The movie is called "King Kong," not "Island of the Prehistoric Monsters" or "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the Giant Ape." While I would expect to maybe see some other creatures on the island too, we didn't need an hour to get to the island, and we certainly didn't need another 90 minutes on the island. Maybe all this would have been OK, if we got decent acting. Naomi Watts, who's usually good, completely overplayed her part, and it was quite painful to watch; the same with Jack Black. The only character that is developed to satisfaction is King Kong himself; he actually showed more than 1 facial expression and displayed more than 1 human emotion (and he's not even human!) which is much more I can say for the rest of the cast, including Academy Award winner Adrien Brody. The writing had several subplots that went nowhere, like Jimmy's relationship with the crew member who found him. I know that they did the remake of this because of better technology, but I still prefer the original because they actually knew that a movie is more than special effects. All in all, it was great eye candy, but that's about it.
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Sunshine (2007)
Finally, a disaster movie with substance
28 January 2008
I don't know how many times I've seen a big Hollywood blockbuster, and ended up disappointed. From the ridiculousness of Armageddon to the "aliens are going to destroy all mankind" b.s. of Independence Day to the outright terrible The Day After Tomorrow, we finally get a movie that is actually worth the time and effort, let alone money! And this one cost significantly less to make than all those others. The visual effects were brilliant, but even the storyline was pretty decent. The characters interact realistically which is also a major achievement considering most of the other movies in this genre. My hat goes off to Danny Boyle for successfully creating a movie where I actually cared if the Earth would be destroyed or not. The only reason that this movie didn't get a 9 or 10 from me was the brief lapse towards the end where it tried to be a horror movie. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see the movie. Even so, it wasn't done poorly, it just didn't fit with the intensity of the rest of the movie. Anyways, this is a highly entertaining movie filled with characters that you actually give a damn about and outstanding visual effects. I highly recommend this movie to any fans of sci-fi, or just good movies in general. 8/10
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Eragon (2006)
wow, they did a remake of star wars!
6 September 2007
It was just like watching Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope all over again, except this time, we have a dragon. The plot is basically the same, stupid farm boy finds out he has special powers in world torn apart by an evil emperor. even the other characters are the same. we have the obi-wan, Leia, Han, Vader, etc. and this was actually based on a book. I hope George Lucas sued the author. what's the next one gonna be called if they make a sequel, "Eragon Episode 5: John Malkovich Strikes Back"??? Anyway on to the actual movie "qualities." This has a lot of great actors to include John Malkovich, Jeremy Irons and Djimon Hounsou. Somehow they all managed to put in career worst performances. The only good acting was from Rachel Weisz, probably because she didn't appear in the movie, just her voice for the dragon. On to music now! The soundtrack was actually good, because if you play it while watching "Star Wars," it will eerily fit like Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side of the Moon' with "The Wizard of Oz." Amazing!! Now the effects were good when it concerned the dragons, otherwise they were unimpressive. That is why I gave this movie 3 stars instead of 1. There are a lot of other connections to "Star Wars" of course, so even if I write them down, I still won't have to put a spoiler warning, because I wouldn't be giving anything away, unless you never seen "Star Wars" of course.
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Apocalypto (2006)
a bit too far-fetched
8 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Although I enjoyed watching yet another historically inaccurate film from Mel Gibson (the first being 'Braveheart'), I found this one too far-fetched.

not only does the hero escape a human sacrifice because of the unlikely event of a solar eclipse, but he also outruns a jaguar, survives jumping down a waterfall, making it out of quicksand, and somehow saving his wife, son, and newborn baby boy from drowning to death---in just two days. yeah right!! I criticized 'Forrest Gump' for the same reasons. At least this didn't win best picture though.

Anyway, as I said, I did enjoy the film though, mostly due to the excellent cinematography (that should have been considered for an Oscar, but of course wasn't) and sound achievements. Hollywood hates Mel Gibson. Probably because he's the only person who has the balls to make a movie like this. It should have been better than what it was.

Note: I gave 'Braveheart' a 10/10 because it deserved it. Being historically inaccurate has no bearing whatsoever on ratings I give a film.
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